709 resultados para Dissection.
O estudo da veia porta quanto aos vasos confluentes para sua formação e suas tributárias foi efetuado em 10 cutias (Dasyprocta aguti), adultas (3 fêmeas e 7 machos), nas quais o sistema desta veia foi injetado com látex corado, sendo a seguir fixadas em formol a 10% e dissecadas. Verificou-se que o tronco da veia porta origina-se sempre pela confluência de duas raízes, sendo representadas em 90% dos casos, pela veia lienal e pelo tronco mesentérico comum, constituído pelas veias mesentéricas cranial e caudal e, em 10%, pela veia lienal e pela veia mesentérica cranial. O tronco da veia porta recebe como tributárias a veia pancreaticoduodenal cranial (100%), a veia gástrica direita (90%) e, ainda, a veia gastroepiplóica direita (40%).
A descrição macroscópica do fígado do Cervo do Pantanal foi realizada com ênfase à forma, localização, meios de fixação, disposição e lobação. Foram utilizados os órgãos de animais provenientes do Projeto Cervo do Pantanal de Porto Primavera, que morreram no período de quarentena, mediante inspeção visual e posterior dissecação. Foi constatado que o fígado do Cervo do Pantanal localiza-se na porção cranial da cavidade abdominal, à direita do plano mediano, possui coloração castanho-avermelhado e apresenta duas faces, quatro bordas, quatro lobos e cinco ligamentos. A principal característica que o difere dos fígados dos outros ruminantes é a ausência de vesícula biliar.
Foram estabelecidos segmentos anatomocirúrgicos em pulmões de ovinos da raça Ideal (dezessete segmentos no pulmão direito e doze no esquerdo), mediante dissecação de peças coradas com látex colorido e fixadas em formol. Na maioria dos casos, a artéria pulmonar direita emite, a partir de um tronco, o ramo ascendente e descendente para as partes cranial e caudal do lobo cranial respectivamente; o ramo do lobo médio; o ramo do lobo caudal e o ramo do lobo acessório. Invariavelmente, a artéria pulmonar esquerda emite o ramo do lobo cranial e o ramo do lobo caudal.
O trabalho foi conduzido no Setor de Ovinocultura do Departamento de Zootecnia da UFLA, em Lavras, com o objetivo de estudar o crescimento alométrico dos tecidos ósseo, muscular e adiposo dos cortes comerciais em cordeiros. Foram utilizados 24 cordeiros machos inteiros da raça Santa Inês. Os animais foram submetidos a regime de confinamento e receberam alimentação ad libitum. O abate ocorreu quando os animais atingiram os pesos vivos de 15, 25, 35 e 45 kg. Após a carcaça ter sido limpa e resfriada, foram obtidos os cortes comerciais a partir da meia carcaça esquerda. A quantidade dos diferentes tecidos foram obtidos por intermédio da dissecação de perna, lombo, costeleta, costela/ fralda e paleta. O estudo do desenvolvimento relativo da composição tecidual foi feito por meio do modelo de HUXLEY (1932). Constatou-se crescimento heterogônico negativo (b < 1) para o tecido ósseo e heterogônico positivo (b > 1) para o tecido adiposo de todos os cortes. Quanto ao tipo de crescimento do tecido muscular da costela/fralda e paleta, foi verificado crescimento isogônico (b=1) deste tecido em relação aos cortes.
O trabalho foi realizado com objetivo de realizar um estudo alométrico dos tecidos ósseo, muscular e adiposo na meia carcaça esquerda de cordeiros em crescimento. Foram utilizados 36 cordeiros machos inteiros, sendo 24 Santa Inês e 12 Bergamácia. Os animais foram confinados em gaiolas individuais e alimentados ad libitum. O abate ocorreu quando os animais atingiram os pesos vivos de 15, 25, 35 e 45 kg. Após a carcaça ter sido limpa e resfriada, foram obtidos os cortes comerciais a partir da meia carcaça esquerda. A quantidade dos diferentes tecidos foi obtida a partir da dissecação da perna, do lombo, da costeleta, costela/fralda e paleta. A quantidade total dos tecidos ósseo, muscular e adiposo foi obtida pela adição das quantidades de cada corte comercial. O estudo do desenvolvimento relativo da composição tecidual foi feito por meio do modelo de HUXLEY (1932). Constatou-se crescimento heterogônico negativo (b < 1) para o tecido ósseo, crescimento isogônico (b =1) para o tecido muscular e heterogônico positivo (b > 1) para a gordura, em relação ao peso da ½ carcaça.
Objectives. The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of sentinel lymph node (SLN) identification using radioisotopic lymphatic mapping with technetium-99 m-labeled phytate in patients undergoing radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy for treatment of early cervical cancer.Methods. Between July 2001 and February 2003, 56 patients with cervical cancer 1160 stage I (it 53) or stage 11 (it 3) underwent sentinel lymph node detection with preoperative lymphoscintigraphy (Te-99m-labeled phytate injected into the uterine cervix, at 3, 6, 9, and 12 o'clock, at a dose of 55-74 MBq in a volume of 0.8 ml) and intratoperative lymphatic mapping with a handheld gamma probe, Radical hysterectomy was aborted in three cases because parametrial invasion was found intraoperatively and we performed only sentinel node resection. The remaining 53 patients underwent radical hysterectomy with complete pelvic lymphadenectomy, Sentinel nodes were detected using a handheld gamma-probe and removed for pathological assessment during the abdominal radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy.Results. One or more sentinel nodes were detected in 52 out of 56 eligible patients (92.8%). A total of 120 SLNs were detected by lymphoscintigraphy (mean 2.27 nodes per patient) and intraoperatively by gamma probe, Forty-four percent of SLNs were found in the external iliac area, 39% in the obturator region, 8.3% in interiliae region, and 6.7),) in the common iliac area. Unilateral sentinel nodes were found in thirty-one patients (59%). The remaining 21 patients (4100 had bilateral sentinel nodes, Microscopic nodal metastases were confirmed in 17 (32%) cases. In 10 of these patients, only SLNs had metastases. The 98 sentinel node.,, that were negative on hematoxylin and eosin were submitted to cytokeratin immunohistochemical analysis. Five (5.1%) micrometastases were identified with this technique. The sensitivity of the sentinel node was 82.3% (CI 95% - 56.6-96.2) and the negative predictive value was 92.1% (CI 95% 78.6 98.3) the accuracy of sentinel node in predicting the lymph node status was 94.2%,Conclusion. Preoperative lymphoscintigraphy and intraoperative lymphatic mapping with Tc-99-labeled phytate are effective in identifying sentinel nodes in patients undergoing radical hysterectomy and to select women in whom lymph node dissection call be avoided. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The gross anatomy of the portal vein (V. portae) and its tributaries was studied through anatomical methods, i.e. dissection, corrosion and diaphanization, in 45 opossums (Didelphis albiventris). In all animals the portal vein was formed by the junction of the cranial mesenteric, caudal mesenteric and lienal veins (V. mesenterica cranialis, V. mesenterica caudalis and V. lienalis, respectively). Many collateral tributaries were observed running into the portal venous trunk.
Dissection of 286 specimens of the Bothrops neuwiedi pubescens, combined with data on captive individuals, provided information on the reproductive biology of this viperid snake from southern Brazil. Females attained larger body sizes than males, and reproduction was seasonal with mating taking place in autumn when males were more frequently encountered. Vitellogenesis occurred from summer to spring (January-September), sperm storage during autumn and winter (May-September), ovulation and fertilization in early spring (September), embryonic development during middle spring and summer (October-March), and parturition in the summer (January-March). Embryonic development was estimated to last from three to five months, a shorter time than was previously reported. The number of offspring of Bothrops neuwiedi pubescens born in one litter can vary from four to 25 ((x) over bar = 11). Fecundity is correlated with maternal body size. Neonates measure 17-25 cm SVL. Inferred growth rate of juveniles was low (10 mm/month in first year), with males attaining sexual maturity at about 16 months, but maturity is delayed in females for at least two additional years.
The possibility of reducing morbidity associated with surgical dissection while maintaining accurate tumor staging is one of the greatest advantages of the sentinel node approach in surgical oncology. The sentinel node mapping has already proven to be useful in melanoma, breast cancer, and vulvar cancer. We report the first case of sentinel node detection by technetium-labeled radiocolloid in a pregnant woman with cervical cancer. The histologic analysis of the operative specimen showed a poorly differentiated squamous carcinoma with metastasis in the sentinel node and a neoplasic embolus in a blood vessel of the placental bed. The lymphatic mapping and sentinel lymph node detection are feasible during pregnancy.
In ascending aorta aneurysms, there is an enlargement of the whole vessel, whereas aortic dissections (ADs) are characterized by the cleavage of the wall into 2 sheets at the external half. We searched if alterations in collagen could be related to these diseases. Sections of aortas from 14 case patients with acute dissections, 10 case patients with aneurysms, and 9 control subjects were stained with picrosirius. Slides were analyzed under polarized microscopy to evaluate the structure of collagen fibers. The proportion of collagen was calculated in each half of the medial layer by color detection in a computerized image analysis system. Collagen appearance under polarized light was consistent with collagenolysis. The mean collagen proportions at the inner and outer halves, respectively, were 0.50 +/- 0.13 and 0.40 +/- 0.08 in the control group, 0.20 +/- 0.10 and 0.18 +/- 0.12 in the AD group, and 0.33 +/- 0.12 and 0.19 +/- 0.12 in the aneurysm group. The AD (P < .01) and control (P = .04) groups had less collagen at the external half, no difference was found in the aneurysm group (P = .71). In both halves, there was less collagen in the case patients than in the control subjects (all P < .01), but at the internal half, the decrease was significantly greater in the case patients with aneurysms than in those with dissections (P = .03; at the external half, P = .99). Aortic dissections and aneurysms show a decrease in collagen content that could be related to a weakness of the wall underlying the diseases, but the locations of the decrease differ: in dissections, it is situated mostly at the external portion of the media (site of cleavage), whereas in aneurysms, it is more diffuse, consistent with the global enlargement. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The elements related to the morphology of the liver of paca (Cuniculus paca), the second largest rodent of the Brazilian fauna, were observed; this species present zootechnical potential. Eight animals from the animals sector of Faculdade de Ciencias Agrarias e Veterinarias - Campus of Jaboticabal - UNESP, which is duly certified by IBAMA as an experimental breeding institute, were used. Through a dissection procedure, it was found that the liver of the paca is located in the cranial portion of the abdomen, immediately after the diaphragm, to which it is connected by the triangular, coronary, and falciform ligaments, having its bigger part located right to the medium plan. The liver of this rodent presents the following lobation: right lateral lobe, right medial lobe, quadrate lobe, left medial lobe, and left lateral lobe, besides the caudate lobe formed by the papillary process of caudate lobe and the caudate process of caudate lobe. Gallbladder is located between the quadrate and right medial lobes. Fragments of this organ were collected, fixed, and histologically prepared, being the samples analyzed through light microscopy. It was microscopically observed that intralobular connective tissue is scarce, basically it consists polyhedral hepatocytes organized into cords interposed between sinusoids and the portal triads are found in the lobe, consisting of the portal vein, hepatic artery, and biliary duct.
The description of the macroscopic structure of the masticatory muscles is based upon the dissection of 26 adult and juvenile tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) of both sexes. A detailed description of the temporal, masseter and medial and lateral pterygoid muscles on each side of the head is given. Not only the general shape, origin and insertion are described, but also the architectonic organization, i.e. the stratiform disposition of the muscle parts. Anatomical variations in each sex or age appear to be few and unimportant. Anatomical aspects are found to be essentially similar to those found in other primates including man; however some characteristics differences do exist and deserve special comment.
In the present work the authors studied the morphology of the cervical lymphatic system using 26 new-born white rats of both sexes. The studies were performed by injecting China-ink under the skin of the angle of mouth and dorsal region of the auricle in order to visualize and then to proceed the dissection of lymph vessels and nodes under stereoscopic microscope. Morphological descriptions of superficial and deep lymph vessels and lymph nodes were made, recording: a dense capillary network of the superficial system that joins to larger branches going to the submaxillary lymph nodes, generally the only ones on each side; those lymph nodes send efferent branches to deep cervical lymph nodes generally also the only ones on each side; those lymph nodes give efferent branches which form the jugular lymphatic sac that joins the jugulo-subclavian junction; the jugular lymphatic sac may receive branches from the plexus, which accompany the omocervical and external jugular veins and branches coming from the thoracic limb, as well as may join the branches coming from the thorax and the branches in most of the cases form plexus branches and seldom appear by themselves.
The sedimentary Curitiba basin is located in the Central-Southern part of the first Parananense plateau, and comprises Curitiba (PR), and part of the neighbour Municipalities (fig.1). It is supposed to be of Plio-Pleistocene age. It has a shallow sedimentary fulfillment, represented by the Guabirotuba formation (BIGARELLA and SALAMUNI, 1962) which is dristributed over a large area of about 3.000km2. The internal geometry, not entirely known yet, is actually object of detailed research, that shows its geological evolution to Cenozoic tectonic movements. For the purpose of this study the definition of the structural contour of the basement and their depo-centers is fundamental. This paper presents the results of the integration of surface and subsurface data, processed by statistical methods, which allowed a more precise definition of the morphostructural framework of the basement. For the analysis of the geological spacial data, specific softwares were used for statistical processing for trend surfaces analysis. The data used in this study are of following types: a) drilling logs for ground water; b) description of surface points of geological maps (CRPM, 1977); c) description of points of geotechnical drillings and down geological survey. The data of 223 drilling logs for ground water were selected out of 770 wells. The description files of 700 outcrops, as well as planialtimetric field data, were used for the localization of the basement outcrop. Thus, a matrix with five columns was set up: utm E-W (x) and utm N-S (y); surface altitude (z); altimetric cote of the contact between sedimentary rocks and the basement (k); isopachs (l). For the study of the basement limits, the analysis of surface trends of 2(nd) and 3(rd) degree polinomial for the altimetric data (figs. 2 and 3) were used. For the residuals the method of the inverse of the square of the distance (fig.4) was used. The adjustments and the explanations of the surfaces were made with the aid of multiple linear regressions. The analysis of 3rd degree polinomial trend surface (fig.3) confirmed that the basement tends to be more exposed towards NNW-SSE explaining better the data trend through an ellipse, which striking NE-SW and dipping SW axis coincides with the trough of the basin observed in the trending surface of the basement. The performed analysis and the respective images offer a good degree of certainty of the geometric model of the Curitiba Basin and of the morphostructure of its basement. The surface trend allows to sketch with a greater degree of confidence the structural contour of the topgraphic surface (figs. 5 and 6) and of the basement (figs. 7 and 8), as well as the delimitation of intermediate structural heights, which were responsible for isolated and assymmetric depocenters. These details are shown in the map of figures 9 and 10. Thus, the Curitiba Basin is made up by a structural trough stretching NE-SW, with maximum preserved depths of about 80m, which are separated by heights and depocenters striking NW-SE (fig. 11). These structural features seems to have been controlled by tectonic reactivation during the Tertiary (HASUI, 1990) and which younger dissection was conditioned by neotectonic processes (SALAMUNI and EBERT, 1994).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)