424 resultados para Eigenvalues.
We construct an Euler product from the Hecke eigenvalues of an automorphic form on a classical group and prove its analytic continuation to the whole complex plane when the group is a unitary group over a CM field and the eigenform is holomorphic. We also prove analytic continuation of an Eisenstein series on another unitary group, containing the group just mentioned defined with such an eigenform. As an application of our methods, we prove an explicit class number formula for a totally definite hermitian form over a CM field.
Natural mixing processes modeled by Markov chains often show a sharp cutoff in their convergence to long-time behavior. This paper presents problems where the cutoff can be proved (card shuffling, the Ehrenfests' urn). It shows that chains with polynomial growth (drunkard's walk) do not show cutoffs. The best general understanding of such cutoffs (high multiplicity of second eigenvalues due to symmetry) is explored. Examples are given where the symmetry is broken but the cutoff phenomenon persists.
Uma imagem engloba informação que precisa ser organizada para interpretar e compreender seu conteúdo. Existem diversas técnicas computacionais para extrair a principal informação de uma imagem e podem ser divididas em três áreas: análise de cor, textura e forma. Uma das principais delas é a análise de forma, por descrever características de objetos baseadas em seus pontos fronteira. Propomos um método de caracterização de imagens, por meio da análise de forma, baseada nas propriedades espectrais do laplaciano em grafos. O procedimento construiu grafos G baseados nos pontos fronteira do objeto, cujas conexões entre vértices são determinadas por limiares T_l. A partir dos grafos obtêm-se a matriz de adjacência A e a matriz de graus D, as quais definem a matriz Laplaciana L=D -A. A decomposição espectral da matriz Laplaciana (autovalores) é investigada para descrever características das imagens. Duas abordagens são consideradas: a) Análise do vetor característico baseado em limiares e a histogramas, considera dois parâmetros o intervalo de classes IC_l e o limiar T_l; b) Análise do vetor característico baseado em vários limiares para autovalores fixos; os quais representam o segundo e último autovalor da matriz L. As técnicas foram testada em três coleções de imagens: sintéticas (Genéricas), parasitas intestinais (SADPI) e folhas de plantas (CNShape), cada uma destas com suas próprias características e desafios. Na avaliação dos resultados, empregamos o modelo de classificação support vector machine (SVM), o qual avalia nossas abordagens, determinando o índice de separação das categorias. A primeira abordagem obteve um acerto de 90 % com a coleção de imagens Genéricas, 88 % na coleção SADPI, e 72 % na coleção CNShape. Na segunda abordagem, obtém-se uma taxa de acerto de 97 % com a coleção de imagens Genéricas; 83 % para SADPI e 86 % no CNShape. Os resultados mostram que a classificação de imagens a partir do espectro do Laplaciano, consegue categorizá-las satisfatoriamente.
In this article we present a computational framework for isolating spatial patterns arising in the steady states of reaction-diffusion systems. Such systems have been used to model many different phenomena in areas such as developmental and cancer biology, cell motility and material science. Often one is interested in identifying parameters which will lead to a particular pattern. To attempt to answer this, we compute eigenpairs of the Laplacian on a variety of domains and use linear stability analysis to determine parameter values for the system that will lead to spatially inhomogeneous steady states whose patterns correspond to particular eigenfunctions. This method has previously been used on domains and surfaces where the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are found analytically in closed form. Our contribution to this methodology is that we numerically compute eigenpairs on arbitrary domains and surfaces. Here we present various examples and demonstrate that mode isolation is straightforward especially for low eigenvalues. Additionally we see that if two or more eigenvalues are in a permissible range then the inhomogeneous steady state can be a linear combination of the respective eigenfunctions. Finally we show an example which suggests that pattern formation is robust on similar surfaces in cases that the surface either has or does not have a boundary.
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Originally presented as the author's thesis (M.S.), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
"Supported in part by the Department of Energy under contract ENERGY/EY-76-S-02-2383, and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Graduate College for the degree of doctor of philosophy."
We give a simple proof of a formula for the minimal time required to simulate a two-qubit unitary operation using a fixed two-qubit Hamiltonian together with fast local unitaries. We also note that a related lower bound holds for arbitrary n-qubit gates.
A central feature in the Hilbert space formulation of classical mechanics is the quantisation of classical Lionville densities, leading to what may be termed Groenewold operators. We investigate the spectra of the Groenewold operators that correspond to Gaussian and to certain uniform Lionville densities. We show that when the classical coordinate-momentum uncertainty product falls below Heisenberg's limit, the Groenewold operators in the Gaussian case develop negative eigenvalues and eigenvalues larger than 1. However, in the uniform case, negative eigenvalues are shown to persist for arbitrarily large values of the classical uncertainty product.
The XXZ Gaudin model with generic integrable boundaries specified by generic non-diagonal K-matrices is studied. The commuting families of Gaudin operators are diagonalized by the algebraic Bethe ansatz method. The eigenvalues and the corresponding Bethe ansatz equations are obtained. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We study the global bifurcation of nonlinear Sturm-Liouville problems of the form -(pu')' + qu = lambda a(x)f(u), b(0)u(0) - c(0)u' (0) = 0, b(1)u(1) + c(1)u'(1) = 0 which are not linearizable in any neighborhood of the origin. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
The stable similarity reduction of a nonsymmetric square matrix to tridiagonal form has been a long-standing problem in numerical linear algebra. The biorthogonal Lanczos process is in principle a candidate method for this task, but in practice it is confined to sparse matrices and is restarted periodically because roundoff errors affect its three-term recurrence scheme and degrade the biorthogonality after a few steps. This adds to its vulnerability to serious breakdowns or near-breakdowns, the handling of which involves recovery strategies such as the look-ahead technique, which needs a careful implementation to produce a block-tridiagonal form with unpredictable block sizes. Other candidate methods, geared generally towards full matrices, rely on elementary similarity transformations that are prone to numerical instabilities. Such concomitant difficulties have hampered finding a satisfactory solution to the problem for either sparse or full matrices. This study focuses primarily on full matrices. After outlining earlier tridiagonalization algorithms from within a general framework, we present a new elimination technique combining orthogonal similarity transformations that are stable. We also discuss heuristics to circumvent breakdowns. Applications of this study include eigenvalue calculation and the approximation of matrix functions.
We consider boundary value problems for nonlinear second order differential equations of the form u + a(t) f(u) = 0, t epsilon (0, 1), u(0) = u(1) = 0, where a epsilon C([0, 1], (0, infinity)) and f : R --> R is continuous and satisfies f (s)s > 0 for s not equal 0. We establish existence and multiplicity results for nodal solutions to the problems if either f(0) = 0, f(infinity) = infinity or f(0) = infinity, f(0) = 0, where f (s)/s approaches f(0) and f(infinity) as s approaches 0 and infinity, respectively. We use bifurcation techniques to prove our main results. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The A(n-1) Gaudin model with integrable boundaries specified by non-diagonal K-matrices is studied. The commuting families of Gaudin operators are diagonalized by the algebraic Bethe ansatz method. The eigenvalues and the corresponding Bethe ansatz equations are obtained. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.