412 resultados para Crabs.


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Kingsleyini corresponde a uma das cinco tribos de Pseudothelphusidae, grupo exclusivamente americano de caranguejos de água doce. Atualmente a tribo inclui 59 espécies agrupadas em 13 gêneros, com distribuição associada aos rios, riachos e igarapés das bacias do Amazonas e do Orinoco. Desde a criação de Kingsleyini o aumento de novos táxons atribuídos a esta tribo não tem sido acompanhado por estudos cladísticos. No presente trabalho é realizada a análise cladística de Kingsleyini, acompanhada de uma revisão morfológica e taxonômica do grupo. Com este propósito, foram estudados espécimes de 60 espécies representantes das cinco tribos e duas subfamílias inclusas em Pseudothelphusidae. O material estudado se encontra depositado nas coleções carcinológicas de seis instituições e inclui os tipos nominais de 29 espécies. Na revisão morfológica foram descritas e ilustradas estruturas somáticas e sexuais da morfologia externa do grupo de estudo. Os estudos morfológicos foram auxiliados por técnicas de Microscopia Electrônica de Varredura (MEV) e cortes histológicos. A partir destas observações foram propostas modificações na terminologia utilizada para denominar as estruturas do primeiro apêndice sexual masculino (primeiro gonópodo) em Kingsleyini. A parte taxonômica deste trabalho inclui chaves de identificação, mapas de distribuição, listas sinonímicas e a descrição e ilustração do primeiro apêndice sexual masculino para a grande maioria das espécies examinadas, assim como a diagnose dos gêneros considerados monofiléticos. A análise filogenética foi realizada a partir de 92 caracteres obtidos de 57 táxons terminais: 49 terminais do grupo interno (Kingsleyini) e oito do grupo-externo (representantes dos demais Pseudothelphusidae). Como resultado da análise cladística foram obtidas seis hipóteses filogenéticas igualmente parcimoniosas: todas elas apoiam o monofiletismo de Kingsleyini e a exclusão do gênero Spirocarcinus da tribo. O monofiletismo dos gêneros Fredius, Kingsleya, Eudaniela e Rodriguezus também encontra-se sustentado em todas as hipóteses filogenéticas obtidas, enquanto que os gêneros Microthelphusa, Neopseudothelphusa, Orthothelphusa e Brasiliothelphusa revelaram-se parafiléticos.


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This study focused on the shorebird activity along the Surinamese coast in relation to the mangrove ecosystem health. The health of three estuarine mangrove areas was assessed using important bioindicators of the mangrove ecosystem: crabs, birds and mangroves. Mangrove vegetation was measured at Weg Naar Zee, Matapica canal delta and Coronie coast. Crab activity was measured by burrow and crab counts. Occurring shorebirds were also counted at these areas. The results show that mangrove regeneration and shorebird activity is significantly related to the health of the ecosystem. Weg Naar Zee was the most damaged and highest at risk. Matapica canal delta and the Coronie coast were the least damaged, with Coronie coast showing greatest health and biodiversity of the indicators.


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The Lofoten-Vesterålen marine shelf is one of the most geologically diverse coast and offshore margin areas in Norway. This leads to huge heterogeneity in marine environments, and often high biodiversity. However, little is known yet about the benthic communities in this region. Within the ARCTOS LoVe MarineEco project the epibenthic communities of the Hola trough (Vesterålen) are analysed to give a first description of their spatial distribution. In this trough both a complex hydrodynamic system and varied topographic submarine elements occur. Trawling samples were collected for two different approaches: one in a meso-scale and another in a small-scale. For the broad scale a transect consisting in three stations was developed, while for the fine scale a small area on a sand wave field, consisting in five stations called HolaBox, was sampled. All organisms were intended to be identified to species level and colonial fauna was discarded for the analysis. Different diversity indexes were assessed (Shannon index (H’) and Pielou’s eveness (J’)). Clustering and nMDS analyses identified four statistically significant groups in terms of abundance (ind./100m2). A total amount of 211 different taxa were found within all stations. The more outer part of the transect (close to the shelf edge) presented a huge abundance of organisms and was dominated by the hemi sessile tube-builder polychaetes Nothria conchylega and Eunice dubitata and the sea urchin Gacilechinus acutus, while the more inner parts presented less abundance of individuals. Probably some upwelling produced by the Norwegian Atlantic Current (NWAC) is influencing the shelf edge increasing the primary production and, therefore, enriching the seafloor in this region. The sand wave field presented two different groups with few amount of individuals. Small-scale variability could be produced by the high heterogeneity within the different types of sand waves, while the scarce abundance of animals can be produced by the permanent changing environment that movable sand waves produce. Here more active and mobile fauna was found such as brittle stars and hermit crabs (among others). Finally, a fourth group was found in the most inner station of the transect, laying on a ridge in the central part of the trough. This station, with coarse substrate, was mainly dominated again by brittle stars and sea urchins. We can conclude that this is a really heterogeneous trough in environments and therefore in communities (even in a local scale). More detailed studies that focus in the local environmental drivers have to be carried out to get an integrated understanding of the structure of benthic communities in this system.


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v.27:no.1 (1902)


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v.35:no.2 (1907)


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v.47:no.4 (1923)


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Vols. 1, 2, 5-7, 9 reprinted 1922; v. 3, 1927; and vols. 4, 8, 10, 1923.


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Remote measurement of the physiology, behaviour and energetic status of free-living animals is made possible by a variety of techniques that we refer to collectively as 'biotelemetry'. This set of tools ranges from transmitters that send their signals to receivers up to a few kilometers away to those that send data to orbiting satellites and, more frequently, to devices that log data. They enable researchers to document, for long uninterrupted periods, how undisturbed organisms interact with each other and their environment in real time. In spite of advances enabling the monitoring of many physiological and behavioural variables across a range of taxa of various sizes, these devices have yet to be embraced widely by the ecological community. Our review suggests that this technology has immense potential for research in basic and applied animal ecology. Efforts to incorporate biotelemetry into broader ecological research programs should yield novel information that has been challenging to collect historically from free-ranging animals in their natural environments. Examples of research that would benefit from biotelemetry include the assessment of animal responses to different anthropogenic perturbations and the development of life-time energy budgets.


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The impact of sex-biased fishing and marine reserve protection on the mud crab Scylla serrata was examined by comparing the catch rates (catch-per-unit-effort, CPUE), mean size, sex ratios and movement of crabs in 2 coastal marine reserves (1.9 and 5.7 km(2)) and 4 fished non-reserve sites in subtropical Australia. Five years after closure, both marine reserves supported higher catch rates and a larger mean size of S. serrata than non-reserve sites. Males dominated catches of S. serrata in both marine reserves, where CPUE was at least twice as high within the reserves compared to non-reserve sites. Male crabs were also 10% larger in the reserves compared to adjacent fished areas, and of the total male catch, over 70% were equal to or greater than legal size compared to less than 50% outside the reserves. The sex ratio of S. serrata was skewed towards females in all nonreserve sites, which was most likely a result of the ban on taking female S. serrata in Moreton Bay. As only male crabs of >= 15 cm CW made up the S. serrata fishery in Moreton Bay, sex ratios of mature male and female crabs were examined, revealing a strong skew (2:1) towards mature males in both marine reserves. Of the 472 S. serrata captured in this study, 338 were tagged in the reserves in order to document movement of the crabs between the reserve and non-reserve sites. Of the 37 recaptured crabs, 73% were recorded inside the reserves, with some spillover (i.e. cross-boundary movement) of crabs recorded in fished areas. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of small (< 6 km(2)) marine reserves for sex-biased exploited fisheries species.


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The paradigm that mangroves are critical for sustaining production in coastal fisheries is widely accepted, but empirical evidence has been tenuous. This study showed that links between mangrove extent and coastal fisheries production could be detected for some species at a broad regional scale (1000s of kilometres) on the east coast of Queensland, Australia. The relationships between catch-per-unit-effort for different commercially caught species in four fisheries (trawl, line, net and pot fisheries) and mangrove characteristics, estimated from Landsat images were examined using multiple regression analyses. The species were categorised into three groups based on information on their life history characteristics, namely mangrove-related species (banana prawns Penaeus merguiensis, mud crabs Scylla serrata and barramundi Lates calcarifer), estuarine species (tiger prawns Penaeus esculentus and Penaeus semisulcatus, blue swimmer crabs Portunus pelagicus and blue threadfin Eleutheronema tetradactylum) and offshore species (coral trout Plectropomus spp.). For the mangrove-related species, mangrove characteristics such as area and perimeter accounted for most of the variation in the model; for the non-mangrove estuarine species, latitude was the dominant parameter but some mangrove characteristics (e.g. mangrove perimeter) also made significant contributions to the models. In contrast, for the offshore species, latitude was the dominant variable, with no contribution from mangrove characteristics. This study also identified that finer scale spatial data for the fisheries, to enable catch information to be attributed to a particular catchment, would help to improve our understanding of relationships between mangroves and fisheries production. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effects of harvesting of callianassid shrimp (Trypaea australiensis) on the abundance and composition of macrobenthic assemblages in unvegetated sediments of a subtropical coastal embayment in Queensland, Australia were examined using a combination of sampling and manipulative experiments. First, the abundance and composition of the benthic infauna in an area regularly used for the collection of shrimp for bait by recreational anglers was compared with multiple reference areas. Second, a BACI design, with multiple reference areas, was used to examine the short-term effects of harvesting on the benthic assemblages from an intensive commercialised fishing competition. Third, a large-scale, controlled manipulative experiment, where shrimp were harvested from 10,000 m(2) plots at intensities commensurate with those from recreational and commercial operators, was done to determine the impacts on different components of the infaunal assemblage. Only a few benthic taxa showed significant declines in abundance in response to the removal of ghost shrimp from the unvegetated sediments. There was evidence, however, of more subtle effects with changes in the degree of spatial variation (patchiness) of several taxa as a result of harvesting.. Groups such as capitellid polychaetes, gammarid amphipods and some bivalves were significantly more patchy in their distribution in areas subjected to harvesting than reference areas, at a scale of tens of metres. This scale corresponds to the patterns of movement and activity of recreational harvesters working in these areas. In contrast, patchiness in the abundance of ghost shrimp decreased significantly under harvesting at scales of hundreds of metres, in response to harvesters focussing their efforts on areas with greater numbers of burrow entrances, leading to a more even distribution of the animals. Controlled experimental harvesting caused declines in the abundance of soldier crabs (Mictyris longicarpus), polychaetes and amphipods and an increase in the spatial patchiness of polychaetes. Populations of ghost shrimp were, however, resilient to harvesting over extended periods of time. In conclusion, harvesting of ghost shrimp for bait by recreational and commercial fishers causes significant but localised impacts on a limited range of benthic fauna in unvegetated sediments, including changes in the degree of spatial patchiness in their distribution. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.