941 resultados para Education, Higher - Congresses


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The very nature of computer science with its constant changes forces those who wish to follow to adapt and react quickly. Large companies invest in being up to date in order to generate revenue and stay active on the market. Universities, on the other hand, need to imply same practices of staying up to date with industry needs in order to produce industry ready engineers. By interviewing former students, now engineers in the industry, and current university staff this thesis aims to learn if there is space for enhancing the education through different lecturing approaches and/or curriculum adaptation and development. In order to address these concerns a qualitative research has been conducted, focusing on data collection obtained through semi-structured live world interviews. The method used follows the seven stages of research interviewing introduced by Kvale and focuses on collecting and preparing relevant data for analysis. The collected data is transcribed, refined, and further on analyzed in the “Findings and analysis” chapter. The focus of analyzing was answering the three research questions; learning how higher education impacts a Computer Science and Informatics Engineers’ job, how to better undergo the transition from studies to working in the industry and how to develop a curriculum that helps support the previous two. Unaltered quoted extracts are presented and individually analyzed. To paint a better picture a theme-wise analysis is presented summing valuable themes that were repeated throughout the interviewing phase. The findings obtained imply that there are several factors directly influencing the quality of education. From the student side, it mostly concerns expectation and dedication involving studies, and from the university side it is commitment to the curriculum development process. Due to the time and resource limitations this research provides findings conducted on a narrowed scope, although it can serve as a great foundation for further development; possibly as a PhD research.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Estudo conduzido com o objetivo de contribuir para o planejamento e implementação de políticas de qualificação profissional no campo da saúde. Foram analisados 14 cursos de graduação da área da saúde: biomedicina, ciências biológicas, educação física, enfermagem, farmácia, fisioterapia, fonoaudiologia, medicina, medicina veterinária, nutrição, odontologia, psicologia, serviço social e terapia ocupacional, no período de 1991 a 2008. Dados sobre número de ingressantes, taxa de ocupação de vagas, distribuição de concluintes por habitante, gênero e renda familiar foram coletados a partir dos bancos do Ministério da Educação. Para o curso de medicina, a relação foi de 40 candidatos por vaga nas instituições públicas contra 10 nas privadas. A maioria dos ingressantes era composta por mulheres. A região Sudeste concentrou 57% dos concluintes, corroborando o desequilíbrio de distribuição regional das oportunidades de formação de profissionais de saúde e indicando a necessidade de políticas de incentivo à redução dessas desigualdades.


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A adoção de novos processos seletivos para o acesso de alunos às universidades só foi possível com a promulgação da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional n. 9.394/96. O vestibular seriado é uma dessas propostas alternativas, que prevê uma avaliação sistemática dos alunos ao término de cada ano do ensino médio. O propósito deste estudo foi caracterizar o vestibular seriado, hoje presente em 22 instituições públicas, quanto ao seu objetivo, estilos de avaliação e conteúdos da disciplina de Biologia distribuídos nos módulos referentes às três séries do ensino médio. Averiguamos que os diferentes programas analisados não apresentam uniformidade em diversos aspectos, tais como número de vagas, estrutura de avaliação e conteúdo programático. Verificamos, ainda, a ausência de consenso sobre a sequência a ser adotada para o ensino de Biologia e a resultante restrição para que o aluno possa preparar-se para as provas seriadas em mais de uma instituição.


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The literature on the challenges of teacher education in undergraduate chemistry teaching is limited. In the present study, the application of didactic proposals elaborated by two authors of this paper, graduate students and teaching assistants of the teaching improvement program at University of São Paulo, was investigated in terms of their contribution to the teaching assistants' education and undergraduate students' receptivity toward them. Such proposals were based on the jigsaw cooperative learning strategy and applied in two undergraduate courses. The results indicate students' good receptivity and suggest their importance to teaching assistants' education.


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Notes that very few journalists have formal training in corruption reporting. Discusses workshops held in 2000 and 2001 on the subject of corruption reporting for Pacific Island journalists. Explains the role of the media as an anti-corruption mechanism and the difficulty journalists face in identifying and sometimes stamping out corruption. Looks at the programs adopted and explains the responses of journalists.


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São tantos os estudos que demonstram que é pela qualidade da educação das pessoas que depende o grau de desenvolvimento dum dado país, que não caberia aqui citá-los um a um. Os estudos nacionais e internacionais são unânimes: investir na educação é investir no futuro honesto da Humanidade. É investir num desenvolvimento sustentável. É investir no ser humano e numa justiça verdadeira, concreta e sensível. E se investir na saúde é prioritário em absoluto, investir na educação também. § There are so many studies that show that it is the quality of education of the people who depend on the degree of development of a given country, that would not fit here quote them one by one. National and international studies are unanimous: investing in education is investing in the future of honest humanity. It is investing in sustainable development. It is investing in people and in true justice, concrete and sensitive. And investing in health is a priority at all, invest in education as well.


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This paper examines empirically the relationship between under-employment and migration amongst five cohorts of graduates of Scottish higher education institutions with micro-data collected by the Higher Education Statistical Agency. The data indicate that there is a strong positive relationship between migration and graduate employment—those graduates who move after graduation from Scotland to the rest of the UK or abroad have a much higher rate of graduate employment. Versions of probit regression are used to estimate migration and graduate employment equations in order to explore the nature of this relationship further. These equations confirm that there is a strong positive relationship between the probability of migrating and the probability of being in graduate employment even after other factors are controlled for. Instrumental variables estimation is used to examine the causal nature of the relationship by attempting to deal with the potential endogeneity of migration decisions. Overall the analysis is consistent with the hypotheses that a sizeable fraction of higher education graduates are leaving Scotland for employment reasons. In turn this finding suggests the over-education/under-employment nexus is a serious problem in Scotland.