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The crisis that unfolded in 2007/2008 turned the attention of the financial world toward liquidity, the lack of which caused substantial losses. As a result, the need arose for the traditional financial models to be extended with liquidity. Our goal is to discover how Hungarian market players relate to liquidity. Our results are obtained through a series of semi-structured interviews, and are hoped to be a starting point for extending the existing models in an appropriate way. Our main results show that different investor groups can be identified along their approaches to liquidity, and they rarely use sophisticated models to measure and manage liquidity. We conclude that although market players would have access to complex liquidity measurement and management tools, there is a limited need for these, because the currently available models are unable to use complex liquidity information effectively.
The crisis that unfolded in 2007/2008 turned the attention of the financial world toward liquidity, the lack of which caused substantial losses. As a result, the need arose for the traditional financial models to be extended with liquidity. Our goal is to discover how Hungarian market players relate to liquidity. Our results are obtained through a series of semistructured interviews, and are hoped to be a starting point for extending the existing models in an appropriate way. Our main results show that different investor groups can be identified along their approaches to liquidity, and they rarely use sophisticated models to measure and manage liquidity. We conclude that although market players would have access to complex liquidity measurement and management tools, there is a limited need for these, because the currently available models are unable to use complex liquidity information effectively.
In the recent four or five years, there have been abrupt and radical changes in the governance of Hungarian higher education. It can then be interesting to assess the state of “homo academicus“ as it looks currently in Hungary. The notion of “homo academicus“ is obvious: it concerns participants in the system of a country’s higher education. The paper as follows still comes back to the definition of “homo academicus“ by referring first to it as occupation, or rather as a profession that can be interpreted in terms of sociology. Secondly, some historic patterns can also be mobilised, based on the assumption that university is a very European institutions that is even rooted in the tradition of the Middle Ages. The elbow-room of seeking for identity and the role to be filled by academics are limited by the effective system of the governance of higher education. It is a key to the chances of academics of meeting the historically corroborated professional standards that they exercise academic freedom. As it cannot be done individually, but in cooperation (through a collegial system), academic freedom is always combined with collective action. The field where this freedom can be exercised can be specified through university autonomy, the lack of which makes a serious barrier to the full development of a character of “homo academicus“. This is now the case in Hungary, the paper suggests. The paper seeks to gain deeper understanding of the character of academics, their vocation and professional roles, and the governance of higher education, serving as the environment for academic activity, by creating a conceptual framework. The paper is established on the results of sociological research and the experience of legal management, although it remains to be of theoretical nature. It criticises the current Hungarian situation of the governance of higher education, arguing for the reconstruction of university autonomy and financial stability. It also emphasises the importance of predictable regulations.
A közelmúltban készült kutatásban a szerzők azt vizsgálták, hogy a kis- és középvállalkozásokban az elektronikus banki ügyintézéssel kapcsolatban milyen szokásaik, attitűdjeik és jövőképeik alakultak ki. A több mint ötszáz KKV-vezetővel készült interjú alapján elmondható, hogy a vállalkozás elektronikus ügyintézéssel kapcsolatos hozzáállása egyáltalán nem, vagy csak nagyon gyenge mértékben hozható összefüggésbe a cég objektív tulajdonságaival, például a létszámmal, az árbevétellel vagy a tevékenységi körrel. Egyértelműen látszik, hogy már az elektronikus banki ügyintézéssel kapcsolatos fogalmak értelmezése is problémát jelent a KKV-vezetők egy részénél. A tudásbeli hiányosságok pedig egyértelműen befolyásolják az e-banking attitűdöt és a használati szokásokat, pedig az elektronikus csatornákat használók elégedettsége minden vizsgált bank ügyfeleinek esetében 80% fölötti értékeket mutat. Így a legfontosabb kérdés az, hogy miként lehetne megértetni a „Szkeptikusok”-kal és a „Mérlegelők”-kel, hogy érdemes a „Haladók” klaszterébe tartozni. Az ügyfélelégedettség sikertényezői egyértelműen a biztonság, az időben és térben széles körű elérhetőség és az egyszerű használat. A válaszadók jövőképe szerint a banki szolgáltatások igénybevétele egyre inkább eltolódik majd az elektronikus csatornák irányába. Jelen cikkben a kutatás legfontosabb tanulságait mutatják be a szerzők. _________ The authors’ research was conducted to explore the ebanking attitudes, habits and vision of small and medium enterprises. By the interviews of more than 500 managers of SMEs, it is concluded that e-banking attitudes are not, or not significantly related to the objective characteristics of the enterprises, e.g. to the number of employment, the revenues or its activities. It became clear, that the interpretation of the specific e-banking terms means an important problem for some managers. The deficiencies of knowledge have direct effects on e-banking attitude and the use of electronic banking methods of the enterprises, although the value of the satisfaction level is above 80% among the customers of each examined banks. Thus, the main objective is to explain to the “Scepticals” and the “Considerers” the benefits of the “Progressives” cluster. The most important success factors of customer satisfaction are safety, availability in time and space and ease of use. According to the vision of the respondents, banking services will probably be shifted towards e-channels. In this study, the most important findings of our researches were summarized.
A vendéglátóipari egységek kommunikációjában fontos szerepe van a közösségi médiában való jelenlétnek. Hazánkban a leggyakrabban használt felület a Facebook, amely sok ilyen vállalkozás esetében kiemelt fontosságú, vagy akár az egyetlen reálisan elérhető marketingkommunikációs felület. Kutatásunkban azt vizsgáljuk, hogy a felhasználók hogyan érzékelik a feléjük továbbított üzleti célú információkat a közösségi felületen, illetve hogy a fogyasztókra milyen mértékű aktivitás jellemző kedvenc vendéglátóipari egységük oldalán. Ennek céljából szubjektív fogyasztói narratívákat (n=151) elemzünk a kvalitatív tartalomelemzés módszertanával. A válaszadókat arra kértük, hogy írjanak kedvenc vendéglátóhelyükkel való kapcsolatukról az online térben. A "belájkolt" vendéglátóipari egységek felületeinek fogyasztók által észlelt aktivitása segítheti a vállalkozásokat abban, hogy alaptevékenységük elemeinek kommunikálásával, vagy akár ettől teljesen eltérő közösségi stratégiát használva pozicionálják márkájukat. A márkák tudatos tartalommenedzselése hozzájárulhat továbbá a felhasználók virtuális térben való hatékonyabb eléréséhez és bevonásához. ____ Presence in social media is an important element in the communication of catering establishments. The most frequently used platform in Hungary – that is extraordinarily important, or even the only reasonably accessible marketing communications platform for many catering companies – is Facebook. In our research, we analyse how users perceive the business-purposed information forwarded to them on the social media platform, and how intensive are the consumers’ activities on their most preferred catering establishment's site. For this purpose we analyse subjective consumer narratives (N=151) with the methodology of qualitative content analysis. We asked the respondents to write about the relationship with their most preferred catering establishment in the online sphere. Perceived activity of the "liked" catering establishment's platform could help enterprises to position themselves by communicating their core activities, or by using a totally different social strategy. Moreover, conscious content management of brands could contribute to reach and to engage users in the virtual sphere more efficiently.
Venture capitalists can be regarded as financers of young, high-risk enterprises, seeking investments with a high growth potential and offering professional support above and beyond their capital investment. The aim of this study is to analyse the occurrence of information asymmetry between venture capital investors and entrepreneurs, with special regard to the problem of adverse selection. In the course of my empirical research, I conducted in-depth interviews with 10 venture capital investors. The aim of the research was to elicit their opinions about the situation regarding information asymmetry, how they deal with problems arising from adverse selection, and what measures they take to manage these within the investment process. In the interviews we also touched upon how investors evaluate state intervention, and how much they believe company managers are influenced by state support.
A vállalkozóvá válás meghatározó tényezőinek kutatása szakmai berkekben leginkább a Szent Grál keresésére emlékeztet: már lassan azt sem tudjuk, hogy egyáltalán léteznek-e ilyen tényezők. A kutatást nehezítik a többnyire önbevallásos kérdésekre adott torzított válaszok, a szóba jöhető tényezők számossága és a vállalkozói motivációk heterogenitása a különböző demográfiai karakterisztikákkal rendelkező népesség körében. Az egyetemi hallgatók körében némileg egyszerűbb a vizsgálat, hiszen ez egy relatíve homogén minta. Ugyanakkor itt a leginkább áttételesek a hatások, és ráadásul nem a tényleges vállalkozóvá válás, hanem többnyire csak a szándékok tesztelhetők. A vállalkozóvá válás szándékát Bandura társadalmi megismerés-elmélete, Shapero elmozduláselmélete és az Ajzen-féle tervezett magatartás elmélet alapján felállított koncepcionális modell keretén belül vizsgálják és elemzik a szerzők. Arra keresik a választ, hogy az egyes vállalkozói tulajdonságok, az egyetemi környezeti tényezők és a családi háttér hogyan hatnak a vállalkozóvá válásra. A teszteléshez a 21 országra kiterjedő 2011-es GUESSS-felmérésből a magyar egyetemi/ főiskolai hallgatók 5224-es erősségű mintáját használták fel. A multimoniális regressziós vizsgálat eredményei megerősítik, hogy a vállalkozói tulajdonságok és a családban levő vállalkozó megléte mellett a vállalkozói oktatás is pozitívan befolyásolják a vállalkozásindítási szándékot. A klaszterelemzés rámutatott arra, hogy a vállalkozói szándékok, az erre ható tényezők, továbbá a választott szak és más demográfiai tényezők szempontjából a hallgatók meglehetősen heterogének. _______ The search for the determining factors to become an entrepreneur is something like searching for the Holy Grail: After many decades we do not even know if these factors exist or not. The research is difficult because the questionnaires are self esteem, the potential influential factors are numerous, and the motivations do vary across the different cohorts of population. It is easier to conduct a survey amongst university students since this sample is relatively homogenous. At the same times, the determining factors to become an entrepreneur cannot be really tested; the authors can examine mostly the attitudes and the intentions. The conceptual model of entrepreneurial intentions, developed in the paper, based on Bandura, Shaper and Ajzen. The paper is testing eight hypotheses about the influential factors of entrepreneurial intentions such as entrepreneurial traits, the university environment, and the family background. For testing the hypothesis they use a sample of 5224 Hungarian students from the GUESSS 2011 survey. According to the multinomial regression, entrepreneurial intentions are positively influenced by certain entrepreneurial traits, entrepreneur in the family, and entrepreneurship courses at the higher education institutions. The cluster analysis results underline the heterogeneity of the students in terms of entrepreneurial intentions, gender, and the major field of studies
Wine is a very special product from an economic, cultural, and sociological point of view. Wine culture and wine trade play an important role in Hungary. The effect of cultural and geographical proximity on international trade has already been proven in the international trade literature. The size of bilateral trade flows between any two countries can be approximated by the gravity theory of trade. The gravity model provides empirical evidence of the relationship between the size of the economies, the distances between them, and their trade. This paper seeks to analyse the effect of cultural and geographical proximity on Hungary’s bilateral wine trade between 2000 and 2012, employing the gravity equation. The analysis is based on data from the World Bank WITS, WDI, as well as CEPII, and WTO databases. I apply OLS, Random Effects, Poisson, Pseudo-Poisson-Maximum-Likelihood and Heckman two stage estimators to calculate the gravity regression. The results show that in the case of Hungary, cultural similarity and trade liberalisation have a positive impact, while geographical distance, landlockedness, and contiguity have a negative impact on Hungarian wine exports.
Relationships are crucial concepts in numerous management theoretical frameworks. Both stakeholder theory and IMP’s business network approach put business and non-business relations in the forefront. However, the two theories – stakeholder and business network – are seldom discussed together, and stakeholder theory rarely appears in the IMP literature. In this paper although we want to focus on supply chain relations we strive to conduct our analysis within a more general framework of stakeholder theory. In our research we observed and analyzed the mutual expectations related to various stakeholder groups – business partners (suppliers and buyers) among them.
The improving performance of public administration and the reform of public financing system have been on agenda in Hungary for many years, in accordance with the international trends. However, governments have not expected and supported creating of a performance-oriented public administration in a comprehensive and explicit way. Nevertheless, there are bottom-up initiatives at organizational level, which target performance-oriented organizational function. The research focuses on organizations of central public administration where the successful application of performance management methods is most likely based on the international literature. These are the so called agency-type organizations, which are in Hungary called autonomous state-administration organizations independent of the Government (e.g. Hungarian Competition Authority), government bureaus (e.g. Hungarian Central Statistical Office), and central offices subordinated to the government (either the cabinet or a ministry) (e.g. Hungarian Meteorological Service). The studied agencies are legally independent organizations with managerial autonomy based on public law. The purpose of this study is to get an overview on organizational level performance management tools applied by Hungarian agencies, and to reveal the reasons and drivers of the application of these tools. The empirical research is based on a mixed methods approach which combines both quantitative methods and qualitative procedures. The first – quantitative – phase of the author’s research was content analysis of homepages of the studied organizations. As a results she got information about all agencies and their practice related to some performance management tools. The second – qualitative – phase was based on semi-structured face-to-face interviews with some senior managers of agencies. The author selected the interviewees based on the results of the first phase, the relatively strong performance orientation was an important selection criteria.
What is the connection between the hotel and fashion industry? The authors aim to answer this question approaching from different aspects. It can be stated that both of these industries are harmful for the environment from the point of sustainability. On the other hand there is a common solution from the viewpoint of sustainability: the uniforms and the primary materials, which are used during the production, such as the man-made and natural fibres. In our research the authors introduce the main problems which are related to the fashion industry, especially focusing on producing fibres from the viewpoint of sustainability. We introduce the solution for the fashion industry based on the literature and also present the emerging problems and solutions of the hotel industry based on the best practices. As a part of it, we are introducing the best practices from the hotel industry, where environmentally friendly uniforms are used. Finally, as a primary research part of our paper, we interpret the results of a Hungarian case-study.
Value creation is the result of the continuous innovation activity of the entrepreneur, which is carried out mainly in form of open innovation among the agri-food SMEs. However value creation is not the ultimate goal of the enterprises. They are more interested in increased appropriation of the created value. Although the value creation (innovation) is very well explored and cultivated area of research, there are some voids in the field of agriculture and food industry: the behavioural aspect of open innovation is very rare. The value capturing is even much less studied, therefor our research approach is largely explorative one. Data are drawn from a survey carried out in Hungary among the agri-food SMEs in 2014. We use Structural Equation Modelling as well as ordered probit and semi-non parametric ordered probit models for analysing the data. Our results show that there is positive relationship between the knowledge sharing with chain partners and the innovativeness. We could explore that size of the firm, absorptive capacity and openness to foreign trade ambiguously affects value capturing. However trust in chain partners, reciprocity in knowledge sharing with chain partners and willingness to cooperate with buyers positively influence the appropriation of the created value.
In this article we review the methods used by television news channels in their reporting of the clashes between the Hungarian police and refugees at the Serbian-Hungarian border on 16th of September 2015. With the help of content analysis we examine the techniques used by each editorial board to portray events differently,resulting in dissimilar effects on recipients. During the analysis we examine news coverage for one specific day as presented by Hungarian, German and pan-European broadcasters. German news programs were chosen for comparison with Hungarian ones due to the fact that most of the refugees were heading towards Germany. We conclude that there are significant differences between the information that was broadcast according to television channels; owner expectations presumably play an important role in this.