989 resultados para GAS-DENSITY
Петър Господинов, Добри Данков, Владимир Русинов, Стефан Стефанов - Изследвано е цилиндрично течение на Кует за разреден газ между два въртящи се цилиндъра. Получени са профилите на налягането, скоростта и температурата по метода на прякото статистическо моделиране (DSMC) и чрез числено решаване на уравненията на Навие-Стокс за свиваем флуид. Резултатите сочат много добро съвпадение за малки числа на Кнудсен Kn = 0.02. Показано е, че при различни кинематични гранични условия, газът изостава или избързва спрямо скоростта на стената, или има поведение на твърдо еластично тяло. Получените резултати са важни при решаването на неравнинни, задачи от микрофлуидиката с отчитане на ефектите на кривината.
Петър Господинов, Добри Данков, Владимир Русинов, Стефан Стефанов - Иследвано е цилиндрично течение на Кует на разреден газ в случая на въртене на два коаксиални цилиндъра с еднакви по големина скорости, но в различни посоки. Целта на изследването е да се установи влиянието на малки скорости на въртене върху макрохарактеристиките – ρ, V , . Числените резултати са получени чрез използване на DSMC и числено решение на уравненията на Навие-Стокс за относително малки (дозвукови) скорости на въртене. Установено е добро съвпадение на резултатите получени по двата метода за Kn = 0.02. Установено е, че съществува “стационарна” точка за плътността и скоростта. Получените резултати са важни при решаването на неравнини, задачи от микрофлуидиката с отчитане на ефектите на кривината. Ключови думи: Механика на флуидите, Кинетична теория, Разреден газ, DSMC
Петър Господинов, Добри Данков, Владимир Русинов, Стефан Стефанов - Изследвано е стационарно течение на Кует на разреден газ в случая на въртене на вътрешния цилиндър и неподвижен външен цилиндър чрез използване на DSMC метод и числено решение на уравненията на Навие–Стокс за относително малка (дозвукова) скорост на въртене. Изследвани са различни случаи при промяна на температурата на въртящият се цилиндър и числото на Кнудсен. Целта на изследването е да се установи влиянието на малки скорости на въртене върху макрохарактеристиките – плътността, скоростта и температурата на газа. Установено е добро съвпадение на резултатите получени по двата метода за Kn = 0.02. Получените резултати са важни при решаването на неравнинни, задачи от микрофлуидиката с отчитане на ефектите на кривината. Ключови думи: механика на флуидите, кинетична теория, разреден газ, DSMC.
For micro gas turbines (MGT) of around 1 kW or less, a commercially suitable recuperator must be used to produce a thermal efficiency suitable for use in UK Domestic Combined Heat and Power (DCHP). This paper uses computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to investigate a recuperator design based on a helically coiled pipe-in-pipe heat exchanger which utilises industry standard stock materials and manufacturing techniques. A suitable mesh strategy was established by geometrically modelling separate boundary layer volumes to satisfy y + near wall conditions. A higher mesh density was then used to resolve the core flow. A coiled pipe-in-pipe recuperator solution for a 1 kW MGT DCHP unit was established within the volume envelope suitable for a domestic wall-hung boiler. Using a low MGT pressure ratio (necessitated by using a turbocharger oil cooled journal bearing platform) meant unit size was larger than anticipated. Raising MGT pressure ratio from 2.15 to 2.5 could significantly reduce recuperator volume. Dimensional reasoning confirmed the existence of optimum pipe diameter combinations for minimum pressure drop. Maximum heat exchanger effectiveness was achieved using an optimum or minimum pressure drop pipe combination with large pipe length as opposed to a large pressure drop pipe combination with shorter pipe length. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Terrestrial ecosystems, occupying more than 25% of the Earth's surface, can serve as
`biological valves' in regulating the anthropogenic emissions of atmospheric aerosol
particles and greenhouse gases (GHGs) as responses to their surrounding environments.
While the signicance of quantifying the exchange rates of GHGs and atmospheric
aerosol particles between the terrestrial biosphere and the atmosphere is
hardly questioned in many scientic elds, the progress in improving model predictability,
data interpretation or the combination of the two remains impeded by
the lack of precise framework elucidating their dynamic transport processes over a
wide range of spatiotemporal scales. The diculty in developing prognostic modeling
tools to quantify the source or sink strength of these atmospheric substances
can be further magnied by the fact that the climate system is also sensitive to the
feedback from terrestrial ecosystems forming the so-called `feedback cycle'. Hence,
the emergent need is to reduce uncertainties when assessing this complex and dynamic
feedback cycle that is necessary to support the decisions of mitigation and
adaptation policies associated with human activities (e.g., anthropogenic emission
controls and land use managements) under current and future climate regimes.
With the goal to improve the predictions for the biosphere-atmosphere exchange
of biologically active gases and atmospheric aerosol particles, the main focus of this
dissertation is on revising and up-scaling the biotic and abiotic transport processes
from leaf to canopy scales. The validity of previous modeling studies in determining
the exchange rate of gases and particles is evaluated with detailed descriptions of their
limitations. Mechanistic-based modeling approaches along with empirical studies
across dierent scales are employed to rene the mathematical descriptions of surface
conductance responsible for gas and particle exchanges as commonly adopted by all
operational models. Specically, how variation in horizontal leaf area density within
the vegetated medium, leaf size and leaf microroughness impact the aerodynamic attributes
and thereby the ultrane particle collection eciency at the leaf/branch scale
is explored using wind tunnel experiments with interpretations by a porous media
model and a scaling analysis. A multi-layered and size-resolved second-order closure
model combined with particle
uxes and concentration measurements within and
above a forest is used to explore the particle transport processes within the canopy
sub-layer and the partitioning of particle deposition onto canopy medium and forest
oor. For gases, a modeling framework accounting for the leaf-level boundary layer
eects on the stomatal pathway for gas exchange is proposed and combined with sap
ux measurements in a wind tunnel to assess how leaf-level transpiration varies with
increasing wind speed. How exogenous environmental conditions and endogenous
soil-root-stem-leaf hydraulic and eco-physiological properties impact the above- and
below-ground water dynamics in the soil-plant system and shape plant responses
to droughts is assessed by a porous media model that accommodates the transient
ow within the plant vascular system and is coupled with the aforementioned
leaf-level gas exchange model and soil-root interaction model. It should be noted
that tackling all aspects of potential issues causing uncertainties in forecasting the
feedback cycle between terrestrial ecosystem and the climate is unrealistic in a single
dissertation but further research questions and opportunities based on the foundation
derived from this dissertation are also brie
y discussed.
The data files give the basic field and laboratory data on five ponds in the northeast Siberian Arctic tundra on Samoylov. The files contain water and soil temperature data of the ponds, methane fluxes, measured with closed chambers in the centres without vascular plants and the margins with vascular plants, the contribution of plant mediated fluxes on total methane fluxes, the gas concentrations (methane and dissolved inorganic carbon, oxygen) in the soil and the water column of the ponds, microbial activities (methane production, methane oxidation, aerobic and anaerobic carbon dioxide production), total carbon pools in the different horizons of the bottom soils, soil bulk density, soil substance density, and soil porosity.
A pressurized core with CH4 hydrate or dissolved CH4 should evolve gas volumes in a predictable manner as pressure is released over time at isothermal conditions. Incremental gas volumes were collected as pressure was released over time from 29 pressure core sampler (PCS) cores from Sites 994, 995, 996, and 997 on the Blake Ridge. Most of these cores were kept at or near 0ºC with an ice bath, and many of these cores yielded substantial quantities of CH4. Volume-pressure plots were constructed for 20 of these cores. Only five plots conform to expected volume and pressure changes for sediment cores with CH4 hydrate under initial pressure and temperature conditions. However, other evidence suggests that sediment in these five and at least five other PCS cores contained CH4 hydrate before core recovery and gas release. Detection of CH4 hydrate in a pressurized sediment core through volume-pressure relationships is complicated by two factors. First, significant quantities of CH4-poor borehole water fill the PCS and come into contact with the core. This leads to dilution of CH4 concentration in interstitial water and, in many cases, decomposition of CH4 hydrate before a degassing experiment begins. Second, degassing experiments were conducted after the PCS had equilibrated in an ice-water bath (0ºC). This temperature is significantly lower than in situ values in the sediment formation before core recovery. Our results and interpretations for PCS cores collected on Leg 164 imply that pressurized containers formerly used by the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and currently used by ODP are not appropriately designed for direct detection of gas hydrate in sediment at in situ conditions through volume-pressure relationships.
The density of firn is an important property for monitoring and modeling the ice sheet as well as to model the pore close-off and thus to interpret ice core-based greenhouse gas records. One feature, which is still in debate, is the potential existence of an annual cycle of firn density in low-accumulation regions. Several studies describe or assume seasonally successive density layers, horizontally evenly distributed, as seen in radar data. On the other hand, high-resolution density measurements on firn cores in Antarctica and Greenland showed no clear seasonal cycle in the top few meters. A major caveat of most existing snow-pit and firn-core based studies is that they represent one vertical profile from a laterally heterogeneous density field. To overcome this, we created an extensive dataset of horizontal and vertical density data at Kohnen Station, Dronning Maud Land on the East Antarctic Plateau. We drilled and analyzed three 90 m long firn cores as well as 160 one meter long vertical profiles from two elongated snow trenches to obtain a two dimensional view of the density variations. The analysis of the 45 m wide and 1 m deep density fields reveals a seasonal cycle in density. However, the seasonality is overprinted by strong stratigraphic noise, making it invisible when analyzing single firn cores. Our density dataset extends the view from the local ice-core perspective to a hundred meter scale and thus supports linking spatially integrating methods such as radar and seismic studies to ice and firn cores.
Most liquid electrolytes used in commercial lithium-ion batteries are composed by alkylcarbonate mixture containing lithium salt. The decomposition of these solvents by oxidation or reduction during cycling of the cell, induce generation of gases (CO2, CH4, C2H4, CO …) increasing of pressure in the sealed cell, which causes a safety problem [1]. The prior understanding of parameters, such as structure and nature of salt, temperature pressure, concentration, salting effects and solvation parameters, which influence gas solubility and vapor pressure of electrolytes is required to formulate safer and suitable electrolytes especially at high temperature.
We present in this work the CO2, CH4, C2H4, CO solubility in different pure alkyl-carbonate solvents (PC, DMC, EMC, DEC) and their binary or ternary mixtures as well as the effect of temperature and lithium salt LiX (X = LiPF6, LiTFSI or LiFAP) structure and concentration on these properties. Furthermore, in order to understand parameters that influence the choice of the structure of the solvents and their ability to dissolve gas through the addition of a salt, we firstly analyzed experimentally the transport properties (Self diffusion coefficient (D), fluidity (h-1), and conductivity (s) and lithium transport number (tLi) using the Stock-Einstein, and extended Jones-Dole equations [2]. Furthermore, measured data for the of CO2, C2H4, CH4 and CO solubility in pure alkylcarbonates and their mixtures containing LiPF6; LiFAP; LiTFSI salt, are reported as a function of temperature and concentration in salt. Based on experimental solubility data, the Henry’s law constant of gases in these solvents and electrolytes was then deduced and compared with values predicted by using COSMO-RS methodology within COSMOthermX software. From these results, the molar thermodynamic functions of dissolution such as the standard Gibbs energy, the enthalpy, and the entropy, as well as the mixing enthalpy of the solvents and electrolytes with the gases in its hypothetical liquid state were calculated and discussed [3]. Finally, the analysis of the CO2 solubility variations with the salt addition was then evaluated by determining specific ion parameters Hi by using the Setchenov coefficients in solution. This study showed that the gas solubility is entropy driven and can been influenced by the shape, charge density, and size of the anions in lithium salt.
[1] S.A. Freunberger, Y. Chen, Z. Peng, J.M. Griffin, L.J. Hardwick, F. Bardé, P. Novák, P.G. Bruce, Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (2011) 8040-8047.
[2] P. Porion, Y.R. Dougassa, C. Tessier, L. El Ouatani, J. Jacquemin, M. Anouti, Electrochimica Acta 114 (2013) 95-104.
[3] Y.R. Dougassa, C. Tessier, L. El Ouatani, M. Anouti, J. Jacquemin, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 61 (2013) 32-44.
The structure of a turbulent non-premixed flame of a biogas fuel in a hot and diluted coflow mimicking moderate and intense low dilution (MILD) combustion is studied numerically. Biogas fuel is obtained by dilution of Dutch natural gas (DNG) with CO2. The results of biogas combustion are compared with those of DNG combustion in the Delft Jet-in-Hot-Coflow (DJHC) burner. New experimental measurements of lift-off height and of velocity and temperature statistics have been made to provide a database for evaluating the capability of numerical methods in predicting the flame structure. Compared to the lift-off height of the DNG flame, addition of 30 % carbon dioxide to the fuel increases the lift-off height by less than 15 %. Numerical simulations are conducted by solving the RANS equations using Reynolds stress model (RSM) as turbulence model in combination with EDC (Eddy Dissipation Concept) and transported probability density function (PDF) as turbulence-chemistry interaction models. The DRM19 reduced mechanism is used as chemical kinetics with the EDC model. A tabulated chemistry model based on the Flamelet Generated Manifold (FGM) is adopted in the PDF method. The table describes a non-adiabatic three stream mixing problem between fuel, coflow and ambient air based on igniting counterflow diffusion flamelets. The results show that the EDC/DRM19 and PDF/FGM models predict the experimentally observed decreasing trend of lift-off height with increase of the coflow temperature. Although more detailed chemistry is used with EDC, the temperature fluctuations at the coflow inlet (approximately 100K) cannot be included resulting in a significant overprediction of the flame temperature. Only the PDF modeling results with temperature fluctuations predict the correct mean temperature profiles of the biogas case and compare well with the experimental temperature distributions.
In this talk, we propose an all regime Lagrange-Projection like numerical scheme for the gas dynamics equations. By all regime, we mean that the numerical scheme is able to compute accurate approximate solutions with an under-resolved discretization with respect to the Mach number M, i.e. such that the ratio between the Mach number M and the mesh size or the time step is small with respect to 1. The key idea is to decouple acoustic and transport phenomenon and then alter the numerical flux in the acoustic approximation to obtain a uniform truncation error in term of M. This modified scheme is conservative and endowed with good stability properties with respect to the positivity of the density and the internal energy. A discrete entropy inequality under a condition on the modification is obtained thanks to a reinterpretation of the modified scheme in the Harten Lax and van Leer formalism. A natural extension to multi-dimensional problems discretized over unstructured mesh is proposed. Then a simple and efficient semi implicit scheme is also proposed. The resulting scheme is stable under a CFL condition driven by the (slow) material waves and not by the (fast) acoustic waves and so verifies the all regime property. Numerical evidences are proposed and show the ability of the scheme to deal with tests where the flow regime may vary from low to high Mach values.