998 resultados para Energetic potential


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Assistimos à queda de um serviço, que em muitos países, figurava como um serviço de um modelo social europeu, passando de um monopólio para um sistema de mercado liberalizado e concorrencial: o mercado energético. (EURO COOP, 2014) Em maio de 2014, o mercado livre chegou a ultrapassar os 2,8 milhões de consumidores, tendo um crescimento face a maio de 2013 de 64%, com uma taxa média mensal de 4,2%. (Entidade Reguladora dos Energéticos - ERSE, 2009). Perante a crescente adesão de consumidores para o mercado liberalizado, e suas possíveis futuras mudanças, e tendo em conta com os potenciais clientes a aderirem, foi proposto então construir a plataforma MelhorTarifa.pt . Apesar da já existência de simuladores, estes demonstram-se a ser pouco intuitivos e a não demonstrar toda a informação que o utilizador pretende bem como não existir uma imagem de marca associada a um apoio à mudança de tarifário, tendo sido estas umas das razões que levaram ao desenvolvimento do MelhorTarifa.pt. O âmbito principal deste trabalho, é fornecer uma plataforma informática grátis, imparcial, com o acréscimo até à data, em relação a outros simuladores, da disponibilização de faturas detalhadas sobre o produto que o cliente pretende adquirir, serviços de consultoria, tudo isto de forma rápida e de simples acesso. Com este trabalho pretende-se também definir o atual estado de arte de simuladores idênticos em Portugal e no estrangeiro, pretendendo-se também dar conhecimento do trabalho desenvolvido para esta dissertação, denominado como MelhorTarifa.pt.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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This work presents a novel surface Smart Polymer Antibody Material (SPAM) for Carnitine (CRT, a potential biomarker of ovarian cancer), tested for the first time as ionophore in potentiometric electrodes of unconventional configuration. The SPAM material consisted of a 3D polymeric network created by surface imprinting on graphene layers. The polymer was obtained by radical polymerization of (vinylbenzyl) trimethylammonium chloride and 4-styrenesulfonic acid (signaling the binding sites), and vinyl pivalate and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (surroundings). Non-imprinted material (NIM) was prepared as control, by excluding the template from the procedure. These materials were then used to produce several plasticized PVC membranes, testing the relevance of including the SPAM as ionophore, and the need for a charged lipophilic additive. The membranes were casted over solid conductive supports of graphite or ITO/FTO. The effect of pH upon the potentiometric response was evaluated for different pHs (2-9) with different buffer compositions. Overall, the best performance was achieved for membranes with SPAM ionophore, having a cationic lipophilic additive and tested in HEPES (4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid) buffer, pH 5.1. Better slopes were achieved when the membrane was casted on conductive glass (-57.4 mV/decade), while the best detection limits were obtained for graphite-based conductive supports (3.6 × 10−5mol/L). Good selectivity was observed against BSA, ascorbic acid, glucose, creatinine and urea, tested for concentrations up to their normal physiologic levels in urine. The application of the devices to the analysis of spiked samples showed recoveries ranging from 91% (± 6.8%) to 118% (± 11.2%). Overall, the combination of the SPAM sensory material with a suitable selective membrane composition and electrode design has lead to a promising tool for point-of-care applications.


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1st ASPIC International Congress


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6th Graduate Student Symposium on Molecular Imprinting


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This paper starts by introducing the Grünwald–Letnikov derivative, the Riesz potential and the problem of generalizing the Laplacian. Based on these ideas, the generalizations of the Laplacian for 1D and 2D cases are studied. It is presented as a fractional version of the Cauchy–Riemann conditions and, finally, it is discussed with the n-dimensional Laplacian.


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Fungi have been considered a potential source of natural anticancer drugs. However, studies on these organisms have mainly focused on compounds present in the sporocarp and mycelium. The aim of this study was to assess the anticancer potential of fungal spores using a bioassay-guided fractionation with cancer and normal cell lines. Crude extracts from spores of the basidiomycetous fungus Pisolithus tinctorius were prepared using five solvents/solvent mixtures in order to select the most effective crude extraction procedure. A dichloromethane/methanol (DCM/MeOH) mixture was found to produce the highest extraction yield, and this extract was fractionated into 11 fractions. Crude extracts and fractions were assayed for cytotoxicity in the human osteocarcinoma cell line MG63, the human breast carcinoma cell line T47D, the human colon adenocarcinoma cell line RKO, and the normal human brain capillary endothelial cell line hCMEC/D3. Cytotoxicity was assessed by the 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) reduction assay. The results showed a reduction in cancer cell viability of approximately 95% with 4 of 11 fractions without a significant reduction in viability of hCMEC/D3 cells. Data demonstrated that spores of P. tinctorius might serve as an interesting source of compounds with potential anticancer properties.


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Even though Chagas disease is rare in the Brazilian Amazon, the conditions for the establishment of domiciliated cycles prevail in many areas where triatomines are of frequent occurrence. In Roraima, a previous serological and entomological survey in three agricultural settlements showed the existence of all transmission cycle elements, i.e., individuals infected by Trypanosoma cruzi, triatomine species previously found harboring T. cruzi in the broader Amazon region of neighboring countries and, domicile/ peridomicile conditions favorable to triatomine colonization. Triatoma maculata was the most frequent species, found in chicken houses in the peridomicile and sporadically within residences. Aiming to investigate the possibility of T. maculata to possess the potentiality to transmit T. cruzi in the area, bionomic characteristics were studied under laboratory conditions. These were feeding frequency, time for defecation after a blood meal, time elapsed in voluntary fasting pre- and pos-ecdysis, moulting time periods, pre-oviposition and oviposition periods and index of oviposition, incubation period, egg viability, longevity and mortality rate. Results show that the Passarão population of T. maculata should be considered a potential vector of T. cruzi since it shows a capacity to infest artificial ecotopes in the peridomicile, to carry out large number of meals during the nymphal cycle, to have a relatively short developmental cycle capable of producing 2.9 generations/year, to blood source eclecticism, to defecate immediately after the blood meal while still on the host and to the fact that has been previously found naturally infected by T.cruzi.


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Thesis presented to satisfy the necessary requirements for obtaining a PhD degree in International Relation with specialization in Globalization and the Environment,


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A compostagem tem-se revelado uma boa alternativa na gestão, tratamento e valorização de resíduos sólidos urbanos. Dependendo das matérias-primas usadas no processo, os produtos podem ser considerados fertilizantes/corretivos orgânicos com utilidade agrícola. A Suldouro, Valorização e Tratamento de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos, S.A., é responsável pela gestão, valorização, recuperação e destino final dos Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos (RSU) produzidos em Vila Nova de Gaia e Santa Maria da Feira. Um dos processos do sistema de gestão é a valorização orgânica, que através da compostagem dos resíduos biodegradáveis origina um corretivo orgânico, denominado comercialmente de Agrovida. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar o composto produzido na Suldouro através da análise de alguns metais, nomeadamente cobre, zinco e chumbo, pois o seu teor condiciona a classe em que o composto está inserido, e da avaliação da razão C/N, visto ser um parâmetro importante para o desenvolvimento dos microrganismos. Um outro objetivo foi a determinação do tempo ótimo de compostagem, através da avaliação da temperatura máxima, recorrendo ao teste de auto-aquecimento usando vasos de Dewar. O estudo da presença de chumbo não chegou a ser realizado, pois a sua concentração era muito baixa (da ordem dos ppb), ou seja, não era limitativa para a utilização do composto. Quanto à análise de cobre e zinco no composto verificou-se que era necessário fazer alterações no processo, no sentido de reduzir estes valores, tanto a nível da qualidade dos resíduos usados como matéria-prima como a nível da limpeza, essencial depois das operações de manutenção aos pulpers. Em relação à razão C/N esta apresenta valores muito elevados, ou seja, uma quantidade de azoto total muito baixa, indicativa de que seria necessário acrescentar, no início do processo, resíduos mais ricos em azoto. A análise do teste de auto-aquecimento indica que o tempo necessário para a estabilização e maturação das pilhas de compostagem é superior a 3 meses. Assim, sugerem-se melhorias a nível da qualidade do resíduo, tentando incluir resíduos mais facilmente biodegradáveis, uma redução da altura da pilha proporcionando um melhor arejamento ou em alternativa proceder periodicamente ao seu revolvimento como complemento à insuflação de ar. Para concluir, neste trabalho foi realizada uma pesquisa sobre processos de valorização energética, alternativas potenciais à valorização orgânica, tendo sido dado especial relevo a um dos processos, a carbonização hidrotérmica (HTC).


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Although several tendon sources are available for reconstructive surgical procedures, all have one or more shortcomings. The aim of this work was to evaluate if the extensor tendons of the hallux showed anatomical characteristics that could make them an additional source for tendon grafting procedures.The authors performed a detailed morphometric analysis of the extensor tendons of the hallux in 26 lower limbs in order to evaluate the putative association of anatomical variants with hallux valgus, and to attempt to assess the feasibility of using part of the extensor apparatus of the hallux as a source of tendon for grafting procedures.An accessory extensor hallucis longus ten-don was found in 92.3% of cases. The extensor hallucis brevis tendon length was 10.5 ± 0.6 cm; its width was 0.5 ± 0.1 cm, and its thickness varied between 1-2 mm, making it a potentially good candidate as a source of ten-don grafts. Several anatomical variations were observed, namely the fusion of the tendons of the extensor hallucis brevis and the accessory extensor hallucis longus muscles in the distal part of the foot.This new therapeutic option, if implemented, would possibly increase the supply of autogenous donor tissue for reconstructive procedures, thereby enhancing the reconstructive surgeon’s armamentarium.