722 resultados para Engineering -- Study and teaching


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Se plantea con la intención de subsanar la incertidumbre de la profesión docente en lo que se refiere a una eficaz enseñanza de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. Así, con una combinación de amplios consejos prácticos y un debate crítico sobre aspectos teóricos clave, se ayuda al profesor a comprender el sentido de estas tecnologías en el programa nacional de estudios y sus principales objetivos para las etapas 1 y 2 de primaria (key stage 1 y 2). Todo ello, para desarrollar las aptitudes de los alumnos con las TIC.


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Manual que ofrece un enfoque positivo a la comprensión y la educación de los niños con autismo. Ofrece una mayor comprensión de la perspectiva y el comportamiento de un niño con autismo y explora cómo pueden utilizarse sus preferencias de aprendizaje, fortalezas e intereses para facilitar el aprendizaje y aumentar la motivación. La autora ha utilizado una mezcla de teorías de la personalidad, inteligencias múltiples y aprendizaje para crear un método de trabajo, Aprendizaje Preferencias y Fortalezas (LPS), para el desarrollo de habilidades de aprendizaje para la vida independiente en niños con autismo entre dos y doce años. Describe los principios básicos, preferencias de aprendizaje y los puntos fuertes típicos de los niños con autismo y ofrece una estructura de programa detallado, pero flexible, basada en estos conceptos. Fácil de seguir, se describen en cada capítulo actividades y orientaciones junto con ejemplos e ilustraciones.


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Este recurso ayuda al alumno a superar el curso BTEC First, con el que obtiene la titulación en ingeniería, uno de los sectores profesionales de este programa de estudios. Se divide en ocho unidades, algunas de las cuales son unidades obligatorias para la consecución del título y otras unidades son opcionales. Se dedica un capítulo a cada unidad y cada uno de estos capítulos contiene texto, ilustraciones, ejemplos, prueba de preguntas de conocimientos, actividades y un conjunto de preguntas de repaso.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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L’estructura curricular d’aquests estudis potencia competències transversals i específiques per a l’activitat projectual, en la generació de productes industrials, així com les capacitats creatives i innovadores. Per aconseguir aquestes competències, les diferents assignatures de cada curs estan interrelacionades amb les assignatures de projectes, on el grau de complexitat va creixent a mesura que avancen els cursos. Com objectiu principal proposem que l’estudiant arribi al final de l’assignatura amb dos projectes ben definits, on ha d’haver aplicat de manera satisfactòria els coneixements adquirits a les altres assignatures


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The pedagogical and didactic dynamic system is focused on individual learning process and aims at the development of artistic knowledge, helping and guiding learners through different strategies or individual support, thus reinforcing the process. In consequence, this presentation looks for an alternative to the intercommunication student-teacher supported on the educational paradigm, through textual analyses of the daily diaries, developped by teacher and students, so as to discover successes or difficulties


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Over the academic year 2000-2001, the Societat Catalana d'Ordenació del Territori organised, together with other departments of Catalan public universities, a debate on the teaching of regional and urban planning within the following disciplines: environmental science, geography, architecture, engineering, economy, law and landscape management. Moreover it was considered that attention should be paid to urban and regional planning related to postgraduate degrees. The aim was on one hand to analyse present situation, and on the other, to propose future strategies


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The characteristics of service independence and flexibility of ATM networks make the control problems of such networks very critical. One of the main challenges in ATM networks is to design traffic control mechanisms that enable both economically efficient use of the network resources and desired quality of service to higher layer applications. Window flow control mechanisms of traditional packet switched networks are not well suited to real time services, at the speeds envisaged for the future networks. In this work, the utilisation of the Probability of Congestion (PC) as a bandwidth decision parameter is presented. The validity of PC utilisation is compared with QOS parameters in buffer-less environments when only the cell loss ratio (CLR) parameter is relevant. The convolution algorithm is a good solution for CAC in ATM networks with small buffers. If the source characteristics are known, the actual CLR can be very well estimated. Furthermore, this estimation is always conservative, allowing the retention of the network performance guarantees. Several experiments have been carried out and investigated to explain the deviation between the proposed method and the simulation. Time parameters for burst length and different buffer sizes have been considered. Experiments to confine the limits of the burst length with respect to the buffer size conclude that a minimum buffer size is necessary to achieve adequate cell contention. Note that propagation delay is a no dismiss limit for long distance and interactive communications, then small buffer must be used in order to minimise delay. Under previous premises, the convolution approach is the most accurate method used in bandwidth allocation. This method gives enough accuracy in both homogeneous and heterogeneous networks. But, the convolution approach has a considerable computation cost and a high number of accumulated calculations. To overcome this drawbacks, a new method of evaluation is analysed: the Enhanced Convolution Approach (ECA). In ECA, traffic is grouped in classes of identical parameters. By using the multinomial distribution function instead of the formula-based convolution, a partial state corresponding to each class of traffic is obtained. Finally, the global state probabilities are evaluated by multi-convolution of the partial results. This method avoids accumulated calculations and saves storage requirements, specially in complex scenarios. Sorting is the dominant factor for the formula-based convolution, whereas cost evaluation is the dominant factor for the enhanced convolution. A set of cut-off mechanisms are introduced to reduce the complexity of the ECA evaluation. The ECA also computes the CLR for each j-class of traffic (CLRj), an expression for the CLRj evaluation is also presented. We can conclude that by combining the ECA method with cut-off mechanisms, utilisation of ECA in real-time CAC environments as a single level scheme is always possible.


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Much of the published human factors work on risk is to do with safety and within this is concerned with prediction and analysis of human error and with human reliability assessment. Less has been published on human factors contributions to understanding and managing project, business, engineering and other forms of risk and still less jointly assessing risk to do with broad issues of ‘safety’ and broad issues of ‘production’ or ‘performance’. This paper contains a general commentary on human factors and assessment of risk of various kinds, in the context of the aims of ergonomics and concerns about being too risk averse. The paper then describes a specific project, in rail engineering, where the notion of a human factors case has been employed to analyse engineering functions and related human factors issues. A human factors issues register for potential system disturbances has been developed, prior to a human factors risk assessment, which jointly covers safety and production (engineering delivery) concerns. The paper concludes with a commentary on the potential relevance of a resilience engineering perspective to understanding rail engineering systems risk. Design, planning and management of complex systems will increasingly have to address the issue of making trade-offs between safety and production, and ergonomics should be central to this. The paper addresses the relevant issues and does so in an under-published domain – rail systems engineering work.


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The difference between cirrus emissivities at 8 and 11 μm is sensitive to the mean effective ice crystal size of the cirrus cloud, De. By using single scattering properties of ice crystals shaped as planar polycrystals, diameters of up to about 70 μm can be retrieved, instead of up to 45 μm assuming spheres or hexagonal columns. The method described in this article is used for a global determination of mean effective ice crystal sizes of cirrus clouds from TOVS satellite observations. A sensitivity study of the De retrieval to uncertainties in hypotheses on ice crystal shape, size distributions, and temperature profiles, as well as in vertical and horizontal cloud heterogeneities shows that uncertainties can be as large as 30%. However, the TOVS data set is one of few data sets which provides global and long-term coverage. Having analyzed the years 1987–1991, it was found that measured effective ice crystal diameters De are stable from year to year. For 1990 a global median De of 53.5 μm was determined. Averages distinguishing ocean/land, season, and latitude lie between 23 μm in winter over Northern Hemisphere midlatitude land and 64 μm in the tropics. In general, larger Des are found in regions with higher atmospheric water vapor and for cirrus with a smaller effective emissivity.


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This article reports on an investigation into the language learning beliefs of students of French in England, aged 16 to 18. It focuses on qualitative data from two groups of learners (10 in total). While both groups had broadly similar levels of achievement in French in terns of examination success, they dffered greatly in the self-image they had of themselves as language learners, with one group displaying low levels of self-eficacy beliefs regarding the possibility of future success. The implica tions of such beliefs for students' levels of motivation and persistence are discussed, together with their possible causes. The article concludes by suggesting changes in classroom practice that might help students develop a more positive image of them selves as language learners.