868 resultados para Dialyzer Membrane
The objective of the study was to evaluate the topical effects of 0.2% Cyclosporine A (CsA) on corneal neovascularization of rats following surgical implantation of equine amniotic membrane into a corneal stroma micropocket. The implantation of xenologous amniotic membrane was performed bilaterally in 90 rats. In the same day of the surgery each right eye started receiving topical CsA twice a day. The left eye received no medication and served as a control. The evaluation of corneal neovascularization was performed by computerized image analysis and histopathological evaluation at 1, 3, 7, 15, 30 and 60 days postoperatively. For the image analysis 10 animals were used per time period, and for the histopathological examination, five animals were used per time period. Image analysis found that corneal neovascularization began on the 3rd postoperative day, reached its peak on the 7th day, and then progressively and rapidly decreased. Statistic analysis indicated that neovascularization of the CsA treated eye on the 7th day was significantly higher than that observed in untreated eyes. On the 30th day, however, this pattern was reversed with the neovascularization observed in the CsA treated eyes declining to the low levels observed on the 3rd day. The degree of neovascularization in the untreated eyes on the 30th day declined to the baseline levels found on day 3 at the 60th day. Histopathological analysis indicated that deposition of collagen in the implanted tissue was completed by the 15th day. Therefore, we concluded that (1) equine amniotic membrane in rat corneal stroma produced an intense neovascularization until the 15th day postoperatively and then regressed, (2) deposition of collagen of the implanted tissue was completed on the 15th day postoperatively, and (3) use of CsA was associated with increase in the corneal neovascularization initially, followed by a quick and intense regression.
The efficacy of three vaccines was evaluated in chickens for the control of experimental infection with Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) phage type 4. The vaccines were produced with bacterin, outer membrane proteins (OMP) and fimbriae crude extract (FE). The chickens were vaccinated intramuscularly with two doses of each vaccine at 12 and 15 weeks of age. The chickens were then orally challenged with 10(9) CFU/chicken Salmonella Enteritidis phage type 4 at 18 weeks of age. Fecal swabs were performed for the recovery of shedding SE, and SE was recovered from the liver and spleen. Additionally, antibody titers were measured in the serum by micro-agglutination test. The results indicated that the vaccine produced with bacterin yielded better results and resulted in reduction of fecal shedding and organ invasion by SE after oral challenge, although no vaccine was 100% effective for the control of SE experimental infection.
Utilization of biomass-based raw materials for the production of chemicals and materials is gaining an increasing interest. Due to the complex nature of biomass, a major challenge in its refining is the development of efficient fractionation and purification processes. Preparative chromatography and membrane filtration are selective, energy-efficient separation techniques which offer a great potential for biorefinery applications. Both of these techniques have been widely studied. On the other hand, only few process concepts that combine the two methods have been presented in the literature. The aim of this thesis was to find the possible synergetic effects provided by combining chromatographic and membrane separations, with a particular interest in biorefinery separation processes. Such knowledge could be used in the development of new, more efficient separation processes for isolating valuable compounds from complex feed solutions that are typical for the biorefinery environment. Separation techniques can be combined in various ways, from simple sequential coupling arrangements to fully-integrated hybrid processes. In this work, different types of combined separation processes as well as conventional chromatographic separation processes were studied for separating small molecules such as sugars and acids from biomass hydrolysates and spent pulping liquors. The combination of chromatographic and membrane separation was found capable of recovering high-purity products from complex solutions. For example, hydroxy acids of black liquor were successfully recovered using a novel multistep process based on ultrafiltration and size-exclusion chromatography. Unlike any other separation process earlier suggested for this challenging separation task, the new process concept does not require acidification pretreatment, and thus it could be more readily integrated into a pulp-mill biorefinery. In addition to the combined separation processes, steady-state recycling chromatography, which has earlier been studied for small-scale separations of high-value compounds only, was found a promising process alternative for biorefinery applications. In comparison to conventional batch chromatography, recycling chromatography provided higher product purity, increased the production rate and reduced the chemical consumption in the separation of monosaccharides from biomass hydrolysates. In addition, a significant further improvement in the process performance was obtained when a membrane filtration unit was integrated with recycling chromatography. In the light of the results of this work, separation processes based on combining membrane and chromatographic separations could be effectively applied for different biorefinery applications. The main challenge remains in the development of inexpensive separation materials which are resistant towards harsh process conditions and fouling.
Adrenoceptors (ARs), G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) at the plasma membrane, respond to endogenous catecholamines noradrenaline and adrenaline. These receptors mediate several important physiological functions being especially important in the cardiovascular system and in the regulation of smooth muscle contraction. Impairments in the function of these receptors can thus lead to severe diseases and disorders such as to cardiovascular diseases and benign prostatic hyperplasia. The Eastern green mamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps) venom has been shown to contain toxins that can antagonize the functions of GPCRs. The most well-known are muscarinic toxins (MTs) targeting muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) with high affinity and selectivity. However, some reports have indicated that these toxins might also act on the α1- and α2-ARs which can be divided into various subtypes; the α1-ARs to α1A-, α1B- and α1D-ARs and α2-ARs to α2A-, α2B- and α2C-ARs. In this thesis, the interaction of four common MTs (MT1, MT3, MT7 and MTα) with the adrenoceptors was characterized. It was also evaluated whether these toxins could be anchored to the plasma membrane via glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) tail. Results of this thesis reveal that muscarinic toxins are targeting several α-adrenoceptor subtypes in addition to their previously identified target receptors, mAChRs. MTα was found to interact with high affinity and selectivity with the α2B-AR whereas MT7 confirmed its selectivity for the M1 mAChR. Unlike MTα and MT7, MT1 and MT3 have a broad range of target receptors among the α-ARs. All the MTs characterized were found to behave as non-competitive antagonists of receptor action. The interaction between MTα and the α2B-AR was studied more closely and it was observed that the second extracellular loop of the receptor functions as a structural entity enabling toxin binding. The binding of MTα to the α2B-AR appears to be rather complex and probably involves dimerized receptor. Anchoring MTs to the plasma membrane did not interfere with their pharmacological profile; all the GPI-anchored toxins created retained their ability to block their target receptors. This thesis shows that muscarinic toxins are able to target several subtypes of α-ARs and mAChRs. These toxins offer thus a possibility to create new subtype specific ligands for the α-AR subtypes. Membrane anchored MTs on the other hand could be used to block α-AR and mAChR actions in disease conditions such as in hypertension and in gastrointestinal and urinary bladder disorders in a cell-specific manner and to study the physiological functions of ARs and mAChRs in vivo in model organisms.
Ceramides comprise a class of sphingolipids that exist only in small amounts in cellular membranes, but which have been associated with important roles in cellular signaling processes. The influences that ceramides have on the physical properties of bilayer membranes reach from altered thermodynamical behavior to significant impacts on the molecular order and lateral distribution of membrane lipids. Along with the idea that the membrane physical state could influence the physiological state of a cell, the membrane properties of ceramides have gained increasing interest. Therefore, membrane phenomena related to ceramides have become a subject of intense study both in cellular as well as in artificial membranes. Artificial bilayers, the so called model membranes, are substantially simpler in terms of contents and spatio-temporal variation than actual cellular membranes, and can be used to give detailed information about the properties of individual lipid species in different environments. This thesis focuses on investigating how the different parts of the ceramide molecule, i.e., the N-linked acyl chain, the long-chain sphingoid base and the membrane-water interface region, govern the interactions and lateral distribution of these lipids in bilayer membranes. With the emphasis on ceramide/sphingomyelin(SM)-interactions, the relevance of the size of the SMhead group for the interaction was also studied. Ceramides with methylbranched N-linked acyl chains, varying length sphingoid bases, or methylated 2N (amide-nitrogen) and 3O (C3-hydroxyl) at the interface region, as well as SMs with decreased head group size, were synthesized and their bilayer properties studied by calorimetric and fluorescence spectroscopic techniques. In brief, the results showed that the packing of the ceramide acyl chains was more sensitive to methyl-branching in the mid part than in the distal end of the N-linked chain, and that disrupting the interfacial structure at the amide-nitrogen, as opposed to the C3-hydroxyl, had greater effect on the interlipid interactions of ceramides. Interestingly, it appeared that the bilayer properties of ceramides could be more sensitive to small alterations in the length of the long-chain base than what was previously reported for the N-linked acyl chain. Furthermore, the data indicated that the SM-head group does not strongly influence the interactions between SMs and ceramides. The results in this thesis illustrate the pivotal role of some essential parts of the ceramide molecules in determining their bilayer properties. The thesis provides increased understanding of the molecular aspects of ceramides that possibly affect their functions in biological membranes, and could relate to distinct effects on cell physiology.
The aim of this thesis was to study the surface modification of reverse osmosis membranes by surfactants and the effect of modification on rejection and flux. The surfactants included anionic and nonionic surfactants. The purpose of membrane modification was to improve pure water permeability with increasing salt rejection. The literature part of the study deals with the basic principles of reverse osmosis technology and factors affecting the membrane performance. Also the membrane surface modification by surfactants and their influence on membrane’s surface properties and efficiency (permeability and salt rejection) were discussed. In the experimental part of the thesis two thin-film composite membranes, Desal AG and LE-4040, were modified on-line with three different surfactants. The effects of process parameters (pressure, pH, and surfactant concentration) on surface modification were also examined. The characteristics of the modified membranes were determined by measuring the membranes’ contact angle and zeta potentials. The zeta potential and contact angle measurements indicate that the surfactants were adsorbed onto the both membranes. However, the adsorption did not effect on membrane’s pure water permeability and salt rejection. Thereby, the surface modification of the Desal AG and LE-4040 membranes by surfactants was not able to improve the membrane’s performance.
The aim of this Master’s thesis study was to develop a membrane for oil contaminated water treatments. Oily wastewaters are a big problem to environment and therefore it is important to find an efficient method for their treatment. There are several treatment methods, but one of the most promising methods is membrane filtration. In the theoretical part of this study the membrane technology and polymeric membrane preparation with phase inversion and membrane modification methods was discussed. It was also told about the most important properties of the membranes. Oily waters, their treatment methods and oily wastewater sources were discussed more specifically. In the experimental part membranes from cellulose acetate were prepared and membranes were modified with two different methods. Modification methods were surface modification and polymer mixing. The modification purpose was to make membranes more hydrophilic and increase surface charge, which can reduce fouling. Membranes were characterized by determining zeta potential, contact angle, oil retention, pure water permeability, pressure-normalized flux and fouling. It were used both synthetic and real spent oil-water emulsion in membrane filtration. Surface modification resulted membranes, which had better properties than unmodified membrane. The amount of substance used in surface modification affected a lot to membrane properties, so it would be necessary to try different amounts of substance to develop the best membrane for oil-water emulsion treatment.
We present an ultrastructural study of the utilization of human amniotic membrane in the treatment of congenital absence of the vagina in 10 patients. All patients were surgically treated with application of an amniotic membrane graft using the modified McIndoe and Bannister technique. Sixty days after surgery, samples of the vaginal neo-epithelium were collected for transmission electron microscopy analysis. The ultrastructural findings consisted of a lining of mature squamous epithelium indicating the occurrence of metaplasia of the amniotic epithelium into the vaginal epithelium. The cells were arranged in layers as in the normal vaginal epithelium, i.e., superficial, intermediate and deep layers. There were desmosomes and cytoplasmic intermediate cytokeratin filaments, as well as some remnant features of the previous amniotic epithelium. These findings suggest that human amniotic membrane is able to complete metaplasia into squamous cells but the mechanism of this cellular transformation is unknown
Extracellular ATP in the lymphohematopoietic system: P2Z purinoceptors and membrane permeabilization
The effects of extracellular nucleosides and nucleotides on many organs and systems have been recognized for almost 50 years. The effects of extracellular ATP (ATPo), UTPo, ADPo, and other agonists are mediated by P2 purinoceptors. One of the most dramatic effects of ATPo is the permeabilization of plasma membranes to low molecular mass solutes of up to 900 Da. This effect is evident in several cells of the lymphohematopoietic system and is supposed to be mediated by P2Z, an ATP4--activated purinoceptor. Here, we review some basic information concerning P2 purinoceptors and focus our attention on P2Z-associated phenomena displayed by macrophages. Using fluorescent dye uptake, measurement of free intracellular Ca2+ concentration and electrophysiological recordings, we elucidate some of the events that follow the application of ATP to the extracellular surface of macrophages. We propose a regulatory mechanism for the P2Z-associated permeabilization pore. The presence of P2 purinoceptors in cells of the lymphohematopoietic system makes them potential candidates to mediate immunoregulatory events
Cholesterol (Chol) is an important lipid in cellular membranes functioning both as a membrane fluidity regulator, permeability regulator and co-factor for some membrane proteins, e.g. G-protein coupled receptors. It also participates in the formation of signaling platforms and gives the membrane more mechanical strenght to prevent osmotic lysis of the cell. The sterol structure is very conserved and already minor structural modifications can completely abolish its membrane functions. The right interaction with adjacent lipids and the preference of certain lipid structures over others are also key factors in determining the membrane properties of cholesterol. Because of the many important properties of cholesterol it is of value to understand the forces and structural properties that govern the membrane behavior of this sterol. In this thesis we have used established fluorescence spectroscopy methods to study the membrane behavior of both cholesterol and some of its 3β-modified analogs. Using several fluorescent probes we have established how the acyl chain order of the two main lipid species, sphingomyelin (SM) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) affect sterol partitioning as well as characterized the membrane properties of 3β-aminocholesterol and cholesteryl phosphocholine. We concluded that cholesterol prefers SM over PC at equal acyl chain order, indicating that other structural properties besides the acyl chain order are important for sphingomyelin-sterol interactions. A positive charge at the 3β position only caused minor changes in the sterol membrane behavior compared to cholesterol. A large phosphocholine head group caused a disruption in membrane packing together with other membrane lipids with large head groups, but was also able to form stable fluid bilayers together with ceramide and cholesterol. The Ability of the large head group sterol to form bilayers together with ceramide was further explored in the last paper where cholesteryl phosphocholine/ceramide (Chol-PC/Cer) complexes were successfully used to transfer ceramide into cultured cells.
The conventional activated sludge processes (CAS) for the treatment of municipal wastewater are going to be outdated gradually due to more stringent environmental protection laws and regulations. The Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) are the most promising modern technology widely accepted in the world of wastewater treatment due to their highly pronounced features such as high quality effluent, less foot print and working under high MLSS concentration. This research project was carried out to investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of MBR technology compare to the CAS process based on the scientific facts and results. The pilot scale MBR pilot plant was run for more than 150 days and the analysis results were evaluated. The prime focus of the project was to evaluate the correlation of permeate flux under different operating MLSS concentrations. The permeate flux was found almost constant regardless of variations in MLSS concentrations. The removal of micropollutant such as heavy metals, PCPPs, PFCs, steroidal hormones was also studied. The micropollutant removal performance of MBR process was found relatively effective than CAS process. Furthermore, the compatibility of submerged membranes within the bioreactor had truly reduced the process footprint.
Alpha-Hemolysin is synthesized as a 1024-amino acid polypeptide, then intracellularly activated by specific fatty acylation. A second activation step takes place in the extracellular medium through binding of Ca2+ ions. Even in the absence of fatty acids and Ca2+ HlyA is an amphipathic protein, with a tendency to self-aggregation. However, Ca2+-binding appears to expose hydrophobic patches on the protein surface, facilitating both self-aggregation and irreversible insertion into membranes. The protein may somehow bind membranes in the absence of divalent cations, but only when Ca2+ (or Sr2+, or Ba2+) is bound to the toxin in aqueous suspensions, i.e., prior to its interaction with bilayers, can a-hemolysin bind irreversibly model or cell membranes in such a way that the integrity of the membrane barrier is lost, and cell or vesicle leakage ensues. Leakage is not due to the formation of proteinaceous pores, but rather to the transient disruption of the bilayer, due to the protein insertion into the outer membrane monolayer, and subsequent perturbations in the bilayer lateral tension. Protein or glycoprotein receptors for a-hemolysin may exist on the cell surface, but the toxin is also active on pure lipid bilayers.
Optical tracers in conjunction with fluorescence microscopy have become widely used to follow the movement of synaptic vesicles in nerve terminals. The present review discusses the use of these optical methods to understand the regulation of exocytosis and endocytosis of synaptic vesicles. The maintenance of neurotransmission depends on the constant recycling of synaptic vesicles and important insights have been gained by visualization of vesicles with the vital dye FM1-43. A number of questions related to the control of recycling of synaptic vesicles by prolonged stimulation and the role of calcium to control membrane internalization are now being addressed. It is expected that optical monitoring of presynaptic activity coupled to appropriate genetic models will contribute to the understanding of membrane traffic in synaptic terminals.
We have characterized, in the Paracoccidioides brasiliensis yeast phase, an exocellular SH-dependent serine proteinase activity against Abz-MKRLTL-EDDnp and analogous fluorescent-quenched peptides, and showed that it is also active against constituents of the basement membrane in vitro. In the present study, we separated the components of P. brasiliensis culture filtrates by electrophoresis and demonstrated that the serine-thiol exocellular proteinase has a diffuse and heterogeneous migration by SDS-PAGE, localizing in a region between 69 and 43 kDa. The hydrolytic activity was demonstrable after SDS-PAGE using buffered agarose overlays of Abz-MKALTLQ-EDDnp, following incubation at 37oC, and detection of fluorescent bands with a UV transilluminator. Hydrolysis was more intense when incubation was carried out at basic pH, and was completely inhibited with 2.5 mM PMSF and partially with sodium 7-hydroxymercuribenzoate (2.5 mM p-HMB), suggesting its serine-thiol nature. A proteolytic band with similar characteristics was observed in conventional gelatin zymograms, but could not be correlated with a silver-stained component. Detection of the serine-thiol proteinase in substrate gels after SDS-PAGE provides a useful way of monitoring purification of the basement membrane degrading enzyme.
In most of cells bradykinin (BK) induces intracellular calcium mobilization. In pancreatic beta cells intracellular calcium is a major signal for insulin secretion. In these cells, glucose metabolism yields intracellular ATP which blocks membrane potassium channels. The membrane depolarizes, voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels are activated and the intracellular calcium load allows insulin secretion. Repolarization occurs due to activation of the Ca2+-dependent K+ channel. The insulin secretion depends on the integrity of this oscillatory process (bursts). Therefore, we decided to determine whether BK (100 nM) induces bursts in the presence of a non-stimulatory glucose concentration (5.6 mM). During continuous membrane voltage recording, our results showed that bursts were obtained with 11 mM glucose, blocked with 5.6 mM glucose and recovered with 5.6 mM glucose plus 100 nM BK. Thus, the stimulatory process obtained in the presence of BK and of a non-stimulatory concentration of glucose in the present study suggests that BK may facilitate the action of glucose on beta cell secretion.