997 resultados para Deutschland <bis 1945>
The crystal structure landscape of the 2:1 benzoic acid:dipyridylethylene cocrystal (BA:DPE-I) is explored experimentally with fluoro-substituted benzoic acids and extended with studies employing the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD). The interpretation of the cocrystal landscape is facilitated by considering the kinetically favored and robust acidpyridine heterosynthon as a modular unit. Information based on high-throughput crystallography shows that polymorphs and pseudopolymorphs may belong to the same landscape but arise from different crystallization pathways because of complex and different kinetic features, and secondary synthon preferences. Using the CSD as a guide, the coformer was changed from 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene (DPE-I) to 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethane (DPE-II) and this provides an extended interpretation of the BA:DPE-I cocrystal landscape, also highlighting the complexity of the kineticthermodynamic dichotomy during the molecule-to-crystal progression.
Resumen: Entre fines de agosto de 1943 y septiembre de 1945, numerosos opositores al régimen militar vigente en la Argentina se exiliaron en Montevideo. Ellos pertenecían a diversos partidos políticos unidos por un fuerte rechazo y condena al régimen político autoritario. Desarrollaron una prolífica actividad política e intelectual a través de dos organizaciones, Patria Libre y Asociación de Mayo, desde las cuales publicaban respectivamente Pueblo Argentino y Voz Argentina. Si bien los principales opositores al régimen militar que se exiliaron desarrollaron diversas actividades políticas y periodísticas, aún no se han producido estudios detallados sobre las mismas. Teniendo en cuenta la ausencia de conocimiento al respecto, en este artículo presentamos un análisis preliminar sobre el exilio de estos políticos en el Uruguay en el período 1943-1955. En particular, nuestro objetivo específico consiste en analizar todos los artículos que Luciano Molinas, Nicolás Repetto, Santiago Nudelman y José Aguirre Cámara publicaron en Voz Argentina para reflexionar sobre cómo estos actores se percibían a sí mismos frente al gobierno militar argentino y cómo conceptualizaban los fenómenos políticos que ocurrían en su país
Reúne os quadros comparativos das eleições realizadas nas diversas circunscrições, entre 1945 e 1963. Representa o conjunto das publicações anteriormente feitas pelo Tribunal Superior Eleitoral. Está dividido em cinco partes: eleições federais, eleições estaduais, quadro comparativo dos quocientes eleitorais, observações sobre os partidos extintos e eleições municipais.
Focaliza os resultados das eleições Federais, Estaduais e Municipais realizadas no Brasil a partir de 2 de dezembro de 1945 e, bem assim, o número do eleitorado brasileiro, nas diversas Unidades da Federação, por Município (sede), até dezembro de 1949. O fato de se haverem esgotado os números do órgão oficial em que foram divulgados os dados referentes aos citados pleitos, justifica, plenamente, a impressão desta coletânea em que foram introduzidas algtimas correções, a fim de sanar ligeiros enganos ocorridos nas publicações anteriores.
Getúlio Vargas governou o Brasil por duas vezes: de 1930 a 1945, e de 1951 a 1954, ano de sua morte. Norteada por uma concepção centralizadora, a Era Vargas caracterizou-se pelo desenvolvimento econômico, o nacionalismo, o controle sobre os trabalhadores e sobre os sindicatos, o planejamento estatal, a legislação social, os investimentos públicos e, sobretudo, pelo papel atribuído ao Estado como agente econômico. Do ponto de vista político, foi marcada pela precariedade das liberdades públicas, pela fraqueza da participação, por entraves à organização e à institucionalização política. Apropriando-se, à sua maneira, de intervenções políticas que se operavam no plano internacional, a Era Vargas imprimiu ao Brasil conotações autoritárias, populistas e populares, e produziu um modelo econômico e institucional cuja durabilidade foi surpreendente. Neste trabalho procuramos tratar a trajetória da relação entre a ação política e o pensamento intelectual, utilizando-se do elemento histórico para alertar sobre a fraqueza da hipótese que supõe uma bipolarização entre o intelectual isolado e aquele integrado ao contexto político. Destacamos que a “simbiose necessária” entre políticos e intelectuais é resultado da demanda de certo momento histórico no qual os últimos assumem seu papel político e se transformam nos “intérpretes dos anseios da sociedade”.
2 cartas (mecanografiadas) ; 200x267mm
Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Executivo - Decretos
In directly, phytoplankton serves as food for all aquatic animals since it is at the base of the food chain in which the phytoplankton-feeding animals are eaten by larger animals and these in turn are consumed by still larger forms. Hence, it becomes evident that the phytoplankton, its presence, and seasonal variations are of great importance. The report at hand is based on a record of the variations in the plankton population of surface waters at a single station, where collections were made biweekly from September 1943 through September 1945. The station chosen was in the channel of the Patuxent River, Maryland, near its entrance into Chesapeake Bay, about midway between the head and the mouth of the Bay. (PDF contains 31 pages)
The pressure of users other than shipping and fishery on the national EEZs for territorial claims has increased in recent years. So it becomes necessary to carry out a spatial planning for which all users have to indicate their recent and planned future activities. For the German waters in the North Sea a first attempt was made to calculate the mean international landings for the commercially important fish and crustacean species on the spatial scale of ICES-rectangles. The relationships between the German and international landings per species are listed in a table and the distribution of the landings for each species within the area are shown in 13 figures.
Fish larvae surveys provide information on the species composition in an area of investigation and leads to a better understanding of the entire fish community. Since 2000 every year in April/May an ichthyoplankton survey in ICES-Subdivision 22 and 24 has been performed to sample the plankton community in the western Baltic Sea. One objective was to acquire indicators of possible changes in the natural structures of the fish community. The time series derived from the Bongo-Net samples is too short to show a trend in larval densities. Up to now samples in the western Baltic Sea yielded only low mean densities. According to the reproductive biology the fish species were divided in three major groups: -Fish species with a long developmental phase in the plankton community -Small short living species with benthic eggs and a reduced planktonic phase -Guests without local spawning populations Species were identified, which were absent in the plankton of the western Baltic Sea in the 1960s and 1970s.
The Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products held its 30th Session in Agadir, Morocco from 28 September to 2 October 2009, at the kind invitation of the Government of Morocco. The Session was chaired by Dr Bjørn Røthe Knudsen, Regional Director of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. The Session was attended by 218 delegates representing 78 Member States, one Member Organization (EC) and 1 international organization.
The economic situation of the German fishing fleet, economic indicators and backgrounds have been analysed in the overall framework of the EU-Concerted Action ‘Economic Assessment of European fishing fleets’. Trends in number of vessels, employment on board and catches for main target species are decreasing. This development may clearly be related to bad fish stock conditions, missing investment op-portunities for vessels and the short-term fishing quota man-agement system. To facilitate fisheries economics research a better data collection system is needed. As a consequence economic advice may be given for the development of a long-term sustainable management system.
Pike-perch is an important resource for the coastal fishery in the brackish waters of the eastern part of the coast. For the conservation of the stocks regulation measures (minimum landing size, closed season and minimum mesh size) have been introduced since many years. Basic biological material of the last decade sampled from the commercial fishery and for recruitment by a standard trawl survey. For the “Eastern stock” this paper presents the results concerning age distribution, year-class strengths, growth, proportion spawners, natural mortality and yield-per-recruit analyses.
Ichthyoplankton provides information on the species com-position in an area of investigation and leads to a better understanding of the entire fish community. Every year since 1993 May/June (from 2000 in April/May) an ichthyoplankton survey in ICES Subdivision 22 and 24 has been done to sample the plankton community in the western Baltic Sea. One objective was to acquire indicators of possible changes in the natural structures of the fish com-munity. The time series derived from the Bongo-Net samples is too short to show a trend in larval densities. Up to now samples in the western Baltic Sea yielded only low mean densities. According to the reproductive biology the fish species were divided in three major groups: •Fish species with a long developmental phase in the plankton community •Small short lived species with benthic eggs and a reduced planktonic phase •Guests without local spawning populations. Species were identified, which were absent in the plankton of the western Baltic Sea in the 1960s and 1970s.
2 cartas (mecanografiadas y manuscritas) ; entre 223x284mm y 190x270mm. Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 42