934 resultados para Discrimination in employment--South Carolina
This project represents the collaboration of Charta Mede Ltd and the Interdisciplinary Higher Degrees Scheme at the University of Aston. The aim of the project was to monitor the effects of the Civil Service's Executive Officer Qualifying Test Battery on minority group applicants. Prior to monitoring the EO Test Battery, however, an ethnic classification had to be developed which was reliable, acceptable to respondents and appropriate for monitoring. Three pilot studies were conducted to examine these issues, during which different classifications and different ways of asking the question were trialled. The results indicated that by providing more precise instructions as to the meanings of categories, it was possible to obtain classifications which were acceptable and reliable. However, there were also certain terms and expressions which should be avoided such as those referring to colour and anthropological racial groups. Two classifications were used in the Executive Officer Study - one derived from an Office of Population Censuses and Surveys classification and one developed for this project - the MultiCultural British Classification. The results indicated that some minority groups (Asians, West Indians and Africans in particular) pass the tests in significantly lower proportions than the majority group and also score significantly less well on the tests. Factors which were significantly related to pass/fail and test scores included educational qualifications and age on entering the UK (the latter being negatively correlated). Using variables in this study, however, it was only possible to account for 5% of the variance in pass/fail rates and 11% of the variance in test scores. Analyses of covariance carried out indicated that the differences in test scores still remained even though the effects of significantly correlated variables were removed. Although indirect discrimination could not be inferred from the data, further research into differential validity and fairer methods of select ion is needed.
Most studies on diversity and discrimination in the workplace have focused on 'visible' minorities such as gender or race, often neglecting the experiences of invisible minorities such as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) workers. In this paper we explore the practices of inclusion/exclusion of LGBTs in the workplace in Italian social cooperatives, which are specifically founded to create employment for people who are disadvantaged in the labour market. The study examines how organizations, which have an ethos focused on inclusion and mainly employ workers from specific social minority groups, manage the inclusion of LGBT workers. We also explore the experience of LGBT workers within these organizations. The paper reports that the culture of silence existing in the five organizations studied prevents LGBT employees from constructing a work identity which encompasses their sexual identity and prevents the organizations from achieving their aim of being fully inclusive workplaces. © 2013 British Academy of Management.
Isotope signatures of mangrove leaves can vary depending on discrimination associated with plant response to environmental stressors defined by gradients of resources (such as water and nutrient limitation) and regulators (such as salinity and sulfide toxicity). We tested the variability of mangrove isotopic signatures (d13C and d15N) across a stress gradient in south Florida, using green leaves from four mangrove species collected at six sites. Mangroves across the landscape studied are stressed by resource and regulator gradients represented by limited phosphorus concentrations combined with high sulfide concentrations, respectively. Foliar d13C ratios exhibited a range from 24.6 to –32.7‰, and multiple regression analysis showed that 46% of the variability in mangrove d13C composition could be explained by the differences in dissolved inorganic nitrogen, soluble reactive phosphorus, and sulfide porewater concentrations. 15N discrimination in mangrove species ranged from –0.1 to 7.7‰, and porewater N, salinity, and leaf N:Pa ratios accounted for 41% of this variability in mangrove leaves. The increase in soil P availability reduced 15N discrimination due to higher N demand. Scrub mangroves (<1.5 m tall) are more water-use efficient, as indicated by higher d13C; and have greater nutrient use efficiency ratios of P than do tall mangroves (5 to 10 m tall) existing in sites with greater soil P concentrations. The high variability of mangrove d13C and d15N across these resource and regulator gradients could be a confounding factor obscuring the linkages between mangrove wetlands and estuarine food webs. These results support the hypothesis that landscape factors may control mangrove structure and function, so that nutrient biogeochemistry and mangrove-based food webs in adjacent estuaries should account for watershed-specific organic inputs.
The sociocultural mythology of the South homogenizes it as a site of abjection. To counter the regionalist discourse, the dissertation intersects queer sexualities with gender and race and focuses on exploring identity and spatial formation among Black lesbian and queer women. The dissertation seeks to challenge the monolith of the South and place the region into multiple contexts and to map Black geographies through an intentional intersectional account of Black queer women. The dissertation utilizes qualitative research methods to ascertain understandings of lived experiences in the production of space. The dissertation argues that an idea of Progress has been indoctrinated as a synonym for the lgbtq civil rights movement and subsequently provides an analysis of progress discourses and queer sexualities and political campaigns of equality in the South. Analyses revealed different ways to situate progress utilizing the public contributions of three Black women interviewed for the dissertation. Moreover, the dissertation utilizes six Black queer and lesbian women to explain the multifarious nature of identities and their construction in place. Black queer and lesbian women produce spaces that deconstruct the normativity of stasis and physicality, and the dissertation explores the consequential realities of being a body in space. These consequences are particularly highlighted in the dissertation by discussions of the processes of racialization in the bounded and unbounded senses of space and place and the impacts of religious institutions, specifically Christianity. The dissertation concluded that no space is without complication. Other considerations should be made in the advancement of alleviating oppression deeply embedded in United States landscapes. Black women’s geographies offer epistemological and ontological renderings that enrich analyses of space, place, and landscape. The dissertation also concludes that Black women’s bodies represent sites for the production of geographic knowledge through narrating their spaces of material trajectories of interlocking, multiscalar lives.
Since 2008, the South Carolina Department of Commerce has published the Economic Outlook, a monthly snapshot of key state economic indicators on income, employment, and real estate.
The monograph is a systematic arrangement of the biographies and bibliographies of botanists in South Carolina who have contributed to the state’s reputation in botany.
This chart shows ways in which local and state governments in South Carolina can help each other in preventing and controlling the Zika virus.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is the third leading cause of death in South Carolina and affects approximately 15 percent of the adult population. Although tobacco cessation and avoidance are slowly advancing in South Carolina, 20 percent of COPD occurs in non-smokers, and this percentage will likely increase in the coming years. Therefore, a strategic plan must include other initiatives in addition to smoking cessation. This document was developed by a multidisciplinary group of health care providers, public health practitioners, and patients, as such a combined approach is imperative to target this disease.
State law requires that for school years 2014-15 and 2015-16 the EOC will not rate schools or districts but will instead report on student academic performance. The Education Oversight Committee must use the results of these assessments in school years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 to report on student academic performance in each school and district pursuant to Section 59-18-900. The state report card for school year 2015-16 will include assessment information and measurements that address the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate.
This manual explains the rules of the road in South Carolina and what the law expects of you as a driver. The purpose is to help you learn traffic control devices, signs and pavement markings, which you must know before you get on the highway.
Since 2008, the South Carolina Department of Commerce has published the Economic Outlook, a monthly snapshot of key state economic indicators on income, employment, and real estate.
Since 2008, the South Carolina Department of Commerce has published the Economic Outlook, a monthly snapshot of key state economic indicators on income, employment, and real estate.
This tobacco directory list tobacco products sold in South Carolina by name, company name, original certification date, action type and agreement type.
This tobacco directory list tobacco products sold in South Carolina by name, company name, original certification date, action type and agreement type.
This paper gives statistics on the immunization of children and adolescents in South Carolina.