924 resultados para Curso de pedagogia
This project has its topic on child aggression. Child aggression has always been present in the school environment. Therefore, aggressive behaviors have been interpreted as violence in which the educators have come to complaining earlier now. This study has its objective to survey published articles in electronic magazines, which talk about thematic aggression, child aggression and to systemize and analyze these procedures. Therefore, there will be a survey on the articles about this set of themes based on the data from Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online). In this data base, there are indexed published articles in electronic magazines from different areas of knowledge considered relevant. The articles will be identified by the keywords of aggressiveness, children, aggression, childhood, infantile, schools and their combinations
This paper analyses the partnership among cities of São Paulo „state and the private sector to acquire material for children school. Our study was based on data gathered during the research “Municipal Strategy to the offering of the basic education: Public-Private relationship analysis in the São Paulo „state”, supported by FAPESP. The results, confirming previous works (ADRIÃO, 2007 e 2008), show that the join on this kind of partnership grew from 2006 and will become a tendency in the Educational system, even on the education step where it have been discussed about the standardization of the pedagogic material.
The aim of this study was to identify which have the concept of curriculum kindergarten teacher municipal, city Sheets Pta.-SP, Dalben Marta Conti for how to translate the proposed curriculum for teaching daily. So whether using the guidelines of RCNEI pedagogical practice they do. The work begins with a short discussion on some theoretical curricular themes and a brief analysis of the National Curricular References for Child Education, from then to field research that describes the location where it was applied questionnaire surveyed the teachers, ending with data analysis collected by this instrument. This paper highlights some relevant concerns about the conceptions of curriculum and links witch the practice in teacher
The present work has as its theme the group of St. Louis School of Paraitinga: historical context (the 1930 to 1970). This work has the distinction the subject rarely addressed in academic, school groups in the region of Vale do Paraiba, these schools are not constant theme of research, making this differentiation materials present little used, but extremely important for understanding of education present in the region of Vale do Paraíba. For the realization was made to read the legislation in the period 1930 to 1970, the documentation provided by the Department of Education, reading and analysis of documentation presented, one can understand the historical context of the school group to be targeted by the study: School Group Colonel Domingues de Castro. Objective of this study was to understand how the group of the school of St. Louis was shaping up Paraitinga laws and guidelines in the historical context of the decades from 1930 to 1970, contextualizing historical events general and the specific events of São Luiz do Paraitinga. The methodology used is studies of educational phenomena along with the narrative-biographical study of respondents to this survey
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Este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso tem como objeto de estudo a prática educativa em arte na educação infantil, focando em atividades que concedam ao aluno liberdade de ação e leve ao desenvolvimento emocional e intelectual. As aulas de arte muitas vezes resumem-se a um produto estereotipado, copiado, festivo, e não a um processo provocador, instigador da criatividade original. Considerando a importância de um trabalho efetivo com Arte na Educação Infantil, pretendo levantar atividades, que estejam de acordo com os referenciais teóricos e que fomentem o desenvolvimento da criatividade das crianças, oferecendo, aos professores desse nível de ensino, facilitadores para o trabalho com arte
This study aimed to investigate the childhood from the entrance of the child in the primary education, with specific objective of analysis the discussions about the appropriateness of content and pedagogical practices to the specific characteristics of students. The research context is the period of expansion for nine years that Brazilian primary education is experiencing which allows the entrance of six years old children. For this achievement we choose theoretical and empirical research, in a primary 2nd grade classroom of a public school, with a methodological approach that enabled the understanding of characteristics which belongs the researched reality through observation that could verify this mentioned reality as well as interviews that could reflect the children conception. Among the main results we can highlight: 1) There is a rupture between kindergarten and primary teaching, the kids have noticed and reported the structural and environment differences, they feel lack of proper spaces for play and of resources like: playground, sandbox and toys in general. 2) The childhood of researched kids appears as a life period different from the adult life, playing appears as a characteristic of that moment. 3) The importance of ponder the pedagogical practices aimed at this ages, so that we can consider the play as an ally in this process, allowing that the kids have more possibilities in the learning process
Essa pesquisa teve por objetivo geral mapear e analisar a temática da avaliação educacional em periódicos científicos nacionais de educação disponíveis online, avaliados pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) em 2012 como “A1”, entre os anos de 2001 a 2012. O estudo foi desenvolvido por meio de pesquisa qualitativa, de levantamento e análise bibliográfica. Foram selecionados artigos científicos de educação de acordo com os descritores: educação básica, avaliação e evaluation. A pesquisa foi restrita a avaliação da educação básica, excluindo – se o ensino superior, pois busca – se evidenciar a produção acadêmica nessa etapa da educação e tornar as análises mais específicas quanto aos temas publicados dentro da temática. Foram selecionados 94 artigos onde houve a identificação de três subtemas: Avaliação da Aprendizagem; Avaliação Institucional e Avaliação Externa. Notou – se um grande interesse da comunidade acadêmica no subtema Avaliação Externa com aproximadamente 60,63% do total de artigos
This work aims at identifying, in literature and in the design of some elementary school teachers I, (s) concept (s) of school failure. This investigation was made from literature review, also had a period of data collection, which occurred through questionnaires sent to teachers in state schools. The first part of this work is aimed to study the literature on school failure. Looking up this part to understand the different concepts that underlie the subject. From this the questionnaires were organized by teachers of a school State elementary school in a city in the state of São Paulo, seeking to uncover the concepts they had on the subject. Subsequently the questionnaires was made comparing the data obtained from the literature. With the results of the questionnaires, we found that many historical perspectives remain in the design of teachers, especially those perspectives that relate to individual causes school failure and family. To counteract the data found with signs placed in the literature it can be stated that the teachers surveyed did not recognize the theory of social and cultural reproduction, as in this research as a source of explanation of school failure. Note that all the teachers who participated in the study said they believe experiences of failure can be overcome
O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi o de investigar os sentidos e concepções sobre a infância e a adolescência na sociedade atual e suas implicações no âmbito escolar. Buscamos entender os porquês que esse processo vem ocorrendo tendo como pressuposto sua associação com os modos de tutela e a consequente autonomia e independência precoce que crianças e adolescentes parecem estar adquirindo na sociedade atual. Ao examinar as concepções de infância e adolescência de crianças e adolescentes, buscamos investigar os limites e a autonomia das crianças e dos adolescentes, caracterizando os modos de tutela que os pais empregam na relação com seus filhos e analisar as implicações destas concepções no âmbito escolar
Fairy tales are popular stories that has been narrated for centuries, whether through oral tradition or printed manuscripts, over generations. It is known that fairy tales can, through symbolism, to penetrate the human unconscious, rescuing emotions, feelings and influencing their actions and ways of thinking, and are means of transmitting moral values propagated by particular historical and social contexts for variations that appear in the same story, because it can be modified by the intention of the person who transmits me story and the interpretation of those who read it, at a particular time and situation. Although, these changes, compared to the classic fairy tales of Perrault, the Grimm Brothers and Andersen, are marked clearly different, which shows the habits and customs of the time in which they are conveyed, whether in written or oral form. The present work aimed to study the differences between current and classic tales, as well as their influences on implications for the child's mind, from a work by the teacher, which consider the role of context in the situation, the characters and the plot. Thus it is intended that students be induced to question, to understand the values dealtturn in the story and to make inferences, and that logical reasoning be stimulated not only for reading, but for any act of communication to occur
This course conclusion paper has as its theme the critical analysis of the Educational Policy Continued Progression. At this juncture when much is produced on specific themes of interest in continued progression in the reflection on the consequences of implementing this policy in organizing the work of teachers an their autonomy, seeking to contribute to public policy debates.The problematization that will undertake this work wonders if the policy continued progression is, in fact, a government strategy to remove the teacher control over their work and contribute to the process of alienation and loss of autonomy of a schoolteacher. This policy was implemented in the State of São Paulo, during the administration of Mario Covas of the Brazilian Social Democratic Party, PSDB, from 1995 to 2001, managing secretary Theresa Roserley Neubauer da Silva
A pesquisa tem por foco o mercado editorial voltado para a formação dos professores da educação básica, com ênfase para as revistas pedagógicas com periodicidade regular em circulação na região Sudeste do país. Objetivou-se reconhecer e caracterizar manifestações desse mercado a partir da análise da materialidade das revistas, buscando encontrar também representações sobre os professores e sua profissão. O trabalho foi realizado sob uma abordagem qualitativa, nos moldes da pesquisa documental. Em um primeiro momento, realizou-se a identificação de quais são as revistas pedagógicas disponíveis no mercado e a que tipo de profissional elas se destinam, partindo de levantamento de materiais presentes em bancas de jornal, livrarias, bibliotecas e também em sites especializados. O segundo momento caracteriza-se pela análise e comparação da materialidade das revistas. Trata-se de um Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso que teve apoio financeiro pelo Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica da Pró-Reitoria (PROPE) de Pesquisa da UNESP (PIBIC/Reitoria). É parte do projeto “Mercado de formação docente: constituição, funcionamento, possibilidades e limites”, financiado pelo CNPq, que por sua vez integra o Projeto Temático FAPESP “Programas Especiais de Formação de Professores, educação a distância e escolarização: pesquisas sobre novos modelos de formação em serviço
This work aims to raise the possibilities of the use of the Ethnomathematics in the teaching of school mathematics, especially in aspects related to socio-cultural issues, in view of its universal character and its importance for the understanding of mathematics as a human construction. The teaching of mathematics is influenced by a belief that mathematics is only for the intelligent. With this, she assumes, consciously or unconsciously, a characteristic of social segregation and intellectual who has served as domination of the masses. Thus, this study may contribute to the teacher entered the school environment offering you one more tool in an attempt to succeed in the teaching and learning. We have forwarded this research in the theoretical literature, gathering input for the near future we can verify their efficacy or, more daring, we can contribute to an educational proposal that has as a prerequisite to sociocultural factors that underlie the teaching and learning of mathematics and that it will meet the real needs of the population
O estudo aborda a relação entre gravidez na adolescência e evasão escolar. Pesquisas mostram que a gestação precoce pode levar ao abandono escolar pelas adolescentes, por vários motivos, como: sintomas típicos da gravidez, vergonha, preconceito, pressão familiar, escolar, principalmente por parte dos amigos, dentre outros. Com isso, o objetivo geral deste trabalhado foi estudar a relação entre evasão escolar e gravidez na adolescência. A pesquisa é do tipo qualitativa e além da revisão da literatura científica, usamos como metodologia para a coleta de dados a entrevista semi-estruturada com cinco adolescentes grávidas, todas evadidas da escola, a fim de saber os reais motivos que levaram as mesmas a abandonarem a escola, bem como a maneira que a escola trabalhou a educação sexual durante o período em que estudavam, os sentimentos e as perspectivas de vida das futuras mães adolescentes. Os resultados indicaram que: a gravidez na adolescência levou ao abandono escolar das adolescentes entrevistadas; nenhuma das adolescentes planejou a gravidez e nem apresentou sentimento positivo ao descobrirem que estavam grávidas. Notou-se a importância dos grupos de amigos na vida das adolescentes; nenhuma adolescente afirmou estar preparada para a função materna; todas as adolescentes com exceção de uma, mostraram ter planos futuros para suas vidas; a escola apareceu como uma fonte de amizade; as causas do abandono escolar estavam sempre relacionadas com a gestação; a maioria das adolescentes mostraram ter o desejo de retornar a escola; a escola pública, de acordo com a ótica da adolescente, não está preparada para recebê-la, pois as que disseram ter educação sexual, afirmaram que tiveram de maneira bastante superficial.