959 resultados para Differenzial Imaging, Principal Component Analysis, esopianeti, SPHERE, IFS


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Ten cases of neuronal intermediate filament inclusion disease (NIFID) were studied quantitatively. The α-internexin positive neurofilament inclusions (NI) were most abundant in the motor cortex and CA sectors of the hippocampus. The densities of the NI and the swollen achromatic neurons (SN) were similar in laminae II/III and V/VI but glial cell density was greater in V/VI. The density of the NI was positively correlated with the SN and the glial cells. Principal components analysis (PCA) suggested that PC1 was associated with variation in neuronal loss in the frontal/temporal lobes and PC2 with neuronal loss in the frontal lobe and NI density in the parahippocampal gyrus. The data suggest: 1) frontal and temporal lobe degeneration in NIFID is associated with the widespread formation of NI and SN, 2) NI and SN affect cortical laminae II/III and V/VI, 3) the NI and SN affect closely related neuronal populations, and 4) variations in neuronal loss and in the density of NI were the most important sources of pathological heterogeneity. © Springer-Verlag 2005.


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In Statnotes 24 and 25, multiple linear regression, a statistical method that examines the relationship between a single dependent variable (Y) and two or more independent variables (X), was described. The principle objective of such an analysis was to determine which of the X variables had a significant influence on Y and to construct an equation that predicts Y from the X variables. ‘Principal components analysis’ (PCA) and ‘factor analysis’ (FA) are also methods of examining the relationships between different variables but they differ from multiple regression in that no distinction is made between the dependent and independent variables, all variables being essentially treated the same. Originally, PCA and FA were regarded as distinct methods but in recent times they have been combined into a single analysis, PCA often being the first stage of a FA. The basic objective of a PCA/FA is to examine the relationships between the variables or the ‘structure’ of the variables and to determine whether these relationships can be explained by a smaller number of ‘factors’. This statnote describes the use of PCA/FA in the analysis of the differences between the DNA profiles of different MRSA strains introduced in Statnote 26.


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A Principal Components Analysis of neuropathological data from 79 Alzheimer’s disease (AD) cases was performed to determine whether there was evidence for subtypes of the disease. Two principal components were extracted from the data which accounted for 72% and 12% of the total variance respectively. The results suggested that 1) AD was heterogeneous but subtypes could not be clearly defined; 2) the heterogeneity, in part, reflected disease onset; 3) familial cases did not constitute a distinct subtype of AD and 4) there were two forms of late onset AD, one of which was associated with less senile plaque and neurofibrillary tangle development but with a greater degree of brain atherosclerosis.


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Aeromonas genomes were investigated by restriction digesting chromosomal DNA with the endonuclease XbaI, separation of restriction fragments by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and principal components analysis (PCA) of resulting separation patterns. A. salmonicida salmonicida were unique amongst the isolates investigated. Separation profiles of these isolates were similar and all characterised by a distinct absence of bands in the 250kb region. Principal components analysis represented these strains as a clearly defined homogeneous group separated by insignificant Euclidian distances. However, A. salmonicida achromogenes isolates in common with those of A. hydrophila and A. sobria were shown by principal components analysis to be more heterogeneous in nature. Fragments from these isolates were more uniform in size distribution but as demonstrated by the Euclidian distances attained through PCA potentially characteristic of each strain. Furthermore passaging of Aeromonas isolates through an appropriate host did not greatly modify fragment separation profiles, indicative of the genomic stability of test aeromonads and the potential of restriction digesting/PFGE/PCA in Aeromonas typing.


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A Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was carried out on the density of lesions revealed by different stains in a total of 47 brain regions from six elderly patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The aim was to determine the relationships between the density of senile plaques (SP) revealed by the Glees and Gallyas stains and A4 deposits and between the plaques and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) in the same brain region. The analysis indicated that the populations of plaques revealed by the Glees and Gallyas stains were closely related to the A4 protein deposits but none of the lesions were related to NFT. The data suggest: 1) that neocortical regions differ from the hippocampus in the relative development of A4 and NFT; the former having more A4 deposits and the latter more NFT and 2) that the processes that lead to the formation of SP and NFT occur independently of each other in the same brain region.


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PCA/FA is a method of analyzing complex data sets in which there are no clearly defined X or Y variables. It has multiple uses including the study of the pattern of variation between individual entities such as patients with particular disorders and the detailed study of descriptive variables. In most applications, variables are related to a smaller number of ‘factors’ or PCs that account for the maximum variance in the data and hence, may explain important trends among the variables. An increasingly important application of the method is in the ‘validation’ of questionnaires that attempt to relate subjective aspects of a patients experience with more objective measures of vision.


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A principal components analysis was carried out on neuropathological data collected from 79 cases of Alzheimer's disease (AD) diagnosed in a single centre. The purpose of the study was to determine whether on neuropathological criteria there was evidence for clearly defined subtypes of the disease. Two principal components (PC1 and PC2) were extracted from the data. PC1 was considerable more important than PC2 accounting for 72% of the total variance. When plotted in relation to the first two principal components the majority of cases (65/79) were distributed in a single cluster within which subgroupings were not clearly evident. In addition, there were a number of individual, mainly early-onset cases, which were neither related to each other nor to the main cluster. The distribution of each neuropathological feature was examined in relation to PC1 and 2, Disease onset, rhe degree of gross brain atrophy, neuronal loss and the devlopment of senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) were negatively correlated with PC1. The devlopment of SP and NFT and the degree of brain athersclerosis were positively correlated with PC2. These results suggested: 1) that there were different forms of AD but no clear division of the cases into subclasses could be made based on the neuropathological criteria used; the cases showing a more continuous distribution from one form to another, 2) that disease onset was an important variable and was associated with a greater development of pathological changes, 3) familial cases were not a distinct subclass of AD; the cases being widely distributed in relation to PC1 and PC2 and 4) that there may be two forms of late-onset AD whic grade into each other, one of which was associated with less SP and NFT development but with a greater degree of brain atherosclerosis.


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Studies suggest that frontotemporal lobar degeneration with transactive response (TAR) DNA-binding protein of 43kDa (TDP-43) proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP) is heterogeneous with division into four or five subtypes. To determine the degree of heterogeneity and the validity of the subtypes, we studied neuropathological variation within the frontal and temporal lobes of 94 cases of FTLD-TDP using quantitative estimates of density and principal components analysis (PCA). A PCA based on the density of TDP-43 immunoreactive neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI), oligodendroglial inclusions (GI), neuronal intranuclear inclusions (NII), and dystrophic neurites (DN), surviving neurons, enlarged neurons (EN), and vacuolation suggested that cases were not segregated into distinct subtypes. Variation in the density of the vacuoles was the greatest source of variation between cases. A PCA based on TDP-43 pathology alone suggested that cases of FTLD-TDP with progranulin (GRN) mutation segregated to some degree. The pathological phenotype of all four subtypes overlapped but subtypes 1 and 4 were the most distinctive. Cases with coexisting motor neuron disease (MND) or hippocampal sclerosis (HS) also appeared to segregate to some extent. We suggest: 1) pathological variation in FTLD-TDP is best described as a ‘continuum’ without clearly distinct subtypes, 2) vacuolation was the single greatest source of variation and reflects the ‘stage’ of the disease, and 3) within the FTLD-TDP ‘continuum’ cases with GRN mutation and with coexisting MND or HS may have a more distinctive pathology.


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The densities of diffuse, primitive, and classic ß-amyloid (Aß) deposits were studied in the temporal lobe in cognitively normal brain, dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), familial Alzheimer’s disease (FAD), and sporadic AD (SAD). Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to determine whether there were distinct differences between groups or whether Aß pathology was more continuously distributed from group to group. Three principal components (PC) were extracted from the data accounting for 56% of the total variance. Plots of cases in relation to the PC did not result in distinct groups but suggested overlap in Aß deposition between the groups. In addition, there were linear correlations between the densities of Aß deposits and the distribution of the cases along the PC in specific brain regions suggesting continuous variation from group to group. PC1 was associated with the degree of maturation of Aß deposits, PC2 with differences between FAD and SAD, and PC3 with the degree of spread of Aß pathology into the hippocampus. Apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype was not associated with variation in Aß deposition between cases. PCA may be a useful method of studying the pathological interface between closely related neurodegenerative disorders.


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We analyze a Big Data set of geo-tagged tweets for a year (Oct. 2013–Oct. 2014) to understand the regional linguistic variation in the U.S. Prior work on regional linguistic variations usually took a long time to collect data and focused on either rural or urban areas. Geo-tagged Twitter data offers an unprecedented database with rich linguistic representation of fine spatiotemporal resolution and continuity. From the one-year Twitter corpus, we extract lexical characteristics for twitter users by summarizing the frequencies of a set of lexical alternations that each user has used. We spatially aggregate and smooth each lexical characteristic to derive county-based linguistic variables, from which orthogonal dimensions are extracted using the principal component analysis (PCA). Finally a regionalization method is used to discover hierarchical dialect regions using the PCA components. The regionalization results reveal interesting linguistic regional variations in the U.S. The discovered regions not only confirm past research findings in the literature but also provide new insights and a more detailed understanding of very recent linguistic patterns in the U.S.


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Based on a well-established stratigraphic framework and 47 AMS-14C dated sediment cores, the distribution of facies types on the NW Iberian margin is analysed in response to the last deglacial sea-level rise, thus providing a case study on the sedimentary evolution of a high-energy, low-accumulation shelf system. Altogether, four main types of sedimentary facies are defined. (1) A gravel-dominated facies occurs mostly as time-transgressive ravinement beds, which initially developed as shoreface and storm deposits in shallow waters on the outer shelf during the last sea-level lowstand; (2) A widespread, time-transgressive mixed siliceous/biogenic-carbonaceous sand facies indicates areas of moderate hydrodynamic regimes, high contribution of reworked shelf material, and fluvial supply to the shelf; (3) A glaucony-containing sand facies in a stationary position on the outer shelf formed mostly during the last-glacial sea-level rise by reworking of older deposits as well as authigenic mineral formation; and (4) A mud facies is mostly restricted to confined Holocene fine-grained depocentres, which are located in mid-shelf position. The observed spatial and temporal distribution of these facies types on the high-energy, low-accumulation NW Iberian shelf was essentially controlled by the local interplay of sediment supply, shelf morphology, and strength of the hydrodynamic system. These patterns are in contrast to high-accumulation systems where extensive sediment supply is the dominant factor on the facies distribution. This study emphasises the importance of large-scale erosion and material recycling on the sedimentary buildup during the deglacial drowning of the shelf. The presence of a homogenous and up to 15-m thick transgressive cover above a lag horizon contradicts the common assumption of sparse and laterally confined sediment accumulation on high-energy shelf systems during deglacial sea-level rise. In contrast to this extensive sand cover, laterally very confined and maximal 4-m thin mud depocentres developed during the Holocene sea-level highstand. This restricted formation of fine-grained depocentres was related to the combination of: (1) frequently occurring high-energy hydrodynamic conditions; (2) low overall terrigenous input by the adjacent rivers; and (3) the large distance of the Galicia Mud Belt to its main sediment supplier.


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© 2015 Society for Psychophysiological Research. The authors would like to thank Renate Zahn and Karolin Meiß for their assistance conducting the recordings. This work was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation; DFG), grant number MU 972/16-1.


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Recent research into resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has shown that the brain is very active during rest. This thesis work utilizes blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signals to investigate the spatial and temporal functional network information found within resting-state data, and aims to investigate the feasibility of extracting functional connectivity networks using different methods as well as the dynamic variability within some of the methods. Furthermore, this work looks into producing valid networks using a sparsely-sampled sub-set of the original data.

In this work we utilize four main methods: independent component analysis (ICA), principal component analysis (PCA), correlation, and a point-processing technique. Each method comes with unique assumptions, as well as strengths and limitations into exploring how the resting state components interact in space and time.

Correlation is perhaps the simplest technique. Using this technique, resting-state patterns can be identified based on how similar the time profile is to a seed region’s time profile. However, this method requires a seed region and can only identify one resting state network at a time. This simple correlation technique is able to reproduce the resting state network using subject data from one subject’s scan session as well as with 16 subjects.

Independent component analysis, the second technique, has established software programs that can be used to implement this technique. ICA can extract multiple components from a data set in a single analysis. The disadvantage is that the resting state networks it produces are all independent of each other, making the assumption that the spatial pattern of functional connectivity is the same across all the time points. ICA is successfully able to reproduce resting state connectivity patterns for both one subject and a 16 subject concatenated data set.

Using principal component analysis, the dimensionality of the data is compressed to find the directions in which the variance of the data is most significant. This method utilizes the same basic matrix math as ICA with a few important differences that will be outlined later in this text. Using this method, sometimes different functional connectivity patterns are identifiable but with a large amount of noise and variability.

To begin to investigate the dynamics of the functional connectivity, the correlation technique is used to compare the first and second halves of a scan session. Minor differences are discernable between the correlation results of the scan session halves. Further, a sliding window technique is implemented to study the correlation coefficients through different sizes of correlation windows throughout time. From this technique it is apparent that the correlation level with the seed region is not static throughout the scan length.

The last method introduced, a point processing method, is one of the more novel techniques because it does not require analysis of the continuous time points. Here, network information is extracted based on brief occurrences of high or low amplitude signals within a seed region. Because point processing utilizes less time points from the data, the statistical power of the results is lower. There are also larger variations in DMN patterns between subjects. In addition to boosted computational efficiency, the benefit of using a point-process method is that the patterns produced for different seed regions do not have to be independent of one another.

This work compares four unique methods of identifying functional connectivity patterns. ICA is a technique that is currently used by many scientists studying functional connectivity patterns. The PCA technique is not optimal for the level of noise and the distribution of the data sets. The correlation technique is simple and obtains good results, however a seed region is needed and the method assumes that the DMN regions is correlated throughout the entire scan. Looking at the more dynamic aspects of correlation changing patterns of correlation were evident. The last point-processing method produces a promising results of identifying functional connectivity networks using only low and high amplitude BOLD signals.