921 resultados para Glucose Transporter 4
Blood glucose levels in the high normal range or even moderate hyperglycemia is the expected profile in septic postoperative patients receiving high-calorie enteral alimentation. The addition of growth hormone as an anabolic agent should additionally reinforce this tendency. In a cancer patient undergoing partial gastrectomy with lymphadenectomy and suffering from postoperative subphrenic abscess and prolonged sepsis, tube feeding (38.3 kcal/kg/day) and growth hormone (0.17 IU/kg/day) were simultaneously administered for 25 days. Blood glucose levels were in the lower limits of the normal range before growth hormone introduction, and continued with a similar tendency during most of the therapeutic period. Two additional complications, namely heart arrest and peripheral edema, were documented during the same period. It is concluded that sepsis was the most likely mechanism for low glucose values, and that high-calorie enteral diet and growth hormone supplementation did not prevent that result. It is uncertain whether heart arrest was due to the drug, but its association with peripheral edema is well documented in clinical series.
RESUMO: Na sociedade contemporânea a diabetes tipo 2 e a obesidade estão a aumentar exponencialmente, representando um grave problema de saúde pública. De acordo com a IDF “A diabetes e a obesidade são o principal problema de saúde pública do século XXI’. Para além destas duas patologias, a prevalência de esteatose hepática não-alcoólica (NAFLD), entre a população obesa e diabética, é de cerca de 90%. O aumento da obesidade, diabetes e NAFLD tem uma forte correlação com o aumento do consumo de gorduras e açúcares, acompanhado de um decréscimo acentuado da actividade física. A obesidade, diabetes e NAFLD tem sido escrupolosamente investigada mas as terapêuticas disponíveis continuam a ser muito limitadas. Tendo em conta o número crescente e alarmante de obesos e diabéticos o conhecimento detalhado da patofisiologia da obesidade, diabetes e NAFLD, tendo em vista a necessidade extrema de desenvolvimento de novas estratégias terapêuticas, é da mais elevada urgência. O fígado é reconhecido como um orgão primordial no controlo da homeostase. No estado pós-prandial, o fígado converte a glucose em glicogénio e lípidos. Em contraste, no estado de jejum, o fígado promove a produção de glucose. Sistemas neuronais e hormonais, bem como o estado metabólico do fígado, controlam de forma muito precisa a alternância entre os diferentes substratos metabólicos, dependente do estado prandial. A insulina tem um papel central no controlo do metabolismo energético no fígado; se, por um lado, inibe a produção hepática de glucose e corpos cetónicos, por outro, promove a glicólise e a lipogénese. O metabolismo energético no fígado é também regulado por vários factores de transcrição e co-reguladores que, por sua vez, são regulados pela insulina, glucagina e outras hormonas metabólicas. Em conjunto, todos estes factores e reguladores vão controlar de forma muito estreita a gluconeogénese, a β-oxidação e a lipogénese, no fígado. Para além dos já conhecidos reguladores do metabolismo hepático, novas moléculas têm sido estudadas como tendo um papel fundamental na regulação do metabolismo energético no fígado. Qualquer desequilíbrio no metabolismo hepático vai contribuir para a insulino-resistência, NAFLD e diabetes tipo 2. O principal objectivo do trabalho de investigação aqui apresentado é o contributo para o estudo detalhado da patogénese da diabetes e obesidade, num contexto de dietas ricas em açúcares e gorduras, e com a perspectiva de explorar novas estratégias terapêuticas. Os objectivos específicos deste trabalho eram: primeiro, determinar se o tratamento com glutationo (GSH) e óxido nítrico (NO) era suficiente para melhorar a insulino-resistência associada ao elevado consumo de sacarose; segundo, determinar o papel da Rho-kinase 1 (ROCK1) na regulação do metabolismo hepático da glucose e dos lípidos; e terceiro, estudar o efeito do metilsulfonilmetano (MSM) em doenças metabólicas associadas à obesidade. Na primeira parte deste trabalho de investigação foram utilizados ratos Wistar machos sujeitos a uma dieta rica em sacarose (HS). Tal como esperado, estes animais apresentavam insulino-resistência e hiperinsulinémia. A dieta HS levou ao aumento dos níveis hepáticos de NO e ao decréscimo dos níveis de GSH no fígado. Em jejum, a administração intraportal de GSH e NO, a animais saudáveis promoveu um aumento significativo da sensibilidade à insulina. Também nestes animais, a administração intravenosa de S-nitrosotióis, compostos orgânicos que contém um grupo nitroso acoplado a um átomo de enxofre de um tiol, promoveu o aumento significativo da sensibilidade à insulina. Pelo contrário, em animais sujeitos à dieta HS, as doses padrão de GSH + NO e de S-nitrosotióis não conseguiram promover o aumento da sensibilidade à insulina. No entanto, ao aumentar a dose de S-nitrosotióis administrados por via intravenosa, foi possível observar o aumento da sensibilidade à insulina dependente da dose, indicando um possível papel dos S-nitrosotióis como sensibilizadores de insulina. O estudo detalhado do papel dos S-nitrosotióis na via de sinalização da insulina revelou que há um aumento da fosforilação do receptor da insulina (IR) e da proteína cinase B (Akt), sugerindo um efeito dos S-nitrosotióis nesta via de sinalização. Os resultados apresentados nesta primeira parte sugerem que os S-nitrosotióis promovem a correcta acção da insulina, podendo vir a ser importantes alvos terapêuticos. Na segunda parte deste trabalho de investigação utilizámos murganhos, com uma delecção específica da ROCK1 no fígado, e sujeitos a uma dieta rica em lípidos (HFD). Foi possível concluir que a ausência da ROCK1 no fígado previne a obesidade, melhora a sensibilidade à insulina e protege contra a esteatose hepática. A ausência de ROCK1 no fígado levou a um decréscimo significativo da expressão génica de genes associados à lipogénese, com uma diminuição acentuada do fluxo metabólico associado a esta via. Pelo contrário, a sobreexpressão de ROCK1, exclusivamente no fígado, promove a insulino-resistência e a esteatose hepática no contexto de obesidade induzida pela dieta. Para além disto, a delecção da ROCK1 no fígado de animais obesos e diabéticos, os murganhos deficientes em leptina, corroborou os dados obtidos no primeiro modelo animal, com a franca melhoria da hiperglicémia, hiperinsulinémia e esteatose hepática. Os dados que compõem esta parte do trabalho de investigação sugerem que a ROCK1 tem um papel crucial na regulação do metabolismo lipídico. Na terceira e última parte deste trabalho de investigação foi investigado o efeito do composto metilsulfunilmetano (MSM), um composto organosulfúrico naturalmente presente em plantas e utilizado também como suplemento dietético, em murganhos obesos e insulino-resistentes, por exposição a uma dieta rica em lípidos (DIO). O tratamento com MSM melhorou a insulino-resistência e protegeu contra a esteatose hepática. O conteúdo hepático em triglicéridos e colesterol também diminuíu de forma significativa nos animais DIO sujeitos ao tratamento com MSM, bem como a expressão génica associada à lipogénese. Para além disto, o tratamento com MSM levou a uma diminuição da expressão génica associada à inflamação. De realçar que o tratamento com MSM levou a uma melhoria do perfil hematopoiético destes animais, tanto na medula óssea como no sangue. Para comprovar o efeito benéfico do MSM na obesidade e insulino-resistência utilizámos murganhos deficientes no receptor da leptina, e por isso obesos e diabéticos, tendo observado um perfil semelhante ao obtido para murganhos sujeitos a uma dieta rica em lípidos e tratados com MSM. Concluímos, através dos dados recolhidos, que o MSM como suplemento pode ter efeitos benéficos na hiperinsulinémia, insulino-resistência e inflamação que caracterizam a diabetes tipo 2. Em resumo, os dados obtidos neste trabalho de investigação mostram que os S-nitrosotióis podem ter um papel importante como sensibilizadores da insulina, promovendo um aumento da sensibilidade à insulina num contexto de dietas ricas em sacarose. Para além disto, estudos in vitro, sugerem que os S-nitrosotióis regulam, especificamente, a via de sinalização da insulina. Este trabalho teve também como objectivo o estudo da ROCK1 como regulador do metabolismo da glucose e dos lípidos no fígado. Através do estudo de animais com uma delecção ou uma sobreexpressão da ROCK1 no fígado mostrou-se que esta tem um papel crucial na patogénese da obesidade e diabetes tipo 2, especificamente através do controlo da lipogénese de novo. Finalmente, foi também objectivo deste trabalho, explorar o efeito do MSM em animais DIO e deficientes em leptina. O tratamento com MSM protege de forma evidente contra a obesidade e insulino-resistência, com especial enfâse para a capacidade que esta molécula demonstrou ter na protecção contra a inflamação. Em conjunto os vários estudos aqui apresentados mostram que tanto os S-nitrosotióis como a ROCK1 têm um papel na patogénese da obesidade e diabetes tipo 2 e que a utilização de MSM como suplemento às terapêuticas convencionais pode ter um papel no tratamentos de doenças metabólicas.-------------------------------ABSTRACT: In modern western societies type 2 diabetes and obesity are increasing exponentially, representing a somber public concern. According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) ‘Diabetes and Obesity are the biggest public health challenges of the 21st century’. Aside from these the prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), among the diabetic and obese population, is as high as 90%. It is now well established that the increase in obesity, diabetes and NAFLD strongly correlates with an increase in fat and sugar intake in our diet, alongside physical inactivity. The pathogenesis of obesity, diabetes and NAFLD has been thoroughly studied but the treatment options available are still narrow. Considering the alarming number in the obese and diabetic population the complete understanding of the pathogenesis, keeping in mind that new therapeutic strategies need to be attained, is of the highest urgency. The liver has been well established as a fundamental organ in regulating whole-body homeostasis. In the fed state the liver converts the glucose into glycogen and lipids. Conversely, in the fasted state, glucose will be produced in the liver. Neuronal and hormonal systems, as well as the hepatic metabolic states, tightly control the fast to fed switch in metabolic fuels. Insulin has a central role in controlling hepatic energy metabolism, by suppressing glucose production and ketogenesis, while stimulating glycolysis and lipogenesis. Liver energy metabolism is also regulated by various transcription factors and coregulators that are, in turn, regulated by insulin, glucagon and other metabolic hormones. Together, these regulators will act to control gluconeogenesis, β-oxidation and lipogenesis in the liver. Aside from the well-established regulators of liver energy metabolism new molecules are being studied has having a role in regulating hepatic metabolism. Any imbalance in the liver energy metabolism is a major contributor to insulin resistance, NAFLD and type 2 diabetes. The overall goal of this research work was to contribute to the understanding of the pathogenesis of diabetes and obesity, on a setting of high-sucrose and high-fat diets, and to explore potential therapeutic options. The specific aims were: first, to determine if treatment with glutathione (GSH) and nitric oxide (NO) was sufficient to ameliorate insulin resistance induced by high-sucrose feeding; second, to determine the physiological role of rho-kinase 1 (ROCK1) in regulating hepatic and lipid metabolism; and third, to study the effect of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) on obesity-linked metabolic disorders. In the first part of this research work we used male Wistar rats fed a high-sucrose (HS) diet. As expected, rats fed a HS diet were insulin resistant and hyperinsulinemic. HS feeding increased hepatic levels of NO, while decreasing GSH. In fasted healthy animals administration of both GSH and NO, to the liver, was able to increase insulin sensitivity. Intravenous administration of S-nitrosothiols, organic compounds containing a nitroso group attached to the sulfur atom of a thiol, in fasted control animals also increased insulin sensitivity. Under HS feeding the standard doses of GSH + NO and S-nitrosothiols were unable to promote an increase in insulin sensitivity. However, the intravenous administration of increasing concentrations of S-nitrosothiols was able to restore insulin sensitivity, suggesting that S-nitrosothiols have an insulin sensitizing effect. Investigation of the effect of S-nitrosothiols on the insulin signaling pathway showed increased phosphorylation of the insulin receptor (IR) and protein kinase B (Akt), suggesting that S-nitrosothiols may have an effect on the insulin signaling pathway. Together, these data showed that S-nitrosothiols promote normal insulin action, suggesting that they may act as potential pharmacological tools. In the second part of this research work we used liver-specific ROCK1 knockout mice fed a high-fat (HF) diet. Liver-specific deletion of ROCK1 prevented obesity, improved insulin sensitivity and protected against hepatic steatosis. Deficiency of ROCK1 in the liver caused a significant decrease in the gene expression of lipogenesis associated gene, ultimately leading to decreased lipogenesis. Contrariwise, ROCK1 overexpression in the liver promoted insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis in diet-induced obesity. Furthermore, liver-specific deletion of ROCK1 in obese and diabetic mice, the leptin-deficient mice, improved the typical hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia and liver steatosis. Together, these data identify ROCK1 as a crucial regulator of lipid metabolism. In the third and final part of this research work we investigated the effect of MSM, an organosulfur compound naturally found in plants and used as a dietary supplement, on diet-induced obese (DIO) and insulin resistant mice. MSM treatment ameliorated insulin resistance and protected against hepatosteatosis. Hepatic content in triglycerides and cholesterol was significantly decreased by MSM treatment, as well as lipogenesis associated gene expression. Furthermore, MSM treated mice had decreased inflammation associated gene expression in the liver. Importantly, FACS analysis showed that MSM treatment rescued the inflammatory hematopoietic phenotype of DIO mice in the bone marrow and the peripheral blood. Moreover, MSM treatment of the obese and diabetic mice, the leptin-deficient mice, resulted in similar effects as the ones observed for DIO mice. Collectively, these data suggest that MSM supplementation has a beneficial effect on hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance and inflammation, which are often found in type 2 diabetes. In conclusion, this research work showed that S-nitrosothiols may play a role as insulin sensitizers, restoring insulin sensitivity in a setting of high-sucrose induced insulin resistance. Furthermore, in vitro studies suggest that S-nitrosothiols specifically regulate the insulin signaling pathway. This research work also investigated the role of hepatic ROCK1 in regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism. Using liver-specific ROCK 1 knockout and ROCK1 overexpressing mice it was shown that ROCK1 plays a role in the pathogenesis of obesity and type 2 diabetes, specifically through regulation of the de novo lipogenesis pathway. Finally, this research work aimed to explore the effect of MSM in DIO and leptin receptor-deficient mice. MSM strongly protects against obesity and insulin resistance, moreover showed a robust ability to decrease inflammation. Together, the individual studies that compose this dissertation showed that S-nitrosothiols and ROCK1 play a role in the pathogenesis of obesity and type 2 diabetes and that MSM supplementation may have a role in the treatment of metabolic disorders.
Background: Diabetes mellitus and admission blood glucose are important risk factors for mortality in ST segment elevation myocardial infarction patients, but their relative and individual role remains on debate. Objective: To analyze the influence of diabetes mellitus and admission blood glucose on the mortality of ST segment elevation myocardial infarction patients submitted to primary coronary percutaneous intervention. Methods: Prospective cohort study including every ST segment elevation myocardial infarction patient submitted to primary coronary percutaneous intervention in a tertiary cardiology center from December 2010 to May 2012. We collected clinical, angiographic and laboratory data during hospital stay, and performed a clinical follow-up 30 days after the ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. We adjusted the multivariate analysis of the studied risk factors using the variables from the GRACE score. Results: Among the 740 patients included, reported diabetes mellitus prevalence was 18%. On the univariate analysis, both diabetes mellitus and admission blood glucose were predictors of death in 30 days. However, after adjusting for potential confounders in the multivariate analysis, the diabetes mellitus relative risk was no longer significant (relative risk: 2.41, 95% confidence interval: 0.76 - 7.59; p-value: 0.13), whereas admission blood glucose remained and independent predictor of death in 30 days (relative risk: 1.05, 95% confidence interval: 1.02 - 1.09; p-value Ͱ4; 0.01). Conclusion: In ST segment elevation myocardial infarction patients submitted to primary coronary percutaneous intervention, the admission blood glucose was a more accurate and robust independent predictor of death than the previous diagnosis of diabetes. This reinforces the important role of inflammation on the outcomes of this group of patients.
Background: T reatment o f chronic hepatitis C i s evolving, a nd direct acting antivirals ( DAAs) are now a dded to p egylated interferon- 45; ( Peg- INF- 45;) and ribavirin (RBV) for the treatment o f hepatitis C v irus ( HCV) genotype 1 infection. DAAs c ause d ifferent side effects and can even worsen RBV induced hemolytic anemia. T herefore, identifying host genetic d eterminants of R BV bioavailability and therapeutic e fficacy will remain crucial for individualized treatment. Recent d ata showed associations between R BV induced h emolytic anemia and genetic polymorphisms o f concentrative nucleoside transporters s uch as C NT3 (SLC28A3) and i nosine t riphosphatase (ITPA). T o analyze t he association of genetic variants of SLC28 transporters and ITPA with RBV induced hemolytic anemia and treatment o utcome. Methods: I n our study, 173 patients f rom t he S wiss Hepatitis C C ohort Study and 2 2 patients from Swiss Association for the Study of the Liver study 24 (61% HCV g enotype 1, 3 9% genotypes 2 o r 3) were analyzed for SLC28A2 single nucleotide p olymorphism (SNP) rs11854484, SLC28A3 rs56350726 and SLC28A3 rs10868138 as well as ITPA SNPs rs1127354 and rs7270101. RBV serum levels during treatment were measured in 49 patients. Results: SLC28A2 r s11854484 genotype TT was associated with significantly higher dosage- and body weight-adjusted RBV levels as compared to genotypes TC and CC (p=0.04 and p=0.02 at weeks 4 and 8, respectively). ITPA SNPs rs1127354 and rs7270101 were associated with h emolytic a nemia both in genotype as w ell as i n allelic a nalyses. SLC28A3 rs56350726 genotype TT (vs. AT/AA, RR=2.1; 95% CI 1.1-4.1) as well as the T allele (vs. A; RR=1.8, 95% CI 1.1-3.2) were associated with increased SVR rates. The combined analysis of overall ITPA activity and SLC28 v ariants together revealed n o significant a dditive effects on either treatment-related anemia or SVR. Conclusions: T he newly identified association between RBV serum levels a nd SLC28A2 rs11854484 genotype as well as the replicated association of ITPA and SLC28A3 g enetic p olymorphisms w ith RBV induced hemolytic anemia and treatment r esponse underpin the need for further studies on host genetic d eterminants of R BV bioavailability and therapeutic e fficacy f or individualized treatment of chronic hepatitis C.
The recent developments in high magnetic field 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy with improved localization and shimming techniques have led to important gains in sensitivity and spectral resolution of 13C in vivo spectra in the rodent brain, enabling the separation of several 13C isotopomers of glutamate and glutamine. In this context, the assumptions used in spectral quantification might have a significant impact on the determination of the 13C concentrations and the related metabolic fluxes. In this study, the time domain spectral quantification algorithm AMARES (advanced method for accurate, robust and efficient spectral fitting) was applied to 13 C magnetic resonance spectroscopy spectra acquired in the rat brain at 9.4 T, following infusion of [1,6-(13)C2 ] glucose. Using both Monte Carlo simulations and in vivo data, the goal of this work was: (1) to validate the quantification of in vivo 13C isotopomers using AMARES; (2) to assess the impact of the prior knowledge on the quantification of in vivo 13C isotopomers using AMARES; (3) to compare AMARES and LCModel (linear combination of model spectra) for the quantification of in vivo 13C spectra. AMARES led to accurate and reliable 13C spectral quantification similar to those obtained using LCModel, when the frequency shifts, J-coupling constants and phase patterns of the different 13C isotopomers were included as prior knowledge in the analysis.
To determine the mechanisms that prevent an increase in gluconeogenesis from increasing hepatic glucose output, six healthy women were infused with [1-13C]fructose (22 mumol.kg-1.min-1), somatostatin, insulin, and glucagon. In control experiment, non-13C-enriched fructose was infused at the same rate without somatostatin, and [U-13C]glucose was infused to measure specifically plasma glucose oxidation. Endogenous glucose production (EGP, [6,6-2H]glucose), net carbohydrate oxidation (CHOox, indirect calorimetry), and fructose oxidation (13CO2) were measured. EGP rate did not increase after fructose infusion with (13.1 +/- 1.2 vs. 12.9 +/- 0.3 mumol.kg-1.min-1) and without (10.3 +/- 0.5 vs. 9.7 +/- 0.5 mumol.kg-1.min-1) somatostatin, despite the fact that gluconeogenesis increased. Nonoxidative fructose disposal, corresponding mainly to glycogen synthesis, was threefold net glycogen deposition, the latter calculated as fructose infusion minus CHOox (14.8 +/- 1.1 and 4.3 +/- 2.0 mumol.kg-1.min-1). It is concluded that 1) the mechanism by which EGP remains constant when gluconeogenesis from fructose increases is independent of changes in insulin and 2) simultaneous breakdown and synthesis of glycogen occurred during fructose infusion.
A recent study with 69 Japanese liver transplants treated with tacrolimus found that the MDR13435 C >T polymorphism, but not the MDR12677 G >T polymorphism, was associated with differences in the intestinal expression level of CYP3A4 mRNA. In the present study, over 6 h, we measured the kinetics of a 75 microg oral dose of midazolam, a CYP3A substrate, in 21 healthy subjects genotyped for the MDR13435 C >T and 2677 G >T polymorphism. No statistically significant differences were found in the calculated pharmacokinetic parameters between the three 3435 C >T genotypes (TT, CT and CC group, respectively: Cmax (mean +/- SD: 0.30 +/- 0.08 ng/ml, 0.31 +/- 0.09 ng/ml and 0.31 +/- 0.11 ng/ml; Apparent clearance: 122 +/- 29 l/h, 156 +/- 92 l/h and 111 +/- 35 l/h; t1/2: 1.9 +/- 1.1 h, 1.6 +/- 0.90 h and 1.7 +/- 0.7 h). In addition, the 30-min 1'OH midazolam to midazolam ratio, a marker of CYP3A activity, determined in 74 HIV-positive patients before the introduction of antiretroviral treatment, was not significantly different between the three 3435 C >T genotypes (mean ratio +/- SD: 3.65 +/- 2.24, 4.22 +/- 3.49 and 4.24 +/- 2.03, in the TT, CT and CC groups, respectively). Similarly, no association was found between the MDR12677 G >T polymorphism and CYP3A activity in the healthy subjects or in the HIV-positive patients. The existence of a strong association between the activity of CYP3A and MDR13435 C >T and 2677 G >T polymorphisms appears unlikely, at least in Caucasian populations and/or in the absence of specific environmental factors.
HYPOTHESIS: Liver transplantation results in hepatic denervation. This may produce alterations of liver energy and substrate metabolism, which may contribute to weight gain after liver transplantation. DESIGN: Prospective clinical study. SETTING: Liver transplantation clinics in a university hospital. PATIENTS: Seven nondiabetic patients with cirrhosis were recruited while on a waiting list for liver transplantation. Seven healthy subjects were recruited as controls. INTERVENTION: Orthotopic liver transplantation. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Evaluation of energy and substrate metabolism after ingestion of a glucose load with indirect calorimetry was performed before, 2 to 6 weeks after, and 5 to 19 months after transplantation. Whole-body glucose oxidation and storage and glucose-induced thermogenesis were calculated. RESULTS: Patients with cirrhosis had modestly elevated resting energy expenditure and normal glucose-induced thermogenesis and postprandial glucose oxidation and storage. These measures remained unchanged after liver transplantation despite a significant increase in postprandial glycemia. Patients, however, gained an average of 3 kg of body weight after 5 to 19 months compared with their weight before transplantation. CONCLUSION: Liver denervation secondary to transplantation does not lead to alterations of energy metabolism after ingestion of a glucose load.
Systemic effects of epidural Methylprednisolone injection on glucose tolerance in diabetic patients.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Several studies have shown that in diabetic patients, the glycemic profile was disturbed after intra-articular injection of corticosteroids. Little is known about the impact of epidural injection in such patients. The goal of this study was double, at first comparing the glycaemic profile in diabetic patients after a unique injection of 80 mg of acetate methylprednisolone either intra-articular or epidural and secondly to compare the amount of systemic diffusion of the drug after both procedures. METHODS: Seventeen patients were included. Glycemic changes were compared in 9 diabetic patients following intra-articular (4 patients) and epidural injections (5 patients). Epidural injections were performed using the sacral route under fluoroscopic control in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis. Diabetes control had to stable for more than 10 days and the renal function to be preserved. Blood glucose was monitored using a validated continuous measuring device (GMS, Medtronic) the day before and for two days following the injection. Results were expressed in the form of daily glycemic profiles and as by mean, peak and minimal values +/ SD. The urinary excretion of methylprednisolone after the 2 routes of injection was analyzed in 8 patients (4 in each group). Urine samples were cropped one hour before the injections, then 4 times during the first day and 3 times a week for 2 weeks. The measurements included the free and conjugated fraction RESULTS: The glycaemic profile remains unchanged with no significant changes in the group of the 5 diabetic patients receiving epidural injections. On the other end, the average peak and mean values were enhanced up to 3 mmol/l above baseline two days after the infiltration in the groups of the 4 diabetic patients infiltrated intra-articular. The mean urinary excretion of the steroid was about ten times higher in the intra-articular versus epidural group: 7000 ng/ml versus 700 ng/ml. Looking at each individual there were marked differences especially after intra-articular injections. CONCLUSION: This is the first study to show that a single epidural steroid injection of 80 mg depot methylprednisolone had no effect on the glycemic control in diabetic patients. The absence of glycemic control changes correlated well with the very low urinary excretion of the drug after epidural injection. Trial registration NCT01420497.
PURPOSE: An optimal target for glucose control in ICU patients remains unclear. This prospective randomized controlled trial compared the effects on ICU mortality of intensive insulin therapy (IIT) with an intermediate glucose control. METHODS: Adult patients admitted to the 21 participating medico-surgical ICUs were randomized to group 1 (target BG 7.8-10.0 mmol/L) or to group 2 (target BG 4.4-6.1 mmol/L). RESULTS: While the required sample size was 1,750 per group, the trial was stopped early due to a high rate of unintended protocol violations. From 1,101 admissions, the outcomes of 542 patients assigned to group 1 and 536 of group 2 were analysed. The groups were well balanced. BG levels averaged in group 1 8.0 mmol/L (IQR 7.1-9.0) (median of all values) and 7.7 mmol/L (IQR 6.7-8.8) (median of morning BG) versus 6.5 mmol/L (IQR 6.0-7.2) and 6.1 mmol/L (IQR 5.5-6.8) for group 2 (p < 0.0001 for both comparisons). The percentage of patients treated with insulin averaged 66.2 and 96.3%, respectively. Proportion of time spent in target BG was similar, averaging 39.5% and 45.1% (median (IQR) 34.3 (18.5-50.0) and 39.3 (26.2-53.6)%) in the groups 1 and 2, respectively. The rate of hypoglycaemia was higher in the group 2 (8.7%) than in group 1 (2.7%, p < 0.0001). ICU mortality was similar in the two groups (15.3 vs. 17.2%). CONCLUSIONS: In this prematurely stopped and therefore underpowered study, there was a lack of clinical benefit of intensive insulin therapy (target 4.4-6.1 mmol/L), associated with an increased incidence of hypoglycaemia, as compared to a 7.8-10.0 mmol/L target. (ClinicalTrials.gov # NCT00107601, EUDRA-CT Number: 200400391440).
Activation of the hepatoportal glucose sensors by portal glucose infusion leads to increased glucose clearance and induction of hypoglycemia. Here, we investigated whether glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) could modulate the activity of these sensors. Mice were therefore infused with saline (S-mice) or glucose (P-mice) through the portal vein at a rate of 25 mg/kg. min. In P-mice, glucose clearance increased to 67.5 +/- 3.7 mg/kg. min as compared with 24.1 +/- 1.5 mg/kg. min in S-mice, and glycemia decreased from 5.0 +/- 0.1 to 3.3 +/- 0.1 mmol/l at the end of the 3-h infusion period. Coinfusion of GLP-1 with glucose into the portal vein at a rate of 5 pmol/kg. min (P-GLP-1 mice) did not increase the glucose clearance rate (57.4 +/- 5.0 ml/kg. min) and hypoglycemia (3.8 +/- 0.1 mmol/l) observed in P-mice. In contrast, coinfusion of glucose and the GLP-1 receptor antagonist exendin-(9-39) into the portal vein at a rate of 0.5 pmol/kg. min (P-Ex mice) reduced glucose clearance to 36.1 +/- 2.6 ml/kg. min and transiently increased glycemia to 9.2 +/- 0.3 mmol/l at 60 min of infusion before it returned to the fasting level (5.6 +/- 0.3 mmol/l) at 3 h. When glucose and exendin-(9-39) were infused through the portal and femoral veins, respectively, glucose clearance increased to 70.0 +/- 4.6 ml/kg. min and glycemia decreased to 3.1 +/- 0.1 mmol/l, indicating that exendin-(9-39) has an effect only when infused into the portal vein. Finally, portal vein infusion of glucose in GLP-1 receptor(-/-) mice failed to increase the glucose clearance rate (26.7 +/- 2.9 ml/kg. min). Glycemia increased to 8.5 +/- 0.5 mmol/l at 60 min and remained elevated until the end of the glucose infusion (8.2 +/- 0.4 mmol/l). Together, our data show that the GLP-1 receptor is part of the hepatoportal glucose sensor and that basal fasting levels of GLP-1 sufficiently activate the receptor to confer maximum glucose competence to the sensor. These data demonstrate an important extrapancreatic effect of GLP-1 in the control of glucose homeostasis.
The molecular cloning of facilitated sugar transporters has led to the identification of a family of transport molecules having similar functions, but possessing specific kinetic and regulatory properties. These transporter isoforms are characterized by different primary structures, specific tissue localization, and polarized expression within the same epithelial cells. The use of Xenopus oocytes for the functional expression of different members of this transporter family has been of considerable value in defining the kinetic properties and sugar specificities of the different isoforms. The expression of chimeric or variously mutated transporters should, in the near future, permit the determination of the structural basis for their kinetic properties and sugar specificities. cDNA probes and antipeptide antibodies specific for each isoform are now being used to determine their specific regulation during development and in different states of altered glucose homeostasis. The variety of molecular forms implicated in the apparently simple task of sugar uptake or transepithelial transport has been surprising. With the available molecular tools now in hand, it will be possible to study these mechanisms in much greater detail.
BACKGROUND: Bariatric surgery markedly improves glucose homeostasis in patients with type 2 diabetes even before any significant weight loss is achieved. Procedures that involve bypassing the proximal small bowel, such as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP), are more efficient than gastric restriction procedures such as gastric banding (GB). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of RYGBP and GB on postprandial glucose kinetics and gastro-intestinal hormone secretion after an oral glucose load. METHODS AND PROCEDURES: This study was a cross-sectional comparison among non-diabetic, weight-stable women who had undergone RYGBP (n = 8) between 9 and 48 months earlier or GB (n = 6) from 25 to 85 months earlier, and weight- and age-matched control subjects (n = 8). The women were studied over 4 h following ingestion of an oral glucose load. Total glucose and meal glucose kinetics were assessed using glucose tracers and plasma insulin, and gut hormone concentrations were simultaneously monitored. RESULTS: Patients who had undergone RYGBP showed a a more rapid appearance of exogenous glucose in the systemic circulation and a shorter duration of postprandial hyperglycemia than patients who had undergone GB and C. The response in RYGBP patients was characterized by early and accentuated insulin response, enhanced postprandial levels of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and polypeptide YY (PYY), and greater postprandial suppression of ghrelin. DISCUSSION: These findings indicate that RYGBP is associated with alterations in glucose kinetics and glucoregulatory hormone secretion. These alterations are probably secondary to the anatomic rearrangement of the foregut, given the fact that they are not observed after GB. Increased PYY and GLP-1 concentrations and enhanced ghrelin suppression are compatible with reduced food intake after RYGBP.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relative importance of increased lactate production as opposed to decreased utilization in hyperlactatemic patients, as well as their relation to glucose metabolism. DESIGN: Prospective observational study. SETTING: Surgical intensive care unit of a university hospital. PATIENTS: Seven patients with severe sepsis or septic shock, seven patients with cardiogenic shock, and seven healthy volunteers. INTERVENTIONS: C-labeled sodium lactate was infused at 10 micromol/kg/min and then at 20 micromol/kg/min over 120 mins each. H-labeled glucose was infused throughout. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Baseline arterial lactate was higher in septic (3.2 +/- 2.6) and cardiogenic shock patients (2.8 +/- 0.4) than in healthy volunteers (0.9 +/- 0.20 mmol/L, p < .05). Lactate clearance, computed using pharmacokinetic calculations, was similar in septic, cardiogenic shock, and controls, respectively: 10.8 +/- 5.4, 9.6 +/- 2.1, and 12.0 +/- 2.6 mL/kg/min. Endogenous lactate production was determined as the initial lactate concentration multiplied by lactate clearance. It was markedly enhanced in the patients (septic 26.2 +/- 10.5; cardiogenic shock 26.6 +/- 5.1) compared with controls (11.2 +/- 2.7 micromol/kg/min, p < .01). C-lactate oxidation (septic 54 +/- 25; cardiogenic shock 43 +/- 16; controls 65 +/- 15% of a lactate load of 10 micromol/kg/min) and transformation of C-lactate into C-glucose were not different (respectively, 15 +/- 15, 9 +/- 18, and 10 +/- 7%). Endogenous glucose production was markedly increased in the patients (septic 14.8 +/- 1.8; cardiogenic shock 15.0 +/- 1.5) compared with controls (7.2 +/- 1.1 micromol/kg/min, p < .01) and was not influenced by lactate infusion. CONCLUSIONS: In patients suffering from septic or cardiogenic shock, hyperlactatemia was mainly related to increased production, whereas lactate clearance was similar to healthy subjects. Increased lactate production was concomitant to hyperglycemia and increased glucose turnover, suggesting that the latter substantially influences lactate metabolism during critical illness.
Objective: Limited information is available on the quantitative relationship between family history and the corresponding underlying traits. We analyzed these associations for blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, and cholesterol levels. Methods: Data were obtained from 6,102 Caucasian participants (2,903 men and 3,199 women) aged 35-75 years using a population-based cross-sectional survey in Switzerland. Cardiovascular disease risk factors were measured, and the corresponding family history was self-reported using a structured questionnaire. Results: The prevalence of a positive family history (in first-degree relatives) was 39.6% for hypertension, 22.3% for diabetes, and 29.0% for hypercholesterolemia. Family history was not known for at least one family member in 41.8% of participants for hypertension, 14.4% for diabetes, and 50.2% for hypercholesterolemia. A positive family history was strongly associated with higher levels of the corresponding trait, but not with the other traits. Participants who reported not to know their family history of hypertension had a higher systolic blood pressure than participants with a negative history. Sibling histories had higher positive predictive values than parental histories. The ability to discriminate, calibrate, and reclassify was best for the family history of hypertension. Conclusions: Family history of hypertension, diabetes, and hypercholesterolemia was strongly associated with the corresponding dichotomized and continuous phenotypes.