998 resultados para Gestão ambiental


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The destination of urban solid waste has became a very relevant theme because of the fast growth of cities. Bauru, a strategically located municipality, needs solutions for that problem. This research aims to show solid waste management in Bauru through a survey of the selective or regular garbage collection programs, treatment and final disposal of the waste. To do so, a questionnaire with 85 questions was used about solid waste management in the municipality and visits were made to the solid waste collection and disposal sites. Bauru has a bad selective collection program and very significant clandestine disposal of Hazardous waste. Furthermore, it doesnot treat hospital waste and has a deficient final disposal landfill.


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As water is essential for human survival and university organizations are responsible for spreading new knowledge and values through teaching, research and extension, this paper examined how two university organizations deal with a most precious resources, the Water, through its environmental management activities. To communicate the survey, this article is structured in three parts: the first is a brief reflection on environmental management in the university hospitals and the issue of water resources, then presents the methodological procedures for the conduct of research. Finally, we present the empirical evidence from case studies and discussions relevant to the research, followed by proposals on best practices in managing water resources that universities could adopt under review. It can be concluded that the possession of knowledge and cutting-edge research in several areas that universities do not provide an exemplary way to manage their water resources, ie, isolated and fragmented initiatives of Colleges ALPHA and BETA do not guarantee the environmental sustainability of campus, a As one can see that the units are not achieving academic success in the overflow of its knowledge and research for an effective internal environmental management, especially its water resources.


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The issue of environmental impacts to human health and the generation and disposal of solid waste has led to a change of paradigms for your face, highlighting the need for sustainable management of municipal solid waste (MSW). In this context, the expansion of landfills in Brazil in recent decades makes it necessary to sustainable management of waste generated by this type of enterprise, since its implementation. The aim of this study was to perform a diagnosis of the generation of waste in a landfill, in the expansion phase, and the alternatives adopted for its management. The qualitative diagnosis was made from observations on site and the wastes were classified and quantified from August 2011 to January 2012. In the diagnosis was considered the reduction, reuse and recycle, in that order. The results of this study showed that the residue of the greatest generation was PEAD geomembranes used in the waterproofing of the landfill, reaching 7 t, followed by PVC pipes, which reached 850 kg, both destined for recycling. The largest volume of wastewater generated corresponded to the leachate, reaching 11,500 m3 , which were sent for treatment


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This article aims to list the studies on environmental training published in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, to emphasize the publications most relevant according to the number of citations in other research, list the most prominent authors regarding the topic, the contexts studied and the researchers countries of origin. The concepts of environmental management and environmental training were reviewed. The systematic literature review is presented as the methodology, which has as its results the identification of the most influential papers studied in the area, the countries of origin of researchers and the relation between context and origin of the researcher, concluding that Brazil stands out in the study of the theme. That there is a small number of researchers studying different contexts in their country of origin and that partnership between researchers from different countries are required for studies in the area. The study presents as a limitation the still restricted access to some journals presenting articles on the topic, making it impossible to analyze them. It contributes with researchers and those responsible for human resource managers in organizations because it shows the most relevant studies of the area in a compiled form.


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Ps-graduao em Engenharia de Produo - FEB


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Ps-graduao em Geografia - IGCE


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Entrepreneurs responsible for the housing project Vale do Sol III, (claim of deployment), proposed a technique, in order to resolve conflicts of interest arising in respect Vale do Sol I residents (already implemented). Conflicts taken place in accordance with environmental problems that originated (past) in poor drainage of rainwater from gua Fria stream. This work, based on study case method with deductive approach, analyzed the environmental aspects of the area in order to contribute to the process of sustainable management of medium-sized cities (present), as well as analyzing the prospects for adequate outcome environmental demand (future) . In terms of technical and methodological procedures, was used geoprocessing softwares for the purpose of supporting analysis. It was concluded that, technique proposed at Vale do Sol III enterprise, dont have necessary, sufficient and satisfactory solution in order to, at least, mitigate the problems of area sustainability. In terms of future prospects, it was concluded that, good sustainable environmental management, with preventive measures, from the point of view of mitigating the environmental and urban conflicts, and corrective measures.


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Responsible entrepreneurs responsible for housing project "Vale do Sol III" (claim of deployment) had proposed technique in order to solve conflicts of interest, arising with respect to residents of Vale do Sol I (already implemented). Conflicts gave up due to environmental and urban problems, originated in a notification of responsible concessionaire for the administration of Marechal Rondon highway (entry and exit of people on the road, in the city of Botucatu, Sao Paulo state). This work, based on study case method, within a deductive approach, analyzed urban and environmental aspects of the area in order to contribute to sustainable management of medium-sized cities. There was, moreover, use of GIS software for purpose of supporting this technical analysis. Investigations were carried out within environmental and urban viewpoints about gua Fria watershed, as well as technical and legal basis arising devices both municipal and federal regulations. It was concluded that proposed project of Vale do Sol III, about containment of stormwater and alternative technical and locational traffic, not presented as necessary solution, sufficient and satisfactory in the sense of, at least, mitigate sustainability problems of surrounding area (gua Fria watershed, into which could insert even Vale do Sol I condominium, subject to notification).


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Ps-graduao em Agronegcio e Desenvolvimento - Tup


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A regio Amaznica, detentora de grande potencial hdrico, tem atrado indstrias que promovem uso intensivo de gua, por isso, existe uma emergncia por instrumentos que administrem essa tendncia. Neste trabalho foi diagnosticado o nvel de racionalizao do uso da gua pelo setor industrial de produo de bebidas no estado do Par, assim como as causas do comportamento do setor. As variveis dependentes (de comportamento) foram classificadas de acordo com quatro dimenses (gestão ambiental, manejo da gua, manejo dos efluentes e medidas avanadas de racionalizao) que compe o nvel de racionalizao da gestão industrial hdrica. As variveis independentes foram associadas ao: porte, ramo, tipo de embalagem utilizada, disponibilidade hdrica e valor econmico da gua. Os dados levantados mostraram que a produo de bebidas tem uma grande pegada hdrica operacional total (acima de) 15.250 m<sup>3</sup>/dia, com as pequenas empresas apresentando o maior consumo relativo por unidade produzida (maior que 7 L de gua/L de bebida). O setor como um todo apresenta baixo nvel de racionalizao do uso da gua, a dimenso mais eficiente a de gerenciamento da gua; entretanto algumas medidas avanadas podem ser visualizadas, especialmente a recirculao da gua em torres de resfriamento. A anlise das variveis de estudo demonstra que o nvel de racionalizao dependente diretamente do ramo e do porte da empresa. Conclui-se que o consumo tende ao desperdcio; em resposta a este quadro, devem ser priorizadas polticas pblicas voltadas para internalizao dos custos ambientais embutidos no processo.


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Ps-graduao em Agronegcio e Desenvolvimento - Tup


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A existncia de problemas ambientais em funo do acelerado processo de mudanas pelo qual o planeta passa, traz consigo uma preocupao mais acentuada com o meio ambiente, principalmente no que tange a sua degradao. Este artigo tem o propsito de analisar como a Universidade ALFA (nome fictcio) est gerindo seus resduos slidos e de que forma esto se adequando para atender a Poltica Nacional de Resduos Slidos, bem como: identificar os tipos de resduos gerados na Universidade ALFA; classificar os resduos identificados; e verificar a destinao dada aos resduos em uma universidade, comparando com a legislao sobre resduos slidos urbanos. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como sendo do tipo exploratria, utilizando-se do mtodo de pesquisa-ao. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que as aes mais visveis, servem de sensibilizao da comunidade acadmica, que j percebe mudanas, as quais vo ao encontro da gestão ambiental na instituio, que segue visa a perfeita adequao legislao.


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O setor sucroenergtico desempenha papel cada vez mais importante no contexto econmico brasileiro. A eficincia das empresas atuantes nesse setor passa obrigatoriamente por questes ligadas sustentabilidade das aes desenvolvidas em seu processo produtivo, o que pode ser alavancado a partir de certificaes ambientais alcanadas pelas empresas. Assim, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar a aplicao de alguns dos principais princpios, critrios e indicadores para o atendimento do padro BSI-Bonsucro de certificao. Para tanto, este estudo descritivo de natureza qualitativa foi executado por meio de estudo de caso nico na empresa ALPHA, selecionada em funo de sua expressiva relevncia no setor sucroenergtico brasileiro. A pesquisa documental teve como principal foco o Relatrio de Sustentabilidade da empresa analisada, elaborado a partir do padro Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Como resultados observou-se que, dos seis critrios compreendidos em trs dos cinco princpios selecionados para estudo, somente o critrio referente ao nvel mximo de dixido de carbono emitido por tonelada de cana-de-acar, ainda carece de aes de melhoria para o efetivo cumprimento do que versa a certificao BSI-Bonsucro. Assim, o presente estudo demonstrou ser vivel que empresas que atuam no setor analisado passem a pautar suas aes operacionais a partir da observncia dos princpios, critrios e indicadores presentes na certificao BSI Bonsucro. A adoo de tal posicionamento pode possibilitar s empresas atingirem melhores resultados a partir de estratgias voltadas ao atendimento das demandas relacionadas sustentabilidade do negcio.


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The present dissertation aims to analyze the evaluation process of environmental performance inside an organization from the building construction section of civil construction based on the NBR ISO 14031 guidelines, which provide orientation regarding the implementation of this project towards the internal organizational management. The theoretical research has addressed concepts and historical development of environmental management inside organizations, from the emergence of the first models to the strengthening of environmental management through the standardization of the Environmental Management System caused by the publication of ISO 14001. It has also addressed the evaluation of environmental performance, the NBR ISO 14031 (concepts, types of indicators of evaluation of environmental performance, the elaboration process of such indicators, as well as its use and evaluation by the high administration). The research has an applied character, with exploratory and descriptive goals, and a qualitative approach based on case study. The data collection will be made through questionnaires, interviews, and documental analysis. Through the present research project, one expects to learn the elements taken into consideration by the organization for the elaboration and selection of indicators; to identify which interested parties contribute in the aforementioned process; to discover which sources are taken into consideration by the organization while establishing its environmental performance goals; to learn how the different kinds of environmental indicators are handled by organizations on daily basis, considering the existence of interferences on the decision making process, whether or not the interested parties are integrated, and if there is an periodical evaluation of environmental performance and how it is handled. One also expects to identify the opportunities for improvement regarding the organization that is object of study.