998 resultados para Fibras de polietileno


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A digestão anaeróbia é uma alternativa para o tratamento de resíduos com altas concentrações de matéria orgânica. Por meio dos processos anaeróbios é possível a produção de biogás, fonte de energia renovável e ambientalmente amigável. Elevadas concentrações de lipídios, todavia, apesar de representarem elevado potencial metanogênico, interferem negativamente nos sistemas de tratamento, podendo inibir a atividade microbiana e, consequentemente, a produção de metano. O presente projeto avaliou o efeito da adição de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar no processo de biodigestão anaeróbia de elevadas concentrações de gorduras advindas de efluentes de laticínio. Para tanto foi utilizado bagaço de cana-de-açúcar in natura e pré-tratadas pelos seguintes métodos: organossolve, hidrotérmico, explosão à vapor e ácido diluído. O uso desse material lignocelulósico teve o objetivo de controlar a inibição causada pelos produtos da hidrólise dos lipídios por meio de sua adsorção e, consequentemente, diminuição das concentrações de tais compostos no meio. Outra hipótese era que o bagaço de cana-de-açúcar pudessem agir como co-substrato no processo de biodigestão anaeróbia. Inicialmente realizaram-se ensaios de biodegradabilidade anaeróbia com concentrações crescentes de gordura, que resultaram em relação entre substrato e microrganismo 0,06, 0,1, 0,2, 0,4 e 0,6 g DQO/gSTV. O ensaio com concentração em que foi verificada a inibição severa (0,4 gDQO/gSTV) do processo foi repetido com adição das fibras tratadas e não tratadas. Aos dados de produção acumulada de metano ajustou-se modelo de Gompertz, e parâmetros cinéticos foram inferidos. O bagaço de cana-de-açúcar mostrou potencial como adsorvente de gordura, pois as produções metanogênicas foram superiores à condição inibida sem adição desse material. A adição de fibras pré-tratadas por método organossolve resultou nas maiores produções de metano.


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A crescente necessidade de reabilitação de pavimentos rodoviários tem conduzido ao aumento dos materiais resultantes das intervenções e ao consumo de quantidades significativas de energia e de novos materiais. Umas das formas de reduzir o consumo de energia decorrente da execução de trabalhos de reabilitação, e consequentemente a emissão de gases poluentes associada, é a produção de Misturas Betuminosas Temperadas. Estas são produzidas a temperaturas inferiores a 140ºC, o que permite poupar energia em relação às fabricadas a quente a uma temperatura superior a 140ºC. Por outro lado, a adição de Misturas Betuminosas Recuperadas (MBR) na produção de novas misturas, em substituição de parte dos agregados naturais e do betume novo, contribui para a diminuição do consumo de novos materiais, o que constitui uma prática ambientalmente sustentável e economicamente vantajosa. Reunindo os aspetos referidos no fabrico de misturas Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA), caracterizadas pela sua elevada durabilidade e baixo custo de manutenção ao longo do seu ciclo de vida, pode obter-se uma mistura com inúmeras vantagens do ponto de vista económico e ambiental, destacando-se a redução do consumo e do custo de matérias-primas naturais, a redução do volume de resíduos a transportar a vazadouro, a redução do consumo de energia e a redução dos custos na manutenção e reabilitação dos pavimentos. Ao longo deste trabalho, descrevem-se as diversas tecnologias usadas para produzir misturas betuminosas temperadas, caracterizam-se as misturas do tipo Stone Mastic Asphalt, e mencionam-se os aspetos mais relevantes na incorporação de MBR na produção de novas misturas. Por último, foram realizados estudos experimentais com o intuito de investigar as propriedades volumétricas e o comportamento mecânico de misturas temperadas do tipo SMA com incorporação de MBR, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento deste tipo de misturas não tradicionais, com o objetivo de promover a sua utilização futura em trabalhos de pavimentação rodoviária.


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Os materiais compósitos são materiais em expansão. Revolucionaram a indústria aeronáutica e actualmente difundem-se nos mais variados nichos industriais, mesmo nas aplicações mais comuns. Têm uma grande aplicação em elementos estruturais, sendo submetidos a estados de tensão e deformação multiaxiais. Os elementos tubulares de matriz epoxídica reforçada com fibras de carbono são exemplos típicos de componentes. No entanto, devido ao aparecimento relativamente recente destes materiais, os modelos de fadiga utilizados nos materiais comuns mostraram-se pouco realistas. Surgiu assim a necessidade de adaptar e elaborar novos modelos de fadiga, com resultados mais satisfatórios na previsão da vida dos componentes, recorrendo a ensaios laboratoriais. No presente estudo experimental, recorrendo a um sistema adequado de amarras, foram realizados ensaios de torção e de flexão pura, quer estáticos, quer dinâmicos, numa máquina servo-hidráulica convencional. Nos ensaios de fadiga foram consideradas duas razões de tensões (R=0,05 e R=0,3). Foram também realizados ensaios de fadiga com carregamentos de flexão-torção em fase sob amplitude de tensão constante, com as mesmas razões de tensões, considerando o momento flector igual ao momento torsor (B=T). Foi avaliado o efeito da tensão média, recorrendo aos critérios de Gerber e Goodman, os quais se apresentaram satisfatórios, tendo em conta o número reduzido de estudos efectuados. Já nos ensaios biaxiais, o critério de Tsai–Hill mostrou-se erróneo perante os resultados experimentais. No entanto, após ter sido aplicado um ajustamento, os resultados melhoraram. Foi também estudado o comportamento elastoplástico dos corpos de prova em todos os ensaios.


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Se presenta y describen las líneas de trabajo experimentales que se vienen cultivando en el Grupo de investigación en Dinámica no Lineal y Fibras ópticas, recientemente creado en el Instituto de Óptica del CSIC. We present the experimental lines developed in last years in the Nonlinear Dynamics and Fiber Optics Group (NDFO) of the Optics Institute "Daza de Valdés" (IO-CSIC). © Sociedad Española de Óptica.


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In this work evaluate the technical characteristics of the fibers grown in settlements Guamaré, colored cotton seeds were donated existing in the Germplasm Bank of Embrapa Cotton. We sought through the breeding program, raising the resistance, fineness, length and uniformity of cotton fibers, as well as stabilize the staining of fibers in the BRS Topaz, BRS Brown and BRS Green shades and raise their productivity in the field. First, the individual selections to test progeny seeds, and thereafter the hybridization method followed by family selection to obtain variations in the color tones were performed. The BRS Topaz, BRS Brown and BRS Green varieties were produced, analyzed and compared with existing cottons in the region which is the White cotton. The properties amount of impurities and neps, length, length uniformity, short fiber content, fineness and tensile strength of the fibers were sized in Classifiber, NATI, Pressley and Micronaire devices. 10 trials each with 10 tests for all four fiber types were carried out. The White and Topaz fibers showed greater length (32-34mm) and greater resistance (7.94 lb/mg and 7.97 lb/mg respectively) and showed finesse with lower micronaire index 3,71μg/inch and 3, 73μg/inch and a low rate of short fibers. The results were very promising for the use of genetically improved cotton in the manufacturing of fabric and yarn in the textile industry. The fibers were brown colored cotton used in the manufacture of a composite fiber with thermoplastic resin


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The advancement of nanotechnology in the synthesis and characterisation of nanoparticles (NP's) has played an important role in the development of new technologies for various applications of nano-scale materials that have unique properties. The scientific development in the last decades in the field of nanotechnology has sought ceaselessly, the discovery of new materials for the most diverse applications, such as biomedical areas, chemical, optical, mechanical and textiles. The high bactericidal efficiency of metallic nanoparticles (Au and Ag), among other metals is well known, due to its ability to act in the DNA of fungi, viruses and bacteria, interrupting the process of cellular respiration, making them important means of study, in addition to its ability to protect UVA and UVB. The present work has as its main objective the implementation of an innovative method in the impregnation of nanoparticles of gold in textile substrate, functionalized with chitosan, by a dyeing process by exhaustion, with the control of temperature, time and velocity, thus obtaining microbial characteristics and UV protection. The exhausted substrates with colloidal solutions of NPAu's presented the colours, lilac and red (soybean knits) due to their surface plasmon peak around 520-540 nm. The NPAu's were synthesized chemically, using sodium citrate as a reducing agent and stabilizer. The material was previously cationised with chitosan, a natural polyelectrolyte, with the purpose of functionalising it to enhance the adsorption of colloid, at concentrations of 5, 7, 10 and 20 % of the bonding agent on the weight of the material (OWM). It was also observed, through an experimental design 23 , with 3 central points, which was the best process of exhaustion of the substrates, using the following factors: Time (min.), temperature (OC) and concentration of the colloid (%), having as a response to variable K/S (ABSORBÂNCIA/ Kubelka-Munk) of the fibres. Furthermore, it was evidenced as the best response, the following parameters: concentration 100%, temperature 70 ºC and time 30 minutes. The substrate with NPAu was characterised by XRD; thermal analysis using TGA; microstructural study using SEM/EDS and STEM, thus showing the NP on the surface of the substrate confirming the presence of the metal. The substrates showed higher washing fastness, antibacterial properties and UV radiation protection.


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Intelligent and functional Textile Materials have been widely developed and researched with the purpose of being used in several areas of science and technology. These fibrous materials require different chemical and physical properties to obtain a multifunctional material. With the advent of nanotechnology, the techniques developed, being used as essential tools to characterize these new materials qualitatively. Lately the application of micro and nanomaterials in textile substrates has been the objective of many studies, but many of these nanomaterials have not been optimized for their application, which has resulted in increased costs and environmental pollution, because there is still no satisfactory effluent treatment available for these nanomaterials. Soybean fiber has low adsorption for thermosensitive micro and nanocapsules due to their incompatibility of their surface charges. For this reason, in this work initially chitosan was synthesized to functionalise soybean fibres. Chitosan is a natural polyelectrolyte with a high density of positive charges, these fibres have negative charges as well as the micro/nanocápsules, for this reason the chitosan acts as auxiliary agent to cationize in order to fix the thermosensitive microcapsules in the textile substrate. Polyelectrolyte was characterized using particle size analyses and the measurement of zeta potential. For the morphological analysis scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and x-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and to study the thermal properties, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Near Infrared Spectroscopy analysis in the Region of the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), colourimetry using UV-VIS spectrum were simultaneously performed on the substrate. From the measurement of zeta potential and in the determination of the particle size, stability of electrostatic chitosan was observed around 31.55mV and 291.0 nm respectively. The result obtained with (GD) for chitosan extracted from shrimp was 70 %, which according to the literature survey can be considered as chitosan. To optimize the dyeing process a statistical software, Design expert was used. The surface functionalisation of textile substrate with 2% chitosan showed the best result of K/S, being the parameter used for the experimental design, in which this showed the best response of dyeing absorbance in the range of 2.624. It was noted that soy knitting dyed with the thermosensitive micro andnanocapsules property showed excellent washing solidity, which was observed after 25 home washes, and significant K/S values.


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On the basis of human evolution and the population increase was necessary, the emergence of new sources of energy, the development of new products and technologies. One such product, object of the industry revolution and of great importance to the development of humanity is the oil, a substance composed primarily of hydrocarbons which give rise to several other products as fuels, lubricants, polymers, solvents, cooking gas, asphalt for roads, fertilizers, medicines, paints, among other. However, mishandling this product may cause leaks and spills that generate huge damages to the environment and the economy. Soon, with the purpose of contributing to decrease is problematic, in this master's work was carried out an intensive search of the possible potential of the fibers of Ceiba pentandra (L.) "Kapok" and Calotropis Procera as bioadsorbents of petroleum in water. The choice of these fibers is due to surface properties such as oleophylics and hydrophobic, their buoyancy and yet, being biodegradable natural polymers derived from the Brazilian Northeast. This research was used experimental planning with response surface methodology (RSM) with the software Design Expert. The results were statistically efficient, obtaining a R2= 0.9995 for Calotropis Procera and a R2= 0.9993 for Kapok. And that, both fibers showed adsorption efficiency, removing more than 80% petroleum in water static and dynamic state.


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The constant search for sustainable alternatives has earned great effort of researchers in research and obtaining new materials, encouraging the rise of eco-friendly productive development and providing simple and practical solutions to economic profitability. In this sense, the use of materials derived from natural renewable sources, vegetables, has great potential applicability to sustainable development. As alternative materials plant fibers can be applied to production of a range of composite materials easing the use of materials derived from non-renewable this thesis were sisal mats used for achieving a composite matrix having as one orthophthalic polyester resin. The webs were subjected to surface treatment in boiling water for 15 minutes. The webs of sisal fibers used were, respectively, 5%, 10% and 15% of the composite weight. The composite was obtained and characterized mechanically and thermally to the chosen formulations. several plates of the composite to obtain the body of evidence for the characterization tests complying with the relevant rules were made. The obtained composites showed strength tensile and bending lower than the array, so it can be used where are required low load requests. The most significant result of the composite studied given to the impact energy absorption, far superior to the matrix used. Other properties were highlighted in oil absorption, and density. It proved the feasibility of obtaining the composite for the three formulations studied C5, C10 and C15 being the most feasible to C10. To demonstrate the feasibility of using composite were made a wall clock, a bench, a chair and a shelf, low mechanical stress structures. It was concluded that the sisal rugs exercised the load function in the composite.


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The constant search for sustainable alternatives has earned great effort of researchers in research and obtaining new materials, encouraging the rise of eco-friendly productive development and providing simple and practical solutions to economic profitability. In this sense, the use of materials derived from natural renewable sources, vegetables, has great potential applicability to sustainable development. As alternative materials plant fibers can be applied to production of a range of composite materials easing the use of materials derived from non-renewable this thesis were sisal mats used for achieving a composite matrix having as one orthophthalic polyester resin. The webs were subjected to surface treatment in boiling water for 15 minutes. The webs of sisal fibers used were, respectively, 5%, 10% and 15% of the composite weight. The composite was obtained and characterized mechanically and thermally to the chosen formulations. several plates of the composite to obtain the body of evidence for the characterization tests complying with the relevant rules were made. The obtained composites showed strength tensile and bending lower than the array, so it can be used where are required low load requests. The most significant result of the composite studied given to the impact energy absorption, far superior to the matrix used. Other properties were highlighted in oil absorption, and density. It proved the feasibility of obtaining the composite for the three formulations studied C5, C10 and C15 being the most feasible to C10. To demonstrate the feasibility of using composite were made a wall clock, a bench, a chair and a shelf, low mechanical stress structures. It was concluded that the sisal rugs exercised the load function in the composite.


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Skeletal muscle consists of muscle fiber types that have different physiological and biochemical characteristics. Basically, the muscle fiber can be classified into type I and type II, presenting, among other features, contraction speed and sensitivity to fatigue different for each type of muscle fiber. These fibers coexist in the skeletal muscles and their relative proportions are modulated according to the muscle functionality and the stimulus that is submitted. To identify the different proportions of fiber types in the muscle composition, many studies use biopsy as standard procedure. As the surface electromyography (EMGs) allows to extract information about the recruitment of different motor units, this study is based on the assumption that it is possible to use the EMG to identify different proportions of fiber types in a muscle. The goal of this study was to identify the characteristics of the EMG signals which are able to distinguish, more precisely, different proportions of fiber types. Also was investigated the combination of characteristics using appropriate mathematical models. To achieve the proposed objective, simulated signals were developed with different proportions of motor units recruited and with different signal-to-noise ratios. Thirteen characteristics in function of time and the frequency were extracted from emulated signals. The results for each extracted feature of the signals were submitted to the clustering algorithm k-means to separate the different proportions of motor units recruited on the emulated signals. Mathematical techniques (confusion matrix and analysis of capability) were implemented to select the characteristics able to identify different proportions of muscle fiber types. As a result, the average frequency and median frequency were selected as able to distinguish, with more precision, the proportions of different muscle fiber types. Posteriorly, the features considered most able were analyzed in an associated way through principal component analysis. Were found two principal components of the signals emulated without noise (CP1 and CP2) and two principal components of the noisy signals (CP1 and CP2 ). The first principal components (CP1 and CP1 ) were identified as being able to distinguish different proportions of muscle fiber types. The selected characteristics (median frequency, mean frequency, CP1 and CP1 ) were used to analyze real EMGs signals, comparing sedentary people with physically active people who practice strength training (weight training). The results obtained with the different groups of volunteers show that the physically active people obtained higher values of mean frequency, median frequency and principal components compared with the sedentary people. Moreover, these values decreased with increasing power level for both groups, however, the decline was more accented for the group of physically active people. Based on these results, it is assumed that the volunteers of the physically active group have higher proportions of type II fibers than sedentary people. Finally, based on these results, we can conclude that the selected characteristics were able to distinguish different proportions of muscle fiber types, both for the emulated signals as to the real signals. These characteristics can be used in several studies, for example, to evaluate the progress of people with myopathy and neuromyopathy due to the physiotherapy, and also to analyze the development of athletes to improve their muscle capacity according to their sport. In both cases, the extraction of these characteristics from the surface electromyography signals provides a feedback to the physiotherapist and the coach physical, who can analyze the increase in the proportion of a given type of fiber, as desired in each case.


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ANDRADE JR., T. E. et al. Infiltração de sal de alumínio em fibras de sisal para obtenção de fibras de alumina. Cerâmica, v.51, n.317, p.37-41.ISSN 0366-6913. Disponível em:. Acesso em: 06 out. 2010.


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A presente dissertação incide sobre o estudo dos efeitos do confinamento com materiais compósitos de polímeros reforçados com fibras de carbono (CFRP) em pilares de estruturas de betão armado. A motivação para este estudo surge da necessidade de aprofundar conhecimentos acerca do comportamento dos pilares de betão reforçados por confinamento com CFRP, uma vez que a sua aplicação apresenta uma crescente importância, por exemplo, para aumento da resistência e da ductilidade de estruturas de betão armado. Fez-se, inicialmente, uma breve revisão das técnicas de reforço convencionais utilizadas em pilares de betão armado, com ênfase no reforço exterior com polímeros reforçados com fibras. A elevada resistência à tração, à corrosão e à fadiga, o baixo peso volúmico, a versatilidade e a diversidade dos sistemas comercializados com CFRP tornam este material muito competitivo para este tipo de aplicação. Na sequência desse estudo, realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica acerca dos modelos de comportamento que permitem prever o desempenho de pilares de betão confinados com CFRP, sujeitos a esforços de compressão. Como forma de análise desses modelos, desenvolveu-se uma ferramenta numérica em ambiente Mathworks - Matlab R2015a, que permitiu a obtenção e posterior comparação dos diagramas de tensão-extensão descritos pelos modelos desenvolvidos por Manfredi e Realfonzo (2001), Ferreira (2007) e Wei e Wu (2011). Por fim, comparam-se os resultados experimentais de Paula (2003) e de Rocca (2007) com os dos modelos constitutivos referidos anteriormente, analisando-se também a influência de vários fatores na eficácia do confinamento, tais como o boleamento, o número de camadas de CFRP e a geometria da secção transversal. Foram ainda comparados e discutidos resultados relativos ao confinamento parcial de pilares. Os resultados obtidos indicam que os modelos analíticos representam relativamente bem o andamento das curvas do betão confinado para secções circulares, quadradas e retangulares, verificando-se as principais discrepâncias nestas duas últimas tipologias de secção transversal, dada a dificuldade associada à quantificação de parâmetros associados ao seu comportamento (por exemplo, boleamento de arestas). No entanto, verificou-se igualmente que com um adequado boleamento de arestas (e consequente aumento da relação entre o raio de canto e a largura da secção de betão), bem como com um aumento do número de camadas de material compósito, é possível aumentar a tensão resistente e a extensão axial na rotura do betão à compressão.