992 resultados para Decision satisfaction
We describe an innovative use of multimedia materials to support training and advocacy within a schistosomiasis control programme. The Schistosomiasis Control Initiative (SCI) at Imperial College London works with selected sub-Saharan African countries to develop schistosomiasis control programmes. Two elements of the SCI programme were supported by multimedia materials developed at the Wellcome Trust in collaboration with the SCI: (1) training of programme managers, district health officers, and those delivering practical elements of the programme; and (2) advocacy targeted at decision-makers and donors. Evaluation of the materials revealed high reported ratings for both user satisfaction and impact from use of the product. From this experience we draw out several general messages about development of multimedia materials and how these will play a growing future role in promoting training within international health.
[Table des matières] Introduction et présentation des projets / B. Burnand, JP. Vader, F. Paccaud. - La satisfaction du patient hospitalisé : un petit guide / M. Lorenzini, Y. Eggli. - "Satisfaction du patient hospitalisé": enquête exploratoire par entretien / M. Lorenzini. - Patientenzufriedenheit, Studie Kardiologie Bern/Basel: Schlussbericht / M. Langenegger. - Notfallstation und Spitalaufenthalt aus der Sicht des Patienten : eine kundenorientierte, repräsentative Erhebung / W. Langewitz, H. Weber, M. Zierath. - Satisfaction des patients hospitalisés pour cardiopathie ischémique aiguë / B. Burnand, K. Dupriez, T. Pernegger, MD. Schaller, JM. Gaspoz. - Commentaires et recommandations / B. Burnand, JP. Vader, F. Paccaud. Annexes: Questionnaire "Appréciation critique de votre séjour hospitalier". - Questionnaire de satisfaction du Service des hospices cantonaux "Votre séjour à l'hôpital - votre point de vue"; etc.
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to assess decision making in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) at the earliest clinically detectable time point of the disease. METHODS: Patients with definite MS (n = 109) or with clinically isolated syndrome (CIS, n = 56), a disease duration of 3 months to 5 years, and no or only minor neurological impairment (Expanded Disability Status Scale [EDSS] score 0-2.5) were compared to 50 healthy controls using the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). RESULTS: The performance of definite MS, CIS patients, and controls was comparable for the two main outcomes of the IGT (learning index: p = 0.7; total score: p = 0.6). The IGT learning index was influenced by the educational level and the co-occurrence of minor depression. CIS and MS patients developing a relapse during an observation period of 15 months dated from IGT testing demonstrated a lower learning index in the IGT than patients who had no exacerbation (p = 0.02). When controlling for age, gender and education, the difference between relapsing and non-relapsing patients was at the limit of significance (p = 0.06). CONCLUSION: Decision making in a task mimicking real life decisions is generally preserved in early MS patients as compared to controls. A possible consequence of MS relapsing activity in the impairment of decision making ability is also suspected in the early phase of MS.
L'article vise à identifier les déterminants du stress et de la satisfaction au travail parmi une population de cadres intermédiaires exerçant dans des établissements hospitaliers de Suisse romande. Il vise également à combler un vide dans les études sur les administrations publiques suisses: mieux saisir, au moyen d'une enquête par questionnaires, quels sont les principales variables qui se trouvent à l'origine de la satisfaction au travail et qui peuvent être des ressources pour les acteurs afin de faire face au stress. L'étude confirme des résultats de recherches internationales, montrant que des facteurs relationnels et des caractéristiques du travail sont les principaux déterminants du stress et de la satisfaction. Elle souligne dès lors l'importance d'adopter une lecture « structurelle » et « organisationnelle » du stress et de la satisfaction, soulignant aussi que les caractéristiques individuelles de la population étudiée n'expliquent qu'une très infime variance de ces phénomènes.
BACKGROUND: Shared Decision Making (SDM) is increasingly advocated as a model for medical decision making. However, there is still low use of SDM in clinical practice. High impact factor journals might represent an efficient way for its dissemination. We aimed to identify and characterize publication trends of SDM in 15 high impact medical journals. METHODS: We selected the 15 general and internal medicine journals with the highest impact factor publishing original articles, letters and editorials. We retrieved publications from 1996 to 2011 through the full-text search function on each journal website and abstracted bibliometric data. We included publications of any type containing the phrase "shared decision making" or five other variants in their abstract or full text. These were referred to as SDM publications. A polynomial Poisson regression model with logarithmic link function was used to assess the evolution across the period of the number of SDM publications according to publication characteristics. RESULTS: We identified 1285 SDM publications out of 229,179 publications in 15 journals from 1996 to 2011. The absolute number of SDM publications by journal ranged from 2 to 273 over 16 years. SDM publications increased both in absolute and relative numbers per year, from 46 (0.32% relative to all publications from the 15 journals) in 1996 to 165 (1.17%) in 2011. This growth was exponential (P < 0.01). We found fewer research publications (465, 36.2% of all SDM publications) than non-research publications, which included non-systematic reviews, letters, and editorials. The increase of research publications across time was linear. Full-text search retrieved ten times more SDM publications than a similar PubMed search (1285 vs. 119 respectively). CONCLUSION: This review in full-text showed that SDM publications increased exponentially in major medical journals from 1996 to 2011. This growth might reflect an increased dissemination of the SDM concept to the medical community.
The complexity and difficulty of assessing psychiatric care for children and adolescents is a widely accepted reality. However, this should not discourage necessary efforts to stress the richness and efficiency of clinical practices, regardless of their theoretical models. We present the results of a quality-like survey addressing patient satisfaction and therapeutic alliance conducted in 2007 in an outpatient ward of the department of psychiatry for children and adolescents of the University of Lausanne (Service Universitaire de Psychiatrie de l'Enfant et de l'Adolescent - SUPEA, Lausanne). We developed a questionnaire on the basis of a "traditional" patient satisfaction survey, consisting of questions dealing with a range of different types of ambulatory settings and evaluating: access to care, quality of reception, patient's perception of the type of care and support offered, the therapeutic alliance and global satisfaction. Questions regarding the therapeutic alliance were based on the Revised Help Alliance Questionnaire (HAQ-II, Lester Luborski). Questionnaires were anonymous and self-administered by children from 10 years old up and parents separately. High levels of global satisfaction were reported (80% satisfied or very satisfied). Certain specific aspects seem to influence the global satisfaction level and therapeutic alliance. Patients with self-reported anxiety problems were less satisfied than those with selfreported conduct problems. The mode of reference of the patient, self or by parents versus by school or social workers, affected the perceived alliance. A higher frequency of sessions was also related to a better perceived alliance and satisfaction.
Schistosomiasis mansoni is not just a physical disease, but is related to social and behavioural factors as well. Snails of the Biomphalaria genus are an intermediate host for Schistosoma mansoni and infect humans through water. The objective of this study is to classify the risk of schistosomiasis in the state of Minas Gerais (MG). We focus on socioeconomic and demographic features, basic sanitation features, the presence of accumulated water bodies, dense vegetation in the summer and winter seasons and related terrain characteristics. We draw on the decision tree approach to infection risk modelling and mapping. The model robustness was properly verified. The main variables that were selected by the procedure included the terrain's water accumulation capacity, temperature extremes and the Human Development Index. In addition, the model was used to generate two maps, one that included risk classification for the entire of MG and another that included classification errors. The resulting map was 62.9% accurate.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Prevalence of hyponutrition in hospitalized patients is very high and it has been shown to be an important prognostic factor. Most of admitted patients depend on hospital food to cover their nutritional demands being important to assess the factors influencing their intake, which may be modified in order to improve it and prevent the consequences of inadequate feeding. In previous works, it has been shown that one of the worst scored characteristics of dishes was the temperature. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of temperature on patient's satisfaction and amount eaten depending on whether the food was served in isothermal trolleys keeping proper food temperature or not. MATERIAL AND METHODS We carried out satisfaction surveys to hospitalized patients having regular diets, served with or without isothermal trolleys. The following data were gathered: age, gender, weight, number of visits, mobility, autonomy, amount of orally taken medication, intake of out-of-hospital foods, qualification of food temperature, presentation and smokiness, amount of food eaten, and reasons for not eating all the content of the tray. RESULTS Of the 363 surveys, 134 (37.96%) were done to patients with isothermal trays and 229 (62.04%) to patients without them. Sixty percent of the patients referred having eaten less than the normal amount within the last week, the most frequent reason being decreased appetite. During lunch and dinner, 69.3% and 67.7%, respectively, ate half or less of the tray content, the main reasons being as follows: lack of appetite (42% at lunch time and 40% at dinner), do not like the food (24.3 and 26.2%) or taste (15.3 and 16.8%). Other less common reasons were the odor, the amount of food, having nausea or vomiting, fatigue, and lack of autonomy. There were no significant differences in the amount eaten by gender, weight, number of visits, amount of medication, and level of physical activity. The food temperature was classified as adequate by 62% of the patients, the presentation by 95%, and smokiness by 85%. When comparing the patients served with or without isothermal trays, there were no differences with regards to baseline characteristics analyzed that might have had an influence on amount eaten. Ninety percent of the patients with isothermal trolley rated the food temperature as good, as compared with 57.2% of the patients with conventional trolley, the difference being statistically significant (P = 0.000). Besides, there were differences in the amount of food eaten between patients with and without isothermal trolley, so that 41% and 27.7% ate all the tray content, respectively, difference being statistically significant (P = 0.007). There were no differences in smokiness or presentation rating. CONCLUSIONS Most of the patients (60%) had decreased appetite during hospital admission. The percentage of hospitalized patients rating the food temperature as being good is higher among patients served with isothermal trolleys. The amount of food eaten by the patients served with isothermal trolleys is significantly higher that in those without them.
Drug addiction is associated with impaired judgment in unstructured situations in which success depends on self-regulation of behavior according to internal goals (adaptive decision-making). However most executive measures are aimed at assessing decision-making in structured scenarios, in which success is determined by external criteria inherent to the situation (veridical decision-making). The aim of this study was to examine the performance of Substance Abusers (SA, n = 97) and Healthy Comparison participants (HC, n = 81) in two behavioral tasks that mimic the uncertainty inherent in real-life decision-making: the Cognitive Bias Task (CB) and the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) (administered only to SA). A related goal was to study the interdependence between performances on both tasks. We conducted univariate analyses of variance (ANOVAs) to contrast the decision-making performance of both groups; and used correlation analyses to study the relationship between both tasks. SA showed a marked context-independent decision-making strategy on the CB's adaptive condition, but no differences were found on the veridical conditions in a subsample of SA (n = 34) and HC (n = 22). A high percentage of SA (75%) also showed impaired performance on the IGT. Both tasks were only correlated when no impaired participants were selected. Results indicate that SA show abnormal decision-making performance in unstructured situations, but not in veridical situations.