957 resultados para Ferdinand II, King of the Two Sicilies.


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Bibliographical footnotes.


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Series title also at head of t.-p.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Advertisement"--P. [1] at end.


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I. Account of former editions of Bishop Hopkins's works. Account of the present edition. Life of Bishop Hopkins. Critical remarks on the author's writings. The Vanity of the world. A practical exposition on the Lord's prayer. A catechistical exposition on the Lord's prayer. Exposition on the Ten commandments.--II. Discourses on the law. Discourses concerning sin. The doctrine of the two covenants. The doctrine of the two sacraments. The nature and necessity of regeneration.--III. The all-sufficiency of Christ to save sinners. The excellency of heavenly treasures. Practical Christianity, in working out our own salvation. The assurance of heaven and salvation, a powerful motive to serve God with fear. On glorifying God in His attributes. The almost-Christian discovered. On the nature, corruption, and renewing of the conscience. The great duty of mortification.--IV. Death disarmed of its sting; from several considerations. Miscellaneous sermons. Index of texts illustrated.


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The "Life" has a special t.p. dated 1842.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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I. Sophia Dorothea of Celle, wife of George I. Caroline of Ansbach, queen of George II.--II. Charlotte Sophia of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, queen of George III. Amelia Elizabeth Caroline of Brunswick, queen of George IV. Adelaide f Saxe Meiningen, queen of William IV.


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The plant cyclotides are a fascinating family of circular proteins that contain a cyclic cystine knot motif. The knotted topology and cyclic nature of the cyclotides pose interesting questions about folding mechanisms and how the knotted arrangement of disulfide bonds is formed. In the current study we have examined the oxidative refolding and reductive unfolding of the prototypic cyclotide, kalata B1. A stable two-disulfide intermediate accumulated during oxidative refolding but not in reductive unfolding. Mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy were used to show that the intermediate contained a native-like structure with two native disulfide bonds topologically similar to the intermediate isolated for the related cystine knot protein EETI-II (LeNguyen, D., Heitz, A., Chiche, L., El Hajji, M., and Castro B. (1993) Protein Sci. 2, 165-174). However, the folding intermediate observed for kalata B1 is not the immediate precursor of the three-disulfide native peptide and does not accumulate in the reductive unfolding process, in contrast to the intermediate observed for EETI-II. These alternative pathways of linear and cyclic cystine knot proteins appear to be related to the constraints imposed by the cyclic backbone of kalata B1 and the different ring size of the cystine knot. The three-dimensional structure of a synthetic version of the two-disulfide intermediate of kalata B1 in which Ala residues replace the reduced Cys residues provides a structural insight into why the two-disulfide intermediate is a kinetic trap on the folding pathway.


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The temperature dependence of the structure of the mixed-anion Tutton salt K-2[Cu(H2O)(6)](SO4)(2x)(SeO4)(2-2x) has been determined for crystals with 0, 17, 25, 68, 78, and 100% sulfate over the temperature range of 85-320 K. In every case, the [Cu(H2O)(6)](2+) ion adopts a tetragonally elongated coordination geometry with an orthorhombic distortion. However, for the compounds with 0, 17, and 25% sulfate, the long and intermediate bonds occur on a different pair of water molecules from those with 68, 78, and 100% sulfate. A thermal equilibrium between the two forms is observed for each crystal, with this developing more readily as the proportions of the two counterions become more similar. Attempts to prepare a crystal with approximately equal amounts of sulfate and selenate were unsuccessful. The temperature dependence of the bond lengths has been analyzed using a model in which the Jahn-Teller potential surface of the [Cu(H2O)(6)](2+) ion is perturbed by a lattice-strain interaction. The magnitude and sign of the orthorhombic component of this strain interaction depends on the proportion of sulfate to selenate. Significant deviations from Boltzmann statistics are observed for those crystals exhibiting a large temperature dependence of the average bond lengths, and this may be explained by cooperative interactions between neighboring complexes.


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Concanavalin A, provoked a 35-fold increase in the rate of proliferation of rat thymocytes. Insulin (10-6M), and insulin-like growth factor I (10-10M) approximately doubled the rate of DNA synthesis. Both of these structurally related molecules acted through the type I insulin-like growth factor receptor. The sequential addition of Concanavalin A and insulin, promoted a much greater proliferative response than to either of the two agonists alone. Insulin also increased the uptake of glucose and amino acids by the cells. Glucose uptake was enhanced at insulin concentrations of 10-6M and 10-10M. Amino acid uptake was more strongly affected at the higher concentration. Insulin-like growth factor I (10-11M) also enhanced amino acid uptake. The effects of insulin on metabolism were mediated by both insulin and type I insulin-like growth factor receptors. These effects were greatly enhanced after a pre-treatment with Concanavalin A. Concanavalin A provided a primary mitogenic signal to the cells. Amongst the responses was an increased expression of insulin and/or type I insulin-like growth factor receptors. The consequent enhanced cellular sensitivity to these agonists, enabled them to facilitate the passage of the cells through the cell cycle by: i) providing a secondary mitogenic signal, and ii) promoting the uptake of raw materials and energy substrates. The initiation of DNA synthesis and passage through the cell cycle was thus punctuated by the sequential expression of various cell surface receptors. This regulated cellular sensitivity, enabling them to react in a precisely orchestrated fashion to hormones and other molecules in their environment. The intracellular mechanism of insulin action remains an enigma. Although the presence of extracellular calcium was essential for insulin stimulation of amino acid uptake and DNA synthesis, the cation did not subserve a direct mediator function. Insulin promoted an increase in intracellular pH, which was mediated by the Na+/H+ antiport. Other mechanisms were probably also involved in mediating the full cellular response to insulin.


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Non-preemptive two-machine flow-shop scheduling problem with uncertain processing times of n jobs is studied. In an uncertain version of a scheduling problem, there may not exist a unique schedule that remains optimal for all possible realizations of the job processing times. We find necessary and sufficient conditions (Theorem 1) when there exists a dominant permutation that is optimal for all possible realizations of the job processing times. Our computational studies show the percentage of the problems solvable under these conditions for the cases of randomly generated instances with n ≤ 100 . We also show how to use additional information about the processing times of the completed jobs during optimal realization of a schedule (Theorems 2 – 4). Computational studies for randomly generated instances with n ≤ 50 show the percentage of the two- machine flow-shop scheduling problems solvable under the sufficient conditions given in Theorems 2 – 4.


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The Drosophila melanogaster genome contains only one CPT1 gene (Jackson, V. N., Cameron, J. M., Zammit, V. A., and Price, N. T. (1999) Biochem. J. 341, 483-489). We have now extended our original observation to all insect genomes that have been sequenced, suggesting that a single CPT1 gene is a universal feature of insect genomes. We hypothesized that insects may be able to generate kinetically distinct variants by alternative splicing of their single CPT1 gene. Analysis of the insect genomes revealed that (a) the single CPT1 gene in each and every insect genome contains two alternative exons and (ii) in all cases, the putative alternative splicing site occurs within a small region corresponding to 21 amino acid residues that are known to be essential for the binding of substrates and of malonyl-CoA in mammalian CPT1A.Weperformed PCR analyses of mRNA from different Drosophila tissues; both of the anticipated splice variants of CPT1mRNAwere found to be expressed in all of the tissues tested (both in larvae and adults), with the expression level for one of the splice variants being significantly different between flight muscle and the fat body of adult Drosophila. Heterologous expression of the full-length cDNAs corresponding to the two putative variants of Drosophila CPT1 in the yeast Pichia pastoris revealed two important differences between the properties of the two variants: (i) their affinity (K 0.5) for one of the substrates, palmitoyl-CoA, differed by 5-fold, and (ii) the sensitivity to inhibition by malonyl-CoA at fixed, higher palmitoyl-CoA concentrations was 2-fold different and associated with different kinetics of inhibition. These data indicate that alternative splicing that specifically affects a structurally crucial region of the protein is an important mechanism through which functional diversity of CPT1 kinetics is generated from the single gene that occurs in insects. © 2010 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.


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Az 1970-es évek olajválságait követő stagflációs periódusok óta gyakorlatilag minden nagyobb áremelkedés alkalmával felerősödnek a kedvezőtlen makrogazdasági hatásokkal kapcsolatos félelmek, miközben a tapasztalat azt mutatja, hogy az importőröket egyre kevésbé érinti az olaj reálárának alakulása. A gyengülő hatások okaként Blanchard-Galí [2007] a gazdaságok hatékonyabb és rugalmasabb működését jelölte meg, míg Kilian [2010] szerint a 2000 utáni áremelkedést a kedvező világgazdasági környezet fűtötte, ami ellensúlyozta a magasabb ár okozta negatív folyamatokat. A tanulmány Kilian [2009] modelljének kiterjesztésével, időben változó paraméterű ökonometriai eljárással vizsgálja a két megközelítés összeegyeztethetőségét. Az eredmények a hipotézisek egymást kiegészítő kapcsolatára engednek következtetni, azaz a makrogazdasági következmények szempontjából nem maga az ár, hanem annak kiváltó okai lényegesek, ugyanakkor e mögöttes tényezők hatása az elmúlt évtizedekben folyamatosan változott. _____ Many economists argue that the stagflation periods of the 1970s were related to the two main oil crises. However, experience shows that these effects were eliminated over the decades, e. g. oil-importing economies enjoyed solid growth and low inflation when oil prices surged in the 2000s. Blanchard and Galí (2007) found that economies became more effective and elastic in handling high energy prices, while Kilian (2010) took as the main reason for the weakening macroeconomic effects of oil-price shocks the structural differences behind the price changes. The article sets out to test the compatibility of the two rival theories, using time-varying parameter models. The results show that both hypotheses can be correct concurrently: the structure of the change in price matters, but the impulse responses varied over time.