861 resultados para Epilepsy Foundation
Background: l’epilessia è una malattia cerebrale che colpisce oggigiorno circa l’1% della popolazione mondiale e causa, a chi ne soffre, convulsioni ricorrenti e improvvise che danneggiano la vita quotidiana del paziente. Le convulsioni sono degli eventi che bloccano istantaneamente la normale attività cerebrale; inoltre differiscono tra i pazienti e, perciò, non esiste un trattamento comune generalizzato. Solitamente, medici neurologi somministrano farmaci, e, in rari casi, l’epilessia è trattata con operazioni neurochirurgiche. Tuttavia, le operazioni hanno effetti positivi nel ridurre le crisi, ma raramente riescono a eliminarle del tutto. Negli ultimi anni, nel campo della ricerca scientifica è stato provato che il segnale EEG contiene informazioni utili per diagnosticare l'arrivo di un attacco epilettico. Inoltre, diversi algoritmi automatici sono stati sviluppati per rilevare automaticamente le crisi epilettiche. Scopo: lo scopo finale di questa ricerca è l'applicabilità e l'affidabilità di un dispositivo automatico portatile in grado di rilevare le convulsioni e utilizzabile come sistema di monitoraggio. L’analisi condotta in questo progetto, è eseguita con tecniche di misure classiche e avanzate, in modo tale da provare tecnicamente l’affidabilità di un tale sistema. La comparazione è stata eseguita sui segnali elettroencefalografici utilizzando due diversi sistemi di acquisizione EEG: il metodo standard utilizzato nelle cliniche e il nuovo dispositivo portatile. Metodi: è necessaria una solida validazione dei segnali EEG registrati con il nuovo dispositivo. I segnali saranno trattati con tecniche classiche e avanzate. Dopo le operazioni di pulizia e allineamento, verrà utilizzato un nuovo metodo di rappresentazione e confronto di segnali : Bump model. In questa tesi il metodo citato verrà ampiamente descritto, testato, validato e adattato alle esigenze del progetto. Questo modello è definito come un approccio economico per la mappatura spazio-frequenziale di wavelet; in particolare, saranno presenti solo gli eventi con un’alta quantità di energia. Risultati: il modello Bump è stato implementato come toolbox su MATLAB dallo sviluppatore F. Vialatte, e migliorato dall’Autore per l’utilizzo di registrazioni EEG da sistemi diversi. Il metodo è validato con segnali artificiali al fine di garantire l’affidabilità, inoltre, è utilizzato su segnali EEG processati e allineati, che contengono eventi epilettici. Questo serve per rilevare la somiglianza dei due sistemi di acquisizione. Conclusioni: i risultati visivi garantiscono la somiglianza tra i due sistemi, questa differenza la si può notare specialmente comparando i grafici di attività background EEG e quelli di artefatti o eventi epilettici. Bump model è uno strumento affidabile per questa applicazione, e potrebbe essere utilizzato anche per lavori futuri (ad esempio utilizzare il metodo di Sincronicità Eventi Stocas- tici SES) o differenti applicazioni, così come le informazioni estratte dai Bump model potrebbero servire come input per misure di sincronicità, dalle quali estrarre utili risultati.
Nocturnal Frontal Lobe Epilepsy (NFLE) is characterized by onset during infancy or childhood with persistence in adulthood, family history of similar nocturnal episodes simulating non-REM parasomnias (sleep terrors or sleepwalking), general absence of morphological substrates, often by normal interictal electroencephalographical recordings (EEGs) during wakefulness. A family history of epilepsy may be present with Mendelian autosomal dominant inheritance has been described in some families. Recent studies indicate the involvement of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in the molecular mechanisms of NFLE. Mutations in the genes encoding for the α4 (CHRNA4) and ß2 (CHRNB2) subunits of the nAChR induce changes in the biophysical properties of nAChR, resulting generally in a “gain of function”. Preclinical studies report that activation of a nuclear receptor called type peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR-α) by endogenous molecules or by medications (e.g. fenofibrate) reduces the activity of the nAChR and, therefore, may decrease the frequency of seizures. Thus, we hypothesize that negative modulation of nAChRs might represent a therapeutic strategy to be explored for pharmacological treatment of this form of epilepsy, which only partially responds to conventional antiepileptic drugs. In fact, carbamazepine, the current medication for NFLE, abolishes the seizures only in one third of the patients. The aim of the project is: 1)_to verify the clinical efficacy of adjunctive therapy with fenofibrate in pharmacoresistant NFLE and ADNFLE patients; focousing on the analysis of the polysomnographic action of the PPAR- agonist (fenofibrate). 2)_to demonstrate the subtended mechanism of efficacy by means of electrophysiological and behavioral experiments in an animal model of the disease: particularly, transgenic mice carrying the mutation in the nAChR 4 subunit (Chrna4S252F) homologous to that found in the humans. Given that a PPAR-α agonist, FENOFIBRATE, already clinically utilized for lipid metabolism disorders, provides a promising therapeutic avenue in the treatment of NFLE\ADNFLE.
PURPOSE: Assessment of language dominance with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and neuropsychological evaluation is often used prior to epilepsy surgery. This study explores whether language lateralization and cognitive performance are systematically related in young patients with focal epilepsy. METHODS: Language fMRI and neuropsychological data (language, visuospatial functions, and memory) of 40 patients (7-18 years of age) with unilateral, refractory focal epilepsy in temporal and/or frontal areas of the left (n = 23) or right hemisphere (n = 17) were analyzed. fMRI data of 18 healthy controls (7-18 years) served as a normative sample. A laterality index was computed to determine the lateralization of activation in three regions of interest (frontal, parietal, and temporal). RESULTS: Atypical language lateralization was demonstrated in 12 (30%) of 40 patients. A correlation between language lateralization and verbal memory performance occurred in patients with left-sided epilepsy over all three regions of interest, with bilateral or right-sided language lateralization being correlated with better verbal memory performance (Word Pairs Recall: frontal r = -0.4, p = 0.016; parietal r = -0.4, p = 0.043; temporal r = -0.4, p = 0.041). Verbal memory performance made the largest contribution to language lateralization, whereas handedness and side of seizures did not contribute to the variance in language lateralization. DISCUSSION: This finding reflects the association between neocortical language and hippocampal memory regions in patients with left-sided epilepsy. Atypical language lateralization is advantageous for verbal memory performance, presumably a result of transfer of verbal memory function. In children with focal epilepsy, verbal memory performance provides a better idea of language lateralization than handedness and side of epilepsy and lesion.
INTRODUCTION: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is required for the investigation of surgically intractable epilepsy. In addition to the standard MRI techniques, perfusion sequences can be added to improve visualization of underlying pathological changes. Arterial spin-labeling (ASL) MRI perfusion does not require contrast administration and, for this reason, may have advantages in these patients. METHODS: We report here on 16 patients with epilepsy who underwent MRI of the brain with ASL and positron emission tomography (PET). RESULTS: Despite a slightly reduced resolution with ASL, we found a correlation between ASL, PET and electrophysiological data, with hypoperfusion on ASL that corresponded with hypoperfusion on interictal PET. CONCLUSION: Given the correlation between ASL and PET and electrophysiology, perfusion with ASL could become part of the standard work-up in patients with epilepsy.
The lack of effective tools have hampered our ability to assess the size, growth and ages of clonal plants. With Serenoa repens (saw palmetto) as a model, we introduce a novel analytical framework that integrates DNA fingerprinting and mathematical modelling to simulate growth and estimate ages of clonal plants. We also demonstrate the application of such life-history information of clonal plants to provide insight into management plans. Serenoa is an ecologically important foundation species in many Southeastern United States ecosystems; yet, many land managers consider Serenoa a troublesome invasive plant. Accordingly, management plans have been developed to reduce or eliminate Serenoa with little understanding of its life history. Using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms, we genotyped 263 Serenoa and 134 Sabal etonia (a sympatric non-clonal palmetto) samples collected from a 20 X 20 m study plot in Florida scrub. Sabal samples were used to assign small field-unidentifiable palmettos to Serenoa or Sabal and also as a negative control for clone detection. We then mathematically modelled clonal networks to estimate genet ages. Our results suggest that Serenoa predominantly propagate via vegetative sprouts and 10000-year-old genets may be common, while showing no evidence of clone formation by Sabal. The results of this and our previous studies suggest that: (i) Serenoa has been part of scrub associations for thousands of years, (ii) Serenoa invasion are unlikely and (ii) once Serenoa is eliminated from local communities, its restoration will be difficult. Reevaluation of the current management tools and plans is an urgent task.
The lack of effective tools has hampered our ability to assess the size, growth and ages of clonal plants. With Serenoa repens (saw palmetto) as a model, we introduce a novel analytical frame work that integrates DNA fingerprinting and mathematical modelling to simulate growth and estimate ages of clonal plants. We also demonstrate the application of such life-history information of clonal plants to provide insight into management plans. Serenoa is an ecologically important foundation species in many Southeastern United States ecosystems; yet, many land managers consider Serenoa a troublesome invasive plant. Accordingly, management plans have been developed to reduce or eliminate Serenoa with little understanding of its life history. Using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms, we genotyped 263 Serenoa and 134 Sabal etonia (a sympatric non-clonal palmetto) samples collected from a 20 x 20 m study plot in Florida scrub. Sabal samples were used to assign small field-unidentifiable palmettos to Serenoa or Sabal and also as a negative control for clone detection. We then mathematically modelled clonal networks to estimate genet ages. Our results suggest that Serenoa predominantly propagate via vegetative sprouts and 10000-year-old genets maybe common, while showing no evidence of clone formation by Sabal. The results of this and our previous studies suggest that: (i) Serenoa has been part of scrub associations for thousands of years, (ii) Serenoa invasions are unlikely and (ii) once Serenoa is eliminated from local communities, its restoration will be difficult. Reevaluation of the current management tools and plans is an urgent task.
Simultaneous EEG/fMRI is an effective noninvasive tool for identifying and localizing the SOZ in patients with focal epilepsy. In this study, we evaluated different thresholding strategies in EEG/fMRI for the assessment of hemodynamic responses to IEDs in the SOZ of drug-resistant epilepsy.
We present here the case of an adolescent female near-drowning victim who was reportedly discovered submerged and unconscious by family members in a whirlpool spa. Physical examination revealed extensive posterior soft tissue bruising, which raised the suspicion of nonaccidental trauma. Detailed forensic evaluation of the injuries and the scene proved that the soft tissue findings represented an unusual manifestation of whirlpool-spa suction-vent injury. Medical evaluation indicated that epilepsy onset might have contributed to the near-drowning, although forensic evaluation of this possibility was less convincing. In this article we review these rare but important injuries, which have the potential to be confused with child abuse, and detail the atypical presentation and clinically presumed etiologic event in our case.