996 resultados para Getting Real
INTRODUCTION: The increasing practice of ecotourism and rural tourism in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, highlights the importance of studies concerning the occurrence of potential intermediate hosts of Schistosoma mansoni. This study aimed to identify species of Biomphalaria snails in municipalities along the Estrada Real, an important Brazilian tourism project. METHODS: The specimens were collected in different water collections of 36 municipalities along the Estrada Real in the southeast of the State of Minas Gerais. Biomphalaria species were characterized using both morphological and molecular approaches. The research was conducted between August 2005 and September 2009 and all the sites visited were georeferenced using GPS. RESULTS: Six Biomphalaria species were found in 30 of the 36 municipalities studied: glabrata, tenagophila, straminea, peregrina, occidentalis and schrammi. The first three species of Biomphalaria, recognized as intermediate hosts of S. mansoni, were present in 33.3%, 47.2% and 8.3% of the municipalities studied, respectively. The mollusks were found in different types of water collections and no infection by S. mansoni was detected. The highest occurrence of Biomphalaria concentration was verified in the area covered by the Caminho Novo route (Diamantina/MG to Rio de Janeiro/RJ). CONCLUSIONS: Considering the occurrence of schistosomiasis in the State of Minas Gerais and the socioeconomic repercussions involved in the Estrada Real Project, this work focuses on the vulnerability of water collections due to the presence of Biomphalaria mollusks and emphasizes the need for epidemiological surveillance and sanitary and educational measures integrated with the local community and tourism sectors.
INTRODUCTION: Laboratory-based surveillance is an important component in the control of vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE). METHODS: The study aimed to evaluate real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) (genes vanA-vanB) for VRE detection on 115 swabs from patients included in a surveillance program. RESULTS: Sensitivity of RT-PCR was similar to primary culture (75% and 79.5%, respectively) when compared to broth enriched culture, whereas specificity was 83.1%. CONCLUSIONS: RT-PCR provides same day results, however it showed low sensitivity for VRE detection.
This thesis evaluates a start-up company (Jogos Almirante Lda) whose single asset is a board game named Almirante. It aims to conclude whether it makes sense to create a company or just earn copyrights. The thesis analyzes the board game’s market, as part of the general toy’s market, from which some data exists: European countries as well as the USA. In this work it is analyzed the several ways to finance a start-up company and then present an overview of the valuation of the Jogos Almirante based on three different methods: Discounted Cash Flow, Venture Capital Method and Real Options.
This thesis provides a complete analysis of the Standard Capital Requirements given by Solvency II for a real insurance portfolio. We analyze the investment portfolio of BPI Vida e Pensões, an insurance company affiliated with a Portuguese bank BPI, both at security, sub-portfolio and asset class levels. By using the Standard Formula from EIOPA, Total SCR amounts to 239M€. This value is mostly explained by Market and Default Risk whereas the former is driven by Spread and Concentration Risks. Following the methodology of Leblanc (2011), we examine the Marginal Contribution of an asset to the SCR which allows for the evaluation of the risks of each security given its characteristics and interactions in the portfolio. The top contributors to the SCR are Corporate Bonds and Term Deposits. By exploring further the composition of the portfolio, our results show that slight changes in allocation of Term and Cash Deposits have severe impacts on the total Concentration and Default Risks, respectively. Also, diversification effects are very relevant by representing savings of 122M€. Finally, Solvency II represents an opportunity for the portfolio optimization. By constructing efficient frontiers, we find that as the target expected return increases, a shift from Term Deposits/ Commercial Papers to Eurozone/Peripheral and finally Equities occurs.
The underlying thesis examines the value drivers of direct investments in nursing home real estate in Germany. A survey among investors and operators is conducted in order to identify significant value drivers. Moreover, based on survey results, a framework for assessing German nursing home real estate is developed. This is applied in a case-study about the set-up of a nursing home value-add fund which will demonstrate the value creation process of redeveloping an existing nursing home real estate portfolio. Through a concluding analysis the sources of value creation, sensitivities and future prospects of direct investing into German nursing home real estate are concluded.
The real convergence hypothesis has spurred a myriad of empirical tests and approaches in the economic literature. This Work Project intends to test for real output and growth convergence in all N(N-1)/2 possible pairs of output and output growth gaps of 14 Eurozone countries. This paper follows a time-series approach, as it tests for the presence of unit roots and persistence changes in the above mentioned pairs of output gaps, as well as for the existence of growth convergence with autoregressive models. Overall, significantly greater evidence has been found to support growth convergence rather than output convergence in our sample.
A recente descoberta de dois magníficos desenhos para o alçado do Palácio Real a construir em Campo de Ourique levantam, pela erudição das suas opções arquitectónicas como pela sua superlativa qualidade estética, uma série de questões sobre a cultura arquitectónica e o desenho de arquitectura em Portugal, nos meados do século XVIII. Sendo um conjunto indissociável, um dos desenhos apresenta a data de 1760 com a assinatura, algo inusitada, do Capitão Dionizio de S. Dionizio, figura de pouco relevo na conjuntura dos arquitectos da Casa Real implicados nas grandes obras de renovação da cidade de Lisboa pós terramoto. Perante este personagem pouco conhecido pretendemos neste texto apresentar uma primeira abordagem abrindo, num futuro, um debate alargado sobre o quadro conceptual de influências de que o elevado nível artístico destes desenhos, sem paralelo na época, dá testemunho.
Recensão de: David Santos, "A Reinvenção do real – Curadoria e Arte contemporânea no Museu do Neo-realismo", Lisboa: Sistema Solar CRL (Documenta), 2014
As alergias alimentares são um grande problema de saúde pública a nível mundial, que ocorre em todas as faixas etárias, tendo maior incidência em crianças. Mediada pelo sistema imunitário, a alergia alimentar é uma reação adversa que ocorre devido à presença de alergénios alimentares, que são identificados erroneamente como sendo um perigo ao organismo. Como é uma patologia que não possui cura, a prevenção é a melhor forma de evitar que ocorram reações alérgicas em indivíduos sensíveis, sendo a rotulagem um componente indispensável para a identificação dos alergénios presentes nos alimentos. Dentro dos métodos utilizados para a deteção de alergénios está a Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em tempo real (PCR em tempo real), que é capaz de identificar o gene que codifica a proteína alergénica. Este método possui elevada sensibilidade e especificidade, sendo atualmente utilizado na área alimentar para a deteção de organismos genéticamente modificados e alergénios. Devido a uma grande procura de clientes e consumidores, para identificação de alergénios em alimentos, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi implementar e validar, a partir de análises de sensibilidade, precisão e robustez, o método de PCR em tempo real. Dessa forma, foi testada a deteção qualitativa de oito alergénios em alimentos, sendo estes o aipo, amendoim, avelã, caju, noz, pistáchio, sésamo e soja, no Laboratório da SGS - Société Générale de Surveillance. Destes alergénios, foi possível a validação de sete, demonstrando que o método de PCR em tempo real, para os presentes alergénios, possui elevada precisão e sensibilidade nos resultados obtidos.
As intervenções arqueológicas concretizadas entre 1999-2001 permitiram o reconhecimento de contextos referentes ao Hospital Real de Todos-os-Santos, nomeadamente o claustro NE, bem como uma estrutura hidráulica no seu perímetro interno. A identificação do espólio cerâmico e vítreo aqui descartado permite, numa primeira fase, a aferição cronológica e tipológica destes e, consequentemente, do perfil funcional (utilitário, de cozinha e medicinal), numa tentativa de padronização do conjunto arte factual no edifício hospitalar e na cidade de Lisboa. Num segundo estágio, pretendese obter uma leitura concreta no que concerne ao período de utilização desta estrutura, indo de encontro às distintas áreas a vigorar no espaço claustral.
This paper sets out to determine how small accounting firms can compete in the United States in the early 21st century. The first chapter identifies the central goal of the paper: namely, to use existing literature and market data to define a business strategy for Ross & Moncure, Inc., a small accounting firm in the metropolitan Washington area. The second chapter is a literature review, and in it the author finds that large accounting firms are advantaged in terms of reputation, ability to diversify, and ability to retain employees, but are disadvantaged in their ability to form longstanding successful relationships with clients. In the third chapter, the author explores the relationship between the Big Four firms and their employees. The goal of this chapter is to determine how small accounting firms can compete for top talent in the HR market, and the author finds that this can be done by offering faster career progression and more client interaction. The fourth chapter looks at the market for accounting services in the United States, exploring the different options that consumers have to meet their accounting needs. It is found in this chapter that big and small accounting firms tend to compete for clients of different profiles. In the fifth chapter, the author uses proprietary company data to explore the composition, existing strategy and culture of Ross & Moncure. In the sixth chapter, all of the previous chapters come together to formulate a strategy and plan for action for Ross & Moncure: specifically, that the firm should further cultivate networks and relationships, and should create a fulfilling professional environment by increasing client-employee interaction, encouraging external education, and allowing employees to take on many different projects
Urban mobility is one of the main challenges facing urban areas due to the growing population and to traffic congestion, resulting in environmental pressures. The pathway to urban sustainable mobility involves strengthening of intermodal mobility. The integrated use of different transport modes is getting more and more important and intermodality has been mentioned as a way for public transport compete with private cars. The aim of the current dissertation is to define a set of strategies to improve urban mobility in Lisbon and by consequence reduce the environmental impacts of transports. In order to do that several intermodal practices over Europe were analysed and the transport systems of Brussels and Lisbon were studied and compared, giving special attention to intermodal systems. In the case study was gathered data from both cities in the field, by using and observing the different transport modes, and two surveys were done to the cities users. As concluded by the study, Brussels and Lisbon present significant differences. In Brussels the measures to promote intermodality are evident, while in Lisbon a lot still needs to be done. It also made clear the necessity for improvements in Lisbon’s public transports to a more intermodal passenger transport system, through integration of different transport modes and better information and ticketing system. Some of the points requiring developments are: interchanges’ waiting areas; integration of bicycle in public transport; information about correspondences with other transport modes; real-time information to passengers pre-trip and on-trip, especially in buses and trams. After the identification of the best practices in Brussels and the weaknesses in Lisbon the possibility of applying some of the practices in Brussels to Lisbon was evaluated. Brussels demonstrated to be a good example of intermodality and for that reason some of the recommendations to improve intermodal mobility in Lisbon can follow the practices in place in Brussels.
This thesis applied real options analysis to the valuation of an offshore oil exploration project, taking into consideration the several options typically faced by the management team of these projects. The real options process is developed under technical and price uncertainties, where it is considered that the mean reversion stochastic process is more adequate to describe the movement of oil price throught time. The valuation is realized to two case scenarios, being the first a simplified approach to develop the intuition of the used concepts, and the later a more complete cases that is resolved using both the binomial and trinomial processes to describe oil price movement. Real options methodology demonstrated to be capable of assessing and valuing the projects options, and of overcoming common capital budgeting methodologies flexibility limitation. The added value of the application of real options is evident, but so is the method's increased complexity, which adversely influence its widespread implementation.
Esta comunicação, baseando-se num extenso corpus oral que está a ser recolhido, procurará refletir de que modo a língua realizada oralmente nos permite perceber o que realmente são e como funcionam as línguas para além da dimensão formalizada da escrita. Pretende-se demonstrar que é a linguagem em uso que melhor evidencia muitos aspetos impossíveis de perceber por uma designada do sistema. Assim, procurar-se-á verificar até que ponto a verdadeira realização linguística da oralidade respeita a noção de frase e de norma, bem assim como especificamente realiza várias dimensões lexicais e pragmáticas.
Following detailed studies of Portuguese vernacular building typologies, this paper deals with buildings located in historical urban centres. An analysis of the history of the urban centre and, in particular, of some vernacular buildings is enhanced. Additionally, a discussion on the influence of changes of the geometry, and on added built volumes to original buildings in the seismic vulnerability of the buildings is also provided.