424 resultados para Coulomb blockadeeffect


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The single-electron transistor (SET) is one of the best candidates for future nano electronic circuits because of its ultralow power consumption, small size and unique functionality. SET devices operate on the principle of Coulomb blockade, which is more prominent at dimensions of a few nano meters. Typically, the SET device consists of two capacitively coupled ultra-small tunnel junctions with a nano island between them. In order to observe the Coulomb blockade effects in a SET device the charging energy of the device has to be greater that the thermal energy. This condition limits the operation of most of the existing SET devices to cryogenic temperatures. Room temperature operation of SET devices requires sub-10nm nano-islands due to the inverse dependence of charging energy on the radius of the conducting nano-island. Fabrication of sub-10nm structures using lithography processes is still a technological challenge. In the present investigation, Focused Ion Beam based etch and deposition technology is used to fabricate single electron transistors devices operating at room temperature. The SET device incorporates an array of tungsten nano-islands with an average diameter of 8nm. The fabricated devices are characterized at room temperature and clear Coulomb blockade and Coulomb oscillations are observed. An improvement in the resolution limitation of the FIB etching process is demonstrated by optimizing the thickness of the active layer. SET devices with structural and topological variation are developed to explore their impact on the behavior of the device. The threshold voltage of the device was minimized to ~500mV by minimizing the source-drain gap of the device to 17nm. Vertical source and drain terminals are fabricated to realize single-dot based SET device. A unique process flow is developed to fabricate Si dot based SET devices for better gate controllability in the device characteristic. The device vi parameters of the fabricated devices are extracted by using a conductance model. Finally, characteristic of these devices are validated with the simulated data from theoretical modeling.


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Large earthquakes may strongly influence the activity of volcanoes through static and dynamic processes. In this study, we quantify the static and dynamic stress change on 27 volcanoes in Central America, after the Mw 7.6 Costa Rica earthquake of 5 September 2012. Following this event, 8 volcanoes showed signs of activity. We calculated the static stress change due to the earthquake on hypothetical faults under these volcanoes with Coulomb 3.3. For the dynamic stress change, we computed synthetic seismograms to simulate the waveforms at these volcanoes. We then calculated the Peak Dynamic Stress (PDS) from the modeled peak ground velocities. The resulting values are from moderate to minor changes in stress (10-1-10-2 MPa) with the PDS values generally an order of magnitude larger than the static stress change. Although these values are small, they may be enough to trigger a response by the volcanoes, and are on the order of stress changes implicated in many other studies of volcano and earthquake triggering by large earthquakes. This study provides insight into the poorly-constrained mechanism for remote triggering.


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The physics of the operation of singe-electron tunneling devices (SEDs) and singe-electron tunneling transistors (SETs), especially of those with multiple nanometer-sized islands, has remained poorly understood in spite of some intensive experimental and theoretical research. This computational study examines the current-voltage (IV) characteristics of multi-island single-electron devices using a newly developed multi-island transport simulator (MITS) that is based on semi-classical tunneling theory and kinetic Monte Carlo simulation. The dependence of device characteristics on physical device parameters is explored, and the physical mechanisms that lead to the Coulomb blockade (CB) and Coulomb staircase (CS) characteristics are proposed. Simulations using MITS demonstrate that the overall IV characteristics in a device with a random distribution of islands are a result of a complex interplay among those factors that affect the tunneling rates that are fixed a priori (e.g. island sizes, island separations, temperature, gate bias, etc.), and the evolving charge state of the system, which changes as the source-drain bias (VSD) is changed. With increasing VSD, a multi-island device has to overcome multiple discrete energy barriers (up-steps) before it reaches the threshold voltage (Vth). Beyond Vth, current flow is rate-limited by slow junctions, which leads to the CS structures in the IV characteristic. Each step in the CS is characterized by a unique distribution of island charges with an associated distribution of tunneling probabilities. MITS simulation studies done on one-dimensional (1D) disordered chains show that longer chains are better suited for switching applications as Vth increases with increasing chain length. They are also able to retain CS structures at higher temperatures better than shorter chains. In sufficiently disordered 2D systems, we demonstrate that there may exist a dominant conducting path (DCP) for conduction, which makes the 2D device behave as a quasi-1D device. The existence of a DCP is sensitive to the device structure, but is robust with respect to changes in temperature, gate bias, and VSD. A side gate in 1D and 2D systems can effectively control Vth. We argue that devices with smaller island sizes and narrower junctions may be better suited for practical applications, especially at room temperature.


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We present a novel approach for the reconstruction of spectra from Euclidean correlator data that makes close contact to modern Bayesian concepts. It is based upon an axiomatically justified dimensionless prior distribution, which in the case of constant prior function m(ω) only imprints smoothness on the reconstructed spectrum. In addition we are able to analytically integrate out the only relevant overall hyper-parameter α in the prior, removing the necessity for Gaussian approximations found e.g. in the Maximum Entropy Method. Using a quasi-Newton minimizer and high-precision arithmetic, we are then able to find the unique global extremum of P[ρ|D] in the full Nω » Nτ dimensional search space. The method actually yields gradually improving reconstruction results if the quality of the supplied input data increases, without introducing artificial peak structures, often encountered in the MEM. To support these statements we present mock data analyses for the case of zero width delta peaks and more realistic scenarios, based on the perturbative Euclidean Wilson Loop as well as the Wilson Line correlator in Coulomb gauge.


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A number of liquid argon time projection chambers (LAr TPCs) are being built or are proposed for neutrino experiments on long- and short baseline beams. For these detectors, a distortion in the drift field due to geometrical or physics reasons can affect the reconstruction of the events. Depending on the TPC geometry and electric drift field intensity, this distortion could be of the same magnitude as the drift field itself. Recently, we presented a method to calibrate the drift field and correct for these possible distortions. While straight cosmic ray muon tracks could be used for calibration, multiple coulomb scattering and momentum uncertainties allow only a limited resolution. A UV laser instead can create straight ionization tracks in liquid argon, and allows one to map the drift field along different paths in the TPC inner volume. Here we present a UV laser feed-through design with a steerable UV mirror immersed in liquid argon that can point the laser beam at many locations through the TPC. The straight ionization paths are sensitive to drift field distortions, a fit of these distortion to the linear optical path allows to extract the drift field, by using these laser tracks along the whole TPC volume one can obtain a 3D drift field map. The UV laser feed-through assembly is a prototype of the system that will be used for the MicroBooNE experiment at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL).


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An inexpensive device which is easily operated to accurately measure the Coulomb parameters of the soil. The Coulomb parameters are used in Coulomb's equation to calculate the shearing stresses along a failure surface of the soil. The device includes an instrument to test soil shear strength to which several weights have been added. To obtain the Coulomb parameters, the instrument is placed on the soil to be tested and weights are incrementally added to it. The instrument is rotated at each weight increment and the shearing stresses are read from its calibrated dial. The stresses are plotted on a graph from which the Coulomb parameters are determined. The shearing stress of the soil with any known force applied to it can then be determined.


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The major aim of this study was to examine the influence of an embedded viscoelastic-plastic layer at different viscosity values on accretionary wedges at subduction zones. To quantify the effects of the layer viscosity, we analysed the wedge geometry, accretion mode, thrust systems and mass transport pattern. Therefore, we developed a numerical 2D 'sandbox' model utilising the Discrete Element Method. Starting with a simple pure Mohr Coulomb sequence, we added an embedded viscoelastic-plastic layer within the brittle, undeformed 'sediment' package. This layer followed Burger's rheology, which simulates the creep behaviour of natural rocks, such as evaporites. This layer got thrusted and folded during the subduction process. The testing of different bulk viscosity values, from 1 × 10**13 to 1 × 10**14 (Pa s), revealed a certain range where an active detachment evolved within the viscoelastic-plastic layer that decoupled the over- and the underlying brittle strata. This mid-level detachment caused the evolution of a frontally accreted wedge above it and a long underthrusted and subsequently basally accreted sequence beneath it. Both sequences were characterised by specific mass transport patterns depending on the used viscosity value. With decreasing bulk viscosities, thrust systems above this weak mid-level detachment became increasingly symmetrical and the particle uplift was reduced, as would be expected for a salt controlled forearc in nature. Simultaneously, antiformal stacking was favoured over hinterland dipping in the lower brittle layer and overturning of the uplifted material increased. Hence, we validated that the viscosity of an embedded detachment strongly influences the whole wedge mechanics, both the respective lower slope and the upper slope duplex, shown by e.g. the mass transport pattern.


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En este trabajo se presenta un análisis de las series sísmicas registradas durante los meses de julio y noviembre de 2010 en el sector noreste del mar de Alborán, cerca de Almería. La primera serie consta de, al menos, 180 terremotos registrados entre el 4 de julio y el 15 de Noviembre de 2010, con un terremoto principal de Mw =4.3 ocurrido el 5 de Julio y sentido en Almería con intensidad EMS IV. Esta serie está caracterizada por tener una fuerte alineación con dirección NW, que contrasta con la de los grandes sistemas de fallas de la zona (falla de Carboneras). La segunda serie consta de más de 27 terremotos y se extiende del 2 al 15 de Noviembre, con un sismo principal de magnitud Mw =4.1 ocurrido el día 4 de ese mes. Esta segunda serie se sitúa a unos 35 km al Este de la primera, siendo menos numerosa que ésta pero mucho más próxima a las poblaciones del Poniente Almeriense y alcanzando mayores intensidades (intensidad máxima EMS = V). El objetivo de este estudio es analizar en detalle ambas series sísmicas, examinado la distribución geográfica de los sismos que las componen, su distribución temporal y su posible interrelación con series sísmicas pasadas. Finalmente se tratará de identificar, con los conocimientos de la tectónica de la zona, la posible fuente sísmica generadora, así como analizar posibles efectos de disparo entre eventos por medio de modelizaciones de esfuerzos de Coulomb.


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In laser-plasma experiments, we observed that ion acceleration from the Coulomb explosion of the plasma channel bored by the laser, is prevented when multiple plasma instabilities such as filamentation and hosing, and nonlinear coherent structures (vortices/post-solitons) appear in the wake of an ultrashort laser pulse. The tailoring of the longitudinal plasma density ramp allows us to control the onset of these insabilities. We deduced that the laser pulse is depleted into these structures in our conditions, when a plasma at about 10% of the critical density exhibits a gradient on the order of 250 {\mu}m (gaussian fit), thus hindering the acceleration. A promising experimental setup with a long pulse is demonstrated enabling the excitation of an isolated coherent structure for polarimetric measurements and, in further perspectives, parametric studies of ion plasma acceleration efficiency.


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Irradiation with swift heavy ions (SHI), roughly defined as those having atomic masses larger than 15 and energies exceeding 1 MeV/amu, may lead to significant modification of the irradiated material in a nanometric region around the (straight) ion trajectory (latent tracks). In the case of amorphous silica, SHI irradiation originates nano-tracks of higher density than the virgin material (densification). As a result, the refractive index is increased with respect to that of the surroundings. Moreover, track overlapping leads to continuous amorphous layers that present a significant contrast with respect to the pristine substrate. We have recently demonstrated that SHI irradiation produces a large number of point defects, easily detectable by a number of experimental techniques (work presented in the parallel conference ICDIM). The mechanisms of energy transfer from SHI to the target material have their origin in the high electronic excitation induced in the solid. A number of phenomenological approaches have been employed to describe these mechanisms: coulomb explosion, thermal spike, non-radiative exciton decay, bond weakening. However, a detailed microscopic description is missing due to the difficulty of modeling the time evolution of the electronic excitation. In this work we have employed molecular dynamics (MD) calculations to determine whether the irradiation effects are related to the thermal phenomena described by MD (in the ps domain) or to electronic phenomena (sub-ps domain), e.g., exciton localization. We have carried out simulations of up to 100 ps with large boxes (30x30x8 nm3) using a home-modified version of MDCASK that allows us to define a central hot cylinder (ion track) from which heat flows to the surrounding cold bath (unirradiated sample). We observed that once the cylinder has cooled down, the Si and O coordination numbers are 4 and 2, respectively, as in virgin silica. On the other hand, the density of the (cold) cylinder increases with respect to that of silica and, furthermore, the silica network ring size decreases. Both effects are in agreement with the observed densification. In conclusion, purely thermal effects do not explain the generation of point defects upon irradiation, but they do account for the silica densification.


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Seismic hazard study in “La Hispaniola” island in connection with the land tenure situation in the region, in order to define priority areas with a high risk, where some land management recommendations are proposed. The seismic hazard assessment has been carried out following the probabilistic method with a seismogenic zonation and including the major faults of the region as independent units. In order to identify the priority areas, it has taken into account, besides the seismic hazard study, the map of changes of static Coulomb failure stress and the landslide hazard map.


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El programa "ANISET" (Análisis de Niveles de Seguridad en Túneles) desarrollado por SINEX, S.A. constituye una herramienta de cálculo orientada a la realización de estudios de Fiabilidad de las estructuras de sostenimiento de túneles y galerías subterráneas. El desarrollo del Nuevo Método Austriaco de construcción de túneles (NATM) ha supuesto un gran avance de tecnificación en un tipo de obras tradicionalmente poco exigentes en lo que al cálculo de refiere. La aplicación de esta nueva metodología ha propiciado un gran desarrollo en la aplicación de métodos numéricos y de nuevos modelos de comportamiento para el estudio del problema de interacción terreno-sostenimiento. Sin embargo, la investigación en torno a procedimientos adecuados para la introducción de la seguridad en los cálculos no ha sido tan intensa, lo que ha creado un estado de cierta confusión entorno a este tema. Con este trabajo, se ha pretendido impulsar un avance en este terreno. Para ello se ha considerado que el mejor método era la aplicación de las técnicas de Fiabilidad Estructural en Nivel U, como de hecho se está realizando en muchos otros terrenos en el ámbito del cálculo estructural. Para realizar el programa, se ha tomado como base el modelo mecánico bidimensional desarrollado por P. Fritz (1984) que básicamente coincide con el aplicado en el programa SOSTENIM. En este modelo el terreno se considera un medio de comportamiento elastoplástico, de acuerdo al criterio de Mohr-Coulomb, sobre el que se realiza una excavación de sección circular. El sostenimiento se ha modelado teniendo en cuenta las aportaciones del hormigón proyectado, del acero de las armaduras y de las cerchas metálicas habitualmente utilizadas. Los Estados Límite considerados en el programa, para los cuales se han desarrollado las correspondientes funciones de fallo, son los siguientes: - Agotamiento de la capacidad resistente del terreno. Caracterizado por un radio de plastificación excesivo del terreno. - Agotamiento de la estructura, producido por la aparición de deformaciones superiores al máximo admisible por los materiales del sostenimiento. - Convergencia excesiva: el desplazamiento radial en el sostenimiento supera un máximo fijado por el proyectista en base a criterios prácticos de utilización, etc. El tratamiento de las incertidumbres para la estimación de los correspondientes índices de fiabilidad y probabilidades de fallo respecto a los 3 estados límite mencionados, responde básicamente al esquema propuesto por E. Rosenblueth (1981). Se espera que el enfoque eminentemente práctico dado al trabajo, y la sencillez de manejo del programa, permitan una fácil y útil aplicación del mismo.


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We report on the ion acceleration mechanisms that occur during the interaction of an intense and ultrashort laser pulse ( λ > μ I 2 1018 W cm−2 m2) with an underdense helium plasma produced from an ionized gas jet target. In this unexplored regime, where the laser pulse duration is comparable to the inverse of the electron plasma frequency ωpe, reproducible non-thermal ion bunches have been measured in the radial direction. The two He ion charge states present energy distributions with cutoff energies between 150 and 200 keV, and a striking energy gap around 50 keV appearing consistently for all the shots in a given density range. Fully electromagnetic particle-in-cell simulations explain the experimental behaviors. The acceleration results from a combination of target normal sheath acceleration and Coulomb explosion of a filament formed around the laser pulse propagation axis


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En este capítulo se reflexiona sobre la evolución en el siglo XIX de lo que en Italia solían llamar scienza delle construzioni. En dos palabras: se trata de la aplicación de modelos de cálculo basados en la mecánica racional para determinar la seguridad de las construcciones. En este sentido, el XIX ofrece un cambio radical respecto al panorama de siglos anteriores, en los que lo fundamental era la experiencia constructiva y el proceso lento; lento tanto en la formación de técnicos como en la materialización de obras, donde la falta de herramientas de cálculo para prever comportamientos condujo en ocasiones al uso de modelos físicos a escala reducida para demostrar la seguridad de las construcciones o la factibilidad de su proceso edilicio. El capítulo se refiere exclusivamente a modelos abstractos (ni siquiera a los ensayos de laboratorio que pusieron de manifiesto nuevos fenómenos), a pesar de lo cual conviene arrancar con cuatro ejemplos reales, uno por cada cuarto de siglo que pongan de manifiesto los cambios de enfoques producidos en la construcción El primero es una celebrada estructura de madera cuya seguridad fue comprobada mediante ensayos sobre elementos a escala real. Insuperable en la elegancia de su diseño, el segundo, el viaducto de las Cabrillas (1851), fue proyectado y construido en piedra por Lucio del Valle en la cuesta de Contreras. El tercer ejemplo podría ser un puente colgante o «colgado», como se denominaban en la época, de los numerosos que se construyeron en España en la segunda mitad de siglo, pero, por su envergadura y tipología, se ha decidido escoger un caso más tardío: el viaducto del Salado, en la línea de ferrocarril Linares-Almería, proyecto de José Olano (1897) llevado a cabo por la compañía Fives-Lille. El proceso de lanzamiento por empuje hasta entroncar con el túnel del estribo izquierdo fue presenciado en enero de 1899 por un grupo de alumnos de la Escuela de Caminos encabezados por su director, Rogelio Inchaurrandieta, y diferentes profesores, entre los que se encontraban Serafín Freart, encargado de Mecánica Aplicada, y Luis Gaztelu, profesor de Puentes. Con sus pilas de alrededor de 110 m de altura y sus vanos de otro tanto, es un buen ejemplo de lo que] avier Mantero la llama «la gran invención de todo el siglo XIX: la viga en celosía, invención de tanta o mayor trascendencia que la bóveda de piedra para el arco" (Manterola, 2006. Aunque las cerchas de bronce del Panteón de Roma, debidas a Apolodoro de Damasco, o los esquemas de Palladio y las cubiertas de inglesias góticas son precursores de esta tipología (Mainstone, 1975), está laro que sólo en el siglo XIX el cálculo permitió racionalizar los diseños y alcanzar la simplicidad y efectividad que Manterola reconoce como invención. Finalmente, se hace referencia al puente de Golbardo en Santander, uno de los primeros de hormigón armado en España (1900). Este material llegará a su pleno desarrollo en el siglo XX, no sin vencer la desconfianza de sucesivas generaciones. En resumen, a los materiales clásicos, madera y piedra, se añaden en el siglo XIX los hierros y aceros, así como finalmente, el hormigón. Ello motiva una reconsideración de la tipología, de las ideas sobre seguridad estructural, sobre los métodos constructivos y sobre el cálculo que produce la gran eclosión en la representación abstracta del comportamiento de las construcciones, lo cual sólo es posible gracias al progreso de las ciencias. En este capítulo se intentará, en un primer apartado, resumir la experiencia teórica hasta que Coulomb escribe su magistral ensayo. A continuación se tratarán someramente las diferentes líneas de trabajo generadas en países extranjeros y, finalmente, se dará una visión personal de los esfuerzos llevados a cabo en España, que, aún disponiendo de centros docentes perfectamente conectados con lo que sucedía en el extranjero, no fue capaz de generar ninguna aportación original al debate internacional.


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En el presente proyecto se redacta un estudio sobre la resistencia al corte de escolleras en cajón de 1x1m2.Con este estudio se intentará valores aproximados al ángulo de rozamiento. Estos parámetros se distinguirán en función si las escolleras son directamente vertidas o si han sufrido una previa compactación. Para ello se han realizado una serie de ensayos, con materias traído de varias zonas de España al Laboratorio de Geotecnia de CEDEX. Los datos obtenidos se han interpretado de varias formas. Primero se ha analizado las curvas resultantes de la tensión tangencial en función del desplazamiento. Después se ha aplicado un análisis de la relación entre el ángulo de rozamiento y la tensión normal. Por otra parte se han utilizado dos modelos, uno de hiperbólico y otro modelo rotura. Dentro del modelo de rotura se han tomado dos criterios. Un primer criterio según el criterio de rotura de Morh-Coulomb y un segundo criterio no lineal sino parabólico. Con los resultados obtenidos de las interpretaciones, se ha realizado una comparativa. Por una parte se han comparada con los datos que dieron otros autores y por otra parte con los resultados obtenidos en los ensayos de corte directo en caja de 30x30 cm2. Las conclusiones obtenidas, un valor del ángulo de rozamiento sería de 42° para escolleras que no han sido compactadas y de 47° para escolleras que hayan sido compactadas.