964 resultados para Conventional Appendectomy


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X-ray computed tomography (CT) refers to the cross-sectional imaging of an object measuring the transmitted radiation at different directions. In this work, we describe a non-conventional application of computerized tomography: visualization and improvements in the understanding of some internal structural features of solid dosage forms. A micro-CT X-ray scanner, with a minimum resolution of 30 μm was used to characterize some pharmaceutical tablets, granules, controlled-release osmotic tablet and liquid-filled soft-gelatin capsules. The analysis presented in this work are essentially qualitative, but quantitative parameters, such as porosity, density distribution, tablets dimensions, etc. could also be obtained using the related CT techniques. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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Aim: To assess the bone mineral density on conventional and digitized images, comparing whether different parameters of digitization and storage change these values. Methods: Twenty radiographs were taken from five partially dentulous dry mandibles with an aluminum 7-mm stepwedge placed on the superior edge of the film. After processing, the films were digitized with a resolution of 600 and 2,400 d.p.i. and saved as TIFF and JPEG files. On every conventional and digitized image, circular regions of interest were selected for densitometry and radiographic contrast analysis. Results: Pearson's correlation coefficient showed a significant and strong mean gray values association between digitized and conventional images, differing from radiographic contrast that did not show a significant association. ANOVA did not reveal a statistically significant difference in bone density and radiographic contrast among the four digitized image groups, but the conventional image contrast was significantly lower. Conclusions: Bone mineral density did not differ in both conventional and digitized images. The parameters of image compression and resolution, tested in this study, did not change the results of densitometry and digitization process increased the radiographic contrast.


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A new device for irrigation, which presents hydrodynamic activation based on the pressure-suction technology, has recently been introduced to the market: the Rinsendo system. This study compared the efficacy of the Rinsendo system and conventional (manualdynamic) irrigation in the removal of debris from the root canal walls, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Twenty mandibular premolars with completely formed roots were selected and randomly divided into group 1 (irrigation with the Rinsendo system) and group 2 (conventional irrigation). The canals were irrigated with 1 ml of saline at each change of instrument. instrumentation started with a #15 K file and continued up to a #40 K file, which was standardized as the working length instrument. Then, the teeth were sectioned in buccolingual direction and the halves were sputter-coated with gold and examined by SEM. The apical, middle and cervical root canal thirds were evaluated, and the results were analyzed statistically by the Mann-Whitney test for comparison between methods, Kruskal-Wallis test for comparison among thirds, and Miller test for individual comparisons. A significance level of 5% was set for all analyses. The results did not show significant differences (p>0.05) between methods at each third and among thirds for each technique analyzed individually. in conclusion, there was no difference in the cleaning ability of the Rinsendo system and conventional irrigation.


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Objectives: The maintenance and stability of peri-implantar soft tissue seem to be related to the crestal bone around the implant platform and different implant designs connections might affect this phenomenon. The aim of this study was to evaluate by photoelastic analysis the stress distribution in the cervical and apical site of implant-abutment interface of conventional implant joints (external hex, internal hex and cone morse) and compare to the novel platform switching design. Materials and methods: It was fabricated photoelastic models using five different implant-abutment connection, one set of external hex (Alvim Ti, Neodent, Curitiba, Brazil), one set of internal hex (Full Osseotite, Biomet 3i, Florida, USA), one cone morse set (Alvim CM, Neodent, Curitiba, Brazil), and two sets of internal hex plus platform switching concept (Alvim II Plus, Neodent, Curitiba, Brazil) (Certain Prevail, Biomet 3i, Florida, USA). These models were submitted to two compressive loads, axial from 20 kgf (load I) and another (load II), inclined 45° from 10 kgf. During the qualitative analysis, digital pictures were taken from a polariscope, for each load situation. For the quantitative analyses in both situations of load, the medium, minimum and maximum in MPa values of shear strain were determined in the cervical and apical site. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare the results between the different systems and between cervical and apical site were compared using Mann-Whitney U test. Results: The results from qualitative analysis showed less concentration of strain in the cervical area to the internal hex plus platform switching (Certain Prevail), in both situation of load. The same results were get in the quantitative analysis, showing less stress concentrations around the implant Certain Prevail with internal hex plus the novel design (17.9 MPa to load I and 29.5 MPa to load II), however, without statistical significant difference between the systems. Conclusion: The minor stress concentration strongly suggest the use of platform switching design as a manner to prevent bone loss around the implant-abutment platform. Clinical Significance: From the result of this study its possible to make clinical decision for implant system which provides implant components with platform switching characteristics.


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Objective: To analyze the effects of thermal cycling on the microtensile shear bond strength of a self-etching and a conventional pit and fissure sealants to dental enamel. Material and Method: Twenty-four healthy human molars extracted for orthodontic reasons, were sectioned in the mesio-distal direction and divided into two groups (n=24) according to the sealant to be applied: GI - conventional sealant Climpro (3M/ESPE) and GII - self-etching sealant Enamel Loc (Premier Dental). The sealants were applied on flattened enamel in matrixes 1 mm in diameter, in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. The specimens were stored in distilled water at 37°C for 24 hours. After this, half the samples of both groups were submitted to 500 thermal cycles in 30s baths at temperatures between 5 and 55°C. Forty-eight hours after the samples were made, the microtensile shear test was performed in an Instron 4411 test machine, with a stainless steel wire with a cylindrical cross section of 0.2mm in diameter at a constant speed of 0.5mm/s. The bond strength values were submitted to ANOVA for 2 factors and the fracture patterns were examined under an optical microscope at 65X magnification. Results: Thermal cycling did not influence the bond strength of the two sealants. The conventional sealant Climpro presented a statistically higher microtensile shear bond strength (11.72MPa, 11.34MPa with and without cycling, respectively) than the self-etching sealant Enamel Loc (5.92MPa, 5.02MPa with and without cycling, respectively). Fracture pattern analysis showed the occurrence of 100% of adhesive failures for Enamel Loc, while the conventional sealant Climpro presented 95% of adhesive failures and 5% of mixed failures. Conclusion: The conventional sealant presented higher microtensile shear bond strength to dental enamel in comparison with the self-etching sealant. Thermal cycling did not affect the bond strength of the sealants used in this study. © 2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.


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This study aimed to analyze the proximate composition of seeds from some non-conventional Brazilian fruits, as well as to evaluate the antioxidant activity through DPPH • free radical and to quantify the total phenolic compounds. To obtain the extracts, dried and crushed seeds were extracted with ethanol for 30 min, in a ratio of 1:3 (seeds:ethyl alcohol), under continuous agitation, at room temperature. Then, the mixtures were filtered and the supernatants were subjected to rotary evaporator under pressure reduced to 40 °C. The results report that the seeds of non-conventional fruits are remarkable sources of lipids, and the extraction of oil from these seeds could be an alternative for the commercial utilization of waste. They also presented significant percentages of protein and carbohydrates. Ethanol extracts of seeds from non-conventional Brazilian fruits showed relevant antioxidant activity and high amount of phenolic compounds. Therefore Brazilian non-conventional fruits can be used as functional food products or feed. © 2011 Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India).


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Non-conventional database management systems are used to achieve a better performance when dealing with complex data. One fundamental concept of these systems is object identity (OID), because each object in the database has a unique identifier that is used to access and reference it in relationships to other objects. Two approaches can be used for the implementation of OIDs: physical or logical OIDs. In order to manage complex data, was proposed the Multimedia Data Manager Kernel (NuGeM) that uses a logical technique, named Indirect Mapping. This paper proposes an improvement to the technique used by NuGeM, whose original contribution is management of OIDs with a fewer number of disc accesses and less processing, thus reducing management time from the pages and eliminating the problem with exhaustion of OIDs. Also, the technique presented here can be applied to others OODBMSs. © 2011 IEEE.


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Purpose: The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of the Grander technology in reducing the surface tension and contact angle of a self-etch adhesive system. Methods: Distilled water and Xeno III self-etch adhesive system (Dentsply) were modified by physical contact with the Flexible unit Grander system to revitalize water, for 48 hours, resulting in four groups: Group 1 - Xeno III under normal conditions; Group 2 - Xeno III modified by Grander; Group 3 - distilled water under normal conditions; Group 4 - distilled water system modified by the Grander system;. Surface tension and contact angle (dentin substrate and titanium plate) of the adhesive system and water in normal and Grander-modified conditions was measured with a goniometer. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey test (5%). Results: Grander technology reduced the surface tension of water but not of the adhesive system Xeno III. The contact angle property of the adhesive ystem was not affected. Conclusion: Grander technology did not interfere with the surface tension and contact angle physical properties of the Xeno III self-etch adhesive system. Copyright: © 2011 Gonçalves et al.;.


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This article shows an analysis of the longitudinal electric parameters of a three-phase transmission line/section using a 280-meter high steel tower. This characteristic, the height of the line conductors and distance between them, are intrinsic related to the longitudinal and transversal parameters of the line. By this means, an accurate study was carried out in order to show the electric variations between a transmission line using the new technology and a three-phase conventional 440 kV line for a wide range of frequencies and a variable soil resistivity. In addition, by using a digital line model, simulations are carried out in time domain to analyze critical overvoltage transients on the studied line. © 2011 IEEE.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of conventional and whitening dentifrices on the weight loss, surface roughness, and early in situ biofilm formation on the surface of dental ceramics. Standardized feldspar ceramic specimens (Vita VM7 and Vita VM13) were submitted to the following experimental conditions: no brushing; brushing without a dentifrice; brushing with a conventional dentifrice; and brushing with a whitening dentifrice. A brushing machine was used to simulate brushing. The mass and surface roughness of all specimens from the test groups were evaluated prior to and after brushing. Ten participants used an oral device for eight hours to evaluate the biofilm formed in situ on the specimens. Scanning electron microscopy was used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of the biofilm. ANOVA and Tukey tests were used to analyze the results of weight loss, surface roughness, and presence of bacteria. A one-way Kruskal-Wallis test was used for bacterial colonization results. For both ceramics, brushing with a whitening dentifrice resulted in weight loss that was significantly greater when compared to brushing without a dentifrice or with a conventional dentifrice. Increased surface roughness was noticed on VM13 ceramic samples with both dentifrices, whereas only conventional dentifrice had a significant effect on the surface roughness of VM7 samples. For both VM7 and VM13, no difference was found between the experimental conditions with regard to the presence or number of bacteria. Cocci and short rods were the predominant microbial morphotypes. Granular or fibrillar acellular material partially covered the specimens. Brushing with a whitening dentifrice resulted in significant weight loss of ceramic restorations, while brushing with both conventional and whitening dentifrices can roughen ceramic surfaces. The increase in roughness was not clinically significant to contribute to increased biofilm formation.


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Few species of the tribe Lophiohylini have been karyotyped so far, and earlier analyses were performed mainly with standard staining. Based on the analysis of seven species with use of routine banding and molecular cytogenetic techniques, the karyotypes were compared and the cytogenetic data were evaluated in the light of the current phylogenies. A karyotype with 2n = 24 and NOR in the chromosome 10 detected by Ag-impregnation and FISH with an rDNA probe was shared by Aparasphenodon bokermanni Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920, Itapotihyla langsdorffii (Duméril and Bibron, 1841), Trachycephalus sp., T. mesophaeus (Hensel, 1867), and T. typhonius (Linnaeus, 1758). Phyllodytes edelmoi Peixoto, Caramaschi et Freire, 2003 and P. luteolus (Wied-Neuwied, 1824) had reduced the diploid number from 2n = 24 to 2n = 22 with one of the small-sized pairs clearly missing, and NOR in the large chromosome 2, but the karyotypes were distinct regarding the morphology of chromosome pairs 4 and 6. Based on the cytogenetic and phylogenetic data, it was presumed that the chromosome evolution occurred from an ancestral type with 2n = 24, in which a small chromosome had been translocated to one or more unidentified chromosomes. Whichever hypothesis is more probable, other rearrangements should have occurred later, to explain the karyotype differences between the two species of Phyllodytes Wagler, 1830. The majority of the species presented a small amount of centromeric C-banded heterochromatin and these regions were GC-rich. The FISH technique using a telomeric probe identified the chromosome ends and possibly (TTAGGG)n-like sequences in the repetitive DNA out of the telomeres in I. langsdorffii and P. edelmoi. The data herein obtained represent an important contribution for characterizing the karyotype variability within the tribe Lophiohylini scarcely analysed so far. © Simone Lilian Gruber et al.


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While searching for healthier diets, people became more attentive to organic produce. Yet, organic foods may be more susceptible to microbiological contamination because of the use of organic fertilizers, a possible source of pathogenic bacteria. In this study, 130 samples of different organic and conventional vegetable varieties sold in Brazil were analyzed for mesophilic aerobic bacteria, yeasts and molds, total coliforms, Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. Most of the mesophilic aerobic bacteria counts in organic and conventional vegetables ranged from 6 to 7 log10 CFU/g; most of the yeasts and molds counts ranged from 5 to 6 log10 CFU/g and most of the total coliforms counts ranged from 4 to 5 log10 CFU/g. E. coli was found in 41.5% of the organic and 40.0% of the conventional vegetables, and most samples had counts ranging from 1 to 2 log10 CFU/g. Salmonella spp. was not found in any sample. Comparative analyses of the microbial counts of organic and conventional vegetables showed that some organic varieties have greater counts. However, the global results show that this is not a trend. These results indicate the need of good farming practices, and proper sanitization before consumption, to ensure food quality and safety. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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The limited availability of foods that are free of pesticides has led Brazil to search for alternative production methods to meet the desires of consumers. Currently, organic cultivation represents a production system that complies with general expectations of producers and consumers. Organic cultivation is particularly interesting mainly because of its effect on plant secondary metabolite content, which may help plants to naturally combat pests; in humans, these substances can also contribute to the prevention of chronic diseases. We report on the extraction of glucosinolates (both as total glucosinolates and as benzylglucosinolate) with trifluoroacetic acid addition in a 70:30 MeOH:water (v/v). Total glucosinolates, determined by a thioglucosidase coupled assay, were measured in different Brassicaceae species and were similar to values reported in the literature. For broccoli, analyses were carried out separately on inflorescences, leaves and stalks; analyses were also conducted on thermally processed samples to simulate cooking. Furthermore, when the analysis was conducted on conventional and organic products, the highest concentrations of these substances were most often found in organically cultivated Brassicaceae. The benzylglucosinolate concentrations were evaluated on the same samples using HPLC. The concentration of benzylglucosinolate was significantly higher in organically cultivated vegetables, as well. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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The incidence of opportunistic fungal infections has increased in recent decades due to the growing proportion of immunocompromised patients in our society. Candida krusei has been described as a causative agent of disseminated fungal infections in susceptible patients. Although its prevalence remains low among yeast infections (2-5%), its intrinsic resistance to fluconazole makes this yeast important from epidemiologic aspects. Non mammalian organisms are feasible models to study fungal virulence and drug efficacy. In this work we have used the lepidopteran Galleria mellonella and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as models to assess antifungal efficacy during infection by C. krusei. This yeast killed G. mellonella at 25, 30 and 37°C and reduced haemocytic density. Infected larvae melanized in a dose-dependent manner. Fluconazole did not protect against C. krusei infection, in contrast to amphotericin B, voriconazole or caspofungin. However, the doses of these antifungals required to obtain larvae protection were always higher during C. krusei infection than during C. albicans infection. Similar results were found in the model host C. elegans. Our work demonstrates that non mammalian models are useful tools to investigate in vivo antifungal efficacy and virulence of C. krusei. © 2013 Scorzoni et al.


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The influence of superficial defects on the vortex configurations of a thin superconducting disk is investigated within the time dependent Ginzburg-Landau formalism. The free energy, magnetization, vorticity, and the Cooper pair density are calculated for both metastable and stable vortex configurations and different number of defects on its surface in the presence of an external magnetic field applied perpendicular to the disk area. We show that the competition between the confinement geometry and the geometric position of the defects leads to non-conventional vortex configurations which are not compatible with the symmetry of the sample geometry.