997 resultados para Galaxy evolution


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Silver nanoparticles are being extensively studied due to their widespread applications and unique properties. In the present study, the growth kinetics of silver nanoparticles as synthesized on reduction of silver nitrate solution by aqueous extract of Azadirachta indica leaves was investigated. The formation of silver nanoparticles was preliminarily monitored by measuring the absorption maxima at different time intervals after adding the reducing agent to the silver salt solution (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 and 4 h). At different time points characterization studies were conducted using X-ray diffraction studies, FT-IR techniques, zeta potential studies and transmission electron microscopy. The total available silver in the reaction medium was determined at different durations using ICP-OES. The changes in reduction potential in the medium were also monitored using potentiometric analysis. The results confirm a definite change in the medium pertaining to formation of the stable nanoparticles after 2 h, and a significant increase in the agglomeration tendency after 4 h of interaction. The growth kinetic data of the nanoparticles till 3.5 h was found to fit the LSW model confirming diffusion limited growth. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Plant seeds usually have high concentrations of proteinase and amylase inhibitors. These inhibitors exhibit a wide range of specificity, stability and oligomeric structure. In this communication, we report analysis of sequences that show statistically significant similarity to the double-headed alpha-amylase/trypsin inhibitor of ragi (Eleusine coracana). Our aim is to understand their evolutionary and structural features. The 14 sequences of this family that are available in the SWISSPROT database form three evolutionarily distinct branches. The branches relate to enzyme specificities and also probably to the oligomeric state of the proteins and not to the botanical class of the plant from which the enzymes are derived. This suggests that the enzyme specificities of the inhibitors evolved before the divergence of commercially cultivated cereals. The inhibitor sequences have three regions that display periodicity in hydrophobicity. It is likely that this feature reflects extended secondary structure in these segments. One of the most variable regions of the polypeptide corresponds to a loop, which is most probably exposed in the native structure of the inhibitors and is responsible for the inhibitory property.


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The evolution of microstructure and texture during extrusion of pure magnesium and its single phase alloy AM30 has been studied experimentally as well as by crystal plasticity simulation. Microstructure and micro-texture were characterized by electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD), bulk-texture was measured using X-ray diffraction and deformation texture simulations were carried out using visco-plastic self consistent (VPSC) model. In spite of clear indications of the occurrence of dynamic recrystallization (DRX), simulations were able to reproduce the experimental textures successfully. This was attributed to the fact that the textures were c-type fibers with their axis of rotation parallel to the c-axis and DRX leads to simply rotate the texture around the c-axis. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In social selection the phenotype of an individual depends on its own genotype as well as on the phenotypes, and so genotypes, of other individuals. This makes it impossible to associate an invariant phenotype with a genotype: the social context is crucial. Descriptions of metazoan development, which often is viewed as the acme of cooperative social behaviour, ignore or downplay this fact. The implicit justification for doing so is based on a group-selectionist point of view. Namely, embryos are clones, therefore all cells have the same evolutionary interest, and the visible differences between cells result from a common strategy. The reasoning is flawed, because phenotypic heterogeneity within groups can result from contingent choices made by cells from a flexible repertoire as in multicellular development. What makes that possible is phenotypic plasticity, namely the ability of a genotype to exhibit different phenotypes. However, co-operative social behaviour with division of labour requires that different phenotypes interact appropriately, not that they belong to the same genotype, or have overlapping genetic interests. We sketch a possible route to the evolution of social groups that involves many steps: (a) individuals that happen to be in spatial proximity benefit simply by virtue of their number; (b) traits that are already present act as preadaptations and improve the efficiency of the group; and (c) new adaptations evolve under selection in the social context-that is, via interactions between individuals-and further strengthen group behaviour. The Dictyostelid or cellular slime mould amoebae (CSMs) become multicellular in an unusual way, by the aggregation of free-living cells. In nature the resulting group can be genetically homogeneous (clonal) or heterogeneous (polyclonal); in either case its development, which displays strong cooperation between cells (to the extent of so-called altruism) is not affected. This makes the CSMs exemplars for the study of social behaviour.


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The evolution of altruism is the central problem of the evolution of eusociality. The evolution of altruism is most likely to be understood by studying species that show altruism in spite of being capable of ''selfish'' individual reproduction. But the definition of eusociality groups together primitively eusocial species where workers retain the ability to reproduce on their own and highly eusocial species where workers have lost reproductive options. At the same time it separates the primitively eusocial species from semisocial species, species that lack life-time sterility and cooperatively breeding birds and mammals, in most of which, altruism and the associated social life are facultative. The definition of eusociality is also such that it is sometimes difficult to decide,what is eusocial and what is not. I therefore suggest that, (1) we expand the scope of eusociality to include semisocial species, primitively eusocial species, highly eusocial species as well as those cooperatively breeding birds and mammals where individuals give up substantial or all personal reproduction for aiding conspecifics, (2) there should be no requirement of overlap of generations or of life-time sterility and (3) the distinction between primitively and highly eusocial should continue, based on the presence or absence of morphological caste differentiation.


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We have carried out Brownian dynamics simulations of binary mixtures of charged colloidal suspensions of two different diameter particles with varying volume fractions phi and charged impurity concentrations n(i). For a given phi, the effective temperature is lowered in many steps by reducing n(i) to see how structure and dynamics evolve. The structural quantities studied are the partial and total pair distribution functions g(tau), the static structure factors, the time average g(<(tau)over bar>), and the Wendt-Abraham parameter. The dynamic quantity is the temporal evolution of the total meansquared displacement (MSD). All these parameters show that by lowering the effective temperature at phi = 0.2, liquid freezes into a body-centered-cubic crystal whereas at phi = 0.3, a glassy state is formed. The MSD at intermediate times shows significant subdiffusive behavior whose time span increases with a reduction in the effective temperature. The mean-squared displacements for the supercooled liquid with phi = 0.3 show staircase behavior indicating a strongly cooperative jump motion of the particles.


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We explore the consequences of the model of spin-down-induced flux expulsion for the magnetic field evolution in solitary as well as in binary neutron stars. The spin evolution of pulsars, allowing for their field evolution according to this model, is shown to be consistent with the existing observational constraints in both low- and high-mass X-ray binary systems. The contribution from pulsars recycled in massive binaries to the observed excess in the number of low-field (10(11)-10(12) G) solitary pulsars is argued to be negligible in comparison with that of normal pulsars undergoing a 'restricted' field decay predicted by the adopted field decay model. Magnetic fields of neutron stars born in close binaries with intermediate- or high-mass main-sequence companions are predicted to decay down to values as low as similar to 10(6) G, which would leave them unobservable as pulsars during most of their lifetimes. The post-recycling evolution of some of these systems can, however, account for the observed binary pulsars having neutron star or massive white dwarf companions. Pulsars recycled in the disc population low-mass binaries are expected to have residual fields greater than or similar to 10(8) G, while for those processed in globular clusters larger residual fields are predicted because of the lower field strength of the neutron star at the epoch of binary formation. A value of tau similar to 1-2 x 10(7) yr for the mean value of the Ohmic decay time-scale in the crusts of neutron stars is suggested, based on the consistency of the model predictions with the observed distribution of periods and magnetic fields in the single and binary pulsars.


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For a one-locus selection model, Svirezhev introduced an integral variational principle by defining a Lagrangian which remained stationary on the trajectory followed by the population undergoing selection. It is shown here (i) that this principle can be extended to multiple loci in some simple cases and (ii) that the Lagrangian is defined by a straightforward generalization of the one-locus case, but (iii) that in two-locus or more general models there is no straightforward extension of this principle if linkage and epistasis are present. The population trajectories can be constructed as trajectories of steepest ascent in a Riemannian metric space. A general method is formulated to find the metric tensor and the surface-in the metric space on which the trajectories, which characterize the variations in the gene structure of the population, lie. The local optimality principle holds good in such a space. In the special case when all possible linkage disequilibria are zero, the phase point of the n-locus genetic system moves on the surface of the product space of n higher dimensional unit spheres in a certain Riemannian metric space of gene frequencies so that the rate of change of mean fitness is maximum along the trajectory. In the two-locus case the corresponding surface is a hyper-torus.


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Undoped and Te-doped gallium antimonide (GaSb) layers have been grown on GaSb bulk substrates by the liquid phase epitaxial technique from Ga-rich and Sb-rich melts. The nucleation morphology of the grown layers has been studied as a function of growth temperature and substrate orientation. MOS structures have been fabricated on the epilayers to evaluate the native defect content in the grown layers from the C-V characteristics. Layers grown from antimony rich melts always exhibit p-type conductivity. In contrast, a type conversion from p- to n- was observed in layers grown from gallium rich melts below 400 degrees C. The electron mobility of undoped n-type layers grown from Ga-rich melts and tellurium doped layers grown from Sb- and Ga-rich solutions has been evaluated.


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Deformation processing and microstructural development of an alpha(2)/O aluminide alloy Ti-25Al-15Nb (at.%) was studied in the temperature range of 950 to 1200 degrees C and strain rate range of 10(-3) to 100 s(-1). Regions of processing and instability were identified using dynamic materials model. Dynamic recrystallization (DRX) of alpha(2)/O phase and p phase were seen to occur in the region of 950 to 1050 degrees C/0.001 to 0.05 s(-1) and 1125 to 1175 degrees C/0.001 to 0.1 s(-1), respectively. Unstable flow was seen to occur in the region of 1050 to 1190 degrees C/10 to 100 s(-1). Thermal activation analysis showed that DRX of alpha(2)/O and beta was controlled by cross-slip.


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In this paper the effects of constant and cyclic power loads on the evolution of interfacial reaction layers in lead-free solder interconnections are presented. Firstly, the differences in the growth behavior of intermetallic compound (IMC) layers at the cathode and anode sides of the interconnections are rationalized. This is done by considering the changes in the intrinsic fluxes of elements owing to electromigration as well as taking into account the fact that the growth of Cu3Sn and Cu6Sn5 are coupled via interfacial reactions. In this way, better understanding of the effect of electron flux on the growth of each individual layer in the Cu-Sn system can be achieved. Secondly, it is shown that there is a distinct difference between steady-state current stressing (constant current, constant temperature) and power cycling with alternating on- and off-cycle periods (accompanied by a change of temperature). The reasons behind the observed differences are subsequently discussed. Finally, special care is taken to ensure that the current densities are chosen in such a way that there is no risk for even partial melting of the solder interconnections.


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The frequently observed lopsidedness of the distribution of stars and gas in disc galaxies is still considered as a major problem in galaxy dynamics. It is even discussed as an imprint of the formation history of discs and the evolution of baryons in dark matter haloes. Here, we analyse a selected sample of 70 galaxies from the Westerbork Hi Survey of Spiral and Irregular Galaxies. The Hi data allow us to follow the morphology and the kinematics out to very large radii. In the present paper, we present the rotation curves and study the kinematic asymmetry. We extract the rotation curves of the receding and approaching sides separately and show that the kinematic behaviour of disc galaxies can be classified into five different types: symmetric velocity fields where the rotation curves of the receding and approaching sides are almost identical; global distortions where the rotation velocities of the receding and approaching sides have an offset that is constant with radius; local distortions leading to large deviations in the inner and negligible deviations in the outer parts (and vice versa); and distortions that divide the galaxies into two kinematic systems that are visible in terms of the different behaviour of the rotation curves of the receding and approaching sides, which leads to a crossing and a change in side. The kinematic lopsidedness is measured from the maximum rotation velocities, averaged over the plateau of the rotation curves. This gives a good estimate of the global lopsidedness in the outer parts of the sample galaxies. We find that the mean value of the perturbation parameter denoting the lopsided potential as obtained from the kinematic data is 0.056. Altogether, 36% of the sample galaxies are globally lopsided, which can be interpreted as the disc responding to a halo that was distorted by a tidal encounter. In Paper II, we study the morphological lopsidedness of the same sample of galaxies.


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Distribution of particle reinforcements in cast composites is determined by the morphology of the solidification front. Interestingly, during solidification, the morphology of the interface is intrinsically affected by the presence of dispersed reinforcements. Thus the dispersoid distribution and length scale of matrix microstructure is a result of the interplay between these two. A proper combination of material and process parameters can be used to obtain composites with tailored microstructures. This requires the generation of a broad data base and optimization of the complete solidification process. The length scale of soldification microtructure has a large influence on the mechanical properties of the composites. This presentation addresses the concept of a particle distribution map which can help in predicting particle distribution under different solidification conditions Future research directions have also been indicated.


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Devitrification of spray pyrolysed, amorphous ZrO2-Al2O3 solid solution produces nanocrystalline microstructures (grain sizes 10-20 nm). In this study, spray pyrolysed amorphous ZrO2-40 mol% Al2O3 powder displayed good sinterability during decomposition, after spraying, of the nitrate precursors up to 1023K. Hot pressing of fully pyrolysed, pre-sintered (more than 70% dense) pellets at 923K and 750 MPa produced an amorphous pellet with less than 2% porosity. The results indicate the possibility of producing dense, amorphous pellets that can be heat treated further to produce nanocrystalline microstructures conducive for superplasticity.


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A detailed study of the layered manganite La1+xSr2-xMn2O7 has been performed, establishing that within the composition range 0.1 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.45 the phases crystallize in the I4/mmm space group. The evolution of structural parameters with x: in this composition range has been followed using a novel application of an existing program for the Rietveld analysis of powder diffraction data. The structure, a familiar intergrowth of rock-salt (La,Sr)O slabs and double perovskite (La,Sr)(2)Mn2O6 units, is characterized by a reluctance to deform the latter. This manifests as a ''pumping'' of the larger Sr-II ion into the 12-coordinate site of the structure as x is increased. We report these features of the structure as well as electrical transport and magnetic properties, in light of recent observations of giant, negative magnetoresistance in these systems.