907 resultados para Dynamic Input-Output Balance


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Spasmodic dysphonia is a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary spasms in the laryngeal muscles during speech production. Although the clinical symptoms are well characterized, the pathophysiology of this voice disorder is unknown. We describe here, for the first time to our knowledge, disorder-specific brain abnormalities in these patients as determined by a combined approach of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and postmortem histopathology. We used DTI to identify brain changes and to target those brain regions for neuropathological examination. DTI showed right-sided decrease of fractional anisotropy in the genu of the internal capsule and bilateral increase of overall water diffusivity in the white matter along the corticobulbar/corticospinal tract in 20 spasmodic dysphonia patients compared to 20 healthy subjects. In addition, water diffusivity was bilaterally increased in the lentiform nucleus, ventral thalamus and cerebellar white and grey matter in the patients. These brain changes were substantiated with focal histopathological abnormalities presented as a loss of axonal density and myelin content in the right genu of the internal capsule and clusters of mineral depositions, containing calcium, phosphorus and iron, in the parenchyma and vessel walls of the posterior limb of the internal capsule, putamen, globus pallidus and cerebellum in the postmortem brain tissue from one patient compared to three controls. The specificity of these brain abnormalities is confirmed by their localization, limited only to the corticobulbar/corticospinal tract and its main input/output structures. We also found positive correlation between the diffusivity changes and clinical symptoms of spasmodic dysphonia (r = 0.509, P = 0.037). These brain abnormalities may alter the central control of voluntary voice production and, therefore, may underlie the pathophysiology of this disorder.


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The purpose of the internet-based teachware mySCM is that students of economics, informatics and industrial engineering get familiar with quantitative methods for supply chain management. Input-output-relationships of various optimization methods can be detected by sampling input values, parameters, and alternative methods for the same problem. Students can gain extra benefits by passing so-called mini-exams that motivate active learning. mySCM can be used for free, round-the-clock, and any place where access to the Internet is available.


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Long-term electrocardiogram (ECG) signals might suffer from relevant baseline disturbances during physical activity. Motion artifacts in particular are more pronounced with dry surface or esophageal electrodes which are dedicated to prolonged ECG recording. In this paper we present a method called baseline wander tracking (BWT) that tracks and rejects strong baseline disturbances and avoids concurrent saturation of the analog front-end. The proposed algorithm shifts the baseline level of the ECG signal to the middle of the dynamic input range. Due to the fast offset shifts, that produce much steeper signal portions than the normal ECG waves, the true ECG signal can be reconstructed offline and filtered using computationally intensive algorithms. Based on Monte Carlo simulations we observed reconstruction errors mainly caused by the non-linearity inaccuracies of the DAC. However, the signal to error ratio of the BWT is higher compared to an analog front-end featuring a dynamic input ranges above 15 mV if a synthetic ECG signal was used. The BWT is additionally able to suppress (electrode) offset potentials without introducing long transients. Due to its structural simplicity, memory efficiency and the DC coupling capability, the BWT is dedicated to high integration required in long-term and low-power ECG recording systems.


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It is a challenge to measure the impact of releasing data to the public since the effects may not be directly linked to particular open data activities or substantial impact may only occur several years after publishing the data. This paper proposes a framework to assess the impact of releasing open data by applying the Social Return on Investment (SROI) approach. SROI was developed for organizations intended to generate social and environmental benefits thus fitting the purpose of most open data initiatives. We link the four steps of SROI (input, output, outcome, impact) with the 14 high-value data categories of the G8 Open Data Charter to create a matrix of open data examples, activities, and impacts in each of the data categories. This Impact Monitoring Framework helps data providers to navigate the impact space of open data laying out the conceptual basis for further research.


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Determining the profit maximizing input-output bundle of a firm requires data on prices. This paper shows how endogenously determined shadow prices can be used in place of actual prices to obtain the optimal input-output bundle where the firm.s shadow profit is maximized. This approach amounts to an application of the Weak Axiom of Profit Maximization (WAPM) formulated by Varian (1984) based on shadow prices rather than actual prices. At these prices the shadow profit of a firm is zero. Thus, the maximum profit that could have been attained at some other input-output bundle is a measure of the inefficiency of the firm. Because the benchmark input-output bundle is always an observed bundle from the data, it can be determined without having to solve any elaborate programming problem. An empirical application to U.S. airlines data illustrates the proposed methodology.


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It is well accepted that the hippocampus (HIP) is important for spatial and contextual memories, however, it is not clear if the entorhinal cortex (EC), the main input/output structure for the hippocampus, is also necessary for memory storage. Damage to the EC in humans results in memory deficits. However, animal studies report conflicting results on whether the EC is necessary for spatial and contextual memory. Memory consolidation requires gene expression and protein synthesis, mediated by signaling cascades and transcription factors. Extracellular-signal regulated kinase (ERK) cascade activity is necessary for long-term memory in several tasks, including those that test spatial and contextual memory. In this work, we explore the role of ERK-mediated plasticity in the EC on spatial and contextual memory. ^ To evaluate this role, post-training infusions of reversible pharmacological inhibitors specific for the ERK cascade that do not affect normal neuronal activity were targeted directly to the EC of awake, behaving animals. This technique provides spatial and temporal control over the inhibition of the ERK cascade without affecting performance during training or testing. Using the Morris water maze to study spatial memory, we found that ERK inhibition in the EC resulted in long-term memory deficits consistent with a loss of spatial strategy information. When animals were allowed to learn and consolidate a spatial strategy for solving the task prior to training and ERK inhibition, the deficit was alleviated. To study contextual memory, we trained animals in a cued fear-conditioning task and saw an increase in the activation of ERK in the EC 90 minutes following training. ERK inhibition in the EC over this time point, but not at an earlier time point, resulted in increased freezing to the context, but not to the tone, during a 48-hour retention test. In addition, animals froze maximally at the time the shock was given during training; similar to naïve animals receiving additional training, suggesting that ERK-mediated plasticity in the EC normally suppresses the temporal nature of the freezing response. These findings demonstrate that plasticity in the EC is necessary for both spatial and contextual memory, specifically in the retention of behavioral strategies. ^


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The 23rd Annual Biochemical Engineering Symposium was held at the University of Oklahoma on April 17, 1993. The objectives of the symposium were to provide 1) a forum for informal discussion of biochemical engineering research being carried at the participating universities and 2) an opportunity for students to present and publish their work. Thirteen papers presented at the symposium are included in the proceedings. Because final publication usually takes place in refereed journals, the articles included here are typically brief and often cover work in progress. The program of the symposium and a list of participants are included in the proceedings. ContentsA Low-Cost Bioreactor Strategy for RNA Synthesis, H. Anthony Marble, Eleni Chrisikos, and Robert H. Davis Development of a CELSS Bioreactor: Oxygen Transfer and Micromixing in Parabolic Flight, P.E. Villeneuve, K.S. Wenger, B.G. Thompson, T. Kedar, and E.H. Dunlop Scale-up of Dexter Murine Bone Marrow Cultures Utilizing a Three-Dimensional Fiberglass Support Matrix, John G. Highfill, Paul Todd, Steve Haley, and Dhinaker Kompala Modeling and Estimation of States of Recombinant Fermentations Using Nonlinear Input/Output Models, Vicotr M. Saucedo and M. Nazmul Karim Deadent Microfiltration of Bovine Serum Albumin Suspension Through Yeast Cake Layers and Assymetric Polymeric Membranes, Naveen Arora and Robert H. Davis Monitoring the Fate of Toluene and Phenol in the Rhizosphere, N. Muralidharan, Lawrence C. Davis, and Larry E. Erickson Hydrodynamic Motions Associated with Bubble Coalescence and Breakup, T.Y. Yiin, L.A. Glasgow, and L.E. Erickson Expression and Purification of a-Human Atrial Natriuretic Peptide in Escherichia coli by Fusion with L-Asparaginase, Nien-Tung Ma and Roger G. Harrison High Pressure Crystallization of Proteins, Mungara V. Saikumar, Charles E. Glatz, and Maurice A. Larson Structure/Function Relationships in the Catalytic and Starch Binding Domains of Glucoamylase, Pedro M. Coutinho, Clark Ford, Peter J. Reilly Cellular Responses of Insect Cell Spodoptera frugiperda to Environmental Stresses, Paul Yeh, Grace Y. Sun, Gary A. Weisman, Rakesh Bajpai A Novel Approach to Understanding the Antimicrobial Activity of Peptides, Naveen Pathak, Marie-Helene Janna, Gael Ruche, David McCarthy, and Roger Harrison Mass Transfer in the Bioremediation of Soils Contaminated with Trapped Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids, Xiaoqing Yang, Larry E. Jacobson, and L.T. Fan


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Esta monografía se enmarca en el manejo de los recursos hídricos en grandes redes de riego. En ella se describe el caso del río Mendoza, en la provincia homónima, el que fuera regulado en el año 2002. Este río nace en la Cordillera de los Andes, y presenta un importante arrastre de sólidos en suspensión, los que actualmente son retenidos en gran medida por el embalse Potrerillos. Las “aguas claras" que se erogan del embalse producen problemas erosivos, los que a su vez estarían ocasionando una mayor infiltración en los canales, y con ello un incremento en la recarga de acuíferos en ciertas zonas, así como problemas derivados del ascenso de la freática en otras. Se citan procesos ocurridos en otros distritos de riego frente a la regulación de los ríos, para concluir que el del río Mendoza es un caso susceptible de sufrir ciertos per-juicios, ya señalados en la Manifestación General de Impacto Ambiental del embalse Potrerillos, los que actualmente se están presentando en la red de riego. A partir de los estudios de sedimentología en el río Mendoza, se hace un análisis técnico de los fenómenos asociados al cambio de las características físicas del agua. Luego se describen los procesos erosivos, de acuerdo con la hidráulica clásica. Se define la Eficiencia de conducción (Ec), la infiltración en canales y su importancia en distintos distritos de riego, para luego mencionar los estudios realizados en el área del río Mendoza. Se analiza el desarrollo espacial que ha tenido el oasis, la escasa programación que tuvo su traza y la antigüedad de la misma. La descripción de los suelos permite concluir acerca de la importancia de su estructura y del papel que juegan las porciones finas, aún en minoría, que integran las distintas clases texturales con respecto a la Ec. Se describen los criterios con que se distribuye el agua en Mendoza, analizándose los caudales distribuidos actualmente, para relacionarlos con los niveles freáticos. Se mencionan además distintas acciones encaradas por la provincia para mitigar los efectos de las aguas claras. El análisis de los métodos utilizados para medir la Ec, permite apreciar el estado de la ciencia al respecto. Un análisis de las ventajas y de las desventajas de los distintos métodos, y de los resultados que con ellos se obtienen, permite concluir que el método de entradas y salidas es el que mejor se adapta en Mendoza, incluyendo además aspectos metodológicos de la medición. También se concluye en que la Ec. está insuficientemente evaluada; las fracciones finas de los suelos en muchos casos gravitan más que la textura frente a la Ec; por ello, se considera que el estudio de la Ec en las distintas áreas de manejo es necesario para entender los procesos de revenición y recarga de acuíferos, y que las pérdidas administrativas pueden gravitar más que la Ec. Se recomienda continuar con los trabajos de evaluación de Ec, al ser necesarios para todas las actividades en la cuenca; se desaconseja en este río el ajuste de modelos de predicción de Ec; las características de los suelos obligan a interpretar y aplicar con criterio la bibliografía internacional, pero aún así no se pueden hacer generalizaciones acerca de de la Ec en Mendoza.


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Objective: The present study offers a novel methodological contribution to the study of the configuration and dynamics of research groups, through a comparative perspective of the projects funded (inputs) and publication co-authorships (output). Method: A combination of bibliometric techniques and social network analysis was applied to a case study: the Departmento de Bibliotecología (DHUBI), Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina, for the period 2000-2009. The results were interpreted statistically and staff members of the department, were interviewed. Results: The method makes it possible to distinguish groups, identify their members and reflect group make-up through an analytical strategy that involves the categorization of actors and the interdisciplinary and national or international projection of the networks that they configure. The integration of these two aspects (input and output) at different points in time over the analyzed period leads to inferences about group profiles and the roles of actors. Conclusions: The methodology presented is conducive to micro-level interpretations in a given area of study, regarding individual researchers or research groups. Because the comparative input-output analysis broadens the base of information and makes it possible to follow up, over time, individual and group trends, it may prove very useful for the management, promotion and evaluation of science


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Objective: The present study offers a novel methodological contribution to the study of the configuration and dynamics of research groups, through a comparative perspective of the projects funded (inputs) and publication co-authorships (output). Method: A combination of bibliometric techniques and social network analysis was applied to a case study: the Departmento de Bibliotecología (DHUBI), Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina, for the period 2000-2009. The results were interpreted statistically and staff members of the department, were interviewed. Results: The method makes it possible to distinguish groups, identify their members and reflect group make-up through an analytical strategy that involves the categorization of actors and the interdisciplinary and national or international projection of the networks that they configure. The integration of these two aspects (input and output) at different points in time over the analyzed period leads to inferences about group profiles and the roles of actors. Conclusions: The methodology presented is conducive to micro-level interpretations in a given area of study, regarding individual researchers or research groups. Because the comparative input-output analysis broadens the base of information and makes it possible to follow up, over time, individual and group trends, it may prove very useful for the management, promotion and evaluation of science


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Objective: The present study offers a novel methodological contribution to the study of the configuration and dynamics of research groups, through a comparative perspective of the projects funded (inputs) and publication co-authorships (output). Method: A combination of bibliometric techniques and social network analysis was applied to a case study: the Departmento de Bibliotecología (DHUBI), Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina, for the period 2000-2009. The results were interpreted statistically and staff members of the department, were interviewed. Results: The method makes it possible to distinguish groups, identify their members and reflect group make-up through an analytical strategy that involves the categorization of actors and the interdisciplinary and national or international projection of the networks that they configure. The integration of these two aspects (input and output) at different points in time over the analyzed period leads to inferences about group profiles and the roles of actors. Conclusions: The methodology presented is conducive to micro-level interpretations in a given area of study, regarding individual researchers or research groups. Because the comparative input-output analysis broadens the base of information and makes it possible to follow up, over time, individual and group trends, it may prove very useful for the management, promotion and evaluation of science


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Based on analyses of actual data, we reveal that many Asian developing economies own economic structural features of "non-mono-cultural economy" and the "large primary good sector", which have not been discussed in developing economies RBC literature. We also examine the input-output tables to develop a model reflecting actual developing economies' structures. Referring to the analyses, we construct RBC models of ASEAN countries. Based on the model, we find that approximately half of GDP volatility is attributable to domestic productivity shocks, and the remaining half is attributable to price shocks.


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The gravity model, entropy model, potential type model and others like these have been adopted to formulate interregional trade coefficients under the framework of Multi-Regional I-O (MRIO) analysis. Since most of these models are based upon analogies in physics or on statistical principles, they do not provide a theoretical explanation from the view of a firm's or individual's rational and deterministic decision making. In this paper, according to the deterministic choice theory, not only is an alternative formulation of the trade coefficients presented, but also a discussion of an appropriate definition for purchasing prices indices. Since this formulation is consistent with the MRIO system, it can be employed as a useful model-building tool in multi-regional models such as the spatial CGE model.


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This paper reports on the survey of the characteristic features of national input-output tables compiled by the member countries of the Asian International Input-Output Table project. In making any inter-regional tables, the presentation format of each constituent table has to be carefully studied in order to design a common adjustment rule. The survey was conducted in the period of 2003-04, with invaluable cooperation from each collaborating institution of the project. Some analytical findings are drawn from the survey results, such as the similarity between each national table and the Japanese table, the responsiveness to the 1993 SNA, and the major areas of conflict regarding the presentation format.