984 resultados para Exame do segmento anterior


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El TFC describe el proceso de migración HW para una aplicación embebida crítica en tiempo real. El TFC resume todos los pasos del proceso: toma de requisitos, diseño, implementación, test y certificación.


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OBJECTIVE To better define the concordance of visual loss in patients with nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION). METHODS The medical records of 86 patients with bilateral sequential NAION were reviewed retrospectively, and visual function was assessed using visual acuity, Goldmann visual fields, color vision, and relative afferent papillary defect. A quantitative total visual field score and score per quadrant were analyzed for each eye using the numerical Goldmann visual field scoring method. RESULTS Outcome measures were visual acuity, visual field, color vision, and relative afferent papillary defect. A statistically significant correlation was found between fellow eyes for multiple parameters, including logMAR visual acuity (P = .01), global visual field (P < .001), superior visual field (P < .001), and inferior visual field (P < .001). The mean deviation of total (P < .001) and pattern (P < .001) deviation analyses was significantly less between fellow eyes than between first and second eyes of different patients. CONCLUSIONS Visual function between fellow eyes showed a fair to moderate correlation that was statistically significant. The pattern of vision loss was also more similar in fellow eyes than between eyes of different patients. These results may help allow better prediction of visual outcome for the second eye in patients with NAION.


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OBJECTIVE Endogenous uveitis is a major cause of visual loss mediated by the immune system. The protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 22 (PTPN22) gene encodes a lymphoid-specific phosphatase that plays a key role in T-cell receptor (TCR) signaling. Two independent functional missense single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located within the PTPN22 gene (R263Q and R620W) have been associated with different autoimmune disorders. We aimed to analyze for the first time the influence of these PTPN22 genetic variants on endogenous non-anterior uveitis susceptibility. METHODS We performed a case-control study of 217 patients with endogenous non-anterior uveitis and 718 healthy controls from a Spanish population. The PTPN22 polymorphisms (rs33996649 and rs2476601) were genotyped using TaqMan allelic discrimination assays. The allele, genotype, carriers, and allelic combination frequencies were compared between cases and controls with χ(2) analysis or Fisher's exact test. RESULTS Our results showed no influence of the studied SNPs in the global susceptibility analysis (rs33996649: allelic P- value=0.92, odds ratio=0.97, 95% confidence interval=0.54-1.75; rs2476601: allelic P- value=0.86, odds ratio=1.04, 95% confidence interval=0.68-1.59). Similarly, the allelic combination analysis did not provide additional information. CONCLUSIONS Our results suggest that the studied polymorphisms of the PTPN22 gene do not play an important role in the pathophysiology of endogenous non-anterior uveitis.


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Today, reconstructive arthroscopic knee surgery of the anterior cruciate ligament is a widely used technique. In addition to the usual complications of arthroscopic techniques, the extraction of the piece must be taken into consideration, with vascular complications being the rarest and most serious of them all. We present the case of a patient who suffered an arterial pseudoaneurysm during this procedure. The management and treatment are discussed and the current bibliography reviewed.


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OBJECTIVE: STAT4 and IL23R loci represent common susceptibility genetic factors in autoimmunity. We decided to investigate for the first time the possible role of different STAT4/IL23R autoimmune disease-associated polymorphisms on the susceptibility to develop non-anterior uveitis and its main clinical phenotypes. METHODS Four functional polymorphisms (rs3821236, rs7574865, rs7574070, and rs897200) located within STAT4 gene as well as three independent polymorphisms (rs7517847, rs11209026, and rs1495965) located within IL23R were genotyped using TaqMan® allelic discrimination in a total of 206 patients with non-anterior uveitis and 1553 healthy controls from Spain. RESULTS No statistically significant differences were found when allele and genotype distributions were compared between non-anterior uveitis patients and controls for any STAT4 (rs3821236: P=0.39, OR=1.12, CI 95%=0.87-1.43; rs7574865: P=0.59 OR=1.07, CI 95%=0.84-1.37; rs7574070: P=0.26, OR=0.89, CI 95%=0.72-1.10; rs897200: P=0.22, OR=0.88, CI 95%=0.71-1.08;) or IL23R polymorphisms (rs7517847: P=0.49, OR=1.08, CI 95%=0.87-1.33; rs11209026: P=0.26, OR=0.78, CI 95%=0.51-1.21; rs1495965: P=0.51, OR=0.93, CI 95%=0.76-1.15). CONCLUSION Our results do not support a relevant role, similar to that described for other autoimmune diseases, of IL23R and STAT4 polymorphisms in the non-anterior uveitis genetic predisposition. Further studies are needed to discard a possible weak effect of the studied variant.


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OBJECTIVE Interferon (IFN) signaling plays a crucial role in autoimmunity. Genetic variation in interferon regulatory factor 5 (IRF5), a major regulator of the type I interferon induction, has been associated with risk of developing several autoimmune diseases. In the current study we aimed to evaluate whether three sets of correlated IRF5 genetic variants, independently associated with SLE and with different functional roles, are involved in uveitis susceptibility and its clinical subphenotypes. METHODS Three IRF5 polymorphisms, rs2004640, rs2070197 and rs10954213, representative of each group, were genotyped using TaqMan® allelic discrimination assays in a total of 263 non-anterior uveitis patients and 724 healthy controls of Spanish origin. RESULTS A clear association between two of the three analyzed genetic variants, rs2004640 and rs10954213, and the absence of macular edema was observed in the case/control analysis (P FDR =5.07E-03, OR=1.48, CI 95%=1.14-1.92 and P FDR =3.37E-03, OR=1.54, CI 95%=1.19-2.01, respectively). Consistently, the subphenotype analysis accordingly with the presence/absence of this clinical condition also reached statistical significance (rs2004640: P=0.037, OR=0.69, CI 95%=0.48-0.98; rs10954213: P=0.030, OR=0.67, CI 95%=0.47-0.96), thus suggesting that both IRF5 genetic variants are specifically associated with the lack of macular edema in uveitis patients. CONCLUSION Our results clearly showed for the first time that two functional genetic variants of IRF5 may play a role in the development of macular edema in non-anterior uveitis patients. Identifying genetic markers for macular edema could lead to the possibility of developing novel treatments or preventive therapies.


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BACKGROUND Recently, different genetic variants located within the IL2/IL21 genetic region as well as within both IL2RA and IL2RB loci have been associated to multiple autoimmune disorders. We aimed to investigate for the first time the potential influence of the IL2/IL21, IL2RA and IL2RB most associated polymorphisms with autoimmunity on the endogenous non-anterior uveitis genetic predisposition. METHODS A total of 196 patients with endogenous non-anterior uveitis and 760 healthy controls, all of them from Caucasian population, were included in the current study. The IL2/IL21 (rs2069762, rs6822844 and rs907715), IL2RA (2104286, rs11594656 and rs12722495) and IL2RB (rs743777) genetic variants were genotyped using TaqMan® allelic discrimination assays. RESULTS A statistically significant difference was found for the rs6822844 (IL2/IL21 region) minor allele frequency in the group of uveitis patients compared with controls (P(-value)=0.02, OR=0.64 CI 95%=0.43-0.94) although the significance was lost after multiple testing correction. Furthermore, no evidence of association with uveitis was detected for the analyzed genetic variants of the IL2RA or IL2RB loci. CONCLUSION Our results indicate that analyzed IL2/IL21, IL2RA and IL2RB polymorphisms do not seem to play a significant role on the non-anterior uveitis genetic predisposition although further studies are needed in order to clear up the influence of these loci on the non-anterior uveitis susceptibility.


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: Para estudiar la historia natural del ictus isquémico por oclusión de gran vaso de la circulación anterior se seleccionó una muestra prospectiva de pacientes con ictus agudo que no recibieron terapias de reperfusión en los que se confirmó una oclusión de gran vaso de la circulación anterior mediante Dúplex transcraneal. El 74% de los pacientes tuvo mal pronóstico. Los pacientes con oclusión de la a.carótida interna terminal y de la a.cerebral media proximal tuvieron peor pronóstico funcional y mayor porcentaje de mortalidad a los tres meses que los pacientes con oclusión de la a.cerebral media distal.


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Neste estudo, objetiva-se identificar os estágios do ciclo de vida organizacional pautados no modelo de Lester, Parnell e Carraher (2003) das empresas do segmento industrial de máquinas, aparelhos e materiais elétricos do estado de Santa Catarina. Pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa, foi realizada por meio de levantamento com aplicação de questionário aos gestores das empresas. A população constituiu-se das 264 empresas desse segmento econômico, listadas na Secretaria da Fazenda do Estado de Santa Catarina, e a amostra não aleatória das 40 empresas que responderam a pesquisa. As variáveis de identificação dos estágios de ciclo de vida utilizadas no questionário foram extraídas de Lester, Parnell e Carraher (2003). Os dados da pesquisa foram submetidos à técnica estatística denominada lógica fuzzy. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstraram que 57,5% das empresas foram classificadas no estágio do nascimento, 15% do, 7,5% da Maturidade, 10% do rejuvenescimento e 10% do declínio. Concluiu-se que determinados estágios do ciclo de vida organizacional estão próximos uns dos outros e que não se pode perceber claramente uma progressão determinista nas fases do ciclo de vida, como uma sequência única, definitiva e irreversível, no sentido tradicional biológico.


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As pesquisas tradicionais sobre liderança fazem uso de uma abordagem atomizada, que desconsidera os efeitos de diferentes padrões (gestalts) do construto e prioriza a lógica de uma variável por vez. A partir dessa crítica, o objetivo no presente trabalho é analisar a relação de distintas gestalts (configurações) de liderança transformacional com o comprometimento organizacional. Para a consecução desse objetivo, foram analisados 331 questionários de funcionários de oito organizações do setor de serviços. O método de pesquisa é classificado como levantamento (survey), com amostragem não probabilística por conveniência. Para o tratamento dos dados, fez-se uso da técnica de modelagem de equações estruturais no processo de análise da validade e confiabilidade das escalas. Na sequência, a análise de cluster evidenciou três configurações de liderança, denominadas: desorientação, subliderança e conversão. Para a verificação da influência dessas gestalts sobre o comprometimento organizacional, foi testado um modelo linear generalizado - MANCOVA fatorial. Os resultados indicaram a relação entre as configurações de liderança transformacional e as dimensões afetiva, instrumental e normativa do comprometimento; entretanto, para o comprometimento instrumental, a relação é mediada pelo grau de instrução dos liderados. Por fim, são discutidas as implicações dos achados empíricos.


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BACKGROUND: Ultrasound Biomicroscopy (UBM) is a new ophthalmological imaging technique essentially designed for the study of the anterior eye segment. Over the last 10 months, we've evaluated its contribution to the conservative treatment of anterior uveal melanoma's by means of accelerated proton beam irradiation. MATERIAL: Using UBM, we have examined 55 cases of uveal melanoma's, whose anterior border was situated at 6 mm or less from the limbus and that were consequently treated by proton beam irradiation. RESULTS: The presumed tumoral origin was the ciliary body's pars plicata in 13 cases and the pars plana or the choroid in 42 cases, 17 of which presented a tumoral invasion of the pars plicata. A pars plana detachment anterior to or surrounding the anterior tumoral border, was present in 22 cases. The height of the tumor could only be measured by UBM if it was less than 2.5 mm. Information gathered using UBM have contributed to an improvement of the therapy plan in 32 cases. CONCLUSION: Because of the strong attenuation of the high frequency ultrasound signal, UBM can only be used for the examination of intra-ocular structures situated in direct neighbourhood to the global wall. Despite this technical limitation, ist contribution to the planning of the conservative treatment of anterior uveal melanoma's by proton beam irradiation has appeared to be considerable.


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Trata-se de estudo descritivo exploratório, realizado em uma Escola de Enfermagem, do qual participam 63 funcionárias não docentes. Teve como objetivos verificar seus conhecimentos sobre o exame preventivo do câncer cérvico-uterino e conhecer seus sentimentos e expectativas ao submeterem-se a este exame. Os dados foram coletados por meio de formulário sendo que a última questão foi gravada e analisada segundo o referencial teórico metodológico da fenomenologia social. As respostas obtidas permitem repensar sobre atendimento adequado mediante ações humanizadas que consideram o ser em sua totalidade existencial, pertencente a um contexto socioeconômico e cultural.


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Esta pesquisa é fruto de minha experiência com mulheres no Programa de Prevenção do Câncer Cérvico-uterino do Ambulatório de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia do Hospital das Clínicas da UFMG. Busquei compreender o que significa para as mulheres se submeterem ao exame colpocitológico. Para tal, utilizei-me da pesquisa qualitativa, numa abordagem fenomenológica. Para coletar os dados foi utilizada uma entrevista aberta. A análise dos discursos das onze mulheres entrevistadas possibilitou-me construir três categorias analíticas: A- Prevenindo o câncer cérvico-uterino: a mulher como ser-consciente-no-mundo; B- Enfrentando o exame colpocitológico: manifestações do existir; C- Interagindo com o profissional de saúde durante o exame: as interfaces da assistência.


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Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva quantitativa, desenvolvida em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde em Natal/RN, objetivando identificar o conhecimento de mulheres quanto à importância, à freqüência do exame de Papanicolau, bem como seus cuidados antes de realizá-lo e causas que levam mulheres a não se submeterem a tal exame. Utilizou-se uma entrevista estruturada na coleta de dados antes da consulta ginecológica, com uma amostra intencional de 120 mulheres. Os resultados mostram que as pesquisadas conhecem a importância do exame, a maioria realiza-o anualmente e, no geral, apresentam conhecimento satisfatório sobre os cuidados antes do exame. A vergonha de fazer o exame de Papanicolau e o medo do seu resultado são as principais causas atribuídas para a sua não realização. Conclui-se que os projetos educativos sejam direcionados para a importância, a freqüência e os cuidados necessários antes do exame de Papanicolau, como também, para a interação profissional-cliente durante a consulta ginecológica, visando a reduzir a vergonha e o medo dessas mulheres.