873 resultados para Energy Efficient Algorithms


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This document is a summary of the Bachelor thesis titled “VHDL-Based System Design of a Cognitive Sensorimotor Loop (CSL) for Haptic Human-Machine Interaction (HMI)” written by Pablo de Miguel Morales, Electronics Engineering student at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM Madrid, Spain) during an Erasmus+ Exchange Program at the Beuth Hochschule für Technik (BHT Berlin, Germany). The tutor of this project is Dr. Prof. Hild. This project has been developed inside the Neurobotics Research Laboratory (NRL) in close collaboration with Benjamin Panreck, a member of the NRL, and another exchange student from the UPM Pablo Gabriel Lezcano. For a deeper comprehension of the content of the thesis, a deeper look in the document is needed as well as the viewing of the videos and the VHDL design. In the growing field of automation, a large amount of workforce is dedicated to improve, adapt and design motor controllers for a wide variety of applications. In the specific field of robotics or other machinery designed to interact with humans or their environment, new needs and technological solutions are often being discovered due to the existing, relatively unexplored new scenario it is. The project consisted of three main parts: Two VHDL-based systems and one short experiment on the haptic perception. Both VHDL systems are based on a Cognitive Sensorimotor Loop (CSL) which is a control loop designed by the NRL and mainly developed by Dr. Prof. Hild. The CSL is a control loop whose main characteristic is the fact that it does not use any external sensor to measure the speed or position of the motor but the motor itself. The motor always generates a voltage that is proportional to its angular speed so it does not need calibration. This method is energy efficient and simplifies control loops in complex systems. The first system, named CSL Stay In Touch (SIT), consists in a one DC motor system controller by a FPGA Board (Zynq ZYBO 7000) whose aim is to keep contact with any external object that touches its Sensing Platform in both directions. Apart from the main behavior, three features (Search Mode, Inertia Mode and Return Mode) have been designed to enhance the haptic interaction experience. Additionally, a VGA-Screen is also controlled by the FPGA Board for the monitoring of the whole system. This system has been completely developed, tested and improved; analyzing its timing and consumption properties. The second system, named CSL Fingerlike Mechanism (FM), consists in a fingerlike mechanical system controlled by two DC motors (Each controlling one part of the finger). The behavior is similar to the first system but in a more complex structure. This system was optional and not part of the original objectives of the thesis and it could not be properly finished and tested due to the lack of time. The haptic perception experiment was an experiment conducted to have an insight into the complexity of human haptic perception in order to implement this knowledge into technological applications. The experiment consisted in testing the capability of the subjects to recognize different objects and shapes while being blindfolded and with their ears covered. Two groups were done, one had full haptic perception while the other had to explore the environment with a plastic piece attached to their finger to create a haptic handicap. The conclusion of the thesis was that a haptic system based only on a CSL-based system is not enough to retrieve valuable information from the environment and that other sensors are needed (temperature, pressure, etc.) but that a CSL-based system is very useful to control the force applied by the system to interact with haptic sensible surfaces such as skin or tactile screens. RESUMEN. Este documento es un resumen del proyecto fin de grado titulado “VHDL-Based System Design of a Cognitive Sensorimotor Loop (CSL) for Haptic Human-Machine Interaction (HMI)” escrito por Pablo de Miguel, estudiante de Ingeniería Electrónica de Comunicaciones en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM Madrid, España) durante un programa de intercambio Erasmus+ en la Beuth Hochschule für Technik (BHT Berlin, Alemania). El tutor de este proyecto ha sido Dr. Prof. Hild. Este proyecto se ha desarrollado dentro del Neurorobotics Research Laboratory (NRL) en estrecha colaboración con Benjamin Panreck (un miembro del NRL) y con Pablo Lezcano (Otro estudiante de intercambio de la UPM). Para una comprensión completa del trabajo es necesaria una lectura detenida de todo el documento y el visionado de los videos y análisis del diseño VHDL incluidos en el CD adjunto. En el creciente sector de la automatización, una gran cantidad de esfuerzo está dedicada a mejorar, adaptar y diseñar controladores de motor para un gran rango de aplicaciones. En el campo específico de la robótica u otra maquinaria diseñada para interactuar con los humanos o con su entorno, nuevas necesidades y soluciones tecnológicas se siguen desarrollado debido al relativamente inexplorado y nuevo escenario que supone. El proyecto consta de tres partes principales: Dos sistemas basados en VHDL y un pequeño experimento sobre la percepción háptica. Ambos sistemas VHDL están basados en el Cognitive Sesnorimotor Loop (CSL) que es un lazo de control creado por el NRL y cuyo desarrollador principal ha sido Dr. Prof. Hild. El CSL es un lazo de control cuya principal característica es la ausencia de sensores externos para medir la velocidad o la posición del motor, usando el propio motor como sensor. El motor siempre genera un voltaje proporcional a su velocidad angular de modo que no es necesaria calibración. Este método es eficiente en términos energéticos y simplifica los lazos de control en sistemas complejos. El primer sistema, llamado CSL Stay In Touch (SIT), consiste en un sistema formado por un motor DC controlado por una FPGA Board (Zynq ZYBO 7000) cuyo objetivo es mantener contacto con cualquier objeto externo que toque su plataforma sensible en ambas direcciones. Aparte del funcionamiento básico, tres modos (Search Mode, Inertia Mode y Return Mode) han sido diseñados para mejorar la interacción. Adicionalmente, se ha diseñado el control a través de la FPGA Board de una pantalla VGA para la monitorización de todo el sistema. El sistema ha sido totalmente desarrollado, testeado y mejorado; analizando su propiedades de timing y consumo energético. El segundo sistema, llamado CSL Fingerlike Mechanism (FM), consiste en un mecanismo similar a un dedo controlado por dos motores DC (Cada uno controlando una falange). Su comportamiento es similar al del primer sistema pero con una estructura más compleja. Este sistema no formaba parte de los objetivos iniciales del proyecto y por lo tanto era opcional. No pudo ser plenamente desarrollado debido a la falta de tiempo. El experimento de percepción háptica fue diseñado para profundizar en la percepción háptica humana con el objetivo de aplicar este conocimiento en aplicaciones tecnológicas. El experimento consistía en testear la capacidad de los sujetos para reconocer diferentes objetos, formas y texturas en condiciones de privación del sentido del oído y la vista. Se crearon dos grupos, en uno los sujetos tenían plena percepción háptica mientras que en el otro debían interactuar con los objetos a través de una pieza de plástico para generar un hándicap háptico. La conclusión del proyecto fue que un sistema háptico basado solo en sistemas CSL no es suficiente para recopilar información valiosa del entorno y que debe hacer uso de otros sensores (temperatura, presión, etc.). En cambio, un sistema basado en CSL es idóneo para el control de la fuerza aplicada por el sistema durante la interacción con superficies hápticas sensibles tales como la piel o pantallas táctiles.


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Characteristics of six operating hot spring recreational facilities were reviewed to identify opportunities for integrating a range of sustainable design and operation approaches into a community park. Potential operating cost savings were evaluated for a conceptual landscape project, bathhouse project, and swimming pool project that reduced the use of electricity, natural gas, water, the discharge of water, and solid waste generation. The projects showed a combined cost savings of approximately $40,000 per year by adopting passive solar design, energy efficient lighting, native vegetation, water efficient fixtures, and a natural swimming pool. The greatest potential operating cost reductions were observed for cutbacks in the use of swimming pool water and reductions in natural gas needed for building and swimming pool heating.


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A new CEPS Task Force Report has identified possible pathways for achieving the EU’s ambitious climate change targets. It concludes that a GHG emissions reduction in line with EU climate change policy is possible, but it requires immediate action. This report argues that most of the reductions required of the transport sector in the EU could come from more energy-efficient vehicles, combined with the gradual introduction of low-carbon fuels and new engine technologies. The key policy for reducing GHG emissions in road transport is the steady tightening of emissions standards in line with technological progress. The report also identifies strategies for the transport system to become more energy and/or carbon efficient, arguing that leverage can be further enhanced by local and city governments’ incentives for efficient and low-carbon vehicles in line with local circumstances and choices. The Task Force on Low Carbon Transport brought together a diverse set of stakeholders from the car and oil industries, business associations, international organisations, member states, academic experts and NGOs. This authoritative report is the result of that unique collaboration.


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Blind deconvolution is the problem of recovering a sharp image and a blur kernel from a noisy blurry image. Recently, there has been a significant effort on understanding the basic mechanisms to solve blind deconvolution. While this effort resulted in the deployment of effective algorithms, the theoretical findings generated contrasting views on why these approaches worked. On the one hand, one could observe experimentally that alternating energy minimization algorithms converge to the desired solution. On the other hand, it has been shown that such alternating minimization algorithms should fail to converge and one should instead use a so-called Variational Bayes approach. To clarify this conundrum, recent work showed that a good image and blur prior is instead what makes a blind deconvolution algorithm work. Unfortunately, this analysis did not apply to algorithms based on total variation regularization. In this manuscript, we provide both analysis and experiments to get a clearer picture of blind deconvolution. Our analysis reveals the very reason why an algorithm based on total variation works. We also introduce an implementation of this algorithm and show that, in spite of its extreme simplicity, it is very robust and achieves a performance comparable to the top performing algorithms.


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Single shortest path extraction algorithms have been used in a number of areas such as network flow and image analysis. In image analysis, shortest path techniques can be used for object boundary detection, crack detection, or stereo disparity estimation. Sometimes one needs to find multiple paths as opposed to a single path in a network or an image where the paths must satisfy certain constraints. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm to extract multiple paths simultaneously within an image using a constrained expanded trellis (CET) for feature extraction and object segmentation. We also give a number of application examples for our multiple paths extraction algorithm.


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Quantile computation has many applications including data mining and financial data analysis. It has been shown that an is an element of-approximate summary can be maintained so that, given a quantile query d (phi, is an element of), the data item at rank [phi N] may be approximately obtained within the rank error precision is an element of N over all N data items in a data stream or in a sliding window. However, scalable online processing of massive continuous quantile queries with different phi and is an element of poses a new challenge because the summary is continuously updated with new arrivals of data items. In this paper, first we aim to dramatically reduce the number of distinct query results by grouping a set of different queries into a cluster so that they can be processed virtually as a single query while the precision requirements from users can be retained. Second, we aim to minimize the total query processing costs. Efficient algorithms are developed to minimize the total number of times for reprocessing clusters and to produce the minimum number of clusters, respectively. The techniques are extended to maintain near-optimal clustering when queries are registered and removed in an arbitrary fashion against whole data streams or sliding windows. In addition to theoretical analysis, our performance study indicates that the proposed techniques are indeed scalable with respect to the number of input queries as well as the number of items and the item arrival rate in a data stream.


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We study a variation of the graph coloring problem on random graphs of finite average connectivity. Given the number of colors, we aim to maximize the number of different colors at neighboring vertices (i.e. one edge distance) of any vertex. Two efficient algorithms, belief propagation and Walksat are adapted to carry out this task. We present experimental results based on two types of random graphs for different system sizes and identify the critical value of the connectivity for the algorithms to find a perfect solution. The problem and the suggested algorithms have practical relevance since various applications, such as distributed storage, can be mapped onto this problem.


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Wireless sensor networks have been identified as one of the key technologies for the 21st century. They consist of tiny devices with limited processing and power capabilities, called motes that can be deployed in large numbers of useful sensing capabilities. Even though, they are flexible and easy to deploy, there are a number of considerations when it comes to their fault tolerance, conserving energy and re-programmability that need to be addressed before we draw any substantial conclusions about the effectiveness of this technology. In order to overcome their limitations, we propose a middleware solution. The proposed scheme is composed based on two main methods. The first method involves the creation of a flexible communication protocol based on technologies such as Mobile Code/Agents and Linda-like tuple spaces. In this way, every node of the wireless sensor network will produce and process data based on what is the best for it but also for the group that it belongs too. The second method incorporates the above protocol in a middleware that will aim to bridge the gap between the application layer and low level constructs such as the physical layer of the wireless sensor network. A fault tolerant platform for deploying and monitoring applications in real time offers a number of possibilities for the end user giving him in parallel the freedom to experiment with various parameters, in an effort towards the deployed applications running in an energy efficient manner inside the network. The proposed scheme is evaluated through a number of trials aiming to test its merits under real time conditions and to identify its effectiveness against other similar approaches. Finally, parameters which determine the characteristics of the proposed scheme are also examined.


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Wireless sensor networks have been identified as one of the key technologies for the 21st century. In order to overcome their limitations such as fault tolerance and conservation of energy, we propose a middleware solution, In-Motes. In-Motes stands as a fault tolerant platform for deploying and monitoring applications in real time offers a number of possibilities for the end user giving him in parallel the freedom to experiment with various parameters, in an effort the deployed applications to run in an energy efficient manner inside the network. The proposed scheme is evaluated through the In-Motes EYE application, aiming to test its merits under real time conditions. In-Motes EYE application which is an agent based real time In-Motes application developed for sensing acceleration variations in an environment. The application was tested in a prototype area, road alike, for a period of four months.


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In this letter, an energy-efficient adaptive code position modulation scheme is proposed for wireless sensor networks to provide the relatively stable bit error ratio (BER) performance expected by the upper layers. The system is designed with focus on the adaptive control of transmission power, which is adjusted based on the measured power density of background noise. Interfaces among the modulation module, packet scheduling module and upper layer are provided for flexible adjustments to adapt to the background noise and deliver expected application quality. Simulations with Signal Processing Worksystem (SPW) validate the effectiveness of the scheme. © 2005 IEEE.


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Dwindling oil reserves and growing concerns over carbon dioxide emissions and associated climate change are driving the utilisation of renewable feedstocks as alternative, sustainable fuel sources. Catalysis has a rich history of facilitating energy efficient, selective molecular transformations, and contributes to 90% of current chemical manufacturing processes. In a post-petroleum era, catalysis will be pivotal in overcoming the scientific and engineering barriers to economically feasible bio-fuels. This perspective highlights some recent developments in heterogeneous catalysts for the synthesis of biodiesel from renewable resources, derived from plant and aquatic oil sources. Particular attention will be paid to the importance of catalyst pore architecture, surface polarity and acid and base properties, in meeting the challenge of transforming highly polar and viscous bio-based reactants. © 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Dwindling fossil fuel reserves, and growing concerns over CO2 emissions and associated climate change, are driving the quest for renewable feedstocks to provide alternative, sustainable fuel sources. Catalysis has a rich history of facilitating energy efficient, selective molecular transformations, and in a post-petroleum era will play a pivotal role in overcoming the scientific and engineering barriers to economically viable, and sustainable, biofuels derived from renewable resources. The production of second generation biofuels, derived from biomass sourced from inedible crop components, e.g. agricultural or forestry waste, or alternative non-food crops such as Switchgrass or Jatropha Curcas that require minimal cultivation, necessitate new heterogeneous catalysts and processes to transform these polar and viscous feedstocks [1]. Here we show how advances in the rational design of nanoporous solid acids and bases, and their utilisation in novel continuous reactors, can deliver superior performance in the energy-efficient esterification and transesterification of bio-oil components into biodiesel [2-4]. Notes: [1] K. Wilson, A.F. Lee, Cat. Sci. Tech. 2012 ,2, 884. [2] J. Dhainaut, J.-P. Dacquin, A. F. Lee, K. Wilson, Green Chem. 2010 , 12, 296. [3] C. Pirez, J.-M. Caderon, J.-P. Dacquin, A.F. Lee, K. Wilson, ACS Catal. 2012 , 2, 1607. [4] J.J. Woodford, J.-P. Dacquin, K. Wilson, A.F. Lee, Energy Environ. Sci. 2012 , 5, 6145.


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The combination of dwindling oil reserves and growing concerns over carbon dioxide emissions and associated climate change is driving the urgent development of routes to utilise renewable feedstocks as sustainable sources of fuel and chemicals. Catalysis has a rich history of facilitating energy-efficient selective molecular transformations and contributes to 90% of chemical manufacturing processes and to more than 20% of all industrial products. In a post-petroleum era, catalysis will be central to overcoming the engineering and scientific barriers to economically feasible routes to biofuels and chemicals. This chapter will highlight some of the recent developments in heterogeneous catalytic technology for the synthesis of fuels and chemicals from renewable resources, derived from plant and aquatic oil sources as well as lignocellulosic feedstocks. Particular attention will be paid to the challenges faced when developing new catalysts and importance of considering the design of pore architectures and effect of tuning surface polarity to improve catalyst compatibility with highly polar bio-based substrates.


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The combination of dwindling oil reserves and growing concerns over carbon dioxide emissions and associated climate change is driving the urgent development of routes to utilize renewable feedstocks as sustainable sources of fuels. Catalysis has a rich history of facilitating energy efficient selective molecular transformations and contributes to 90% of chemical manufacturing processes and to more than 20% of all industrial products. In a post-petroleum era catalysis will be central to overcoming the engineering and scientific barriers to economically feasible routes to bio-fuels. This article will highlight some of the recent developments in the development of solid acid and base catalysts for the transesterification of oils to biodiesel. Particular attention will be paid to the challenges faced when developing new catalysts and importance of considering the design of pore architectures to improve in-pore diffusion of bulky substrates. © 2011 Materials Research Society.


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There is a pressing need for sustainable transportation fuels to combat both climate change and dwindling fossil fuel reserves. Biodiesel, synthesised from non-food plant (e.g., Jatropha curcas) or algal crops is one possible solution, but its energy efficient production requires design of new solid catalysts optimized for the bulky triglyceride and fatty acid feedstocks. Here we report on the synthesis of hierarchical macroporous-mesoporous silica and alumina architectures, and their subsequent functionalization by propylsulfonic acid groups or alkaline earth oxides to generate novel solid acid and base catalysts. These materials possess high surface areas and well-defined, interconnected macro-mesopore networks with respective narrow pore size distributions tuneable around 300 nm and 5 nm. Their high conductivity and improved mass transport characteristics enhance activity towards transesterification of bulky tricaprylin and palmitic acid esterification, over mesoporous analogues. This opens the way to the wider application of hierarchical catalysts in biofuel synthesis and biomass conversion.