1000 resultados para Estação Ecológica de Itirapina (SP)


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The dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) is recent crop cultivation in Brazil and there is still lack of studies to support the farmers. So, this research aimed to characterize the reproductive phenology of the crop in the region of Jaboticabal, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. It was evaluated red dragon fruit clones over two environmental conditions - under plastic screen black and white, with 50% of shady level, from March 2009 to December 2010. It was observed that the issuance of floral buds and the flowering on dragon fruit culture occurs with a combination of high temperatures and rainfall, with constant emission of floral buds from November to March while the flowering on dragon fruit culture occurs until mid-April. The color of plastic screen had influenced on amount of flowers. The time elapsed since the issuance of flower buds to anthesis is from 18 to 23 days, while the harvest occurs from 34 to 43 days after flower opening. At Jaboticabal, the time of appearance of flower bud to fruit harvest is from 52 to 66 days.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Water quality is very important for the health and the population welfare, and the public supply system must provide water quality and suffi cient quantity for the entire population. Water treatment stations, are the main way to obtain water quality. When this doesn’t occur, several problems can affect the population, in this case, using water with poor quality is a constant risk of emergence causing various diseases. The elimination of microorganisms in treated water reduces competition, encouraging the multiplication of chlorine resistant bacteria as Mycobacterium genus frequently isolated from treated and chlorinated water. Considering the lack of indication from examinations of mycobacteria routine laboratory for quality control of drinking water and other human uses, the objective was to verify the presence isolate and identify the environmental mycobacteria in the system water source surface of Araraquara - SP. We analyzed 40 water samples, distributed as follows: ten water gross collected at Station Water Treatment Plant (WTP), harvested after ten fi ltration; ten collected in the reservoir after chlorination and ten in the network distribution. Were recovered 43 isolates of mycobacteria. All isolates were subjected to PCR-PRA. The mycobacteria were identifi ed as M. lentifl avum, M. parafortuitum, M. genavense, M. gordonae, M. fortuitum, M. confl uent, M. duvalii, M. avium subspecies paratuberculosis and M. szulgai. With these results, was concluded that water is an important source of environmental mycobacteria probably related to several human diseases, suggesting the carrying out continuous monitoring of the microorganisms in the system drinking water.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of thisstudy was to verify, using the Ecological Development Theory (EDT), as the practice and swimming learning for People With Disabilities (PWD) causes changes to both the practitioner and in other environments experienced by it as well as the other environments influence the learning to swim. The study included 16 PWD, students linked university extension project, Department of Physical Education of UNESP Bauru, taught by coordinators LAPEF, which aims to includes wimming in the PWD ofevery day life, students linked to an institution of Bauru-SP, three employees of the institution and two swimming project teachers.Interviews with the families of the students were made, with the institution s employees, with the project teachers and analyze thes wimming lessons applied in the project for one semester. Based on the results we can say that the practice and learnings wimming for PWD causes changes to both the practitioner and for other environments experienced by her (home, institution) and also, what other environments experienced by PWD influence in practice and process of learning to swim. Using the terminology of EDT, we conclude that theme so system (home activities institution) influences in the microsystem (swimming lessons) and the microsystem influences the mesosystem, so the activity was significant and temporal persistence influencing the development of PCD.


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Dracena, located in Presidente Prudente's region and founded in 1945, is a coffe and cotton's expansion and had your development by the advance of the Paulista Company of Railroads' tracks. For a long time the train was part of the city's and people's daily life. However, with the decline of rail trasport, the train station and a whole have become spaces without meaning and use. Thus, this final graduation work os Architecural and Urbanism course, aims to reintegrate in the urban área of Dracena Station and upgrade their space. To this end, based on the critical restoration theories and the projective references chosen were proposed the restoration of the railway station building and the creation of na annex for the Department of Culture. To enable the reintegration of the area into the urban fabric was proposed to create a linear park that provides a leisure space above the city and the lack of green areas. Preserving these spaces in a time when changes occur so quickly means keeping alive the memory and history of cities and allow new generations to take notice


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Birigui nasceu e se expandiu a partir da Estrada de Ferro do Noroeste do Brasil. Esta permitiu que o município não fosse somente um posto de parada, mas sim um núcleo urbano. Além disso, foi essencial para o traçado urbano, visto que as ruas e quadras foram feitas paralelas a linha férrea. No entanto, atualmente, o local que deu início a cidade, não mais possui vestígios históricos, visto que sua primeira estação ferroviária foi demolida para a construção de uma nova a 1,7 km de distância. Tal demolição ocorreu devido uma modificação necessária do traçado da linha férrea. Percebe-se, portanto, que parte do patrimônio ferroviário de Birigui foi demolido, e outra parte encontra-se inutilizada, constituindo um vazio urbano em meio a malha urbana. Dar atenção a esses elementos históricos e ao contexto atual em que Birigui se encontra são essenciais para a elaboração de um projeto de reabilitação de seu conjunto ferroviário. A proposta busca a elaboração de espaços públicos coerentes às necessidades da população do bairro e do município. Além disso, trata-se de reintegrar esse espaço ao desenho da malha urbana, de modo a não ser visto mais como uma cicatriz ou um espaço obscuro, mas sim como um espaço de convivência e permanência dos moradores, assim como de preservação histórica


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of a water treatment plant (WTP) is to provide quality water to the population in the municipality where it is operate, being directly linked to the health of the community. The efficiency of a water treatment is directly related to the quality and reliability of the methods used. The analytical results of any laboratory test or calibration is a critical process for any company today. A tool used to assist in a quality management system process is ISO/IEC 17025:2005. Given the above, the objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of an ETA located in Lençóis Paulista-SP, using the analytical results obtained by physical, chemical and microbiological determinations in the period 1-30 October 2015. Such determinations are grounded in compliance with current Ordinance 2914 the Ministry of Health and the Quality Management System, which is required for all laboratories carrying out laboratory tests for control and surveillance of water quality for human consumption


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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This work presents an analysis of the pattern variation of the sky conditions in Botucatu/SP. The classification was based on the clarness index KT. It was used in the classification a database of global solar irradiance in the horizontal, measured at Radiometric Station of UNESP in Botucatu (latitude 22.85°S, longitude 48.43°W, altitude 786 m) from 1996 to 2005. We analyzed the variations in frequency, during the photoperiod and over the year, of the sky conditions: I - Cloudy (KT < 0.35); II - party cloudy with dominance for the diffuse (0.35 < 0.55 < KT)) III - party cloudy with dominance for the clear (0.55 < KT < 0.65) and IV - clear (KT > 0.65). The frequency of sky conditions I and II are higher during the rainy season of the year and in hours close to sunrise and sunset. And it is lower during the dry season an in hours near noon, in wich there is a predominance of sky conditions III and IV. The monthly hourly frequency of sky condition I ranged from 46,91% of the photoperiod in January to 25.27% in August. And the frequency monthly daily ranged from nine days in January to three days in August. To the sky condition IV, the frequency monthly hourly ranged from 38.81% of the photoperiod in August to 18.17% im January. And the frequency monthly daily ranged from 17 days in August to three days in January.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)