1000 resultados para Costes-Andalusia
Proposta presentada al Concurso internacional de ideas sobre un entorno urbano con perspectiva de género
El Informe Stern, realizado a instancias del Gobierno Británico, se ha convertido en el documento paradigmático de la economía del cambio climático. No solo proporciona una estimación de los costes del cambio climático, sino que resulta ser una aportación fundamental a la evaluación de los datos existentes y al fomento de un mayor conocimiento de los aspectos económicos del cambio climático. El informe tiene una perspectiva internacional, por cuanto el cambio climático es un problema mundial, tanto en sus causas como en sus consecuencias. La adopción de medidas colectivas a nivel internacional es crucial para conseguir una respuesta eficaz, eficiente y equitativa. Así, se insta a la comunidad internacional a actuar con fuerza y de forma inmediata en la toma de decisiones que permitan reducir las emisiones (de CO2) para que los efectos del cambio climático no comiencen a ser irremediables. De hecho, la principal conclusión del informe es que los beneficios de la adopción de medidas prontas y firmes sobre el cambio climático superarán con creces los costes
We analyse the variations produced on tsunami propagation and impact over a straight coastline because of the presence of a submarine canyon incised in the continental margin. For ease of calculation we assume that the shoreline and the shelf edge are parallel and that the incident wave approaches them normally. A total of 512 synthetic scenarios have been computed by combining the bathymetry of a continental margin incised by a parameterised single canyon and the incident tsunami waves. The margin bathymetry, the canyon and the tsunami waves have been generated using mathematical functions (e.g. Gaussian). Canyon parameters analysed are: (i) incision length into the continental shelf, which for a constant shelf width relates directly to the distance from the canyon head to the coast, (ii) canyon width, and (iii) canyon orientation with respect to the shoreline. Tsunami wave parameters considered are period and sign. The COMCOT tsunami model from Cornell University was applied to propagate the waves across the synthetic bathymetric surfaces. Five simulations of tsunami propagation over a non-canyoned margin were also performed for reference. The analysis of the results reveals a strong variation of tsunami arrival times and amplitudes reaching the coastline when a tsunami wave travels over a submarine canyon, with changing maximum height location and alongshore extension. In general, the presence of a submarine canyon lowers the arrival time to the shoreline but prevents wave build-up just over the canyon axis. This leads to a decrease in tsunami amplitude at the coastal stretch located just shoreward of the canyon head, which results in a lower run-up in comparison with a non-canyoned margin. Contrarily, an increased wave build-up occurs on both sides of the canyon head, generating two coastal stretches with an enhanced run-up. These aggravated or reduced tsunami effects are modified with (i) proximity of the canyon tip to the coast, amplifying the wave height, (ii) canyon width, enlarging the areas with lower and higher maximum height wave along the coastline, and (iii) canyon obliquity with respect to the shoreline and shelf edge, increasing wave height shoreward of the leeward flank of the canyon. Moreover, the presence of a submarine canyon near the coast produces a variation of wave energy along the shore, eventually resulting in edge waves shoreward of the canyon head. Edge waves subsequently spread out alongshore reaching significant amplitudes especially when coupling with tsunami secondary waves occurs. Model results have been groundtruthed using the actual bathymetry of Blanes Canyon area in the North Catalan margin. This paper underlines the effects of the presence, morphology and orientation of submarine canyons as a determining factor on tsunami propagation and impact, which could prevail over other effects deriving from coastal configuration.
Ensayo sobre las placas-nicho visigodas y el mihrab y macsura de la mezquita de Córdoba centrado en sus aspectos formales e iconológicos y sus referentes en la arquitectura de poder y la representación simbólica de la divinidad.
Background: Differences in the distribution of genotypes between individuals of the same ethnicity are an important confounder factor commonly undervalued in typical association studies conducted in radiogenomics. Objective: To evaluate the genotypic distribution of SNPs in a wide set of Spanish prostate cancer patients for determine the homogeneity of the population and to disclose potential bias. Design, Setting, and Participants: A total of 601 prostate cancer patients from Andalusia, Basque Country, Canary and Catalonia were genotyped for 10 SNPs located in 6 different genes associated to DNA repair: XRCC1 (rs25487, rs25489, rs1799782), ERCC2 (rs13181), ERCC1 (rs11615), LIG4 (rs1805388, rs1805386), ATM (rs17503908, rs1800057) and P53 (rs1042522). The SNP genotyping was made in a Biotrove OpenArrayH NT Cycler. Outcome Measurements and Statistical Analysis: Comparisons of genotypic and allelic frequencies among populations, as well as haplotype analyses were determined using the web-based environment SNPator. Principal component analysis was made using the SnpMatrix and XSnpMatrix classes and methods implemented as an R package. Non-supervised hierarchical cluster of SNP was made using MultiExperiment Viewer. Results and Limitations: We observed that genotype distribution of 4 out 10 SNPs was statistically different among the studied populations, showing the greatest differences between Andalusia and Catalonia. These observations were confirmed in cluster analysis, principal component analysis and in the differential distribution of haplotypes among the populations. Because tumor characteristics have not been taken into account, it is possible that some polymorphisms may influence tumor characteristics in the same way that it may pose a risk factor for other disease characteristics. Conclusion: Differences in distribution of genotypes within different populations of the same ethnicity could be an important confounding factor responsible for the lack of validation of SNPs associated with radiation-induced toxicity, especially when extensive meta-analysis with subjects from different countries are carried out.
To understand dissolved organic carbon (DOC) seasonal dynamics in a coastal oligotrophic site in the north-western Mediterranean Sea, we monitored DOC concentrations monthly over 3 yr, together with the meteorological data and the food-web-related biological processes involved in DOC dynamics. Additional DOC samples were taken in several inshore−offshore transects along the Catalan coast. We found DOC concentrations of ~60 µmol C l−1 in winter, with increasing values through the summer and autumn and reaching 100 to 120 µmol C l−1 in November. There was high inter-annual variability in this summer DOC accumulation, with values of 36, 69 and 13 µmol C l−1 for 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively. The analysis of the microbial food-web processes involved in the DOC balance did not reveal the causes of this accumulation, since the only occasion on which we observed net DOC production (0.3 ± 1 µmol C l−1 d−1 on average) was in 2007, and the negative DOC balance of 2006 and 2008 did not prevent DOC accumulating. The DOC accumulation episodes coincided with low rates of water renewal (average 0.037 ± 0.021 d−1 from May to October) compared with those of winter to early spring (average 0.11 ± 0.048 d−1 from November to April). Indeed, the amount of DOC accumulated each year was inversely correlated with the average summer rainfall. We hypothesize that decreased DOC turn-over due to photochemical or biological processes mostly active during the summer and low water renewal rate combine to determine seasonal DOC accumulation and influence its inter-annual variability.
El proyecto SICA2, presentado por Beatriz Barros y Miguel Ángel Aguirre, de la Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia de la Junta de Andalucía, supone una innovadora extensión del concepto de CRIS universitario a un ámbito regional para el conjunto de las universidades andaluzas. El sistema de recogida y validación de la información científica en tiempo real se basa en una primera fase SICA que organiza la investigación en unidades mínimas o 'Grupos PAIDI' y que ya implementó el estándar CVN para las nueve universidades andaluzas que forman parte del proyecto. Esta segunda fase de integración tiene además prevista su prolongación en el repositorio institucional Reposit-AN de ámbito igualmente regional que se alimentará de los metadatos procedentes del sistema CRIS de la Junta de Andalucía y se presentará oficialmente a final de año.
In this paper we study network structures in which the possibilities for cooperation are restricted and can not be described by a cooperative game. The benefits of a group of players depend on how these players are internally connected. One way to represent this type of situations is the so-called reward function, which represents the profits obtainable by the total coalition if links can be used to coordinate agents' actions. The starting point of this paper is the work of Vilaseca et al. where they characterized the reward function. We concentrate on those situations where there exist costs for establishing communication links. Given a reward function and a costs function, our aim is to analyze under what conditions it is possible to associate a cooperative game to it. We characterize the reward function in networks structures with costs for establishing links by means of two conditions, component permanence and component additivity. Finally, an economic application is developed to illustrate the main theoretical result.
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Des dels inicis de l'ocupació francesa d'Algèria, a les acaballes de la primera meitat del segle XIX, un gran nombre de valencians, menorquins, andalusos i murcians, fugint de la misèria i de la fam o com a conseqüència de la inestabilitat política i social d'Espanya, es dirigiren al país magrebí a la cerca d'una vida millor. Aquesta migració es perllongà al llarg de més d'un segle, i es va caracteritzar pel seu dinamisme: un flux continu d'entrades i eixides i una gran heterogeneïtat de procedències. L'amalgama creada a l'Algèria colonial amb la coexistència i interacció de diferents realitats culturals, donà lloc a un nou sentiment d'identitat dins la comunitat d'origen europeu, impulsat per una solidaritat espontània dirigida a assolir una estabilitat econòmica i de subsistència, però també per un esforç polític premeditat de l'administració colonial francesa adreçat a cohesionar, mitjançant la francització, els europeus i jueus del país nord-africà
La Estrategia de Ahorro y Eficiencia Energética para España 2004-2012, es un elemento esencial con el objetivo de reducir el incremento de la demanda de energía a niveles adecuados al crecimiento económico. Desde 1996, en España, se consume mas energía por unidad de PIB generado siendo, por tanto, menos eficiente energéticamente. Este aumento de consumo, se produce con fuentes de energía primaria que, como consecuencia, se tienen que importar. En el contexto actual de la energía y de los costes de producción agrícola, se debe realizar un esfuerzo para mejorar la eficiencia energética y para el ahorro de energías no renovables procedentes de los combustibles fósiles. El objetivo general del presente trabajo es el análisis energético y comparación de siete explotaciones de secano de diferente superficie situadas en el sur-este de la provincia de Soria.
Durant la última dècada hem viscut l’explosió de la fotografia digital. Les possibilitats de captar imatges s’ha multiplicat de manera gairebé infinita sense implicar costos afegits pel fotògraf. Això ens obliga a replantejar-nos la necessitat d’establir uns criteris ben definits per avaluar, triar i eliminar les fotografies que ingressen als nostres arxius. El treball que es presenta aquí té com a objectiu establir uns protocols per tal de poder aplicar aquests procediments al nous fons que passin a formar part del nostre patrimoni documental. Finalment, s’ha dut a terme l’experiència d’entregar al productor d’un fons part de la seva documentació per tal que ell l’avalués i després comparar els resultats amb l’avaluació duta a terme des de l’arxiu. Paraules clau: avaluació, tria, eliminació, fotografia born-digital, ingrés, metadades, arxiu digital, formats de preservació