989 resultados para Ensino superior - São Paulo (Estado) - Avaliação


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir para o debate sobre a avaliação do Ensino Superior no Brasil, apresentando um estudo a respeito dos sistemas utilizados para as medidas de qualidade e produtividade. Busca-se analisar, por meio da revisão bibliográfica e da análise documental, as origens do processo de avaliação, a seqüência histórica dos debates políticos que definiram os programas de trabalho na área, as concepções metodológicas adotadas por esses programas, os instrumentos de mensuração e acompanhamento que foram desenvolvidos e os sistemas de indicadores criados para aferir a qualidade de ensino nas instituições, bem como o desempenho dos estudantes. A discussão contempla todos os sistemas de avaliação praticados no Brasil até o ano de 2005 e conclui que, desde os primeiros procedimentos estabelecidos, houve uma evolução contínua na definição de indicadores mais precisos e eficientes. Os resultados alcançados pela pesquisa que fundamenta o trabalho aplicam-se explicitamente à revisão dos instrumentos de avaliação praticados no Brasil. O trabalho sugere indicadores ainda não utilizados no processo histórico de avaliação, buscando o aperfeiçoamento do sistema atual.


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É apresentado o desempenho de 19 novos clones de seringueira [Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. exAdr. de Juss.) Muell. Arg.], resultantes de hibridações conduzidas no Instituto Agronômico e avaliados em experimento de pequena escala, tendo o clone RRIM 600 como testemunha. O experimento em campo obedeceu ao delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. Com relação à produção de borracha seca, o clone IAC 40 apresentou a maior média (62,22 g/árvore/sangria) nos três anos de avaliação, seguido pelo IAC 301 (57,67 g/árvore/sangria) e pelo IAC 300 (50,61 g/árvore/sangria), com produções 154%, 138% e 123% superiores em relação ao RRIM 600 (41,04 g/árvore/sangria). Todos os clones selecionados foram vigorosos, com perímetro do caule na abertura do painel variando de 37,81 cm (IAC 317) a 50,90 cm (IAC 315). A porcentagem de plantas aptas a sangria variou de 20,0% (IAC 317) a 100% (IAC 315). Todos os clones apresentaram baixas incidências de quebra pelo vento e de secamento do painel. Não foi detectada nenhuma doença foliar em caráter epidêmico. Dos clones estudados, 15 apresentaram alta resistência à antracnose do painel, e foram superiores ao RRIM 600; os outros cinco apresentaram resistência moderada semelhante ao RRIM 600.


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O julgamento simulado reproduz a dinâmica de um julgamento em que os envolvidos são substituidos por representações da realidade, podendo tornar-se importante estratégia para o ensino da ética médica.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate methods for predicting availability of Zn in soils. Surface soil samples representing Podzolized soils from Lins and Marilia var. Marilia and var. Lins, medium texture Dark-Red Latosol, Dusky-Red Latosol and Terra Roxa Estruturada, were gathered from fields in Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. Com was used as indicator plant in a greenhouse experiment. Availability of Zn was determined with: 0.5 M CaCl2, 2.0 N MgCl2, N CH3COONH4 (pH 6.0 and 4.8), 0.05 and 0.1 N HCl, 0.05 N H2SO4, 0.005 M DTPA (pH 7.3 and 6.0), 1.0% Na2-EDTA, 0.01 M EDTA + 1.0 M (NH4)2CO3 (pH 8.6) and 0.02 M EDTA + 0.5 M CH3COOH + 0.5 M CH3COONH4. By using the simple correlation coefficients (Zn extracted from soils x absorbed by plants it can be concluded that the complexant agents and acid solutions showed to be efficient. The salt solutions showed low extraction capacity, low correlation coefficients and less accuracy. By considering aspects as accuracy and easy management DTPA pH 7,3 and Na2-EDTA can be indicated as the most apropriates (r values, respectively, 0.873** and 0.868** and V.C. 7.52% and 7.98%).


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The Preto River, located in the northwest of São Paulo State, receives a total wastewater load of 15.150 kg DBO day-1, from which 13.685 kg DBO day-1 (90.5%) corresponds to domestic sewage, and the city of São José do Rio Preto contributes with 12.400 kg DBO day-1 (90% of domestic sewage). During the period from August 1990 through January 1991, monthly sampling was carried out to evaluate the use of macroalgae as bioindicator of organic pollution. Five sampling sites were established along the main river and the following variables were analised: temperature, conductance, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, BOD, COD, total and fecal coliforms, and composition and abundance of macroalgal communities. Data were submitted to analysis of variance, correlation coefficient, cluster analysis (four different approaches) and converted to biological indices (species deficit, relative pollution, saprobity, diversity and uniformity indices). A wide range in water quality was found (particularly for conductance, oxygen, BOD and COD) among the sampling sites, which were classified into three groups (polluted, moderately polluted and unpolluted/weakly polluted). As regards the occurrence and abundance of macroalgae the Rhodophyta were found only in unpolluted or weakly polluted sites, whereas Cyanophyta occurred mostly under high pollution load; the Chlorophyta species were observed under a wide range of conditions. Among the biological indices, saprobity was the most sensitive and correlated to all water variables and the other indices. Cluster analyses showed that the composition of macroalgal communities was consistent with the levels of organic pollution in the Preto River.


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The goal of this study was to describe the teaching of the nursing process at undergraduate nursing programs in the state of São Paulo. The sample was formed by 247 faculty members. With respect to the study methodology, authors elaborated a questionnaire that was sent to 899 faculty members from 32 public and private nursing schools in the state of São Paulo. Results showed regarding the teaching of the nursing process that, from the total of 147 faculty members who taught the content, 66 (44.9%) were from 19 private schools and 81 (55.1%) from 8 public schools.


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The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that prescriptions of medicaments must be one parameter utilized to know how the medication is used by people. To do so, one specific methodology has been indicated, that is, the selected indicators of the use the medicaments. We applied this methodology with the aim of presenting a descriptive study of the physician prescription in Pediatric Clinic of the Health Basics Units. The results obtained are: the average number of medicaments prescribed with prescription was 2.6; the percentage of the medicaments prescribed with the generic name was 32%; the percentage of the prescriptions with antibiotics was 44.6%; the percentage of the prescriptions with injections was 10.4%; the percentage of the medicaments prescribed that are part of the municipal list was 22.8%, 27.5% for the program Dose Certs of the secretary of the State of São Paulo, and 50.4% by adding by adding the two lists. The essentiality of the medicaments prescribed may be considered very low, because only 32.6% appear in the RENAME. The percentage of the medicaments really dispensed was 39.9%. The medicaments more prescribed, according to the classification of the Anatomic-Therapeutic-Chemical (ATC), were the ones which acted in Respiratory System (26.8%), followed by anti-infectives for systemic use (16.4%) and by medicaments with acted in Alimentary tract and metabolism (15.8%). The conclusion is that the prescribers are moved by commercial influence of the drug makers, first because of the low prescription of medicaments by their generic name, second by the low number of medicaments effectively dispensed and then the low concordance between the ones prescribed and the ones included in the lists patterned by Tabatinga and by the State of São Paulo.


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This study evaluated the water quality of the Vargem Limpa stream and tested the hypothesis that protected stretches of the aquatic system, located within a conservation unit, favor the preservation of the diversity of Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera). Samplings were conducted in four stations, where some physical and chemical variables were measured. The results obtained by the study indicated the predominance of genera associated with arenaceous substrata, and that the stretches protected by the conservation unit presented better environmental conditions, with better-preserved Chironomidae diversity, demonstrating the importance of these areas in maintaining the diversity of Chironomidae.


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Objectives: to evaluate the structure and process of the prenatal and puerperal care given by Direção Regional de Saúde (DIR) XI, at the city of Botucatu, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: an evaluation of resources and activities developed during prenatal and puerperal care in twenty municipalities comprising DIR XI which had adhered the Prenatal and Birth Humanization Program until 2003. Interviews with city managers and analysis of 385 sampled patient charts taking into account recommendations by the Health Department. Results: structure analysis showed that caregiving was centered on medical work; basic equipment and instruments were available; 85.2% of patients began prenatal care with up to 120 days of pregnancy, and 75.9% had at least six prenatal consultations. The active search for absentees and strategies for early prenatal care initiation were observed in 30% and 50% of the municipalities, respectively. Process indicators showed that 3.6% of women had six prenatal consultations, one puerperal consultation, all basic exams and tetanus immunization. Recording of gestational age, arterial blood pressure and weight was of approximately 90%; 58.7% of the women underwent childbirth review and 31.5% were vaccinated. Conclusions: the performance of the set of activities is a challenge to prenatal care at DIR XI.


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The weather and climate has a direct influence in agriculture, it affects all stages of farming, since soil preparation to harvest. Meteorological data derived from automatic or conventional weather stations are used to monitor these effects. These meteorological data has problems like difficulty of data access and low density of meteorological stations in Brazil. Meteorological data from atmospheric models, such as ECMWF (European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecast) can be an alternative. Thus, the aim of this study was to compare 10-day period precipitation, maximum and minimum air temperature data from the ECMWF model with interpolated maps from 33 weather stations in Sao Paulo state between 2005 and 2010 and generate statistical maps pixel by pixel. Statistical index showed spatially satisfactory (most of the results with R 2 > 0.60, d > 0.7, RMSE < 5°C and < 50 mm; Es < 5°C and < 24 mm) in period and ECMWF model can be recommended for use in the Sao Paulo state.


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Strategies and resources are primary to the participation of students with visual impairments in physical education classes. The objective of this study was to plan teaching strategies and resource adaptations focusing on educational inclusion of students with visual impairment based on the activities held in the Curriculum Proposal for São Paulo State. Three steps were outlined from the analysis of the Proposal: 1) identify the subjects for each bimester, 2) analyze the teacher's book in terms of learning situations and their development, and 3) plan educational strategies and resource adaptations. Ten teaching strategies were planned, four new resources were indicated and two teaching resources were adapted for the classes. The activities of the Curriculum Proposal allow strategy planning aimed at the participation of students with visual disabilities together with students without disabilities.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)