953 resultados para Field Theories in Lower Dimensions


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Analysis of 66 samples from DSDP Site 263 (Cores 263-4R-4 to 263-29R-4) reveals a unique faunal composition with a predominance of agglutinated taxa, many of them previously unrecorded from any other DSDP and ODP Indian Ocean sites. A total of 66 agglutinated and 31 calcareous taxa are documented and five new species are described: Hippocrepina gracilis n.sp., "Textuluriopsis" elegans n.sp., Aaptotoichus challengeri n.sp., "Gaudryinopsis" pseudobettenstaedti n.sp. and "Gaudryina" cuvierensis n.sp. Three assemblages are recognized based on changes in the composition of dominant taxa and occurrences of stratigraphically important species: (1) a high-diversity Valanginian to Barremian Bulbobaculites-Recurvoides Assemblage (Cores 263-29R to - 18R), comprised of numerous elongate agglutinated forms, rare nodosariids, and variable numbers of tubes and ammodiscids; (2) a moderately diverse Aptian to Albian Rhizammina-Ammodiscus-Glomospira Assemblage (Cores 263-18R to -7R) with highly fluctuating numbers of the nominate taxa and Haplophragmoides, Trochammina, Verneuilinoides spp., and Verneuilina howchini; (3) a very low diversity Albian or younger Assemblage (Cores 263-6R to -4R) containing sparse agglutinated foraminifera, rare nodosariids and rotaliids. We interpret the assemblages as shelf to lower slope and consider them to reflect a deepening palaeobathymetry as the Cuvier margin subsided after the initial breakup of East Gondwana during the Valanginian. Our interpretation is in sharp contrast with initial palaeodepth estimates of less than 100 m, as well as with original chronostratigraphic interpretations based on foraminifera and nannofossils which correlated the base of the recovered interval with the Aptian. The absence of many cosmoplitan forms, despite high diversity suggests strong faunal differentiation in the Austral realm or endemisn within the Cuvier Basin during the Early Cretaceous.


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During the drilling of Hole 603B on Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 93, an unexpected series of sand-, silt-, and claystone turbidites was encountered from Cores 603B-45 through -76 (1224-1512 m sub-bottom depth). Complete and truncated Bouma sequences were observed, some indicating deposition by debris flows. Sand emplacement culminated with the deposition of a 30-m-thick, unconsolidated sand unit (Cores 603B-48 through -45). The purpose of this preliminary study is to determine the nature of the heavy mineral suites of this sediment in order to make tentative correlations with onshore equivalents. The heavy mineralogy of Lower Cretaceous North American mid-Atlantic coastal plain sediment has been extensively studied. This sediment is classified as the Potomac Group, which has a varied heavy mineral suite in its lower part (Patuxent Formation), and a limited suite in its upper part (Patapsco Formation). The results of this study reveal a similar trend in the heavy mineral suites of sediment in Hole 603B. Hauterivian through lower Barremian sediment has a heavy mineral suite that is dominated by zircon, apatite, and garnet, with minor amounts of staurolite and kyanite. Beginning in the mid-Barremian, a new source of sediment becomes dominant, one which supplies an epidote-rich heavy mineral suite. The results of the textural analyses show that average grain size of the light mineral fraction increases upsection, whereas sorting decreases. The epidote-rich source may have delivered sediment with a slightly coarser mean grain size. This sediment may represent a more direct continental input at times of maximum turbidite activity (mid-Barremian) and during deposition of the upper, unconsolidated sand unit.