999 resultados para Detonation waves


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This paper provides a review of important results concerning the Geometrical Theory of Diffraction and Geometrical Optics. It also reviews the properties of the existing solution for the problem of diffraction of a time harmonic plane wave by a half-plane. New mathematical expressions are derived for the wave fields involved in the problem of diffraction of a time harmonic plane wave by a quarter-plane, including the secondary radiated waves. This leads to a precise representation of the diffraction coefficient describing the diffraction occurring at the corner of the quarter-plane. Our results for the secondary radiated waves are an important step towards finding a formula giving the corner diffraction coefficient everywhere. © 2012 The authors.


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A novel technique is proposed to magnetize bulk superconductors, which has the potential to build up strong superconducting magnets. Instead of conventionally using strong magnetic pulses, periodical magnetic waves with strength as low as that of rare-earth magnets are applied. These magnetic waves travel from the periphery to the center of a bulk superconductor and become trapped little by little. In this way, bulk superconductors can gradually be magnetized. To generate these magnetic waves, a thermally actuated magnet was developed, which is constructed by a heating/cooling switch system, a rare-earth bulk magnet, and a Gadolinium (Gd) bulk. The heating/cooling switch system controls the temperature of the Gd bulk, which, along with the rare-earth magnet underneath, can transform thermal signals into magnetic waves. The modeling results of the thermally actuated magnet show that periodical magnetic waves can effectively be generated by applying heating and cooling pulses in turn. A YBCO bulk was tested in liquid nitrogen under the magnetic waves, and a notable accumulation of magnetic flux density was observed. © 2006 IEEE.


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Low attenuation of Sezawa modes operating at GHz frequencies in ZnO/GaAs systems immersed in liquid helium has been observed. This unexpected behaviour for Rayleigh-like surface acoustic waves (SAWs) is explained in terms of the calculated depth profiles of their acoustic Poynting vectors. This analysis allows reproduction of the experimental dispersion of the attenuation coefficient. In addition, the high attenuation of the Rayleigh mode is compensated by the strengthening provided by the ZnO layer. The introduction of the ZnO film will enable the operation of SAW-driven single-photon sources in GaAs-based systems with the best thermal stability provided by the liquid helium bath. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.


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We consider the propagation of acoustic waves along a cylindrical duct carrying radially sheared axial mean flow, in which the duct radius is allowed to vary slowly along the axis. In previous work [A.J. Cooper & N. Peake, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 445 (2001) 207-234.] radially sheared axial mean flow with nonzero swirl in a slowly varying duct was considered, but in this paper we set the swirl to zero, thereby allowing simplification of the calculations of both the mean and unsteady flows. In this approach the acoustic wavenumber and corresponding eigenfunction are determined locally, while the wave amplitude is found by solving an evolution equation along the duct. Sample results are presented, including a case in which, perhaps surprisingly, the number of cut-on modes increases as the duct radius decreases. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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High frequency Rayleigh and Sezawa modes propagating in the ZnO/GaAs system capable of operating immersed in liquid helium have been engineered. In the case of the Rayleigh mode, the strong attenuation produced by the liquid is counteracted by the strengthening of the mode induced by the ZnO. However, in the case of the Sezawa modes, the attenuation is strongly reduced taking advantage of the depth profile of their acoustic Poynting vectors, that extend deeper into the layered system, reducing the energy radiated into the fluid. Thus, both tailored modes will be suitable for acoustically-driven single-electron and single-photon devices in ZnO-coated GaAs-based systems with the best thermal stability provided by the liquid helium bath. © 2012 IEEE.


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A pure surface plasmon polariton (SPP) model predicted that the SPP excitation in a slit-groove structure at metallodielectric interfaces exhibits an intricate dependence on the groove width P. Lalanne et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 263902 (2005); Nat. Phys. 2, 551 (2006)]. In this paper, we present a simple far-field experiment to test and validate this interesting theoretical prediction. The measurement results clearly demonstrate the predicted functional dependence of the SPP coupling efficiency on groove width, in good agreement with the SPP picture.


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The slide of unstable sedimentary bodies and their hydraulic effects are studied by numerical means. A two-dimensional fluid mechanics model based on Navier-Stokes equations has been developed considering the sediments and water as a mixture. Viscoplastic and diffusion laws for the sediments have been introduced into the model. The numerical model is validated with an analytical solution for a Bingham flow. Laboratory experiments consisting in the slide of gravel mass have been carried out. The results of these experiments have shown the importance of the sediment rheology and the diffusion. The model parameters are adjusted by trial and error to match the observed “sandflow”.


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Numerical simulations of freak wave generation are studied in random oceanic sea states described by JONSWAP spectrum. The evolution of initial random wave trains is numerically carried out within the framework of the modified four-order nonlinear Schroedinger equation (mNLSE), and some involved influence factors are also discussed. Results show that if the sideband instability is satisfied, a random wave train may evolve into a freak wave train, and simultaneously the setting of the Phillips parameter and enhancement coefficient of JONSWAP spectrum and initial random phases is very important for the formation of freak waves. The way to increase the generation efficiency of freak waves though changing the involved parameters is also presented.


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The linear water wave scattering and radiation by an array of infinitely long horizontal circular cylinders in a two-layer fluid of infinite depth is investigated by use of the multipole expansion method. The diffracted and radiated potentials are expressed as a linear combination of infinite multipoles placed at the centre of each cylinder with unknown coefficients to be determined by the cylinder boundary conditions. Analytical expressions for wave forces, hydrodynamic coefficients, reflection and transmission coefficients and energies are derived. Comparisons are made between the present analytical results and those obtained by the boundary element method, and some examples are presented to illustrate the hydrodynamic behavior of multiple horizontal circular cylinders in a two-layer fluid. It is found that for two submerged circular cylinders the influence of the fluid density ratio on internal-mode wave forces is more appreciable than surface-mode wave forces, and the periodic oscillations of hydrodynamic results occur with the increase of the distance between two cylinders; for four submerged circular cylinders the influence of adding two cylinders on the wave forces of the former cylinders is small in low and high wave frequencies, but the influence is appreciable in intermediate wave frequencies.