471 resultados para Controlador


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Landscape is the result of interaction between tectonic, weathering and pedogenetic processes, so it is necessary to understand the morphogenesis and relate it to the landforms and landscape. Therefore, this project comprises a geomorphological characterization of some areas associated with the fault zones of Taubaté Basin, at the surroundings of the cities from São José dos Campos to Taubaté SP, emphasizing the Quaternary landscape evolution, where the normal faults played an important role in controling and they were originated, mostly, from the reactivation of Precambrian fault zones by tectonic action. The rift valley scenario is highlighted in the region, identifying the sharp relief from the basin boundary, featuring both Serra do Mar and Serra da Mantiqueira, and a central depressed area where the Taubaté Basin is located. Deforming or modifying basin features are identified, promoting the rearrangement and conditioning of the drainage network and relief, which indicates the presence of morphostructures, conducting to the deduction of a late tectonic process


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The objective of this work is to determine the membership functions for the construction of a fuzzy controller to evaluate the energy situation of the company with respect to load and power factors. The energy assessment of a company is performed by technicians and experts based on the indices of load and power factors, and analysis of the machines used in production processes. This assessment is conducted periodically to detect whether the procedures performed by employees in relation to how of use electricity energy are correct. With a fuzzy controller, this performed can be done by machines. The construction of a fuzzy controller is initially characterized by the definition of input and output variables, and their associated membership functions. We also need to define a method of inference and a processor output. Finally, you need the help of technicians and experts to build a rule base, consisting of answers that provide these professionals in function of characteristics of the input variables. The controller proposed in this paper has as input variables load and power factors, and output the company situation. Their membership functions representing fuzzy sets called by linguistic qualities, as “VERY BAD” and “GOOD”. With the method of inference Mandani and the processor to exit from the Center of Area chosen, the structure of a fuzzy controller is established, simply by the choice by technicians and experts of the field energy to determine a set of rules appropriate for the chosen company. Thus, the interpretation of load and power factors by software comes to meeting the need of creating a single index that indicates an overall basis (rational and efficient) as the energy is being used.


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The use of alternative energy systems in the current days is an urgent necessity due to the problems that the planet is facing as the heating and loss of ozone layer. The scarcity of conventional energy is another problem that must be solved for the future of humanity. It must be considered that the people are inhabiting places moved away not always with available energy. The application of technologies as automation and control can help us to solve this problem. Therefore, this work aimed at apply an equipment of industrial usage, the Programmable Logical Controller, PLC, in alternative energies systems, as eolic generation and fotovoltaic generation used for water pumping, aiming the automatic control and the efficiency in the places where it has simultaneous availability of these sources, based in criterion of priority that previously established itself between them. It was made a hydraulic and energetic evaluation of the energy system, eolic and fotovoltaic, used in the automatic control system of pumping, in the place of accomplishment of the experiment, according to previously established physical conditions. The results have shown that the control system using the PLC is practicable and has trustworthiness. The program developed can be adapted for the use with several power plants in a specific application place. The fotovoltaic system of pumping, using a polycrystalline of 70 Watts connected to a pump Shurflo 8000, showed to be efficient with significant flows in almost all the months. The eolic system of pumping, using an eolic generator of 400 Watts assembled in place of experiment, did not demonstrate energetic capacity for use in this specific type of application.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE


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This paper presents a Project of an automatic feeder for pets using an Arduino Uno as the control center. Through studies on this driver was possible to create a device with an interface capable to receiving user input and then use it to activate the feeder in the defined hours. For mounting equipment were used steps motors, sensors, keyboard and display, which work together to instrument operation. The project goal was reached and the prototype developed indicating that the Arduino can be used for various applications that can simplify daily tasks


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The education designed and planned in a clear and objective manner is of paramount importance for universities to prepare competent professionals for the labor market, and above all can serve the population with an efficient work. Specifically, in relation to engineering, conducting classes in the laboratories it is very important for the application of theory and development of the practical part of the student. The planning and preparation of laboratories, as well as laboratory equipment and activities should be developed in a succinct and clear way, showing to students how to apply in practice what has been learned in theory and often shows them why and where it can be used when they become engineers. This work uses the MATLAB together with the System Identification Toolbox and Arduino for the identification of linear systems in Linear Control Lab. MATLAB is a widely used program in the engineering area for numerical computation, signal processing, graphing, system identification, among other functions. Thus the introduction to MATLAB and consequently the identification of systems using the System Identification Toolbox becomes relevant in the formation of students to thereafter when necessary to identify a system the base and the concept has been seen. For this procedure the open source platform Arduino was used as a data acquisition board being the same also introduced to the student, offering them a range of software and hardware for learning, giving you every day more luggage to their training


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This monograph presents the main objective of analyzing the redundancy protection systems of protection for redundancy and block of energies against accident in presses and rotating equipment. After understanding two specific goals, on this case, show the systems of protection against accidents in rotating equipments, presses and similar; and discuss the vulnerabilities of current systems of protection against accidents in presses and similar, we will propose a system of autonomous redundancy of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) operating simultaneously taking online in the event of failure of one of the two. The methodology was worked through a revision of a variety of bibliography, and interpretation of national and international standards as well as access to research on systems, practices used in industrial and companies supplying products and of companies and energy blockages solutions


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This paper presents a Project of an automatic feeder for pets using an Arduino Uno as the control center. Through studies on this driver was possible to create a device with an interface capable to receiving user input and then use it to activate the feeder in the defined hours. For mounting equipment were used steps motors, sensors, keyboard and display, which work together to instrument operation. The project goal was reached and the prototype developed indicating that the Arduino can be used for various applications that can simplify daily tasks


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The education designed and planned in a clear and objective manner is of paramount importance for universities to prepare competent professionals for the labor market, and above all can serve the population with an efficient work. Specifically, in relation to engineering, conducting classes in the laboratories it is very important for the application of theory and development of the practical part of the student. The planning and preparation of laboratories, as well as laboratory equipment and activities should be developed in a succinct and clear way, showing to students how to apply in practice what has been learned in theory and often shows them why and where it can be used when they become engineers. This work uses the MATLAB together with the System Identification Toolbox and Arduino for the identification of linear systems in Linear Control Lab. MATLAB is a widely used program in the engineering area for numerical computation, signal processing, graphing, system identification, among other functions. Thus the introduction to MATLAB and consequently the identification of systems using the System Identification Toolbox becomes relevant in the formation of students to thereafter when necessary to identify a system the base and the concept has been seen. For this procedure the open source platform Arduino was used as a data acquisition board being the same also introduced to the student, offering them a range of software and hardware for learning, giving you every day more luggage to their training


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This monograph presents the main objective of analyzing the redundancy protection systems of protection for redundancy and block of energies against accident in presses and rotating equipment. After understanding two specific goals, on this case, show the systems of protection against accidents in rotating equipments, presses and similar; and discuss the vulnerabilities of current systems of protection against accidents in presses and similar, we will propose a system of autonomous redundancy of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) operating simultaneously taking online in the event of failure of one of the two. The methodology was worked through a revision of a variety of bibliography, and interpretation of national and international standards as well as access to research on systems, practices used in industrial and companies supplying products and of companies and energy blockages solutions


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Diversos estudos têm sido realizados no intuito de analisar os impactos da inovação tecnológica no desempenho comercial das empresas. Com isso, este estudo visa analisar os fatores de influência sobre o percentual do faturamento com a venda de novos produtos na indústria do Estado de São Paulo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa com características descritivas e explicativas, cuja abordagem é quantitativa, utilizando dados secundários provindos da Pesquisa de Atividade Econômica Paulista (PAEP), realizada pela Fundação SEADE. Os resultados mostram que os fatores de influência sobre o faturamento provindo de novos produtos são: a origem do capital controlador; a empresa pertencer a um grupo empresarial; o total de pessoal em pesquisa e desenvolvimento; o pessoal alocado diretamente na produção; as fontes de informação para atividades inovativas; e o apoio governamental para a inovação tecnológica.


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[ES] Un servicio de urgencias de una zona ofrece asistencia sanitaria y tiene como principal objetivo atender la patología urgente que acude al hospital y el nivel de compromiso que se asume consiste en diagnosticar, tratar y estabilizar, en la medida posible, dicha patología urgente. Otro objetivo es gestionar la demanda de atención urgente por parte del ciudadano a través de un sistema de selección prioritaria inicial (Triaje) que selecciona, prioriza, organiza y gestiona la demanda de atención. Para poder controlar y realizar el trabajo de la forma más eficaz se utilizan herramientas de gestión necesarias para el control de los pacientes, desde que se realiza su ingreso en el servicio de urgencias hasta el alta del mismo. Las aplicaciones desarrolladas son las siguientes: Gestión de Pacientes en Urgencias: Esta aplicación asignará un estado inicial al paciente y permitirá ir cambiando el estado del mismo usando el método del Triaje (valoración), el más difundido en la medicina de urgencias. Además, se podrán solicitar pruebas diagnósticas y la visualización de marcadores de analíticas para comprobar su evolución. Finalmente, se podrá desarrollar un informe de alta para el paciente. Informadores de Urgencias: La aplicación gestiona la localización física del paciente dentro del servicio de urgencias, permitiendo asimismo el cambio entre las distintas localizaciones y el control para la información a los familiares de los mismos, pudiendo almacenar los familiares y teléfonos de contactos para que estos puedan ser informados. El desarrollo se ha realizado utilizando el MVC (modelo - vista - controlador) que es patrón de arquitectura que separa los datos de una aplicación, la interfaz gráfica de usuario y la lógica de control de componentes. El software utilizado para el desarrollo de las aplicaciones es CACHÉ de Intersystems que permite la creación de una base de datos multidimensional. El modelo de objetos de Caché se basa en el estándar ODMG (Object Database Management Group, Grupo de gestión de bases de datos de objetos) y soporta muchas características avanzadas. CACHÉ dispone de Zen, una biblioteca completa de componentes de objetos preconstruidos y herramientas de desarrollo basadas en la tecnología CSP (Caché Server Pages) y de objetos de InterSystems. ZEN es especialmente apropiado para desarrollar una versión Web de las aplicaciones cliente/servidor creadas originalmente con herramientas como Visual Basic o PowerBuilder.


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[ES] Este trabajo consiste en la creación de un sistema de gestión abierto de cita previa, surge de la necesidad del personal de las Administración Tributaria de Canarias que trabajan en las oficinas de atención tributaria de tener un sistema que facilite al contribuyente la forma de gestionar una cita previa para solicitar atención tributaria, además de facilitar al coordinador, la gestión de citas solicitadas por los contribuyentes. Para ello se ha realizado un análisis previo para cubrir todos los requisitos que eran necesarios para que se cubrieran todas las necesidades del sistema y que fuera totalmente escalable. Para el desarrollo del sistema se ha utilizado la plataforma Java EE que dota de todas las herramientas necesarias para la creación de un software de estas características, además de numerosas herramientas que ayudan a la consecución satisfactoria del sistema, como pueden ser Hibernate y Spring. Se ha utilizado un sistema de virtualización para tratar de imitar lo máximo posible la forma de desarrollo que tiene la empresa para que así la integración del sistema sea absoluto, por eso se han utilizado las mismas herramientas que utilizan y la misma estructura de base de datos. Además de las diversas herramientas se han utilizado distintos patrones de diseño para el desarrollo del software como pueden ser: Front Controller, Facade y Data Access Object además del patrón Modelo-Vista-Controlador para la arquitectura de este sistema. La utilización de estos patrones ayuda a que el mantenimiento de este sistema sea mucho más óptimo.


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La Ley de Protección Integral de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes 26.061 se materializa en las políticas sociales de infancia, cuya universalización es imprescindible. Sin embargo, dicha ley encuentra sus limitaciones en el sesgo biopolítico y controlador en el que se constituyen las leyes liberales pregonando una ciudadanía virtual, enmarcada en un discurso de igualdad que se reproduce en la base de las desigualdades generadas por el capital. Es por ello que se plantea al protagonismo infantil como una matriz de pensamiento superadora, posicionando al niño como un ser político, hablante y emancipado de la apropiación del mundo adulto.


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Um dos processos de envelhecimento do Vinho Madeira é a “Estufagem” realizada através da circulação de água aquecida a uma determinada temperatura por um sistema de serpentina existente no interior de cada estufa. De modo a tornar o processo de estufagem eficiente e preservar a qualidade do Vinho Madeira, a monitorização, registo e controlo da temperatura reveste-se da maior importância sendo, atualmente, todo esse processo realizado, por norma, manualmente, quer no sistema de dez estufas de aço inox existente no laboratório de enologia da Universidade da Madeira (UMa), quer nos sistemas das cooperativas de Vinho Madeira. Existem, no mercado, alguns sistemas que solucionam, com menor ou maior limitação, este problema. Porém, nenhum desses sistemas implementa um sistema de controlo “inteligente” capaz de se adaptar automaticamente a diferentes períodos de temperaturas predefinidos e manter o aquecimento das estufas de acordo com essas temperaturas com uma margem de erro inferior a ±0,5℃, bem como o custo associado aos mesmos é elevado o que dificulta a sua implementação neste setor. O sistema implementado, nesta tese, consiste em duas aplicações: uma aplicação web e uma Windows Forms Application. A aplicação web foi desenvolvida em C# com recurso à framework ASP.NET Web Pages e implementa toda a lógica necessária à monitorização gráfica e à gestão do sistema, nomeadamente a definição do setpoint para cada estufa. A Windows Forms Application, também desenvolvida em C# devido à necessidade de interligação com a biblioteca fornecida pela CAREL para conexão aos controladores de temperatura IR32, efetua o registo e controlo automático da temperatura, de acordo com o setpoint definido para cada estufa através da aplicação web. O controlo de temperatura realiza-se com recurso às redes neuronais, nomeadamente através dum controlador DIC (Direct Inverse Controller) que obteve, de entre os vários controladores testados, o melhor Erro Quadrático Médio (MSE) e o melhor Coeficiente de Correlação (R). Através da utilização do sistema implementado conseguiu-se eliminar a limitação física de erro com ± 1℃ em torno do setpoint tendo-se conseguido, para o melhor caso, uma margem de erro de ± 0,1℃ relativamente ao setpoint reduzindo-se, assim, a margem de variação de temperatura até um máximo de 1,8ºC e, consequentemente, o erro associado.