1000 resultados para Corominas, Josep Maria


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Se aporta un catálogo florístico de 313 táxones seleccionados procedentes de algunas de las sierras septentrionales del Sistema Ibérico aragonés: Sierras de Villarroya, Vicort, Cucalón y Retuerta, Monte de Herrera, la Modorra de Bádenas y Baños de Segura. La visita a algunas de las localidades clásicas de ASSO, ha permitido confirmar numerosas citas de las que aparecen en su Synopsis stirpium indigenarum Aragoniae (1779), así como establecer algunas sinonimias. En el aspecto nomenclatural se propone una nueva combinación: Androsace elongata L. subsp. breistrofferi (Charpin & Greuter) J . Molero & JM. Montserrat, comb. nova. En el aspecto corológico, una lista, que no pretende ser exahustiva, sobre novedades para la Flora aragonesa y otras especies escasamente citadas que incluye: Paronychia rouyana, Suene scabriflora, Sisymbrium macroloma, Hutera hispida, Saxifraga losae var. camarae, Rosa arvensis, Aphanes cornucopioides, Lathyrus cirrhosus, Trifolium retusum, Trifolium gemellum, Seseli cantabricum, Daucus durieua, Anthemis alpestris fma. ligulata , Hieracium castellanum, Festuca capillifolia , Avenula pubescens, Carex tomentosa, etc.


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Se estudian los números cromosomáticos de 11 especies de plantas vasculares recolectadas en Marruecos. Entre ellas cuatro constituyen primeros recuentos.


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La guia consta d’un conjunt de documents en format pdf i d’una web (http://www.videoaccessible.udl.cat) que es complementen per donar pautes, recomanacions i exemples necessaris per poder mostrar informació en format vídeo digital accessible per a les persones amb diferents discapacitats


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Aquest document dóna les pautes bàsiques per poder incorporar vídeos incrustats en una pàgina web codificada en HTML5, amb un reproductor accessible. Així mateix, es dóna una introducció a l’eina ccPlayer, reproductor de vídeos que està implementat com un objecte SWF Flash i que permet l’addició de subtítols. Veurem també una altra eina similar, el JWPlayer.


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Notas florísticas sobre plantas vasculares de los Ports de Beseit. Algunas son nuevas citas para esta zona: Ephedra nebrodensis, Equisetum palustre, Iberis saxatilis subsp. saxatihs; otras raras: Neotinea maculata, Ridolfia segetum, Ranunculus parviflorus. Arrbenatberum album es indicado por primera vez en Cataluña.


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The alliance Agropyro-Rumicion in the eastern half of the IberianPyrenees. This alliance, related to eurosiberian landscapes, is represented in the studied area by three associations, all them inhabiting wet and ruderalized soils: Mentho-Juncetum (very frequent and chiefly formed by Juncus inflexus and Mentha longifolia), Festuco-Caricetum (more sporadic and grassland-shaped) and Rorippo-Agrostietum (only recorded from the upper part of the river Ter, dominated by the rare Rorippa sylvestris and more or less related to the alliance Bidention in some way).


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Descripció de l¿estructura, la composició florística i l'ecologia dels boscs mesòfils de les Muntanyes Catalanidiques septentrionals. És analitzada la Variabilitat d'aquest bosc a les diverses parts de la serralada. Són estudiats els sintàxons Doronico-Fraxinetum, representat per les subassociacions doronicetosum, melampyretosum, vincetosum, festucetosum, luzuletosum i aretosum.


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The correlation between the species composition of pasture communities and soil properties in Plana de Vic has been studied using two multivariate methods, Correspondence Analysis (CA) for the vegetation data and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for the soil data. To analyse the pastures, we took 144 vegetation relevés (comprising 201 species) that have been classified into 10 phytocoenological communities elsewhere. Most of these communities are almost entirely built up by perennials, ranging from xerophilous, clearly Mediterranean, to mesophilous, related to medium-European pastures, but a few occurring in shallow soils are dominated by therophytes. As for the soil properties, we analysed texture, pH, depth, bulk density, organic matter, C/N ratio and the carbonates content of 25 samples, correspondingto representative relevés of the communities studied.


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On the basis of two parallel data sets refering to phenological events in open scrubs and pastures at two sites (Balaguer and Vic), the authors present a comprehensive report of the phenology of these Mediterranean communities. Four main phenophases (vegetative growth, flowering, fruiting and resting) were recorded monthly in 11 communities over 15 months. The results allow comparisons to be drawn between localities and communities, both at community and species levels, and to consider the effects of contemporary climatic data. This yielded useful information on general trends and on the particular responses of each community type to their corresponding constraints.


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The first part of a general survey of the vegetation of Catalonia andAndorra, this paper reports all the phytocoenological associations and subassociations recorded in this area. For each community, we provide the correct name and usual synonyms, its typification (where appropriate), all the references including relevés, and the most outstanding features of its structure, species composition, ecology, distribution and diversity. Moreover, associations and subassociations are ordered appropriately in a syntaxonomic scheme. Syntaxonomic ranks are considered in a fairly broad, conservative sense. This classification established 101 associations, which correspond to the classes Lemnetea, Zosteretea, Potametea, Littorelletea, Montio-Cardaminetea, Phragmiti-Magnocaricetea, Scheuchzerio-Caricetea, Isoeto-Nanojuncetea and Molinio-Arrhenatheretea.


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Hygronitrophilous plant communities of Pyrenaean Catalonia and its vicinities. The following communities have been recognized: Alliance Bidention tripartitae: Xanthio italici-Polygonetumpersicarine O. Bolòs 1957, Bidentetum tripartitae W. Koch 1926 (= Polygono hydropiperis-Bidentetum tripartitae Lohm. in Tx. 1950) and Myosoto aquaticae-Bidentetum frondosae, ass. nova. Alliance Convolvulion sepium: Arundini-Convolvuletum sepium (Tx. and Oberd.) O. Bolòs 1962, Oenothero glaziovianae-Asteretum pilosi O. Bolòs and R. Masalles 1983 and Oenothero biennis-Helianthetum tuberosi,ass. nova.


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diverse and in most cases including lakes, snow beds and fens.