973 resultados para Football|Game position
[from tinted picture in 1943 Wisconsin game program]
[from tinted picture in 1946 game program]
Top Row: Ted Kress, Dave Williams, William McKinley, Larry Cox, Dave Hill, Dick Kolesar, Van Schoick, Earl Johnson, Bob Ames.
6th Row: Tony Branoff, Ed Hickey, Don Bennett, Dick Vorenkamp, Tom Hendricks, Doug Murray, Charles Ritter, Mike Orend, Carl Kamhout, Jim Kirby, Joe Krahl.
5th Row: Don Dugger, Jack Wheeler, Wilbur Brown, Jerry Gonser, Bob Sriver, Jim Bates, Ray Donohoe, Dick Strozewski, Dave Rentschler, John Kuchka, George Corey, Phil Endres.
4h Row: Gerry Williams, Gordon Barnes, Edgar Meads, Charles Krahnke, Fred Baer, Stanley Knickerbocker, Jim Fox, John Peckham, John Morrow, Dick Rex, Coach J. T. White.
3rd Row: Coach Don Robinson, Don Drake, Joe Shomsky, Lou Baldacci, Salvatore DiMucci, George Dutter, Ray Kenaga, George Muellich, Jim Bowman, Ted Cachey, Coach Bill Orwig.
2nd Row: Cliff Keen, Dean Ludwig, Duncan McDonald, Ken Shields, Peri Gagalis, Pete Wolgast, Bob Milligan, Ron Geyer, Dick Beison, Dan Cline, Art Walker, Coach Matt Patanelli.
Front Row: Wally Weber, John Veselenak, Tad Stanford, Gene Knutson, Dick Balzhiser, Captain Dick O'Shaughnessy; Head Coach Bennie Oosterbaan; Bob Marion, Bob Topp, Ray VanderZeyde, Ron Williams, Jim Balog, Jack Blott.
(from 1911 Pennsylvania game program)
(from 1898 Chicago game program)
(from 1898 Chicago game program)
Top Row: Leo Cunningham, James Grissen, Joseph Bosza, Ralph Fritz, Robert Ingalls, Harry Anderson, Norman Call
5th Row: Harlin Fraumann, Milko Sukup, Robert Westfall, Robert Zimmerman, Edward Czak, Clifford Wise, Harold Lockard, Robert Kolesar, George Hildebrandt
4th Row: Rudolph Sengel, Albert Wistert, Reuben Kelto, Jack Butler, Tom Harmon, Holbrooke Seltzer, Glen Ireland, George Ceithaml
3rd Row: William Melzow, John Laine, Joseph Rogers, Paul Gannatal, Harry Kohl, Wallace Keating, Philip Sharpe, Rudy Smeja
2nd Row: Charles Schmeling, David Nelson, Michael Megregian, Fred Dawley, John Karwales, Louis Woytek, Clarence Hall, Robert Flora
Front Row: Frank Day, Robert Smith, Larry Wichter. Ted Kennedy, Forest Evashevski, Robert Kresja, Otto Chady, Elmer Madar
(on verso: Printed in Germany Roelling and Klapenbach Publishers, Chicago Ill. no. 308) Card was sent after the 1905 U-M Chicago game.(Original loaned to library for scanning)
(from 1944 Iowa Seahawks game program)
Top Row: Ted Kress, Dave Williams, William McKinley, Larry Cox, Dave Hill, Dick Kolesar, Van Schoick, Earl Johnson, Bob Ames.
6th Row: Tony Branoff, Ed Hickey, Don Bennett, Dick Vorenkamp, Tom Hendricks, Doug Murray, Charles Ritter, Mike Orend, Carl Kamhout, Jim Kirby, Joe Krahl.
5th Row: Don Dugger, Jack Wheeler, Wilbur Brown, Jerry Gonser, Bob Sriver, Jim Bates, Ray Donohoe, Dick Strozewski, Dave Rentschler, John Kuchka, George Corey, Phil Endres.
4h Row: Gerry Williams, Gordon Barnes, Edgar Meads, Charles Krahnke, Fred Baer, Stanley Knickerbocker, Jim Fox, John Peckham, John Morrow, Dick Rex, Coach J. T. White.
3rd Row: Coach Don Robinson, Don Drake, Joe Shomsky, Lou Baldacci, Salvatore DiMucci, George Dutter, Ray Kenaga, George Muellich, Jim Bowman, Ted Cachey, Coach Bill Orwig.
2nd Row: Cliff Keen, Dean Ludwig, Duncan McDonald, Ken Shields, Peri Gagalis, Pete Wolgast, Bob Milligan, Ron Geyer, Dick Beison, Dan Cline, Art Walker, Coach Matt Patanelli.
Front Row: Wally Weber, John Veselenak, Tad Stanford, Gene Knutson, Dick Balzhiser, Captain Dick O'Shaughnessy; Head Coach Bennie Oosterbaan; Bob Marion, Bob Topp, Ray VanderZeyde, Ron Williams, Jim Balog, Jack Blott.
[Strain, Wisconsin fullback making five yards through the Michigan line in the firs quarter of their game in Ann Arbor.
Academic and popular studies of South African sport generally reveal a bias towards cricket and rugby and this perpetuates the myth that these games are the most popular in South Africa. This in turn is often viewed through the lens of 'race' in which the simplifications of sport along racial lines occur. This paper argues that football was more important in South Africa among all South Africans in the late 19th and early 20th century than has been previously acknowledged. It reveals that not only was the game important and popular in South Africa but its teams and administrators played a significant role in globalising the game during this period. Tours to and from South Africa were important politically, financially and for sporting reasons. Five ground breaking football tours took place during a ten year period and these serve as the basis of discussion in this paper.
This article analyses the complex process that deracialised and democratised South African football between the early 1970s and 1990s. Based mainly on archival documents, it argues that growing isolation from world sport, exemplified by South Africa's expulsion from the Olympic movement in 1970 and FIFA in 1976, and the reinvigoration of the liberation struggle with the Soweto youth uprising triggered a process of gradual desegregation in the South African professional game. While Pretoria viewed such changes as a potential bulwark against rising black militancy, white football and big business had their own reasons for eventually supporting racial integration, as seen in the founding of the National Soccer League. As negotiations for a new democratic South Africa began in earnest between the African National Congress (ANC) and the National Party (NP) in the latter half of the 1980s, transformations in football and politics paralleled and informed each other. Previously antagonistic football associations began a series of 'unity talks' between 1985 and 1986 that eventually culminated in the formation of a single, non-racial South African Football Association in December 1991, just a few days before the Convention for a Democratic South Africa (CODESA) opened the process of writing a new post-apartheid constitution. Finally, three decades of isolation came to an end as FIFA welcomed South Africa back into world football in 1992 - a powerful example of the seemingly boundless potential of a liberated and united South Africa ahead of the first democratic elections in 1994.
This essay traces the development, domination and decline of white football in South Africa. It suggests that white football was more significant and popular than generally acknowledged and was at the forefront of globalizing football in the early twentieth century. In order to better understand the broader history of twentieth-century South African football, a more detailed examination of the organized white game at the national and international levels is necessary. This historical analysis of elite white football draws from the archives of the Football Association of South Africa. The analysis underscores the important role of white football authorities in the contestation of power and identity in the game in South Africa and abroad. In the first period under consideration (1892-1940s), local football authorities challenged the dominant sports within South Africa. This period was followed in the 1950s by the challenges of professionalism and anti-apartheid organizations. In the final phase (1967-77), officials experimented with football on 'multi-national' and multi-racial lines - a failed reform that led to the demise of white football.
Cellard (1979) avait avancé que le reportage sportif constituait un bastion du passé simple (PS). Cette affirmation, non étayée par une étude de corpus, semblait trouver un écho dans les études de la presse écrite des années 80-90 (Herzog 1981, Engel 1990). Toutefois, des études récentes consacrées exclusivement au reportage sportif remettent en cause cette prétendue suprématie dans les comptes rendus de la finale de la Coupe du Monde 2002 offerts par la presse francophone (Engel & Labeau 2003) même si des variations régionales (plus grande proportion de PS en périphérie qu’au centre parisien - Labeau 2002) et diachroniques (déclin du PS depuis 1950 – Labeau 2003) semblent se manifester. La présente étude se propose de poursuivre et de raffiner l’analyse de l’emploi du PS dans le compte rendu sportif en sollicitant de nouvelles variables. D’abord, le choix du corpus permettra d’approfondir des hypothèses évoquées dans les articles ci-dessous. Notre corpus sera constitué de la couverture du Tour d’Italie 2004 dans L’Equipe et La Dernière Heure / Les Sports. Le cyclisme se distingue du football par plusieurs aspects, parmi lesquels on peut noter sa linéarité : une course cycliste n’est pas un match joué dans un espace clos, délimité, mais consiste à effectuer un parcours linéaire aussi vite que possible. Cette linéarité pourrait s’avérer favorable au PS (Vetters 2003, Bres 2003). Contrairement aux événements sportifs étudiés précédemment, le Tour d’Italie ne bénéficie pas d’une couverture télévisuelle importante en France, un facteur susceptible d’influencer le compte rendu écrit (Labeau 2003) ; contrairement à ce qui se passe pour les finales de Coupe du Monde, le journaliste ne peut assumer que le lecteur connaît déjà les résultats de l’épreuve. Le corpus étudié ici se veut aussi plus complet : on travaillera sur l’ensemble des articles, en version papier, consacrés au Giro plutôt que sur une sélection d’articles en ligne. Cette prise en compte pourrait mettre en lumière des variations de genre. Un autre intérêt du présent corpus est qu’il illustre les pratiques de la presse sportive plutôt que celles des pages sportives des quotidiens « généralistes » : L’Equipe est l’hebdomadaire français de référence et la DH offre la couverture la plus complète en Belgique francophone. La comparaison des deux publications nous permettra donc de tester d’éventuelles variations régionales. Ainsi, par un corpus spécifiquement sportif et élargi, nous contribuerons à évaluer plus exactement la position réelle du PS dans la presse sportive contemporaine.