968 resultados para Exercise of judgment
La autora analiza tres textos latinoamericanos que muestran construcciones del imaginario andino, extendidas a ciertos estereotipos sobre la corporalidad andina: frágil, dolorida, para la cual la esperanza de liberación radica en un azar. En «Boletín y Elegía de las Mitas», César Dávila presenta una versión del cuerpo indio «exclusivamente centrada en la vejación de lo anatómico» (de su cabeza y genitales, de órganos tan profundos como el corazón y el esqueleto), con lo que el cuerpo desnudo y forzado se convierte en ajeno. En «El sueño del Pongo», de José María Arguedas, el cuerpo del indio oprimido es diminuto, y porta una «gestualidad comprimida que se pone en juego a partir de posturas humilladas». Pese al final aparentemente optimista de ambos textos, se trata de productos culturales que cumplen un rol en el ejercicio de control social. En «Barraquera», de José de la Cuadra, el cuerpo de esta mujer es fundado a partir de violaciones, muertes y migraciones forzadas: habituado a sufrir y callar, para este cuerpo el dolor se convierte en la única vía posible de acceso al placer. Se remarca que el tiempo cronológico de los tres relatos es el de la espera, el tiempo del destino. Para estos cuerpos-lugares siempre vulnerables y violentados, burlados o invisibilizados, lo fatal fundamentaría un cierre de lo histórico.
El artículo analiza el impacto que la crisis política de la monarquía española suscitó en Caracas, en donde tuvo lugar un intenso debate. En noviembre de 1808 se intentó erigir una junta, sin éxito. El 19 de abril de 1810 se constituyó la Junta Conservadora de los Derechos del Rey Fernando VII y, finalmente, el 5 de julio de 1811 se declaró la Independencia. El artículo analiza el contenido del debate acerca del ejercicio de la soberanía, así como la manera en que organizaron la representación política quienes tuvieron a su cargo la conducción de este proceso histórico, desde el inicio del movimiento juntista hasta la declaración de la indepedencia.
La autora lee la novela Hoy empiezo a acordarme, del ecuatoriano Miguel Donoso Pareja, desde la perspectiva de la ficción como un intento –vano–, por parte del narrador, de encontrarse a sí mismo, escritura-travesía hacia un yo que resulta ser siempre “otro”. El personaje pretendería transformar no exclusivamente su realidad, sino la ficción misma en un universo navegable para el lector, la escritura fragmentada en vehículo que no lo lleve a destino alguno, sino a su propio punto de partida. Más que construir una novela de perfección formal, el narrador pretendería involucrar al lector en su propio viaje-búsqueda. Donoso partiría de la escritura como presencia y ausencia, como verdad y mentira, para construir esta novela con historias fragmentadas que se alimentan tanto del recuerdo como del olvido, en un cabal ejercicio de hiperconciencia narrativa.
La Constitución ecuatoriana promulgada el 20 de octubre de 2008 prescribe en el art. 11.9 que la responsabilidad estatal consiste en la reparación de las violaciones a los derechos por la falta o deficiente prestación de servicios públicos o por acciones u omisiones en el ejercicio de potestades públicas, reparación que es integral conforme el principio garantista de protección los derechos previsto en el art. 86.3. El presente estudio aborda aspectos generales de la naturaleza jurídica de la responsabilidad estatal –de la irresponsabilidad a la responsabilidad estatal–, su evolución –de la concepción civil indemnizatoria a la concepción reparadora integral–, y los denominados títulos jurídicos de imputación objetiva –falla del servicio, desequilibrio de las cargas públicas–, que serán de trascendental importancia para la comprensión de nuevo régimen, y cuyos aspectos específicos ameritarían un examen más amplio.
Para evitar una transformación formal y conducir un cambio constitucional sustancial se hace indispensable generar una construcción teórica en la que se sustenten los valores estructurales del constitucionalismo ecuatoriano como son el Sumak Kawsay y la justicia. Los nuevos saberes constitucionales son una motivación para transformar la práctica del derecho en el sistema de justicia ecuatoriano, porque no es suficiente el ejercicio tradicional del derecho para las exigencias del sistema constitucional actual. Es importante identificar que el cambio a lo nuevo ofrece resistencia en la práctica y exige creatividad para la transformación, circunstancia que se apega a la reparación integral que involucra el ejercicio de la justicia no como un ideal reservado para la teorización, sino que exige materialización.
En este artículo se tratará de determinar si la historia que se vivió en el Ecuador el 30 de septiembre de 2010 puede considerarse como “motín”, “un intento de golpe de Estado” o una “propuesta laboral”. Por otro lado se habla sobre la democracia, referida a la participación activa del ciudadano, como también de las instituciones públicas y privadas que deben encontrarse en estricto apego a los derechos fundamentales. En virtud de la antes mencionada democracia, se consigue el “orden público”, en el que la función policial es de gran importancia, debido a que ella tiene la misión de buscar las condiciones necesarias para el ejercicio de los derechos.
La descentralización fiscal ha tenido un mejor desarrollo relativo si se la compara con la descentralización administrativa de la que es su complemento, se pueden mostrar resultados visibles en dos escenarios que forman parte de su contenido esencial: por una parte, la transferencia de recursos del presupuesto general del Estado a favor de los gobiernos autónomos descentralizados que observan los criterios de asignación contemplados en la Constitución, ha logrado definir el sistema de transferencia de recursos que cumple con sus características esenciales: ser predecible, automática y oportuna. Por otra parte, está el sistema impositivo subnacional que, con su base constitucional, se ha desarrollado en la legislación secundaria, de manera que tres de los cuatro niveles de gobierno subnacional tienen la posibilidad real de incrementar sus recursos propios, a través del ejercicio de la potestad tributaria que les permite crear, modificar y exonerar tasas y contribuciones especiales de mejoras, dentro del ámbito de competencias de cada nivel.
The mineral sector has an extreme strategic relevance for the social and economic development of any country. Therefore, proper management of existing mineral resources in a given area is closely linked to the full exercise of sovereignty. Thus, in pretending to guarantee efficient control of resources, the majority of the countries classify mineral resources as state property; however, because of the high cost and the risk involved, the economic exploitation of these resources is more efficient when driven by private initiative. Hence, the basic resource exploitation model is a modern legal concept in which the control over resources belongs to the State, but the direct economic exploitation of this heritage belongs to some individuals according to law and by offering the necessary social and economic counterparts.
The emergence of social action amid governance is relatively new, but has been cases and situations even in earlier centuries than the 20th century. The presence, however, of a permanent social action in the State as a regular form of action public institutions, further established in republican constitutions in Latin America, is a significant novelty in the exercise of public administration. This research deals with the analysis of this reality, still incipient, and the implications of the permanent presence of the society in the state function. A reference framework for treating relationship between society and State involvement in a deep dimension is no stranger to the analysis of ideologies, agencies, interests and policy management dimension. This study analyzes the current situation of this participation in the State, in the case of Ecuador, with some references with other countries in the region. The study concludes that this participation is still incipient, amid a complex dialectic of stakeholders. Finally research makes some proposals to operationalize such participation and make it real, deep and continuous.
Predicting metal bioaccumulation and toxicity in soil organisms is complicated by site-specific biotic and abiotic parameters. In this study we exploited tissue fractionation and digestion techniques, combined with X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), to investigate the whole-body and subcellular distributions, ligand affinities, and coordination chemistry of accumulated Pb and Zn in field populations of the epigeic earthworm Lumbricus rubellus inhabiting three contrasting metalliferous and two unpolluted soils. Our main findings were (i) earthworms were resident in soils with concentrations of Pb and Zn ranging from 1200 to 27 000 mg kg(-1) and 200 to 34 000 mg kg(-1), respectively; (ii) Pb and Zn primarily accumulated in the posterior alimentary canal in nonsoluble subcellular fractions of earthworms; (iii) site-specific differences in the tissue and subcellular partitioning profiles of populations were observed, with earthworms from a calcareous site partitioning proportionally more Pb to their anterior body segments and Zn to the chloragosome-rich subcellular fraction than their acidic-soil inhabiting counterparts; (iv) XAS indicated that the interpopulation differences in metal partitioning between organs were not accompanied by qualitative differences in ligand-binding speciation, because crystalline phosphate-containing pyromorphite was a predominant chemical species in the whole-worm tissues of all mine soil residents. Differences in metal (Pb, Zn) partitioning at both organ and cellular levels displayed by field populations with protracted histories of metal exposures may reflect their innate ecophysiological responses to essential edaphic variables, such as Ca2+ status. These observations are highly significant in the challenging exercise of interpreting holistic biomarker data delivered by "omic" technologies.
Armed with the ‘equity’ and ‘conservation’ arguments that have a deep resonance with farming communities, developing countries are crafting a range of measures designed to protect farmers’ access to innovations, reward their contributions to the conservation and enhancement of plant genetic resources and provide incentives for sustained on-farm conservation. These measures range from the commericialization of farmers’ varieties to the conferment of a set of legally enforceable rights on farming communities – the exercise of which is expected to provide economic rewards to those responsible for on-farm conservation and innovation. The rights-based approach has been the cornerstone of legislative provision for implementing farmers’ rights in most developing countries. In drawing up these measures, developing countries do not appear to have systematically examined or provided for the substantial institutional capacity required for the effective implementation of farmers’ rights provisions. The lack of institutional capacity threatens to undermine any prospect of serious implementation of these provisions. More importantly, the expectation that significant incentives for on-farm conservation and innovation will flow from these ‘rights’ may be based on a flawed understanding of the economics of intellectual property rights. While farmers’ rights may provide only limited rewards for conservation, they may still have the effect of diluting the incentives for innovative institutional breeding programs – with the private sector increasingly relying on non-IPR instruments to profit from innovation. The focus on a rights-based approach may also draw attention away from alternative stewardship-based approaches to the realization of farmers’ rights objectives.
This article examines one legal criterion for the exercise of the right of self-defense that has been significantly overlooked by commentators: the so-called “reporting requirement.” Article 51 of the United Nations (UN) Charter provides, inter alia, that “[m]easures taken by members in the exercise of this right of self-defense shall be immediately reported to the Security Council.” Although the requirement to report all self-defense actions to the Council is clearly set out in Article 51, the Charter offers no further guidance with regard to this obligation. Reference to the practice of states since the UN’s inception in 1945 is therefore essential to understanding the scope and nature of the reporting requirement. As such, this article is underpinned by an extensive original dataset of reporting practice covering the period from January 1, 1998 to December 31, 2013. We know from Article 51 that states “shall” report, but do they, and—if so—in what manner? What are the various implications of reporting, of failing to report, and of the way in which states report? How are reports used, and by whom? Most importantly, this article questions the ultimate value of states reporting their self-defense actions to the Security Council in modern interstate relations.
Within the ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project Aerosol_cci (2010–2013), algorithms for the production of long-term total column aerosol optical depth (AOD) datasets from European Earth Observation sensors are developed. Starting with eight existing pre-cursor algorithms three analysis steps are conducted to improve and qualify the algorithms: (1) a series of experiments applied to one month of global data to understand several major sensitivities to assumptions needed due to the ill-posed nature of the underlying inversion problem, (2) a round robin exercise of "best" versions of each of these algorithms (defined using the step 1 outcome) applied to four months of global data to identify mature algorithms, and (3) a comprehensive validation exercise applied to one complete year of global data produced by the algorithms selected as mature based on the round robin exercise. The algorithms tested included four using AATSR, three using MERIS and one using PARASOL. This paper summarizes the first step. Three experiments were conducted to assess the potential impact of major assumptions in the various aerosol retrieval algorithms. In the first experiment a common set of four aerosol components was used to provide all algorithms with the same assumptions. The second experiment introduced an aerosol property climatology, derived from a combination of model and sun photometer observations, as a priori information in the retrievals on the occurrence of the common aerosol components. The third experiment assessed the impact of using a common nadir cloud mask for AATSR and MERIS algorithms in order to characterize the sensitivity to remaining cloud contamination in the retrievals against the baseline dataset versions. The impact of the algorithm changes was assessed for one month (September 2008) of data: qualitatively by inspection of monthly mean AOD maps and quantitatively by comparing daily gridded satellite data against daily averaged AERONET sun photometer observations for the different versions of each algorithm globally (land and coastal) and for three regions with different aerosol regimes. The analysis allowed for an assessment of sensitivities of all algorithms, which helped define the best algorithm versions for the subsequent round robin exercise; all algorithms (except for MERIS) showed some, in parts significant, improvement. In particular, using common aerosol components and partly also a priori aerosol-type climatology is beneficial. On the other hand the use of an AATSR-based common cloud mask meant a clear improvement (though with significant reduction of coverage) for the MERIS standard product, but not for the algorithms using AATSR. It is noted that all these observations are mostly consistent for all five analyses (global land, global coastal, three regional), which can be understood well, since the set of aerosol components defined in Sect. 3.1 was explicitly designed to cover different global aerosol regimes (with low and high absorption fine mode, sea salt and dust).
The present study has a threefold aim: First, the theoretical aim is to give a contribution to refinement of the theory of dialogue based feminist ethics, concerning the understanding of judgment and narration within such an ethics. The study also has an empirical aim, defined as to clarify what kind of knowledge, relevant to the moral judgment of an engaged outsider actor, can be received from dialogical interpretation and analysis of a limited selection of critically reflecting life stories. Third, a methodological aim is defined as to develop an approach to interpretation and analysis of reflecting life stories, which renders the storyteller visible as a reflecting moral subject, and makes the story accessible as a source of knowledge for the moral judgment of an engaged outsider actor. The thesis combines philosophical reflection and argumentation, with a narrative-hermeneutic method for interpretation of life stories, relating the two to each other in a hermeneutic process. The theoretical reflection draws on Seyla Benhabibs theory of communicative ethics. A dialogue based model for moral justification and a likewise dialogue based model for political legitimacy are at the heart of this universalistic theory, although in combination with a conception of a narratively and hermeneutically constituted context sensitive moral judgment, based on Hannah Arendt’s concept “enlarged thought”. In the reflection, this model is related to other feminist theorizing within the tradition of dialogue based feminist ethics, as found in the works of Iris M. Young, Georgia Warnke and Shari Stone-Mediatore. The empirical study draws on three critically reflecting life stories from Israeli-Palestinian women activists for a just peace. The methodology for interpretation and analysis that is worked out combines dialogical interpretation as presented in Arthur W. Frank’s socio-narratology with a method for structural analysis derived from Shari Stone-Mediatores theory of storytelling as an expression of political resistance struggle. The results show that some stories drawing on marginalized experiences have a potential to stimulate further public debate through their capacity to enable a stereoscopic seeing, elucidating a tension between ideologically structured discourse and non-linguistic experience; implying that narrative-hermeneutic competence should be considered crucial for public debate.
Syftet med studien var att utforska socialarbetares upplevelse av arbetsrelaterad samvetsstress. Vi ville identifiera vad samvetsstress kan vara för yrkesgruppen socialarbetare vars arbetsuppgift innefattar myndighetsutövning och vad i arbetet som orsakar samvetsstress. Sex stycken kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med socialarbetare vars yrke innefattar myndighetsutövning. Resultatet visar att samtliga intervjupersoner upplever samvetsstress när de beskriver sig ha svårt att hantera sitt dåliga samvete och att detta leder till negativa psykiska och fysiska stressymptom. Intervjupersonerna beskriver dock upplevelsen av samvetsstress i olika grad vilka kategoriserades: ständig närvaro av samvetsstress, närvaro av samvetsstress i vissa situationer samt medveten bortträngning av samvetsstress. Resultatet visar vidare att samvetsstress kan skapas av de krav och förväntningar som organisationen, brukare och anhöriga samt socialarbetaren själv har om de upplevs som övermäktiga och motstridiga. Vår studie indikerar på ett behov av vidare forskning om samvetsstress hos socialarbetare.