395 resultados para Geopolymer mortar


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The assessment of pozzolanic activity is essential for estimating the reaction of a material as pozzolan. Natural pozzolans can be activated and condensed with sodium silicate in an alkaline environment to synthesize high performance cementitious construction materials with low environmental impact. In this paper, the pozzolanic activities of five natural pozzolans are studied. The correlation between type and chemical composition of natural pozzolan, which affects the formation of the geopolymer gel phase, both for the calcined and untreated natural pozzolans, have been reviewed. The improvement in pozzolanic properties was studied following heat treatment including calcinations and/or elevated curing temperature by using alkali solubility, and compressive strength tests. A model was developed to allow prediction of the alkali-activated pozzolan strength versus their chemical compositions, alkali solubility, and crystallinity.


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The major objective of this research project is to investigate how fly ash influences the chemical durability of portland cement based materials. The testing program is evaluating how Iowa fly ashes influence the sulfate durability of portland cement-fly ash pastes, mortars, and concretes. Also, alkali-reactivity studies are being conducted on mortar bar specimens prepared in accordance with ASTM C 311. Prelimary sulfate test results, based only on mortar bar studies, indicate that only the very high-calcium fly ash (29 percent CaO, by weight) consistently reduced the durability of test specimens exposed to a solution containing 5 percent sodium sulfate. The remaining four fly ashes that were used in the study showed negligible to dramatic increases in sulfate resistance. Concrete specimens were only beginning to respond to the sulfate solutions after about one year of exposure; and hence, considerably more time will be needed to assess their performance. Preliminary results from the alkali-reactivity tests have indicated that the Oreopolis aggregate is not sensitive to alkali attack. However, some of the test results have indicated that the testing procedure may be prone to delayed expansion due to the presence of periclase (MgO) in the Class C fly ashes. Research is being planned to: (1) verify if the periclase is influencing test results; and (2) estimating the magnitude of the potential error.


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Major developments in the technological environment can become commonplace very quickly. They are now impacting upon a broad range of information-based service sectors, as high growth Internet-based firms, such as Google, Amazon, Facebook and Airbnb, and financial technology (Fintech) start-ups expand their product portfolios into new markets. Real estate is one of the information-based service sectors that is currently being impacted by this new type of competitor and the broad range of disruptive digital technologies that have emerged. Due to the vast troves of data that these Internet firms have at their disposal and their asset-light (cloud-based) structures, they are able to offer highly-targeted products at much lower costs than conventional brick-and-mortar companies.


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Dans la région de Trois-Rivières (Québec, Canada), plus de 1 000 bâtiments résidentiels et commerciaux montrent de graves problèmes de détérioration du béton. Les problèmes de détérioration sont liés à l’oxydation des sulfures de fer incorporés dans le granulat utilisé pour la confection du béton. Ce projet de doctorat vise à mieux comprendre les mécanismes responsables de la détérioration de béton incorporant des granulats contenant des sulfures de fer, et ce afin de développer une méthodologie pour évaluer efficacement la réactivité potentielle de ce type de granulats. Un examen pétrographique détaillé de carottes de béton extraites de fondations résidentielles montrant différents degré d’endommagement a été réalisé. Le granulat problématique contenant des sulfures de fer a été identifié comme un gabbro à hypersthène incorporant différentes proportions (selon les différentes localisations dans les deux carrières d’origine) de pyrrhotite, pyrite, chalcopyrite et pentlandite. Les produits de réaction secondaires observés dans les échantillons dégradés comprennent des formes minérales de "rouille", gypse, ettringite et thaumasite. Ces observations ont permis de déterminer qu’en présence d’eau et d’oxygène, la pyrrhotite s’oxyde pour former des oxyhydroxides de fer et de l’acide sulfurique qui provoquent une attaque aux sulfates dans le béton. Tout d’abord, la fiabilité de l’approche chimique proposée dans la norme européenne NF EN 12 620, qui consiste à mesurer la teneur en soufre total (ST,% en masse) dans le granulat pour détecter la présence (ou non) de sulfures de fer, a été évaluée de façon critique. Environ 50% (21/43) des granulats testés, représentant une variété de types de roches/lithologies, a montré une ST > 0,10%, montrant qu’une proportion importante de types de roches ne contient pas une quantité notable de sulfure, qui, pour la plupart d’entre eux, sont susceptibles d’être inoffensifs dans le béton. Ces types de roches/granulats nécessiteraient toutefois d’autres tests pour identifier la présence potentielle de pyrrhotite compte tenu de la limite de ST de 0,10 % proposée dans les normes européennes. Basé sur une revue exhaustive de la littérature et de nombreuses analyses de laboratoire, un test accéléré d’expansion sur barres de mortier divisé en deux phases a ensuite été développé pour reproduire, en laboratoire, les mécanismes de détérioration observés à Trois-Rivières. Le test consiste en un conditionnement de 90 jours à 80°C/80% RH, avec 2 cycles de mouillage de trois heures chacun, par semaine, dans une solution d’hypochlorite de sodium (eau de javel) à 6% (Phase I), suivi d’une période pouvant atteindre 90 jours de conditionnement à 4°C/100 % HR (Phase II). Les granulats ayant un potentiel d’oxydation ont présenté une expansion de 0,10 % au cours de la Phase I, tandis que la formation potentielle de thaumasite est détectée par le regain rapide de l’expansion suivi par la destruction des échantillons durant la Phase II. Un test de consommation d’oxygène a également été modifié à partir d’un test de Drainage Minier Acide, afin d’évaluer quantitativement le potentiel d’oxydation des sulfures de fer incorporés dans les granulats à béton. Cette technique mesure le taux de consommation d’oxygène dans la partie supérieure d’un cylindre fermé contenant une couche de matériau compacté afin de déterminer son potentiel d’oxydation. Des paramètres optimisés pour évaluer le potentiel d’oxydation des granulats comprennent une taille de particule inférieure à 150 μm, saturation à 40 %, un rapport de 10 cm d’épaisseur de granulat par 10 cm de dégagement et trois heures d’essai à 22ᵒC. Les résultats obtenus montrent que le test est capable de discriminer les granulats contenant des sulfures de fer des granulats de contrôle (sans sulfures de fer) avec un seuil limite fixé à 5% d’oxygène consommé. Finalement, un protocole d’évaluation capable d’estimer les effets néfastes potentiels des granulats à béton incorporant des sulfures de fer a été proposé. Le protocole est divisé en 3 grandes phases: (1) mesure de la teneur en soufre total, (2) évaluation de la consommation d’oxygène, et (3) un test accéléré d’expansion sur barres de mortier. Des limites provisoires sont proposées pour chaque phase du protocole, qui doivent être encore validées par la mise à l’essai d’un plus large éventail de granulats.


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The following report summarizes research activities conducted on Iowa Department of Transportation Project HR-327, for the period April 1, 1990 through March 31, 1991. The purpose of this research project is to investigate how fly ash influences the chemical durability of portland cement based materials. The goal of this research is to utilize the empirical information obtained from laboratory testing to better estimate the durability of portland cement concrete pavements (with and without fly ash) subjected to chemical attack via the natural environment or the application of deicing salts. This project is being jointly sponsored by the Iowa Department of Transportation and the Iowa Fly Ash Affiliate Research group. The research work is also being cooperatively conducted by Iowa State University and Iowa Department of Transportation research personnel. Researchers at Iowa State University are conducting the paste and mortar studies while Iowa Department of Transportation researchers are conducting the concrete study.


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This report studied the effect of crumb rubber in the asphalt mixture. The mixtures were also having limestone filler as a modifier. Mastic and mortar (mastic-fine aggregate system) mixture having different quantities of crumb rubber and limestone filler modifiers have been tested in order to find the best rutting resistance combination with an acceptable stiffness. The rheological tests on bituminous mastics and mortars have done in the laboratories in Nottingham Transport Engineering Centre (NTEC) and University of Bologna (DICAM). In the second chapter, an extensive literature review about the binders, additives, asphalt mixtures, various modelling and testing methods have been reviewed. In the third chapter, the physical and rheological properties of the binders have been investigated using both traditional devices and DSRs. The forth chapter is dedicated to finding the behaviour of the modified mastics (Binder-modifier system) with different combinations. Five different combinations of crumb rubber and limestone filler mastic tested with various methods using Dynamic Shear Rheometers. In the fifth chapter, in order to find the effect of the modifiers in the rheological properties of the complete asphalt mixture, the fine aggregates added to the same mastic combinations. In this phase, the behaviour of the system so-called mortar; binder, rubber, filler and fine aggregates) has been studied using the DSR device and the traditional tests. The results show that using fine crumb rubber reduces the thermo sensibility of the mastic (Binder Bitumen System) and improves its elasticity. Limestone filler in the other hand increases the mixture stiffness at high Frequencies. Another important outcome of this research was that the rheological properties of the mortars were following the same trend of the mastics, therefore study the rheological properties of the mastic gives an upright estimation of the mortar.


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Abstract : Wastepaper sludge ash (WSA) is generated by a cogeneration station by burning wastepaper sludge. It mainly consists of amorphous aluminosilicate phase, anhydrite, gehlenite, calcite, lime, C2S, C3A, quartz, anorthite, traces of mayenite. Because of its free lime content (~10%), WSA suspension has a high pH (13). Previous researchers have found that the WSA composition has poor robustness and the variations lead to some unsoundness for Portland cement (PC) blended WSA concrete. This thesis focused on the use of WSA in different types of concrete mixes to avoid the deleterious effect of the expansion due to the WSA hydration. As a result, WSA were used in making alkali-activated materials (AAMs) as a precursor source and as a potential activator in consideration of its amorphous content and the high alkaline nature. Moreover, the autogenous shrinkage behavior of PC concrete at low w/b ratio was used in order to compensate the expansion effect due to WSA. The concrete properties as well as the volume change were investigated for the modified WSA blended concrete. The reaction mechanism and microstructure of newly formed binder were evaluated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). When WSA was used as precursor, the results showed incompatible reaction between WSA and alkaline solution. The mixtures were not workable and provided very low compressive strength no matter what kinds of chemical activators were used. This was due to the metallic aluminum in WSA, which releases abundant hydrogen gas when WSA reacts with strong alkaline solution. Besides, the results of this thesis showed that WSA can activate the glassy phase contained in slag, glass powder (GP) and class F fly ash (FFA) with an optimum blended ratio of 50:50. The WSA/slag (mass ratio of 50:50) mortar (w/b of 0.47) attained 46 MPa at 28 days without heat curing assistance. A significant fast setting was noticed for the WSA-activated binder due to the C3A phase, free lime and metallic aluminum contained in the WSA. Adding 5% of gypsum can delay the fast setting, but this greatly increased the potential risk of intern sulfate attack. The XRD, TGA and calorimetry analyses demonstrated the formation of ettringite, C-S-H, portlandite, hydrogarnet and calcium carboaluminate in the hydrated binder. The mechanical performance of different binder was closely related to the microstructure of corresponding binder which was proved by the SEM observation. The hydrated WSA/slag and WSA/FFA binder formed a C-A-S-H type of gel with lower Ca/Si ratio (0.47~1.6). A hybrid gel (i.e. C-N-A-S-H) was observed for the WSA/GP binder with a very low Ca/Si ratio (0.26) and Na/Si ratio (0.03). The SEM/EDX analyses displayed the formation of expansive gel (ettringite and thaumasite) in the gypsum added WSA/slag concrete. The gradual emission of hydrogen gas due to the reaction of WSA with alkaline environment significantly increased the porosity and degraded the microstructure of hydrated matrix after the setting. In the last phase of this research WSA-PC blended binder was tailored to form a high autogenous shrinkage concrete in order to compensate the initial expansion. Different binders were proportioned with PC, WSA, silica fume or slag. The microstructure and mechanical properties of concrete can be improved by decreasing w/b ratios and by incorporating silica fume or slag. The 28-day compressive strength of WSA-blended concrete was above 22 MPa and reached 45 MPa when silica fume was added. The PC concrete incorporating silica fume or slag tended to develop higher autogenous shrinkage at low w/b ratios, and thus the ternary binder with the addition of WSA inhibited the long term shrinkage due to the initial expansion property to WSA. In the restrained shrinkage test, the concrete ring incorporating the ternary binder (PC/WSA/slag) revealed negligible potential to cracking up to 96 days as a result of the offset effect by WSA expansion. The WSA blended regular concrete could be produced for potential applications with reduced expansion, good mechanical property and lower permeability.


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The basic objective of this work is to evaluate the durability of self-compacting concrete (SCC) produced in binary and ternary mixes using fly ash (FA) and limestone filler (LF) as partial replacement of cement. The main characteristics that set SCC apart from conventional concrete (fundamentally its fresh state behaviour) essentially depend on the greater or lesser content of various constituents, namely: greater mortar volume (more ultrafine material in the form of cement and mineral additions); proper control of the maximum size of the coarse aggregate; use of admixtures such as superplasticizers. Significant amounts of mineral additions are thus incorporated to partially replace cement, in order to improve the workability of the concrete. These mineral additions necessarily affect the concrete's microstructure and its durability. Therefore, notwithstanding the many well-documented and acknowledged advantages of SCC, a better understanding its behaviour is still required, in particular when its composition includes significant amounts of mineral additions. An ambitious working plan was devised: first, the SCC's microstructure was studied and characterized and afterwards the main transport and degradation mechanisms of the SCC produced were studied and characterized by means of SEM image analysis, chloride migration, electrical resistivity, and carbonation tests. It was then possible to draw conclusions about the SCC's durability. The properties studied are strongly affected by the type and content of the additions. Also, the use of ternary mixes proved to be extremely favourable, confirming the expected beneficial effect of the synergy between LF and FA.


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Portland cement being very common construction material has in its composition the natural gypsum. To decrease the costs of manufacturing, the cement industry is substituting the gypsum in its composition by small quantities of phosphogypsum, which is the residue generated by the production of fertilizers and consists essentially of calcium dihydrate and some impurities, such as fluoride, metals in general, and radionuclides. Currently, tons of phosphogypsum are stored in the open air near the fertilizer industries, causing contamination of the environment. The 226 Ra present in these materials, when undergoes radioactive decay, produces the 222Rn gas. This radioactive gas, when inhaled together with its decay products deposited in the lungs, produces the exposure to radiation and can be a potential cause of lung cancer. Thus, the objective of this study was to measure the concentration levels of 222Rn from cylindrical samples of Portland cement, gypsum and phosphogypsum mortar from the state of Paraná, as well as characterizer the material and estimate the radon concentration in an environment of hypothetical dwelling with walls covered by such materials. Experimental setup of 222Rn activity measurements was based on AlphaGUARD detector (Saphymo GmbH). The qualitative and quantitative analysis was performed by gamma spectrometry and EDXRF with Au and Ag targets tubes (AMPTEK), and Mo target (ARTAX) and mechanical testing with x- ray equipment (Gilardoni) and the mechanical press (EMIC). Obtained average values of radon activity from studied materials in the air of containers were of 854 ± 23 Bq/m3, 60,0 ± 7,2 Bq/m3 e 52,9 ± 5,4 Bq/m3 for Portland cement, gypsum and phosphogypsum mortar, respectively. These results extrapolated into the volume of hypothetical dwelling of 36 m3 with the walls covered by such materials were of 3366 ± 91 Bq/m3, 237 ± 28 Bq/m3 e 208 ± 21 Bq/m3for Portland cement, gypsum and phosphogypsum mortar, respectively. Considering the limit of 300 Bq/m3 established by the ICRP, it could be concluded that the use of Portland cement plaster in dwellings is not secure and requires some specific mitigation procedure. Using the results of gamma spectrometry there were calculated the values of radium equivalent activity concentrations (Raeq) for Portland cement, gypsum and phosphogypsum mortar, which were obtained equal to 78,2 ± 0,9 Bq/kg; 58,2 ± 0,9 Bq/kg e 68,2 ± 0,9 Bq/kg, respectively. All values of radium equivalent activity concentrations for studied samples are below the maximum level of 370 Bq/kg. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of EDXRF spectra obtained with studied mortar samples allowed to evaluate quantitate and the elements that constitute the material such as Ca, S, Fe, and others.


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Muito interesse tem sido focado no potencial biotecnológico das microalgas, principalmente devido à identificação de diversas substâncias sintetizadas por estes organismos, dentre elas a anidrase carbônica e as ficobiliproteínas. A anidrase carbônica é uma metaloenzima que catalisa a hidratação reversível do CO2 em bicarbonato com alta eficiência, sendo utilizada para captação de CO2 através de sistemas biológicos. A C-ficocianina e a aloficocianina, corantes naturais, são os dois principais componentes das ficobiliproteínas em cianobactérias e apresentam diversas aplicações dentro da indústria alimentícia, cosmética e farmacêutica. O objetivo principal desta tese foi avaliar a produção e a extração da anidrase carbônica e das ficobiliproteínas a partir de diferentes microalgas. Para isso, primeiramente foi realizado uma investigação da produção da anidrase carbônica pela microalga Dunaliella tertiolecta, onde foi estudada a extração da enzima e sua aplicação em sistemas de captura enzimática de CO2. Posteriormente foi avaliada a produção da enzima ao longo do cultivo de diferentes microalgas marinhas e dulcícolas (Dunaliella tertiolecta, Tetraselmis sueccica, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Nannochloropsis oculata, Isochysis galbana, Chlorella vulgaris e Scenedesmus obliquus). A produção da enzima e de ficobiliproteínas, também, foi estudada para as cianobactérias Spirulina platensis LEB 52, Spirulina sp. LEB 18 e Synechococcus nidulans. Todos os cultivos foram acompanhados em termos de biomassa e pH. Por último, foi realizado um estudo de extração da enzima de P. tricornutum e extração conjunta da anidrase carbônica e de ficobiliproteínas da cianobactéria S. sp. LEB 18. Os cultivos foram realizados em frascos erlenmeyer contendo os meios Conway (marinhas), BG-11 (dulcícolas) e Zarrouk 20% (cianobactérias). Na avaliação da ruptura celular foram testadas as técnicas de maceração em gral e pistilo, agitação em vórtex com pérolas de vidro, sonicação com pérolas de vidro, homogeneizador ultrassônico, secagem, congelamento e descongelamento e a combinação de tratamentos. Maiores rendimentos de extração da enzima a partir da microalga D. tertiolecta foram obtidos utilizando tratamento ultrassônico, juntamente com baixas concentrações de biomassa úmida (0,1 e 0,2 g/L), e a mesma apresentou potencial para aplicação em processos de captação enzimática do CO2. Durante os cultivos, a microalga C. vulgaris se destacou como maior produtora da enzima anidrase carbônica, atingindo valores de atividade enzimática de 44,0 U/L. As cianobactérias apresentaram valores de atividade entre 41,6 e 45,9 U/L, sendo que a S. sp. LEB 18 foi a que apresentou maiores produções de C-ficocianina e aloficocianina no ponto de máxima atividade volumétrica, 65,9 e 82,2 µg/mL, respectivamente. A enzima extraída da biomassa de S. platensis LEB 52 catalisou a hidratação do CO2 que precipitou na forma de CaCO3. Maiores rendimentos de extração da enzima a partir das microalgas P. tricornutum e S. sp. LEB 18 foram obtidos utilizando homogeneizador ultrassônico, que foram 31,3 U/g e 25,5 U/g, respectivamente. A biomassa de S. sp. LEB 18, também apresentou potencial para a extração de ficobiliproteínas, obtendo- se altas concentrações de C-ficocianina (100,5 mg/g) e aloficocianina (69,9 mg/g). Através dos resultados obtidos, pode-se verificar a potencialidade das microalgas e das cianobactérias para produção da enzima anidrase carbônica e das ficobiliproteínas, biomoléculas de alto valor industrial. Este trabalho apresenta processos eficientes para a extração da enzima e de ficobiliproteínas tanto para escala laboratorial como industrial.


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Earthen building materials bear interesting environmental advantages and are the most appropriate to conserve historical earth constructions. To improve mechanical properties, these materials are often stabilized with cement or lime, but the impact of the stabilizers on the water transport properties, which are also critical, has been very rarely evaluated. We have tested four earth-based repair mortars applied on three distinct and representative rammed earth surfaces. Three mortars are based on earth collected from rammed earth buildings in south of Portugal and the fourth mortar is based on a commercial clayish earth. The main objective of the work was over the commercial earth mortar, applied stabilized and not stabilized on the three rammed earth surfaces to repair, to assess the influence of the stabilizers. The other three earth mortars (not stabilized) were applied on each type of rammed earth, representing the repair only made with local materials. The four unstabilized earth materials depicted nonlinear dependence on t1/2 during capillary suction. This behaviour was probably due to clay swelling. Stabilization with any of the four tested binders enabled the linear dependence of t1/2 expected from Washburn's equation, probably because the swelling did not take place in this case. However, the stabilizers also increased significantly the capillary suction and the capillary porosity of the materials. This means that, in addition to increasing the carbon footprint, stabilizers like cement and lime have functional disadvantages that discourage its use in repair mortars for raw earth construction.


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Com o passar dos anos, as obras mais sublimes, começam a mostrar marcas subtis ou profundas de deterioração, como por exemplo: fissurações e defeitos associados à humidade. Estes são reflexo de fatores externos, como fungos, a própria atmosfera reativa, mudanças climatéricas e, até mesmo, a ação do homem. Neste seguimento pretende-se estudar as principais argamassas utilizadas na reabilitação de edifícios antigos, principalmente, as argamassas utilizadas no decorrer das obras ao longo do estágio, com o objetivo de comparar as suas caraterísticas, sendo estas argamassas tradicionais e pré-fabricadas. Foram feitos vários ensaios para determinar as suas resistências mecânicas, nomeadamente, o ensaio de resistência à flexão e compressão em diferentes idades após a confeção das argamassas, e ensaios para determinar a sua durabilidade como o ensaio de absorção da água por capilaridade; ensaio de absorção de água por imersão às 48horas (pressão atmosférica); ensaio para determinação do teor de água às 48horas e o ensaio de arrancamento (pull-off). A análise dos resultados mostrou que as argamassas adquirem mais resistência com o passar do tempo após a sua confeção, e que as argamassas dos provetes obtidos de forma tradicional, constituídos por argamassa de cal Hidráulica (HL5) e argamassa de cimento, apresentam melhores resultados do que a argamassa pré-fabricada (weber.cal classic).


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The Industry of the Civil Construction has been one of the sectors that most contribute to the pollution of the environment, due to the great amount of residues generated by the construction, demolition and the extraction of raw material. As a way of minimizing the environmental impacts generated by this industry, some governmental organizations have elaborated laws and measures about the disposal of residues from the building construction (CONAMA - resolution 307). This work has as objective the reutilization of residues compound of sand, concrete, cement, red bricks and blocks of cement and mortar for the production of red ceramic, with the objective of minimizing costs and environmental impacts. The investigated samples contained 0% to 50% of residues in weight, and they were sintered at temperatures of 950°C, 1000°C, 1050°C, 1100°C and 1150°C. After the sinterization, the samples were submitted to tests of absorption of water, linear retraction, resistance to bending, apparent porosity, specific density, XRD and SEM. Satisfactory results were obtained in all studied compositions, with the possible incorporation of up to 50% of residues in ceramic mass without great losses in the mechanical strength, giving better results to the incorporation of 30% of residues in the fabrication of ceramic parts, such as roofing tiles, bricks masonry and pierced bricks


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Although already to exist alternative technique and economically viable for destination of used tires, quantitative data on properties of constructive elements that use the rubber waste as aggregate still are restricted. In the present work, the waste proceeding from industry of retreading as material for manufacture of composite destined to the production of constructive elements was considered. Mechanical and thermal properties of mortar had been analyzed Portland cement with addition of waste without treatment, in the ratios of 10%, 20% and 30% in mass in relation to the mass of the cement, substituting the aggregate in the trace in mortar 1:5 mass cement and sand. The size of the used residue varied between 0,30mm and 4,8mm (passing in the bolter 4,8mm and being restrained in the one of 0,30mm), being it in the formats fibers and granular. The influences of the size and the percentage of residue added to the mortar (in substitution to the aggregate) in the thermal and mechanical properties had been considered. Assays of body-of-test in thestates had been become fullfilled cool (consistency index) and hardened (absorption of water for capillarity, strength the compression, traction and strength flexural). The work is centralized in the problem of the relation thermal performance /strength mechanics of used constructive systems in regions of low latitudes (Been of the Piauí), characterized for raised indices of solar radiation.


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This work had to verify the influence of massará, while mortar component, in the process of formation of saltpeter in cementitious plaster walls of buildings. The massará is a ceramic material, texture areno usually found in large volumes argillaceous sediments in Teresina, Piaui State capital, which is associated with the Portland cement mortar form for fixing and finishing in construction. Saltpeter or flowering is a pathology that happens in gypsum wallboard, which invariably reaction between soluble salts present in materials, water and oxygen. This pathology, supposedly credited to massará caused its use to suffer significant reduction in the market of the buildings. Verify this situation with particular scientific rigor is part of the proposal of this work. Grading tests Were performed, consistency limits (LL, LP and IP), determination of potential hydrogen, capacity Exchange (CTC), electrical conductivity (EC), x-ray fluorescence (FRX) and x-ray diffraction (DRX). Massará analysed samples in number six, including sample plastering salitrado presented potential hydrogen medium 5.7 in water and 5.2 on KCl n and electrical conductivity (EC), equal to zero. These results pointed to the affirmative that massará is a material that does not provide salinity content that can be taken into consideration. It is therefore concluded that the material analyzed not competing, at least with respect to the presence of soluble salts, for the formation of saltpeter