938 resultados para Early family.
Objective: Glutamine is one of the most abundant amino acids found in maternal milk, and its concentration increases throughout lactation. Because glutamine is essential for macrophage functionality, it is hereby suggested that early weaning in conjunction with the absence of glutamine consumption impairs the functioning of macrophages, which could in turn be reversed with an in vitro supplementation with glutamine. Methods: Swiss Webster mice were early weaned at 14 d of age (EW group) or at 21 d of age (control group, n = 8 per group). The EW group was fed a glutamine-free diet from days 14 to 21 of life. Results: Mice in the EW group presented a significant decrease in plasma and muscle concentrations of glutamine and an increase in the activity of glutamine synthetase in the muscle. Peritoneal macrophages obtained from animals in the EW group presented a significant increase in the production of interleukin (IL)-10 and a significant decrease in the synthesis of IL-1 beta, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor-a, nitric oxide, and hydrogen peroxide and in their ability to adhere, spread, phagocytize, and kill fungi. Glutamine in vitro supplementation reversed the decrease in IL-6, nitric oxide, and hydrogen peroxide synthesis and the decrease in the capacity to adhere, spread, and phagocytize in animals of the EW group. Conclusion: These new. data may imply that a lack of glutamine intake in early weaned mice hampers the functioning of peritoneal macrophages. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Infants who are breast-fed have been shown to have a lower incidence of certain infectious diseases compared with formula-fed infants. Glutamine is one of the most abundant amino acids found in maternal milk and it is essential for the function of immune system cells such as macrophages. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of glutamine supplementation on the function of peritoneal macrophages and on hemopoiesis in early-weaned mice inoculated with Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG). Mice were wearied at 14 d of age and distributed to 2 groups and fed either a glutamine-free diet (n = 16) or a glutamine-supplemented diet (+Gln (n = 16). Both diets were isonitrogenous (with addition of a mixture of nonessential amino acids) and isocaloric. At d 21, 2 subgroups of mice (n = 16) were intraperitoneally injected with BCG and all mice were killed at d 28. Plasma, muscle and liver glutamine concentrations and muscle glutamine synthetase activity were not affected by diet or inoculation with BCG. The +GIn diet led to increased leukocyte and lymphocyte counts in the peripheral blood (P < 0.05) and granulocyte and lymphocyte counts in the bone marrow and spleen (P < 0.05). The +GIn diet increased spreading and adhesion capacities, hydrogen peroxide, nitric oxide, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF alpha) syntheses and the phagocytic and fungicidal activity of peritoneal macrophages (P < 0.05). The interaction between the +GIn diet and BCG inoculation increased the area under the curve of interleukin (IL)-1 beta and TNF alpha syntheses (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the intake of glutamine increases the function of peritoneal macrophages and hemopoiesis in early-weaned and BCG-inoculated mice. These data have important implications for the design of breast milk substitutes for human infants.
Glycoprotein gp70 is an important intracellular antigen from Paracoccidioides brasillensis that elicits both humoral and cellular immune responses. Herein, the PbGP70 gene cloning from isolate Pb18 using internal peptide sequence information is reported. The deduced protein sequence bears two N-glycosylation sites, antigenic sites and two mouse T-cell epitopes. Anti-recombinant gp70 (rPbgp70) polyclonal antibodies reacted with a 70-kDa component in total cell extract of A brasiliensis, while MAbC5F11 and paracoccidioiclomycosis patients` sera recognized rPbgp70. Confocal microscopy with anti-rPbgp70 and MAbC5F11 showed intense staining and cytoplasmatic co-localization. The protein sequence belongs to the flavoprotein monooxygenase family which groups important anti-oxidative bioactive compounds. We found increased PbGP70 transcript accumulation under oxidative stress induced by H(2)O(2), during fungal growth and in macrophage phagocyted/bound yeasts. Therefore, gp70 might play a dual role in P. brasiliensis by both eliciting immune cellular and humoral responses in the host and protecting the fungus from oxidative stress generated by phagocytic cells. (c) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Iron deficiency is a common nutritional disorder, affecting about 30% of the world population. Deficits in iron functional compartments have suppressive effects on the immune system. Environmental problems, age, and other nutrient deficiencies are some of the situations which make human studies difficult and warrant the use of animal models. This study aimed to investigate alterations in the immune system by inducing iron deficiency and promoting recuperation in a mouse model. Hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, liver iron store, and flow cytometry analyses of cell-surface transferrin receptor (CD71) on peripheral blood and spleen CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocyte were performed in the control (C) and the iron-deficient (ID) groups of animals at the beginning and end of the experiment. Hematological indices of C and ID mice were not different but the iron stores of ID mice were significantly reduced. Although T cell subsets were not altered, the percentage of T cells expressing CD71 was significantly increased by ID. The results suggest that iron deficiency induced by our experimental model would mimic the early events in the onset of anemia, where thymus atrophy is not enough to influence subset composition of T cells, which can still respond to iron deficiency by upregulating the expression of transferrin receptor.
Age-related changes in the adult language addressed to children aged 2;0-4;0 years in polyadic conditions were investigated in Australian childcare centres. The language that 21 staff members addressed to these children was coded for multiple variables in the broad social categories of prosody, context, speech act and gesture. The linguistic components were coded within the categories of phonology, lexicon, morphology, syntax and referential deixis. Minimal age-related differences were found. Explanations for the similarity of the adult language input across the age groups within the early childhood educational environment, will be discussed
Hospital nursing may be better deployed to acute clinical patient care. The recruitment of family assistance will facilitate this process in patients in hospital awaiting placement and without acute care issues.
The aim of this mental health promotion initiative was to evaluate the effectiveness of a universally delivered group behavioral family intervention (BFI) in preventing behavior problems in children. This study investigates the transferability of an efficacious clinical program to a universal prevention intervention delivered through child and community health services targeting parents of preschoolers within a metropolitan health region. A quasiexperimental two-group (BFI, n=804 vs. Comparison group, n=806) longitudinal design followed preschool aged children and their parents over a 2-year period. BFI was associated with significant reductions in parent-reported levels of dysfunctional parenting and parent-reported levels of child behavior problems. Effect sizes on child behavior problems ranged from large (.83) to moderate (.47). Positive and significant effects were also observed in parent mental health, marital adjustment, and levels of child rearing conflict. Findings are discussed with respect to their implication for significant population reductions in child behavior problems as well as the pragmatic challenges for prevention science in encouraging both the evaluation and uptake of preventive initiatives in real world settings.
This is a highly original study of possession by demons and their exorcism, which was rife in early modern times, focussing on the place where they were most prevalent, France. Catholics at the time believed that the devil was present everywhere, in the rise of the heretics, in the activities of witches, and even in the bodies of the pious young women. The rite of exorcism was intended to heal the possessed and show the power of the church - but it generated as many problems as it resolved. Possessed nuns endured frequently violent exorcisms, exorcists were suspected of conjuring devils, and possession itself came to be seen as a form of holiness, elevating several women to the status of living saints. Sarah Ferber offers a challenging study of one of the most intriguing phenomena of early modern Europe; looking also at the present day, it argues that early modern conflicts over the devil still carry an unexpected force and significance for western Christianity (from publisher).
The project was commissioned to investigate and analyse the issue of effective support for distance education students in the early years of school to maximise literacy and numeracy outcomes. The scope of this project was limited to students living in rural and remote areas who are undertaking education at home and who are in their early years of schooling. For the purpose of this project, the early years are conceptualised as the first three years of formal compulsory schooling in each of the States and Territories. There were a number of key tasks for the project which included: 1. Examining of the role of home tutors/supervisors This included interviewing personnel from the State and Territory distance education providers as well as the principals, teachers, home tutors and children. 2. Describing literacy and numeracy teaching and learning, and the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in distance education This aspect of the project involved a critical review and analysis of relevant literature and reports in the last five years, and a consideration of the new initiatives that had been implemented in the States and Territories in the last two years. 3. The development of resources Through examination of the role of home tutors/supervisors, and an examination of literacy and numeracy and the use of technology in distance education, three resources were developed: ● A guide for home tutors/supervisors and schools of distance education about effective intervention and assessment strategies to support students’ learning and to assist the home tutors/supervisors in implementing ICT to support the development of literacy and numeracy in the early years. ● A calendar of activities for literacy and numeracy that would act as a stimulus for integrated and authentic activity for young children. ● An embryonic website of resources for the stakeholders in rural and distance education that might act as a catalyst for future resource building and sharing. In this way the final key task of the project, which was to create a context for a strategic dissemination plan, was realised when a strategy to address effective dissemination of the findings of the project so as to maximise their usefulness for the relevant groups was achieved.
Messenger RNAs coding for growth factors and receptor tyrosine kinases were measured by quantitative competitive and by semi-quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction in whole and dissected chick inner ears. The fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor 1 chick embryonic kinase (CEK) 1 was expressed in all structures examined (otocyst, hatchling whole cochlea, cochlear nerve ganglion, and cochlear and vestibular sensory epithelia), although slightly more heavily in the otocyst. The related fibroblast growth factor receptors CEK 2 and 3 were preferentially expressed in the nerve ganglion and in the vestibular sensory epithelium, respectively. FGF 1 mRNA was low in early development, increasing to mature levels at around embryonic age 11 days, while FGF2, mRNA was expressed at constant levels at all ages. In response to ototoxic damage, FGF1 mRNA levels were increased in the early damaged cochlear sensory epithelium. Immunohistochemistry for CEK1 showed that normal hair cells expressed the receptor heavily on the hair cell stereocilia, while with early damage, CEK1 came to be expressed heavily on the apical surfaces of the supporting cells. In normal chicks, the CEK4 and CEK8 eph-class receptor tyrosine kinases were expressed relatively heavily by the cochlear nerve ganglion, and CEK10 was expressed relatively heavily by the cochlear hair cell sensory epithelium. The results suggest that the FGF system may be involved in the response of the cochlear epithelium to ototoxic damage. The eph-class receptor tyrosine kinase CEK10 may be involved in cell interactions in the cochlear sensory epithelium, while CEK4 and CEK8 may play a role in the cochlear innervation.
The complete nucleotide sequence of the genomic RNA from the insect picorna-like virus Drosophila C virus (DCV) was determined. The DCV sequence predicts a genome organization different to that of other RNA virus families whose sequences are known. The single-stranded positive-sense genomic RNA is 9264 nucleotides in length and contains two large open reading frames (ORFs) which are separated by 191 nucleotides. The 5' ORF contains regions of similarities with the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, helicase and protease domains of viruses from the picornavirus, comovirus and sequivirus families. The 3' ORF encodes the capsid proteins as confirmed by N-terminal sequence analysis of these proteins. The capsid protein coding region is unusual in two ways: firstly the cistron appears to lack an initiating methionine and secondly no subgenomic RNA is produced, suggesting that the proteins may be translated through internal initiation of translation from the genomic length RNA. The finding of this novel genome organization for DCV shows that this virus is not a member of the Picornaviridae as previously thought, but belongs to a distinct and hitherto unrecognized virus family.
Aim: Unless specifically treated (glucocorticoids in low doses), Familial Hyperaldosteronism Type I(FH-I) may result in early death from stroke. We report the successful application of a rapid, polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based method of detecting the 'hybrid' 11 beta-hydroxylase (11 beta-OHase)/aldosterone synthase (AS) gene as a screening test for FH-I. Methods: 'Long-PCR' was used to amplify, concurrently, a 4 kb fragment of AS gene (both primers AS-specific) and a 4 kb fragment of the hybrid gene (5' primer 11 beta-OHase-specific, 3'primer AS-specific) from DNA extracted from blood either collected locally or transported from elsewhere. Sample collection and transport were straightforward. This 4 kb fragment contains all the currently recognised hybrid gene 'crossover' points. Results: Within a single family, long-PCR identified all 21 individuals known to have FH-I. Hypertension was corrected in all 11 treated with glucocorticoids. Nine with normal blood pressure are being closely followed for development of hypertension. Long-PCR cord blood analysis excluded FH-I in three neonates born to affected individuals. Long-PCR newly identified two other affected families: (1) a female (60 years) with a personal and family history of stroke and her normotensive daughter (40 years), and (2) a female (51 years) previously treated for primary aldosteronism with amiloride, her two hypertensive sons (14 and 16 years) and her hypertensive mother (78 years). No false negative or false positive results have yet been encountered. At least seven other centres have successfully performed this test. Conclusion: Long-PCR is a reliable method of screening individuals of all ages for FH-I.