844 resultados para Fractional Difference
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
Bodies, Saracen Giants, and the Medieval Romance: Transgression, Difference, and Assimilation explore le traitement des corps de trois géants Sarasins dans les romances de Roland and Vernagu (c. 1330), Sir Beues of Hamtoun (c. 1330), et The Taill of Rauf Coilyear (c. 1513-42).Grâce à une étude de la représentation de ces trois géants Sarasin, la signification du corps humain au Moyen Age, et des pratiques de la Chrétienté an accord avec les discours et idéologies envers le Proche-Orient qui existaient dans l’Occident médiéval, ce mémoire de maîtrise juxtapose le géant Sarasin et le héros de la romance pour indiquer une similarité apparente entre leur deux corps et leur religion respective. La romance démontre avec hésitation un désir d’assimiler le géants Sarasin dans le code héroïque ainsi que dans la religion chrétienne, mais souvent rejette avec suspicion le corps du géant par sa mort sur le champ de bataille. Malgré sa mort ou son assimilation dans le code héroïque et la Chrétienté, le corps du géant Sarasin demeure toujours important dans le contexte de la Romance, puisqu’il contribue à la construction de l’identité du héros, de sa foi, et de sa société.
In college admissions and student placements at public schools, the admission decision can be thought of as assigning indivisible objects with capacity constraints to a set of students such that each student receives at most one object and monetary compensations are not allowed. In these important market design problems, the agent-proposing deferred-acceptance (DA-)mechanism with responsive strict priorities performs well and economists have successfully implemented DA-mechanisms or slight variants thereof. We show that almost all real-life mechanisms used in such environments - including the large classes of priority mechanisms and linear programming mechanisms - satisfy a set of simple and intuitive properties. Once we add strategy-proofness to these properties, DA-mechanisms are the only ones surviving. In market design problems that are based on weak priorities (like school choice), generally multiple tie-breaking (MTB)procedures are used and then a mechanism is implemented with the obtained strict priorities. By adding stability with respect to the weak priorities, we establish the first normative foundation for MTB-DA-mechanisms that are used in NYC.
Introduction : Le dalcetrapib, inhibiteur de la glycoprotéine hydrophobe de transfert des esters de cholestérol (CETP), a été étudié dans le cadre de l’essai clinique de phase II dal-PLAQUE2 (DP2). L’objectif principal est d’étudier l’effet du dalcetrapib après 1 an de traitement sur la structure et la fonction des HDL dans une sous-population de la cohorte DP2. Méthode : Les sujets de la cohorte DP2 ayant une série de mesures de cIMT et des échantillons de plasma et sérum au baseline et à 1 an de traitement furent sélectionnés (379 sujets: 193 du groupe placebo (PCB) et 186 du groupe dalcetrapib (DAL)). Des données biochimiques prédéterminées, le profil des concentrations et tailles des sous-classes de HDL et LDL en résonance magnétique nucléaire (RMN) et 2 mesures de capacité d’efflux de cholestérol (CEC) du sérum ont été explorées. Les données statistiques furent obtenues en comparant les changements à un an à partir du « baseline » avec un ANOVA ou ANCOVA. La procédure normalisée de fonctionnement d’essai d’efflux de cholestérol permet de calculer l’efflux fractionnel (en %) de 3H-cholestérol des lignées cellulaires BHK-ABCA1 (fibroblastes) et J774 (macrophages, voie ABCA1) et HepG2 (hépatocytes, voie SR-BI), vers les échantillons sériques de la cohorte DP2. Résultats : Pour la biochimie plasmatique, un effet combiné des changements d’activité de CETP dans les 2 groupes a causé une réduction de 30% dans le groupe DAL. Après 1 an de traitement dans le groupe DAL, la valeur de HDL-C a augmenté de 35,5% (p < 0,001) et l’apoA-I a augmenté de 14,0% (p < 0,001). Au profil RMN, dans le groupe DAL après 1 an de traitement, il y a augmentation de la taille des HDL-P (5,2%; p < 0,001), des grosses particules HDL (68,7%; p < 0,001) et des grosses particules LDL (37,5%; p < 0,01). Les petites particules HDL sont diminuées (-9,1%; p < 0,001). Il n’y a aucune différence significative de mesure de cIMT entre les deux groupes après 1 an de traitement. Pour la CEC, il y a augmentation significative par la voie du SR-BI et une augmentation via la voie ABCA1 dans le groupe DAL après 1 an de traitement. Conclusion : Après un an de traitement au dalcetrapib, on note une hausse de HDL-C, des résultats plutôt neutres au niveau du profil lipidique par RMN et une CEC augmentée mais trop faible pour affecter la valeur de cIMT chez les échantillons testés.
An attempt is made to determine the relative power distribution in a step-index parabolic cylindrical waveguide (PCW) with high deformation across the direction of propagation. The guide is assumed to be made of silica. The scalar field approximation is employed for the analysis under which a vanishing refractive-index (RI) difference in the waveguide materials is considered. Further, no approximation for folds- is used in the analytical treatment. Due to the geometry of such waceguides, PCWs lose the well-defined modal discreteness, and a kind of mode bunching is observed instead, which becomes much more prominent in PCWs with high bends. However, with the increase in cross-sectional size, the mode-bunching tendency is slightly reduced. The general expressions for power in the guiding and nonguiding sections are obtained, and the fractional power patterns in all of the sections are presented for PCWs of various cross-sectional dimensions. It is observed that the confinement of power in the core section is increased for PCWs of larger cross-sectional size. Moreover, a fairly uniform distribution of power is seen over the modes having intermediate values of propagation constants
The object of this thesis is to formulate a basic commutative difference operator theory for functions defined on a basic sequence, and a bibasic commutative difference operator theory for functions defined on a bibasic sequence of points, which can be applied to the solution of basic and bibasic difference equations. in this thesis a brief survey of the work done in this field in the classical case, as well as a review of the development of q~difference equations, q—analytic function theory, bibasic analytic function theory, bianalytic function theory, discrete pseudoanalytic function theory and finally a summary of results of this thesis
Biclustering is simultaneous clustering of both rows and columns of a data matrix. A measure called Mean Squared Residue (MSR) is used to simultaneously evaluate the coherence of rows and columns within a submatrix. In this paper a novel algorithm is developed for biclustering gene expression data using the newly introduced concept of MSR difference threshold. In the first step high quality bicluster seeds are generated using K-Means clustering algorithm. Then more genes and conditions (node) are added to the bicluster. Before adding a node the MSR X of the bicluster is calculated. After adding the node again the MSR Y is calculated. The added node is deleted if Y minus X is greater than MSR difference threshold or if Y is greater than MSR threshold which depends on the dataset. The MSR difference threshold is different for gene list and condition list and it depends on the dataset also. Proper values should be identified through experimentation in order to obtain biclusters of high quality. The results obtained on bench mark dataset clearly indicate that this algorithm is better than many of the existing biclustering algorithms
The nondestructive determination of plant total dry matter (TDM) in the field is greatly preferable to the harvest of entire plots in areas such as the Sahel where small differences in soil properties may cause large differences in crop growth within short distances. Existing equipment to nondestructively determine TDM is either expensive or unreliable. Therefore, two radiometers for measuring reflected red and near-infrared light were designed, mounted on a single wheeled hand cart and attached to a differential Global Positioning System (GPS) to measure georeferenced variations in normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) in pearl millet fields [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]. The NDVI measurements were then used to determine the distribution of crop TDM. The two versions of the radiometer could (i) send single NDVI measurements to the GPS data logger at distance intervals of 0.03 to 8.53 m set by the user, and (ii) collect NDVI values averaged across 0.5, 1, or 2 m. The average correlation between TDM of pearl millet plants in planting hills and their NDVI values was high (r^2 = 0.850) but varied slightly depending on solar irradiance when the instrument was calibrated. There also was a good correlation between NDVI, fractional vegetation cover derived from aerial photographs and millet TDM at harvest. Both versions of the rugged instrument appear to provide a rapid and reliable way of mapping plant growth at the field scale with a high spatial resolution and should therefore be widely tested with different crops and soil types.
The following paper is a critical theorist analysis of post-structuralist philosophy. It examines the omission of an economic critique in post-structuralism and describes this omission as the result of a particular flaw in Nietzsche's epistemological work, an error which has persisted all the way down through deconstruction, post-colonialism, and cultural studies. The paper seeks to reintroduce an economic critique of capitalism back into the social critique of post-structuralism, with the promise that the combination of the two will prove stronger than either critical theory or post-structuralism alone. To achieve this it reinterprets Marx' concept of metabolism as a critical economic category that mirrors post-structuralism's concept of differance.
One-electron energy levels and wavelengths have been calculated for Na-like ions whose nuclei carry quarks with additional charges ±e/3, ±2e/3. The calculations are based on relativistic self-consistent field procedures. The deviations from experimental values exhibit regularities which allow an extrapolation for the wavelengths of 3s - 3p, 3s - 4p, 3p - 3d, and 3p - 4s transitions for the nuclear charge Z = 11± 1/3, ±2/3. A number of transitions are found in the region of visible light which could be used in an optical search for quark atoms.
The main aim of this paper is the development of suitable bases (replacing the power basis x^n (n\in\IN_\le 0) which enable the direct series representation of orthogonal polynomial systems on non-uniform lattices (quadratic lattices of a discrete or a q-discrete variable). We present two bases of this type, the first of which allows to write solutions of arbitrary divided-difference equations in terms of series representations extending results given in [16] for the q-case. Furthermore it enables the representation of the Stieltjes function which can be used to prove the equivalence between the Pearson equation for a given linear functional and the Riccati equation for the formal Stieltjes function. If the Askey-Wilson polynomials are written in terms of this basis, however, the coefficients turn out to be not q-hypergeometric. Therefore, we present a second basis, which shares several relevant properties with the first one. This basis enables to generate the defining representation of the Askey-Wilson polynomials directly from their divided-difference equation. For this purpose the divided-difference equation must be rewritten in terms of suitable divided-difference operators developed in [5], see also [6].
In the theory of the Navier-Stokes equations, the proofs of some basic known results, like for example the uniqueness of solutions to the stationary Navier-Stokes equations under smallness assumptions on the data or the stability of certain time discretization schemes, actually only use a small range of properties and are therefore valid in a more general context. This observation leads us to introduce the concept of SST spaces, a generalization of the functional setting for the Navier-Stokes equations. It allows us to prove (by means of counterexamples) that several uniqueness and stability conjectures that are still open in the case of the Navier-Stokes equations have a negative answer in the larger class of SST spaces, thereby showing that proof strategies used for a number of classical results are not sufficient to affirmatively answer these open questions. More precisely, in the larger class of SST spaces, non-uniqueness phenomena can be observed for the implicit Euler scheme, for two nonlinear versions of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, for the fractional step theta scheme, and for the SST-generalized stationary Navier-Stokes equations. As far as stability is concerned, a linear version of the Euler scheme, a nonlinear version of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, and the fractional step theta scheme turn out to be non-stable in the class of SST spaces. The positive results established in this thesis include the generalization of classical uniqueness and stability results to SST spaces, the uniqueness of solutions (under smallness assumptions) to two nonlinear versions of the Euler scheme, two nonlinear versions of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, and the fractional step theta scheme for general SST spaces, the second order convergence of a version of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, and a new proof of the first order convergence of the implicit Euler scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations. For each convergence result, we provide conditions on the data that guarantee the existence of nonstationary solutions satisfying the regularity assumptions needed for the corresponding convergence theorem. In the case of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, this involves a compatibility condition at the corner of the space-time cylinder, which can be satisfied via a suitable prescription of the initial acceleration.
There has been recent interest in using temporal difference learning methods to attack problems of prediction and control. While these algorithms have been brought to bear on many problems, they remain poorly understood. It is the purpose of this thesis to further explore these algorithms, presenting a framework for viewing them and raising a number of practical issues and exploring those issues in the context of several case studies. This includes applying the TD(lambda) algorithm to: 1) learning to play tic-tac-toe from the outcome of self-play and of play against a perfectly-playing opponent and 2) learning simple one-dimensional segmentation tasks.