555 resultados para Gan


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In the present work, the formation and migration of point defects induced by electron irradiation in carbon nanostructures, including carbon onions, nanotubes and graphene layers, were investigated by in-situ TEM. The mobility of carbon atoms normal to the layers in graphitic nanoparticles, the mobility of carbon interstitials inside SWCNTs, and the migration of foreign atoms in graphene layers or in layers of carbon nanotubes were studied. The diffusion of carbon atoms in carbon onions was investigated by annealing carbon onions and observing the relaxation of the compressed clusters in the temperature range of 1200 – 2000oC. An activation energy of 5.0±0.3 eV was obtained. This rather high activation energy for atom exchange between the layers not only prevents the exchange of carbon atoms between the layers at lower temperature but also explains the high morphological and mechanical stability of graphite nanostructures. The migration of carbon atoms in SWCNTs was investigated quantitatively by cutting SWCNT bundles repeatedly with a focused electron beam at different temperatures. A migration barrier of about 0.25 eV was obtained for the diffusion of carbon atoms inside SWCNTs. This is an experimental confirmation of the high mobility of interstitial atoms inside carbon nanotubes, which corroborates previously developed theoretical models of interstitial diffusivity. Individual Au and Pt atoms in one- or two-layered graphene planes and MWCNTs were monitored in real time at high temperatures by high-resolution TEM. The direct observation of the behavior of Au and Pt atoms in graphenic structures in a temperature range of 600 – 700°C allows us to determine the sites occupied by the metal atoms in the graphene layer and the diffusivities of the metal atoms. It was found that metal atoms were located in single or multiple carbon vacancies, not in off-plane positions, and diffused by site exchange with carbon atoms. Metal atoms showed a tendency to form clusters those were stable for a few seconds. An activation energy of around 2.5 eV was obtained for the in-plane migration of both Au and Pt atoms in graphene (two-dimensional diffusion). The rather high activation energy indicates covalent bonding between metal and carbon atoms. Metal atoms were also observed to diffuse along the open edge of graphene layers (one-dimensional diffusion) with a slightly lower activation energy of about 2.3 eV. It is also found that the diffusion of metal atoms in curved graphenic layers of MWCNTs is slightly faster than in planar graphene.


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III-nitrides are wide-band gap materials that have applications in both electronics and optoelectronic devices. Because to their inherent strong polarization properties, thermal stability and higher breakdown voltage in Al(Ga,In)N/GaN heterostructures, they have emerged as strong candidates for high power high frequency transistors. Nonetheless, the use of (Al,In)GaN/GaN in solid state lighting has already proved its success by the commercialization of light-emitting diodes and lasers in blue to UV-range. However, devices based on these heterostructures suffer problems associated to structural defects. This thesis primarily focuses on the nanoscale electrical characterization and the identification of these defects, their physical origin and their effect on the electrical and optical properties of the material. Since, these defects are nano-sized, the thesis deals with the understanding of the results obtained by nano and micro-characterization techniques such as atomic force microscopy(AFM), current-AFM, scanning kelvin probe microscopy (SKPM), electron beam induced current (EBIC) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). This allowed us to probe individual defects (dislocations and cracks) and unveil their electrical properties. Taking further advantage of these techniques,conduction mechanism in two-dimensional electron gas heterostructures was well understood and modeled. Secondarily, origin of photoluminescence was deeply investigated. Radiative transition related to confined electrons and photoexcited holes in 2DEG heterostructures was identified and many body effects in nitrides under strong optical excitations were comprehended.


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In questa tesi viene descritto il funzionamento delle sorgenti di luce LED (Light Emitting Diode) a confinamento quantico, che rappresentano la nuova frontiera dell'illuminazione ad alta efficienza e durata. Nei capitoli introduttivi è descritta brevemente la storia dei LEDs dalla loro invenzione agli sviluppi più recenti. Il funzionamento di tali dispositivi fotonici è spiegato a partire dal concetto di sorgente di luce per elettroluminescenza, con particolare riferimento alle eterostrutture a confinamento quantico bidimensionale (quantum wells). I capitoli centrali riguardano i nitruri dei gruppi III-V, le cui caratteristiche e proprietà hanno permesso di fabbricare LEDs ad alta efficienza e ampio spettro di emissione, soprattutto in relazione al fatto che i LEDs a nitruri dei gruppi III-V emettono luce anche in presenza di alte densità di difetti estesi, nello specifico dislocazioni. I capitoli successivi sono dedicati alla presentazione del lavoro sperimentale svolto, che riguarda la caratterizzazione elettrica, ottica e strutturale di LEDs a confinamento quantico basati su nitruri del gruppo III-V GaN e InGaN, cresciuti nei laboratori di Cambridge dal Center for Gallium Nitride. Lo studio ha come obiettivo finale il confronto dei risultati ottenuti su LEDs con la medesima struttura epitassiale, ma differente densità di dislocazioni, allo scopo di comprendere meglio il ruolo che tali difetti estesi ricoprono nella determinazione dell'effcienza delle sorgenti di luce LED. L’ultimo capitolo riguarda la diffrazione a raggi X dal punto di vista teorico, con particolare attenzione ai metodi di valutazioni dello strain reticolare nei wafer a nitruri, dal quale dipende la densità di dislocazioni.


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In questa tesi vengono studiate le proprietà fisiche della superficie di eterostrutture InGaN/GaN cresciute con orientazione semipolare (20-21). Questi materiali fornirebbero una valida alternativa alle eterostrutture cresciute secondo la tradizionale direzione di crescita polare (0001) per la realizzazione di LED e diodi laser. I dispositivi cresciuti con orientazione semipolare (20-21) sono studiati soltanto da pochi anni e hanno già fornito dei risultati che incitano significativamente il proseguimento della ricerca in questo campo. Oltre all’ottimizzazione dell’efficienza di questi dispositivi, sono richieste ulteriori ricerche al fine di raccogliere delle informazioni mancanti come un chiaro modello strutturale della superficie (20-21). I capitoli 1 e 2 forniscono un quadro generale sul vasto campo dei semiconduttori basati sui nitruri del terzo gruppo. Il capitolo 1 tratta le proprietà generali, come le caratteristiche della struttura cristallina della wurtzite, l’energy gap e il più comune metodo di crescita epitassiale. Il capitolo 2 tratta le proprietà specifiche della superficie (20-21) come struttura, morfologia e proprietà legate all’eterostruttura InGaN/GaN (incorporazione di indio, strain e spessore critico). Nel capitolo 3 vengono descritte sinteticamente le tecniche sperimentali utilizzate per studiare i campioni di InGaN. Molte di queste tecniche richiedono condizioni operative di alto vuoto e appositi metodi di preparazione superficiale. Nel capitolo 4 vengono discussi i risultati sperimentali riguardanti la preparazione superficiale e le proprietà strutturali dei campioni. Il trattamento termico in ambiente ricco di azoto si rivela essere un metodo molto efficiente per ottenere superfici pulite. La superficie dei campioni presenta una morfologia ondulatoria e una cella unitaria superficiale di forma rettangolare. Nel capitolo 4 vengono discussi i risultati sperimentali relativi alle proprietà elettroniche e ottiche dei campioni. Immagini alla risoluzione atomica rivelano la presenza di ondulazioni alla scala dei nanometri. Vengono misurati l’energy gap e l’incurvamento superficiale della bande. Inoltre vengono identificate una serie di transizioni interbanda dovute all’interfaccia InGaN/GaN.


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The concern of this work is to present the characterization of blue emitting GaN-based LED structures by means of Atomic Force Microscopy. Here we show a comparison among the samples with different dislocation densities, in order to understand how the dislocations can affect the surface morphology. First of all we have described the current state of art of the LEDs in the present market. Thereafterwards we have mentioned in detail about the growth technique of LED structures and the methodology of the characterization employed in our thesis. Finally, we have presented the details of the results obtained on our samples studied, followed by discussions and conclusions. L'obiettivo di questa tesi é quello di presentare la caratterizzazione mediante Microscopia a Forza Atomica di strutture di LED a emissione di luce blu a base di nitruro di gallio (GaN). Viene presentato un confronto tra campioni con differente densità di dislocazioni, allo scopo di comprendere in che modo la presenza di dislocazioni influisce sulla morfologia della superficie. Innanzitutto, viene descritto il presente stato dell'arte dei LED. Successivamente, sono forniti i dettagli riguardanti la tecnica di crescita delle strutture dei LED e il metodo di caratterizzazione adottato. Infine, vengono mostrati e discussi i risultati ottenuti dallo studio dei campioni, seguiti dalle conclusioni.


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A new fragile logo watermarking scheme is proposed for public authentication and integrity verification of images. The security of the proposed block-wise scheme relies on a public encryption algorithm and a hash function. The encoding and decoding methods can provide public detection capabilities even in the absence of the image indices and the original logos. Furthermore, the detector automatically authenticates input images and extracts possible multiple logos and image indices, which can be used not only to localise tampered regions, but also to identify the original source of images used to generate counterfeit images. Results are reported to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.


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Seventeen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were studied in surface waters (including particulate phase) from the Chenab River, Pakistan and ranged from 289-994 and 437-1290 ng l-1 in summer and winter (2007-09), respectively. Concentrations for different ring-number PAHs followed the trend: 3-rings > 2-rings > 4-rings > 5-rings > 6-rings. The possible sources of PAHs are identified by calculating the indicative ratios; appropriating petrogenic sources of PAHs in urban and sub-urban regions with pyrogenic sources in agricultural region. Factor analysis based on principal component analysis identified the origins of PAHs from industrial activities, coal and trash burning in agricultural areas and municipal waste disposal from surrounding urban and sub-urban areas via open drains into the riverine ecosystem. Water quality guidelines and toxic equivalent factors highlighted the potential risk of low molecular weight PAHs to the aquatic life of the Chenab River. The flux estimated for PAHs contaminants from the Chenab River to the Indus River was >50 tons/year.


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Air samples were collected from Jan 16 to Mar 14, 2008 onboard the Oceanic II- The Scholar Ship which navigated an east–west transect from Shanghai to Cape Verde, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were analyzed in these samples. PBDE concentrations in the atmosphere over the open seas were influenced by proximity to source areas and land, and air mass origins. The concentrations of Σ21PBDEs over the East and South China Seas, the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean were 10.8 ± 6.13, 3.22 ± 1.57, 5.12 ± 3.56, and 2.87 ± 1.81 pg m−3, respectively. BDE-47 and -99 were the dominant congeners in all the samples, suggesting that the widely used commercial penta-BDE products were the original sources. Over some parts of Atlantic and Indian Ocean, daytime concentrations of BDE-47 and BDE-99 were higher than the concentrations at night. The strong atmospheric variability does not always coincide with a diurnal cycle, but the variability in air concentrations in such remote areas of the ocean remains strong. No significant trends were found for each of PBDE congener with latitude.


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Background: Chai hu (Bupleuri radix), one of the most frequently used herbs in Chinese herbal medicine, has 3 major functions, depending on dosage and combination with other herbs. The aim of this study was to investigate how chai hu is prescribed in everyday practice in Switzerland, and whether these prescription patterns reflect its various applications. Methods: A random sample of 1,053 prescriptions was drawn from the database of Lian Chinaherb AG, Wollerau, Switzerland, and analyzed regarding the most frequently used classical formulas containing chai hu, daily dosages and combinations with other herbs. Results: 29.0% of all prescriptions contained chai hu, and 98.0% of these were in granular form. The most frequently used classical formulas were xiao yao san (‘rambling powder’), jia wei xiao yao san (‘augmented rambling powder’) and chai hu shu gan san (‘Bupleurum powder to spread the liver’). In more than half of the prescriptions, chai hu was combined with bai shao (Paeoniae Radix Alba), dang gui (Angelicae sinensis radix) or fu ling (Poria). 51.8% of the prescriptions contained a low daily dosage of chai hu, 24.9% a medium and 15.1% a high dosage. Conclusion: Chai hu was generally prescribed in classic combinations with other herbs and in a medium dosage. Due to the addition of supplementary herbs to classical formulas, its daily dose was often diminished from a high or medium dose to a low dose. This raises the question if chai hu would then still exert its desired function of, e.g., moving liver-qi in these prescriptions