998 resultados para Dilatational surface elasticity


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We prove that the fundamental group of any Seifert 3-manifold is conjugacy separable. That is, conjugates may be distinguished infinite quotients or, equivalently, conjugacy classes are closed in the pro-finite topology.


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This paper analyses the elasticities of demand in tolled motorways in Spain with respect to the main variables influencing it. The demand equation is estimated using a panel data set where the cross-section observations correspond to the different Spanish tolled motorways sections, and the temporal dimension ranges from the beginning of the eighties until the end of the nineties. The results show a high elasticity with respect to the economic activity level. The average elasticity with respect to petrol price falls around -0.3, while toll elasticities clearly vary across motorway sections. These motorway sections are classified into four groups according to the estimated toll elasticity with values that range from -0.21 for the most inelastic to -0.83 for the most elastic. The main factors that explain such differences are the quality of the alternative road and the length of the section. The long-term effect is about 50 per cent higher than the short term one; however, the period of adjustment is relatively short.


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In this paper we check whether generator's bid behavior at the Spanish whosale electricity market is consistent with the hypothesis of profit maximization on their residual demands. Using OMEL data, we find the arc-elacticity of the residual demand around the system marginal price. The results suggest thet the larger firms are not actually profit-msximization. We argue how the regulatory environment may drive these results. Finally, we repeat the analysis for the first session of the intra-day market where presumably firms may not have the same incentives as in the day-ahead market.


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Combined media on photographic paper. 80½" x 49" Private Collection


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Quantitative method of viral pollution determination for large volume of water using ferric hydroxide gel impregnated on the surface of glassfibre cartridge filter. The use of ferric hydroxide gel, impregnated on the surface of glassfibre cartridge filter enable us to recover 62.5% of virus (Poliomylitis type I, Lsc strain) exsogeneously added to 400 liters of tap-water. The virus concentrator system consists of four cartridge filters, in which the three first one are clarifiers, where the contaminants are removed physically, without significant virus loss at this stage. The last cartridge filter is impregnated with ferric hydroxide gel, where the virus is adsorbed. After the required volume of water has been processed, the last filter is removed from the system and the viruses are recovered from the gel, using 1 liter of glycine/NaOH buffer, at pH 11. Immediately the eluate is clarified through series of cellulose acetate membranes mounted in a 142mm Millipore filter. For the second step of virus concentration, HC1 1N is added slowly to the eluate to achieve pH 3.5-4. MgC1, is added to give a final concentration of 0.05M and the viruses are readsorbed on a 0.45 , porosity (HA) cellulose acetate membrane, mounted in a 90 mm Millipore filter. The viruses are recovered using the same eluent plus 10% of fetal calf serum, to a final volume of 3 ml. In this way, it was possible to concentrate virus from 400 liters of tap-water, into 1 liter in the first stage of virus concentration and just to 3 ml of final volume in a second step. The efficiency, simplicity and low operational cost, provded by the method, make it feasible to study viral pollution of recreational and tap-water sources.


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Bloodstream trypomastigotes of some Trypanosoma cruzi strains were processed through DEAE-cellulose columns under standardized conditions. The results obtained suggest mainly that these strains present different surface charges, that there are subpopulations of bloodstream trypomastigotes as regards electrical charges and that the broad forms are less negative than the slender ones.


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The cell surface of trypanosomatids is formed by the plasma membrane and a layer of sub-pellicular microtubules which are connected to the plasma membrane. The plasma membrane is composed by proteins, lipids and carbohydrates which form the glycocalix. In this paper we will review briefly aspects related to the organization of the cell surface of Trypanosoma cruzi.


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Conjugates of goat anti-HBs IgG and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) prepared by two different methods, one using NaIO4 and the other SPDP, were compared. Anti-HBs antibodies obtained from goat, rabbit and guinea-pig were tested as capture serum. The ELISA showed a sensitivity similar to RIA and a level of antigen captation ranging from 4.37 to 8.75 nanograms/ml was obtained when rabbit or guinea-pig captures were used combined with both NaIO4 or SPDP conjugates.


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The process of adhesion of three different strains of Trichomonas vaginalis to a polystyrene substrate was analysed. The process of adhesion was dependent on the time of incubation and the pH of the phosphate-buffered solution (PBS) in which the parasites were suspended. The highest indices of adhesion were observed after an incubation time of 60 min at pH 6.6. The adhesion index increased when the parasites were incubated in the presence of culture media or when Ca++ or Mg++ was added to the PBS solution, whereas cytochalasin B, trypsin or neuraminidase reduced adhesion. Incubation of the parasites in the presence of poly-L-lysine facilitated the process of adhesion. Incubation of the parasites or polystyrene beads in the presence of poly-L-lysine led to important changes in their surface charge.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la National Oceanography Centre of Southampton (NOCS), Gran Bretanya, entre maig i juliol del 2006. La possibilitat d’obtenir una estimació precissa de la salinitat marina (SSS) és important per a investigar i predir l’extensió del fenòmen del canvi climàtic. La missió Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) va ser seleccionada per l’Agència Espacial Europea (ESA) per a obtenir mapes de salinitat de la superfície marina a escala global i amb un temps de revisita petit. Abans del llençament de SMOS es preveu l’anàlisi de la variabilitat horitzontal de la SSS i del potencial de les dades recuperades a partir de mesures de SMOS per a reproduir comportaments oceanogràfics coneguts. L’objectiu de tot plegat és emplenar el buit existent entre les fonts de dades d’entrada/auxiliars fiables i les eines desenvolupades per a simular i processar les dades adquirides segons la configuració de SMOS. El SMOS End-to-end Performance Simulator (SEPS) és un simulador adhoc desenvolupat per la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) per a generar dades segons la configuració de SMOS. Es va utilitzar dades d’entrada a SEPS procedents del projecte Ocean Circulation and Climate Advanced Modeling (OCCAM), utilitzat al NOCS, a diferents resolucions espacials. Modificant SEPS per a poder fer servir com a entrada les dades OCCAM es van obtenir dades de temperatura de brillantor simulades durant un mes amb diferents observacions ascendents que cobrien la zona seleccionada. Les tasques realitzades durant l’estada a NOCS tenien la finalitat de proporcionar una tècnica fiable per a realitzar la calibració externa i per tant cancel•lar el bias, una metodologia per a promitjar temporalment les diferents adquisicions durant les observacions ascendents, i determinar la millor configuració de la funció de cost abans d’explotar i investigar les posibiltats de les dades SEPS/OCCAM per a derivar la SSS recuperada amb patrons d’alta resolució.


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We have produced a number of monoclonal antibodies, protective and non-protective, which recognize a complex of schistosomula antigens, including the 38 kDa antigen. Eight different protective and non-protective monoclonal antibodies, varying in isotypes, were used in the binding assays. Lectin inhibition studies suggested that the monoclonal antibodies probably recognized carbohydrate epitopes on the antigen(s). Immunoprecipitation studies showed that at least two of the monoclonal antibodies recognized different epitopes on the same molecule. Additionally, we tested for monoclonal antibody binding after the antigens were treated with; 1) proteases, 2) periodate, 3) various exo- and endoglycosidases, 4) mild acid hydrolysis. We also tested for binding of the antibodies to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH). Using the 8 monoclonal antibodies as probes, we were able to define at least 4 different carbohydrate epitopes related to the protective monoclonal antibodies, and at least one epitope which is seen by the non-protective antibodies. The epitope seen by the non-protective antibodies was shown to be cross-reactive with epitopes on KLH. These results demonstrate the importance of epitope mapping studies for any defined vaccine.


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Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteria have emerged in the early 1980's in numerous health care institutions around the world. The main transmission mechanism within hospitals and healthcare facilities is through the hands of health care workers. Resistant to several antibiotics, the MRSA is one of the most feared pathogens in the hospital setting since it is very difficult to eradicate with the standard treatments. There are still a limited number of anti-MRSA antibiotics but the first cases of resistance to these compounds have already been reported and their frequency is likely to increase in the coming years. Every year, the MRSA infections result in major human and financial costs, due to the high associated mortality and expenses related to the required care. Measures towards a faster detection of resistant bacteria and establishment of appropriate antibiotic treatment parameters are fundamental. Also as part as infection prevention, diminution of bacteria present on the commonly touched surfaces could also limit the spread and selection of antibiotic resistant bacteria. During my thesis, projects were developed around MRSA and antibiotic resistance investigation using innovative technologies. The thesis was subdivided in three main parts with the use of atomic force microscopy AFM for antibiotic resistance detection in part 1, the importance of the bacterial inoculum size in the selection of antibiotic resistance in part 2 and the testing of antimicrobial surfaces creating by sputtering copper onto polyester in part 3. In part 1 the AFM was used two different ways, first for the measurement of stiffness (elasticity) of bacteria and second as a nanosensor for antibiotic susceptibility testing. The stiffness of MRSA with different susceptibility profiles to vancomycin was investigated using the stiffness tomography mode of the AFM and results have demonstrated and increased stiffness in the vancomycin resistant strains that also paralleled with increased thickness of the bacterial cell wall. Parts of the AFM were also used to build a new antibiotic susceptibility-testing device. This nano sensor was able to measure vibrations emitted from living bacteria that ceased definitively upon antibiotic exposure to which they were susceptible but restarted after antibiotic removal to which they were resistant, allowing in a matter of minute the assessment of antibiotic susceptibility determination. In part 2 the inoculum effect (IE) of vancomycin, daptomycin and linezolid and its importance in antibiotic resistance selection was investigated with MRSA during a 15 days of cycling experiment. Results indicated that a high bacterial inoculum and a prolonged antibiotic exposure were two key factors in the in vitro antibiotic resistance selection in MRSA and should be taken into consideration when choosing the drug treatment. Finally in part 3 bactericidal textile surfaces were investigated against MRSA. Polyesters coated after 160 seconds of copper sputtering have demonstrated a high bactericidal activity reducing the bacterial load of at least 3 logio after one hour of contact. -- Au cours des dernières décennies, des bactéries multirésistantes aux antibiotiques (BMR) ont émergé dans les hôpitaux du monde entier. Depuis lors, le nombre de BMR et la prévalence des infections liées aux soins (IAS) continuent de croître et sont associés à une augmentation des taux de morbidité et de mortalité ainsi qu'à des coûts élevés. De plus, le nombre de résistance à différentes classes d'antibiotiques a également augmenté parmi les BMR, limitant ainsi les options thérapeutiques disponibles lorsqu'elles ont liées a des infections. Des mesures visant une détection plus rapide des bactéries résistantes ainsi que l'établissement des paramètres de traitement antibiotiques adéquats sont primordiales lors d'infections déjà présentes. Dans une optique de prévention, la diminution des bactéries présentes sur les surfaces communément touchées pourrait aussi freiner la dissémination et l'évolution des bactéries résistantes. Durant ma thèse, différents projets incluant des nouvelles technologies et évoluant autour de la résistance antibiotique ont été traités. Des nouvelles technologies telles que le microscope à force atomique (AFM) et la pulvérisation cathodique de cuivre (PCC) ont été utilisées, et le Staphylococcus aureus résistant à la méticilline (SARM) a été la principale BMR étudiée. Deux grandes lignes de recherche ont été développées; la première visant à détecter la résistance antibiotique plus rapidement avec l'AFM et la seconde visant à prévenir la dissémination des BMR avec des surfaces crées grâce à la PCC. L'AFM a tout d'abord été utilisé en tant que microscope à sonde locale afin d'investiguer la résistance à la vancomycine chez les SARMs. Les résultats ont démontré que la rigidité de la paroi augmentait avec la résistance à la vancomycine et que celle-ci corrélait aussi avec une augmentation de l'épaisseur des parois, vérifiée grâce à la microscopie électronique. Des parties d'un AFM ont été ensuite utilisées afin de créer un nouveau dispositif de test de sensibilité aux antibiotiques, un nanocapteur. Ce nanocapteur mesure des vibrations produites par les bactéries vivantes. Après l'ajout d'antibiotique, les vibrations cessent définitivement chez les bactéries sensibles à l'antibiotique. En revanche pour les bactéries résistantes, les vibrations reprennent après le retrait de l'antibiotique dans le milieu permettant ainsi, en l'espace de minutes de détecter la sensibilité de la bactérie à un antibiotique. La PCC a été utilisée afin de créer des surfaces bactéricides pour la prévention de la viabilité des BMR sur des surfaces inertes. Des polyesters finement recouverts de cuivre (Cu), connu pour ses propriétés bactéricides, ont été produits et testés contre des SARMs. Une méthode de détection de viabilité des bactéries sur ces surfaces a été mise au point, et les polyesters obtenus après 160 secondes de pulvérisation au Cu ont démontré une excellente activité bactéricide, diminuant la charge bactérienne d'au moins 3 logio après une heure de contact. En conclusion, l'utilisation de nouvelles technologies nous a permis d'évoluer vers de méthodes de détection de la résistance antibiotique plus rapides ainsi que vers le développement d'un nouveau type de surface bactéricide, dans le but d'améliorer le diagnostic et la gestion des BMR.


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Background: Plasmodium falciparum(P. falciparum) merozoite surfaceprotein 2 (MSP-2) is one of bloodstage proteins that are associated withprotection from malaria. MSP-2 consistsof a highly polymorphic centralrepeat region flanked by a dimorphicregion that defines the two allelicfamilies, 3D7 and FC27; N- and Cterminalregions are conserved domains.Long synthetic peptides (LSP)representing the two allelic familiesof MSP-2 and constant regions arerecognized by sera from donors livingin endemic areas; and specific antibodies(Abs) are associated with protectionand active in antibody dependentcellular inhibition (ADCI) in vitro.However, the fine specificity ofAb response to the two allelic familiesof MSP-2 is unknown. Methods: Peptidesrepresenting dimorphic regionof 3D7 and FC27 families and theirC-terminal (common fragment to thetwo families) termed 3D7-D (88 aa),FC27-D (48 aa) and C (40 aa) respectivelywere synthesized. Overlapping20 mer peptides covering dimorphicand constant regions of two familieswere also synthesized for epitopemapping. Human sera were obtainedfrom donors living in malaria endemicareas. SpecificDand CregionsAbs were purified from single or poolhuman sera. Sera from mice were obtainedafter immunization with thetwo families LSP mixture in three differentadjuvants: alhydrogel (Alum),Glucopyranosyl Lipid Adjuvant-Stableoil-in-water Emulsion (GLA-SE)and Virosome. For ADCI, P. falciparum(strain 3D7) parasite wasmaintained in culture at 0.5% parasitemiaand 4% hematocrit in air tightbox at love oxygen (2%) and 37 ºC.Results: We identified several epitopesfrom the dimorphic and constantregions of both families of MSP-2, inmice and humans (adults and children).In human, most recognizedepitopes were the same in differentendemic regions for each domain ofthe two families of MSP-2. In mice,the differential recognition of epitopewas depending on the strain of mouseand interestingly on the adjuvantused. GLA-SE and alum as adjuvantswere more often associated with therecognition of multiple epitopes thanvirosomes. Epitope-specific Abs recognizednative merozoites of P.falciparum and were active in ADCIto block development of parasite.Conclusion: The delineation of a limitednumber of epitopes could be exploitedto develop MSP-2 vaccinesactive on both allelic families ofMSP-2.


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The cytoskeleton, composed of actin filaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules, is a highly dynamic supramolecular network actively involved in many essential biological mechanisms such as cellular structure, transport, movements, differentiation, and signaling. As a first step to characterize the biophysical changes associated with cytoskeleton functions, we have developed finite elements models of the organization of the cell that has allowed us to interpret atomic force microscopy (AFM) data at a higher resolution than that in previous work. Thus, by assuming that living cells behave mechanically as multilayered structures, we have been able to identify superficial and deep effects that could be related to actin and microtubule disassembly, respectively. In Cos-7 cells, actin destabilization with Cytochalasin D induced a decrease of the visco-elasticity close to the membrane surface, while destabilizing microtubules with Nocodazole produced a stiffness decrease only in deeper parts of the cell. In both cases, these effects were reversible. Cell softening was measurable with AFM at concentrations of the destabilizing agents that did not induce detectable effects on the cytoskeleton network when viewing the cells with fluorescent confocal microscopy. All experimental results could be simulated by our models. This technology opens the door to the study of the biophysical properties of signaling domains extending from the cell surface to deeper parts of the cell.