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A contaminação do solo pelo descarte de substâncias tóxicas adquiriu, nos últimos anos, maior atenção da comunidade científica a qual tem alertado a população dos países, em geral, para as conseqüências, em especial, as patologias que podem ocorrer quando estas substâncias adentram nossa cadeia alimentar. Neste trabalho procurou-se apresentar as fontes de contaminação e a toxicidade do cádmio, do chumbo, do mercúrio e do manganês, quando estes se encontram em níveis elevados no solo e nos mananciais superficiais e subterrâneos. Com relação aos três primeiros metais, sua alta dosagem pode provocar, no ser humano, diversos tipos de câncer, lesões no estômago e pulmões, além de alterações importantes nos sistemas imunológico e nervoso central. O manganês, um dos metais mais comuns da crosta terrestre, largamente utilizado pela indústria e disponibilizado, em grandes quantidades no meio ambiente, em doses elevadas pode causar doenças pulmonares e neurológicas.
Brazil processes much of its fruit by producing natural juices, candy preserves, extracts and pulps; however, almost 60% of their total weight derives from peels, leaves and seeds. As a result, the emphasis lies most strongly on the use of waste, especially waste that is not commonly used by the food industry or by consumers. The use of seeds would increase the viable sources of raw materials, lower operating costs of industries and would promote the development of new food products, since they are our main sources of protein, fat, fiber, functional compounds, vitamins and minerals salts. This paper presents alternatives for the use of pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita sp), which are often underutilized or discarded. It also demonstrates the bioactive and anti-nutritional compounds and their health effects.
Pós-graduação em Patologia - FMB
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The renewable energy sources presents an important role on the world's current context, its growing is essentially connected to the environmental issues and the energetic security, guided by the search for alternatives of energy. Among the alternative energy sources, the wind energy shows great importance in the brazilian territory, it has a great potential still unexplored and constant growth in the national electric matrix. The specific factor of generation, the conjuncture and the incentive politics influence on the expansion of wind energy in Brazil. Thus, the brazilian wind sector shows features which can be evaluated enable its developing. Keeping that in mind, the present work aims identify which are the advantages and the difficulties for the expansion of this energy source in the brazilian electric matrix. For that, the work studies the different parameters: features of electric generation of the different energy sources, incentive politics, generation costs, CO2 emission, evolution of wind energy in Brazil, the brazilian wind potential, and the regime of complementarily hydro-wind
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS
In the article discusses the use of the distress a source of research for the study of Inconfidência Mineira.
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
A simple and fast method to determine Ca, K and Mg in a single aliquot of medicinal plants by HR-CS FAAS is proposed. The secondary lines for Ca (239.856 nm) and K (404.414 nm), and the alternate line measured at wing of the secondary line for Mg at (202.588 nm) allowed calibration within the 20 - 500 mg.L-1 Ca and K, and 1.0 - 80 mg.L-1 Mg. Twenty samples and three plant certified materials were analyzed. Results were in agreement at a 95% confidence level with reference values. Limits of detection were 2.4 mg.L-1 Ca, 1.9 mg.L-1 K and 0.3 mg.L-1 Mg. The RSD (n=12) were ≤ 5.1% and recoveries were between 83 and 108% for all analytes.
This work describes instrumental strategies for the determination of Mn in a wide range concentration by high-resolution continuum source flame atomic absorption spectrometry technique (HR-CS F AAS) by means of different atomic lines (primary at 279.482 nm, secondary at 403.075 nm and alternative at 209.250 nm). These lines provided complementary concentration intervals, and large sample dilutions became unnecessary. The proposed method was applied to tap water, metal alloy certified material and foliar fertilizer. Accuracy for secondary line were evaluated by tests of significance (t Student test) with reference materials from the Institute of Technological Research of São Paulo, and the results were in agreement at the 95% confidence level. For primary and alternative lines, recovery is were in the 84-116% range and the RSD were 6.1% for all wavelengths. Analytical curves in the 0.1 - 2.0 mg L-1 (279.482 nm), 2.0 - 25 mg L-1 (403.075 nm), 25 - 500 mg L-1 (209.250 nm) intervals were obtained with linear correlation coefficient better than 0.9991. The detection limits were 3.3x10-3 mg L-1 (279.482 nm), 7.4 x 10-3 mg L-1 (403.075 nm), 3.9 mg L- 1 (209.250 nm). The found Mn concentrations were < 3.3x10-3 mg L-1 (tap water), 1.00 ± 0.04 (% m/m) (alloy IPT 25), 7235 ± 175 mg L-1 (foliar fertilizer 1), 4990 ± 132 mg L-1 (foliar fertilizer 2). A method was developed to detect interference of Fe in the Mn primary line (279.482 nm) using the ratio of absorbances of other lines of the triplet (279.827 nm and 280,108 nm).
Para produzir o termopotássio e, até mesmo, o KCl, a rocha silicática potássica (verdete) passa pelo processo de calcinação. Neste processo é gerado um resíduo denominado coproduto que contém em sua composição química 3% a 4% de K2O, Ca, Mg e Si e apresenta baixa solubilidade em água. O presente trabalho objetivou testar a hipótese de que doses de K2O na forma de coproduto fornecem potássio para as plantas de milho em menor quantidade do que as mesmas doses na forma de KCl, inclusive no estudo do efeito residual, e que o potássio extraído do solo pela resina trocadora de íons tem maior correlação com as quantidades de potássio absorvida pela planta de milho do que com o potássio extraído pela solução extratora de Mehlich-1. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, onde foram realizados dois cultivos consecutivos de milho em amostras de Neossolo Quartizarênico órtico. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados com duas fontes de K (KCl e coproduto), três doses de K2O (0, 200 e 400 kg ha-1) e quatro repetições, totalizando 24 unidades experimentais. Foram determinados os teores de potássio extraído da amostra de solo pela solução extratora de Mehlich-1 e resina trocadora de íons, a produção de matéria seca da parte aérea das plantas de milho, os teores e o acumulo de potássio nas plantas após o primeiro e o segundo cultivo. Em dois cultivos consecutivos das plantas de milho, a aplicação de 200 e 400 kg ha-1 de K2O na forma de KCl proporcionou o acumulo de potássio na parte aérea das plantas de 77 e 84% maior do que aplicação dessas mesmas doses de K2O na forma de coproduto, respectivamente. A aplicação de 200 e 400 kg ha-1 de K2O na forma de coproduto proporcionou aumentos no acumulo de potássio da parte aérea das plantas de milho de 66 e 75% em relação ao controle (sem K2O), respectivamente. A recuperação de potássio pelas plantas de milho tratadas com KCl foi de 92% e as plantas...
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The alimentation of fitness people is fundamental by health. This study it has for objective to evaluate of quali-quantitative form the proteic-caloric ingestion, the nitrogen balance and its relation caloric ingestion/estimated metabolic rate, in colleges student practicing of body-building. Eleven body-builders student (18 until 30 years old), both sex, had been analyzed. The attainment of data used an alimentary register, and the gotten information were analyzed together with the nitrogen balance from 24 hours of piss collection. We observed that the nitrogen balance of individuals that make use of some protein supplement is significantly bigger than individuals that do not consume no type of it. This because, the percentile caloric obtained from protein ingestion is significantly raised, and this associate to the caloric ingestion in this group also is raised, determines the obtained results.
From 1933 to 1944, the 21 Regional Offices of Education of the State of São Paulo worked out reports of inventory of the schools of São Paulo inspected in that period of time. At least 68 of those reports have been preserved in the Public Archive of the State of São Paulo. The current paper presents part of that patrimony as an important source of research for the history of education. By dividing that documentation between visual and written sources, the text will focus on the visual sources, and will discuss the methodological difficulties of using this kind of source. Following, will be illustrated part of the visual information that those documents offer to the researchers. The article concludes with a brief sampling of textual information that the reports provide to the historians.