998 resultados para Cox, F. A. (Francis Augustus), 1783-1853.


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This article examines the Great War in Victoria through the lens of private sentiment. It exposes not only the diversity of perspectives and sentiment surrounding the war, but also the stresses endured by Victorians trying to reconcile their commitment to the war with personal and familial needs.Their experience was dominated by a confrontation with powerful currents of anxiety over the war and their loved ones, and increasing tensions within their communities over who was bearing the greater burdens of the war. Investigating private experience of total war at home allows us to see how Victorians made as well as endured the Great War, as their communities struggled to remain cohesive, and individuals struggled to cope with its demands.


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Stability in clinical prediction models is crucial for transferability between studies, yet has received little attention. The problem is paramount in high dimensional data, which invites sparse models with feature selection capability. We introduce an effective method to stabilize sparse Cox model of time-to-events using statistical and semantic structures inherent in Electronic Medical Records (EMR). Model estimation is stabilized using three feature graphs built from (i) Jaccard similarity among features (ii) aggregation of Jaccard similarity graph and a recently introduced semantic EMR graph (iii) Jaccard similarity among features transferred from a related cohort. Our experiments are conducted on two real world hospital datasets: a heart failure cohort and a diabetes cohort. On two stability measures – the Consistency index and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) – the use of our proposed methods significantly increased feature stability when compared with the baselines.


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Os primeiros estudos sobre previsão de falência foram elaborados por volta da década de 30. Entretanto, o assunto só ganhou impulso a partir da utiliz§Ã£o de técnicas estatísticas, ao longo dos anos 60. No Brasil, os primeiros trabalhos sobre o assunto datam dos anos 70. A esse respeito, vale destacar que a técnica estatística empregada em grande parte destes estudos foi a análise discriminante linear multivariada. Na tentativa de contribuir para o tema, este trabalho se propõs a testar um modelo de previsão de concordatas de empresas de capital aberto, a partir da modelagem desenvolvida por Cox (1972). Esse modelo se diferencia daqueles estimados a partir de técnicas logit, probit e análise discriminante na medida em que fornece não apenas a probabilidade de que um determinado evento ocorra no futuro, mas também uma estimativa do tempo até sua ocorrência. A análise dos resultados demonstrou que é possível identificar, antecipadamente, o risco de concordata de uma empresa de capital aberto. Nesse sentido, acredita -se que o modelo de Cox possa ser utilizado como auxiliar na previsão de concordatas de companhias abertas operando na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo – Bovespa.


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A presente dissert§Ã£o tem por objetivo desenvolver uma reflexão sobre a rel§Ã£o entre método e escrita da história a partir da análise dos escritos de João Capistrano de Abreu. A hipótese que orienta a leitura de sua obra é a de que os dispositivos da crítica documental, praticada pelos historiadores do século XIX, ao mesmo tempo em que conferem as marcas de credibilidade ao texto histórico, também impõem coerções e limites incontornáveis à sua construção. O estudo do caso Capistrano oferece a possibilidade de investigar alguns desdobramentos epistemológicos desta questão, sobretudo em um momento em que a história nacional investiu-se de pretensões científicas, com diretrizes teóricas e temáticas próprias. A história em capítulos do historiador corresponderia à instaur§Ã£o de um novo regime de escrita cujos dispositivos de valid§Ã£o não se encontrariam exclusivamente na explicit§Ã£o do aparato crítico utilizado, mas na coerência explicativa própria do texto que ele elaborou.


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This work aims to analyze the concept of "paradox" posed in the work of The Budget Paradox (1872) of mathematical and logical English Augustus De Morgan (1806-1871). Here it is important to note that a large part of this book consists of re-prints of a series of writings by the author in journal Athenaeum, where its performance as auditor of literature. The tests refer to some scientific work produced between the years 1489 and 1866 and the rules of selection for the composition of the work is, basically, the methodological aspects used in the completion or disclosed by such scholars. The concept of paradox is presented in two distinct moments. At first, we found a study of definitions for the term in a philosophical approach, characterizing it as something that requires further investigation; which was complemented with the classic examples of a scientific context. In the second, we present a concept advocated by De Morgan and, under this perspective, that he conceptualized the "paradox" is directly related to the non-usual methods employed in the formulation of new scientific theories. In this study some of these scientific concepts are detailed, where, through the redemption history, engaging in issues of our study Mathematics, Physics, of Logic, among others. Possession of the preliminary analysis and comparison with the design of De Morgan, it became possible to diagnose some limitations in the conceptualization suggested by the author. Further, evidenced, in front of the cases, the nonlinearity of the process of production of knowledge and hence the progress of science


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Coorden§Ã£o de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The fauna of Brazilian reef fishes comprises approximately 320 species distributed along the coast of the mainland and islands ocean. Little is known about the levels of connectivity between their populations, but has been given the interest in the relations between the offshore and the islands of the Brazil, in a biogeographical perspective. The oceanic islands Brazilian hosting a considerable number of endemic species, which are locally abundant, and divide a substantial portion of its reef fish fauna with the Western Atlantic. Among the richest families of reef fish in species are Pomacentridae. This study analyzed through analysis of sequences of the mitochondrial DNA control region (D-loop), the standards-breeding population of C. Multilineata in different areas of the NE coast of Brazil, involving both oceanic islands (Fernando de Noronha Archipelago and of St. Peter and St. Paul) and continental shelf (RN and BA). To this aim, partial sequences were used in the region HVR1 of mtDNA (312pb). The population structure and parameters for the estimates of genetic variability, molecular variance (AMOVA), estimation of the index for fixing (FST) and number of migrants were determined. The phylogenetic relationships between the populations were estimated using neighbor-joining (NJ) method. A group of Bayesian analysis was used to verify population structure, according to haplotype frequency of each individual. The genetic variability of populations was extremely high. The populations sampled show moderate genetic structure, with a higher degree of genetic divergence being observed for the sample of the Archipelago of St. Peter and St. Paul. At smaller geographical scale, the sample of Rio Grande do Norte and the Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha do not have genetic differentiation. Three moderately differentiated population groups were identified: a population group (I), formed by the Rio Grande do Norte (I') and the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha (I''), and two other different groups formed by the island population of the archipelago of Saint Peter and St. Paul (II) and Bahia (III). The genetic patterns found suggest that the species has suffered a relatively recent radiation favoring the absence of shared haplotypes. C. multilineata seems to constitute a relatively homogenous population along the West Atlantic coast, with evidence of a moderate population genetic structure in relation to the Archipelago of St. Peter and St. Paul. These data supports the importance of the dispersal larvae by marine current and the interpopulation similarity this species.


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The aim of this study was determine whether an association exists in the gum tissue between the expression of markers of tissue hypoxia (HIF-and GLUT-1) with a marker of inflammatory activity (COX-2) and a marker of collagen degradation (EMMPRIN). Was performed immunohistochemistry with antibodies specific for these markers on 60 samples of gingival tissue divided into two groups: gums (n = 26) and gingivitis (n = 34) and expression was analyzed in the epithelial tissue and connective tissue . The reactivity epithelial for COX-2 was observed in only two cases as the HIF-1α, GLUT-1 and EMMPRIN was strongly expressed in the epithelial basal layer and the immunostaining was gradually decreased as the cells away from this layer, and negative in the region suprabasal in most specimens. In connective tissue, and HIF-1α EMMPRIN were strongly positive for most cases analyzed as GLUT-1 was negative in most cases. Immunostaining for COX-2 showed an association with gingival inflammatory infiltrate. The expression of EMMPRIN, HIF-and GLUT-1 in normal gums confirms the physiological role of these markers, however there was no association with tissue inflammation. Given the findings we can conclude that the inflammatory changes installed in frames of chronic gingivitis may not be sufficient to activate the factors of hypoxia to levels that can be quantified by immunohistochemical analysis, in addition, the findings are not conclusive in relationship to involvement of EMMPRIN in the secretion of MMPs to degrade collagen in the frames of gingivitis. We suggest the use of technical analysis and quantification of RNA of EMMPRIN and MMPs in order to determine whether collagen degradation observed in gingivitis suffers or not, significant influence of EMMPRIN for secretion and activation of MMPs


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Cancer is one of the main causes of death in canines and felines, and this fact is probably related to the increase in the longevity of these species. The longer the animals live, the higher the exposure to carcinogenic agents will be. With the high incidence of cancer in companion animals, new studies are currently being performed with the aim of finding therapeutic options which make the complete inhibition of the development of neoplasms in animals possible in the future. The correlation of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) whith the development of cancer opens the way for the use of new therapeutic approaches. This relationship has been suggested based on various studies which established an association between the chronic use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) and a decrease in the incidence of colon carcinoma. As cancer progresses, COX-2 participates in the arachidonic acid metabolism by synthesizing prostaglandins which can mediate various mechanisms related to cancer development such as: increase in angiogenesis, inhibition of apoptosis, suppression of the immune response, acquisition of greater invasion capacity and metastasis. Accordingly, overexpression of this enzyme in tumors has been associated with the most aggressive, poor-prognosis cancer types, especially carcinomas. Therefore, treatments which use COX-2 inhibitors such as coxibs, whether administered as single agents or in combination with conventional antineoplastic chemotherapy, are an alternative for extending the survival of our cancer patients.


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This work develops a new methodology in order to discriminate models for interval-censored data based on bootstrap residual simulation by observing the deviance difference from one model in relation to another, according to Hinde (1992). Generally, this sort of data can generate a large number of tied observations and, in this case, survival time can be regarded as discrete. Therefore, the Cox proportional hazards model for grouped data (Prentice & Gloeckler, 1978) and the logistic model (Lawless, 1982) can befitted by means of generalized linear models. Whitehead (1989) considered censoring to be an indicative variable with a binomial distribution and fitted the Cox proportional hazards model using complementary log-log as a link function. In addition, a logistic model can be fitted using logit as a link function. The proposed methodology arises as an alternative to the score tests developed by Colosimo et al. (2000), where such models can be obtained for discrete binary data as particular cases from the Aranda-Ordaz distribution asymmetric family. These tests are thus developed with a basis on link functions to generate such a fit. The example that motivates this study was the dataset from an experiment carried out on a flax cultivar planted on four substrata susceptible to the pathogen Fusarium oxysoprum. The response variable, which is the time until blighting, was observed in intervals during 52 days. The results were compared with the model fit and the AIC values.


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CMS is a general purpose experiment, designed to study the physics of pp collisions at 14 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider ( LHC). It currently involves more than 2000 physicists from more than 150 institutes and 37 countries. The LHC will provide extraordinary opportunities for particle physics based on its unprecedented collision energy and luminosity when it begins operation in 2007. The principal aim of this report is to present the strategy of CMS to explore the rich physics programme offered by the LHC. This volume demonstrates the physics capability of the CMS experiment. The prime goals of CMS are to explore physics at the TeV scale and to study the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking - through the discovery of the Higgs particle or otherwise. To carry out this task, CMS must be prepared to search for new particles, such as the Higgs boson or supersymmetric partners of the Standard Model particles, from the start- up of the LHC since new physics at the TeV scale may manifest itself with modest data samples of the order of a few fb(-1) or less. The analysis tools that have been developed are applied to study in great detail and with all the methodology of performing an analysis on CMS data specific benchmark processes upon which to gauge the performance of CMS. These processes cover several Higgs boson decay channels, the production and decay of new particles such as Z' and supersymmetric particles, B-s production and processes in heavy ion collisions. The simulation of these benchmark processes includes subtle effects such as possible detector miscalibration and misalignment. Besides these benchmark processes, the physics reach of CMS is studied for a large number of signatures arising in the Standard Model and also in theories beyond the Standard Model for integrated luminosities ranging from 1 fb(-1) to 30 fb(-1). The Standard Model processes include QCD, B-physics, diffraction, detailed studies of the top quark properties, and electroweak physics topics such as the W and Z(0) boson properties. The production and decay of the Higgs particle is studied for many observable decays, and the precision with which the Higgs boson properties can be derived is determined. About ten different supersymmetry benchmark points are analysed using full simulation. The CMS discovery reach is evaluated in the SUSY parameter space covering a large variety of decay signatures. Furthermore, the discovery reach for a plethora of alternative models for new physics is explored, notably extra dimensions, new vector boson high mass states, little Higgs models, technicolour and others. Methods to discriminate between models have been investigated. This report is organized as follows. Chapter 1, the Introduction, describes the context of this document. Chapters 2-6 describe examples of full analyses, with photons, electrons, muons, jets, missing E-T, B-mesons and tau's, and for quarkonia in heavy ion collisions. Chapters 7-15 describe the physics reach for Standard Model processes, Higgs discovery and searches for new physics beyond the Standard Model.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)