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The thesis contributed to the volcanic hazard assessment through the reconstruction of some historical flank eruptions of Etna in order to obtain quantitative data (volumes, effusion rates, etc.) for characterizing the recent effusive activity, quantifying the impact on the territory and defining mitigation actions for reducing the volcanic risk as for example containment barriers. The reconstruction was based on a quantitative approach using data extracted from aerial photographs and topographic maps. The approach allows to obtain the temporal evolution of the lava flow field and estimating the Time Average Discharge Rate (TADR) by dividing the volume emplaced over a given time interval for the corresponding duration. The analysis concerned the 2001, 1981 and 1928 Etna eruptions. The choice of these events is linked to their impact on inhabited areas. The results of the analysis showed an extraordinarily high effusion rate for the 1981 and 1928 eruptions (over 600 m^3/s), unusual for Etna eruptions. For the 1981 Etna eruption an eruptive model was proposed to explain the high discharge rate. The obtained TADRs were used as input data for simulations of the propagation of the lava flows for evaluating different scenarios of volcanic hazard and analyse different mitigation actions against lava flow invasion. It was experienced how numerical simulations could be adopted for evaluating the effectiveness of barrier construction and for supporting their optimal design. In particular, the gabions were proposed as an improvement for the construction of barriers with respect to the earthen barriers. The gabion barriers allow to create easily modular structures reducing the handled volumes and the intervention time. For evaluating operational constrain an experimental test was carried out to test the filling of the gabions with volcanic rock and evaluating their deformation during transport and placement.


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The current design life of nuclear power plant (NPP) could potentially be extended to 80 years. During this extended plant life, all safety and operationally relevant Instrumentation & Control (I&C) systems are required to meet their designed performance requirements to ensure safe and reliable operation of the NPP, both during normal operation and subsequent to design base events. This in turn requires an adequate and documented qualification and aging management program. It is known that electrical insulation of I&C cables used in safety related circuits can degrade during their life, due to the aging effect of environmental stresses, such as temperature, radiation, vibration, etc., particularly if located in the containment area of the NPP. Thus several condition monitoring techniques are required to assess the state of the insulation. Such techniques can be used to establish a residual lifetime, based on the relationship between condition indicators and ageing stresses, hence, to support a preventive and effective maintenance program. The object of this thesis is to investigate potential electrical aging indicators (diagnostic markers) testing various I&C cable insulations subjected to an accelerated multi-stress (thermal and radiation) aging.


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Outdoor bronzes exposed to the environment form naturally a layer called patina, which may be able to protect the metallic substrate. However, since the last century, with the appearance of acid rains, a strong change in the nature and properties of the copper based patinas occurred [1]. Studies and general observations have established that bronze corrosion patinas created by acid rain are not only disfiguring in terms of loss of detail and homogeneity, but are also unstable [2]. The unstable patina is partially leached away by rainwater. This leaching is represented by green streaking on bronze monuments [3]. Because of the instability of the patina, conservation techniques are usually required. On a bronze object exposed to the outdoor environment, there are different actions of the rainfall and other atmospheric agents as a function of the monument shape. In fact, we recognize sheltered and unsheltered areas as regards exposure to rainwater [4]. As a consequence of these different actions, two main patina types are formed on monuments exposed to the outdoor environment. These patinas have different electrochemical, morphological and compositional characteristics [1]. In the case of sheltered areas, the patina contains mainly copper products, stratified above a layer strongly enriched in insoluble Sn oxides, located at the interface with the uncorroded metal. Moreover, different colors of the patina result from the exposure geometry. The surface color may be pale green for unsheltered areas, and green and mat black for sheltered areas [4]. Thus, in real outdoor bronze monuments, the corrosion behavior is strongly influenced by the exposure geometry. This must be taken into account when designing conservation procedures, since the patina is in most cases the support on which corrosion inhibitors are applied. Presently, for protecting outdoor bronzes against atmospheric corrosion, inhibitors and protective treatments are used. BTA and its derivatives, which are the most common inhibitors used for copper and its alloy, were found to be toxic for the environment and human health [5, 6]. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that BTA is efficient when applied on bare copper but not as efficient when applied on bare bronze [7]. Thus it was necessary to find alternative compounds. Silane-based inhibitors (already successfully tested on copper and other metallic substrates [8]), were taken into consideration as a non-toxic, environmentally friendly alternative to BTA derivatives for bronze protection. The purpose of this thesis was based on the assessment of the efficiency of a selected compound, to protect the bronze against corrosion, which is the 3-mercapto-propyl-trimethoxy-silane (PropS-SH). It was selected thanks to the collaboration with the Corrosion Studies Centre “Aldo Daccò” at the Università di Ferrara. Since previous studies [9, 10, 11] demonstrated that the addition of nanoparticles to silane-based inhibitors leads to an increase of the protective efficiency, we also wanted to evaluate the influence of the addition of CeO2, La2O3, TiO2 nanoparticles on the protective efficiency of 3-mercapto-propyl-trimethoxy-silane, applied on pre-patinated bronze surfaces. This study is the first section of the thesis. Since restorers have to work on patinated bronzes and not on bare metal (except for contemporary art), it is important to be able to recreate the patina, under laboratory conditions, either in sheltered or unsheltered conditions to test the coating and to obtain reliable results. Therefore, at the University of Bologna, different devices have been designed to simulate the real outdoor conditions and to create a patina which is representative of real application conditions of inhibitor or protective treatments. In particular, accelerated ageing devices by wet & dry (simulating the action of stagnant rain in sheltered areas [12]) and by dropping (simulating the leaching action of the rain in unsheltered areas [1]) tests were used. In the present work, we used the dropping test as a method to produce pre-patinated bronze surfaces for the application of a candidate inhibitor as well as for evaluating its protective efficiency on aged bronze (unsheltered areas). In this thesis, gilded bronzes were also studied. When they are exposed to the outside environment, a corrosion phenomenon appears which is due to the electrochemical couple gold/copper where copper is the anode. In the presence of an electrolyte, this phenomenon results in the formation of corrosion products than will cause a blistering of the gold (or a break-up and loss of the film in some cases). Moreover, because of the diffusion of the copper salts to the surface, aggregates and a greenish film will be formed on the surface of the sample [13]. By coating gilded samples with PropS-SH and PropS-SH containing nano-particles and carrying out accelerated ageing by the dropping test, a discussion is possible on the effectiveness of this coating, either with nano-particles or not, against the corrosion process. This part is the section 2 of this thesis. Finally, a discussion about laser treatment aiming at the assessment of reversibility/re-applicability of the PropS-SH coating can be found in section 3 of this thesis. Because the protective layer loses its efficiency with time, it is necessary to find a way of removing the silane layer, before applying a new one on the “bare” patina. One request is to minimize the damages that a laser treatment would create on the patina. Therefore, different laser fluences (energy/surface) were applied on the sample surface during the treatment process in order to find the best range of fluence. In particular, we made a characterization of surfaces before and after removal of PropS-SH (applied on a naturally patinated surface, and subsequently aged by natural exposure) with laser methods. The laser removal treatment was done by the CNR Institute of Applied Physics “Nello Carrara” of Sesto Fiorentino in Florence. In all the three sections of the thesis, a range of non-destructive spectroscopic methods (Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), μ-Raman spectroscopy, X-Ray diffractometry (XRD)) were used for characterizing the corroded surfaces. AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy) was used to analyze the ageing solutions from the dropping test in sections 1 and 2.


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The safety systems of nuclear power plants rely on low-voltage power, instrumentation and control cables. Inside the containment area, cables operate in harsh environments, characterized by relatively high temperature and gamma-irradiation. As these cables are related to fundamental safety systems, they must be able to withstand unexpected accident conditions and, therefore, their condition assessment is of utmost importance as plants age and lifetime extensions are required. Nowadays, the integrity and functionality of these cables are monitored mainly through destructive test which requires specific laboratory. The investigation of electrical aging markers which can provide information about the state of the cable by non-destructive testing methods would improve significantly the present diagnostic techniques. This work has been made within the framework of the ADVANCE (Aging Diagnostic and Prognostics of Low-Voltage I\&C Cables) project, a FP7 European program. This Ph.D. thesis aims at studying the impact of aging on cable electrical parameters, in order to understand the evolution of the electrical properties associated with cable degradation. The identification of suitable aging markers requires the comparison of the electrical property variation with the physical/chemical degradation mechanisms of polymers for different insulating materials and compositions. The feasibility of non-destructive electrical condition monitoring techniques as potential substitutes for destructive methods will be finally discussed studying the correlation between electrical and mechanical properties. In this work, the electrical properties of cable insulators are monitored and characterized mainly by dielectric spectroscopy, polarization/depolarization current analysis and space charge distribution. Among these techniques, dielectric spectroscopy showed the most promising results; by means of dielectric spectroscopy it is possible to identify the frequency range where the properties are more sensitive to aging. In particular, the imaginary part of permittivity at high frequency, which is related to oxidation, has been identified as the most suitable aging marker based on electrical quantities.


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Since the Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2), accident in 1979 which led to the meltdown of about one half of the reactor core and to limited releases of radioactive materials to the environment, an important international effort has been made on severe accident research. The present work aims to investigate the behaviour of a Small Modular Reactor during severe accident conditions. In order to perform these analyses, a SMR has been studied for the European reference severe accident analysis code ASTEC, developed by IRSN and GRS. In the thesis will be described in detail the IRIS Small Modular Reactor; the reference reactor chosen to develop the ASTEC input deck. The IRIS model was developed in the framework of a research collaboration with the IRSN development team. In the thesis will be described systematically the creation of the ASTEC IRIS input deck: the nodalization scheme adopted, the solution used to simulate the passive safety systems and the strong interaction between the reactor vessel and the containment. The ASTEC SMR model will be tested against the RELAP-GOTHIC coupled code model, with respect to a Design Basis Accident, to evaluate the capability of the ASTEC code on reproducing correctly the behaviour of the nuclear system. Once the model has been validated, a severe accident scenario will be simulated and the obtained results along with the nuclear system response will be analysed.


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Natürliche hydraulische Bruchbildung ist in allen Bereichen der Erdkruste ein wichtiger und stark verbreiteter Prozess. Sie beeinflusst die effektive Permeabilität und Fluidtransport auf mehreren Größenordnungen, indem sie hydraulische Konnektivität bewirkt. Der Prozess der Bruchbildung ist sowohl sehr dynamisch als auch hoch komplex. Die Dynamik stammt von der starken Wechselwirkung tektonischer und hydraulischer Prozesse, während sich die Komplexität aus der potentiellen Abhängigkeit der poroelastischen Eigenschaften von Fluiddruck und Bruchbildung ergibt. Die Bildung hydraulischer Brüche besteht aus drei Phasen: 1) Nukleation, 2) zeitabhängiges quasi-statisches Wachstum so lange der Fluiddruck die Zugfestigkeit des Gesteins übersteigt, und 3) in heterogenen Gesteinen der Einfluss von Lagen unterschiedlicher mechanischer oder sedimentärer Eigenschaften auf die Bruchausbreitung. Auch die mechanische Heterogenität, die durch präexistierende Brüche und Gesteinsdeformation erzeugt wird, hat großen Einfluß auf den Wachstumsverlauf. Die Richtung der Bruchausbreitung wird entweder durch die Verbindung von Diskontinuitäten mit geringer Zugfestigkeit im Bereich vor der Bruchfront bestimmt, oder die Bruchausbreitung kann enden, wenn der Bruch auf Diskontinuitäten mit hoher Festigkeit trifft. Durch diese Wechselwirkungen entsteht ein Kluftnetzwerk mit komplexer Geometrie, das die lokale Deformationsgeschichte und die Dynamik der unterliegenden physikalischen Prozesse reflektiert. rnrnNatürliche hydraulische Bruchbildung hat wesentliche Implikationen für akademische und kommerzielle Fragestellungen in verschiedenen Feldern der Geowissenschaften. Seit den 50er Jahren wird hydraulisches Fracturing eingesetzt, um die Permeabilität von Gas und Öllagerstätten zu erhöhen. Geländebeobachtungen, Isotopenstudien, Laborexperimente und numerische Analysen bestätigen die entscheidende Rolle des Fluiddruckgefälles in Verbindung mit poroelastischen Effekten für den lokalen Spannungszustand und für die Bedingungen, unter denen sich hydraulische Brüche bilden und ausbreiten. Die meisten numerischen hydromechanischen Modelle nehmen für die Kopplung zwischen Fluid und propagierenden Brüchen vordefinierte Bruchgeometrien mit konstantem Fluiddruck an, um das Problem rechnerisch eingrenzen zu können. Da natürliche Gesteine kaum so einfach strukturiert sind, sind diese Modelle generell nicht sonderlich effektiv in der Analyse dieses komplexen Prozesses. Insbesondere unterschätzen sie die Rückkopplung von poroelastischen Effekten und gekoppelte Fluid-Festgestein Prozesse, d.h. die Entwicklung des Porendrucks in Abhängigkeit vom Gesteinsversagen und umgekehrt.rnrnIn dieser Arbeit wird ein zweidimensionales gekoppeltes poro-elasto-plastisches Computer-Model für die qualitative und zum Teil auch quantitativ Analyse der Rolle lokalisierter oder homogen verteilter Fluiddrücke auf die dynamische Ausbreitung von hydraulischen Brüchen und die zeitgleiche Evolution der effektiven Permeabilität entwickelt. Das Programm ist rechnerisch effizient, indem es die Fluiddynamik mittels einer Druckdiffusions-Gleichung nach Darcy ohne redundante Komponenten beschreibt. Es berücksichtigt auch die Biot-Kompressibilität poröser Gesteine, die implementiert wurde um die Kontrollparameter in der Mechanik hydraulischer Bruchbildung in verschiedenen geologischen Szenarien mit homogenen und heterogenen Sedimentären Abfolgen zu bestimmen. Als Resultat ergibt sich, dass der Fluiddruck-Gradient in geschlossenen Systemen lokal zu Störungen des homogenen Spannungsfeldes führen. Abhängig von den Randbedingungen können sich diese Störungen eine Neuausrichtung der Bruchausbreitung zur Folge haben kann. Durch den Effekt auf den lokalen Spannungszustand können hohe Druckgradienten auch schichtparallele Bruchbildung oder Schlupf in nicht-entwässerten heterogenen Medien erzeugen. Ein Beispiel von besonderer Bedeutung ist die Evolution von Akkretionskeilen, wo die große Dynamik der tektonischen Aktivität zusammen mit extremen Porendrücken lokal starke Störungen des Spannungsfeldes erzeugt, die eine hoch-komplexe strukturelle Entwicklung inklusive vertikaler und horizontaler hydraulischer Bruch-Netzwerke bewirkt. Die Transport-Eigenschaften der Gesteine werden stark durch die Dynamik in der Entwicklung lokaler Permeabilitäten durch Dehnungsbrüche und Störungen bestimmt. Möglicherweise besteht ein enger Zusammenhang zwischen der Bildung von Grabenstrukturen und großmaßstäblicher Fluid-Migration. rnrnDie Konsistenz zwischen den Resultaten der Simulationen und vorhergehender experimenteller Untersuchungen deutet darauf hin, dass das beschriebene numerische Verfahren zur qualitativen Analyse hydraulischer Brüche gut geeignet ist. Das Schema hat auch Nachteile wenn es um die quantitative Analyse des Fluidflusses durch induzierte Bruchflächen in deformierten Gesteinen geht. Es empfiehlt sich zudem, das vorgestellte numerische Schema um die Kopplung mit thermo-chemischen Prozessen zu erweitern, um dynamische Probleme im Zusammenhang mit dem Wachstum von Kluftfüllungen in hydraulischen Brüchen zu untersuchen.


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The purpose of this research project is to continue exploring the Montandon Long-Term Hydrologic Research Site(LTHR) by using multiple geophysical methods to obtain more accurate and precise information regarding subsurface hydrologic properties of a local gravel ridge,which are important to both the health of surrounding ecosystems and local agriculture. Through using non-invasive geophysical methods such as seismic refraction, Direct Current resistivity and ground penetrating radar (GPR) instead of invasive methods such as boreholedrilling which displace sediment and may alter water flow, data collection is less likely to bias the data itself. In addition to imaging the gravel ridge subsurface, another important researchpurpose is to observe how both water table elevation and the moisture gradient (moisture content of the unsaturated zone) change over a seasonal time period and directly after storm events. The combination of three types of data collection allows the strengths of each method combine together and provide a relatively strongly supported conclusions compared to previous research. Precipitation and geophysical data suggest that an overall increase in precipitation during the summer months causes a sharp decrease in subsurface resistivity within the unsaturated zone. GPR velocity data indicate significant immediate increase in moisture content within the shallow vadose zone (< 1m), suggesting that rain water was infiltrating into the shallow subsurface. Furthermore, the combination of resistivity and GPR results suggest that the decreased resistivity within the shallow layers is due to increased ion content within groundwater. This is unexpected as rainwater is assumed to have a DC resistivity value of 3.33*105 ohm-m. These results may suggest that ions within the sediment must beincorporated into the infiltrating water.


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In 2005, Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. (WSSI) installed an extensive Low Impact Development (LID) stormwater management system on their new office site in Gainesville, Virginia. The 4-acre site is serviced by a network of LID components: permeable pavements (two proprietary and one gravel type), bioretention cell / rain garden, green roof, vegetated swale, rainwater harvesting and drip irrigation, and slow-release underground detention. The site consists of heavy clay soils, and the LID components are mostly integrated by a series of underdrain pipes. A comprehensive monitoring system has been designed and installed to measure hydrologic performance throughout the LID, underdrained network. The monitoring system measures flows into and out of each LID component independently while concurrently monitoring rainfall events. A sensitivity analysis and laboratory calibration has been performed on the flow measurement system. Field data has been evaluated to determine the hydrologic performance of the LID features. Finally, hydrologic models amenable to compact, underdrained LID sites have been reviewed and recommended for future modeling and design.


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“Addressing water problems will help improve sanitation.” This relationship identified by a primary school teacher in Rakai District, Uganda, was a key component in understanding how water and sanitation technologies interact and how identified successes, challenges, and improvements would enhance schools’ water and sanitation condition. In this study, researchers and Ugandan counterparts visited 49 primary schools in Rakai District to assess the existing water and sanitation infrastructure of government and private schools. Researchers were specifically interested in learning which technologies were being used and why they were working or not. Through the development of a unique water and sanitation assessment tool, schools have been placed in to four relationship quadrants to rate existing water and latrine use standards. Recommendations including improved rainwater use and sanitation through composting have been offered to schools sampled.


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Physician Assistants (PAs) are increasingly assuming more responsibilities as "front-line" health providers due to emphasis on primary care and cost-containment in the rapidly changing health care environment. Nutrition plays an important role in health promotion and disease prevention. Primary care providers, including PAs, have enormous potential as nutrition counselors and advocates. There have been no studies to date that address the PAs' adequacy of nutrition education or their attitudes toward the value of nutrition. Therefore, it was the purpose of the study to determine the nutrition knowledge and attitudes of PAs in Texas.^ All certified physician assistants in Texas were eligible for the study. A mailed survey was sent to 1,482 PAs in Texas with a response rate of 54.2%. The sample utilized for data analysis was 764 PAs.^ The study compared the nutrition knowledge mean scores for PAs who graduated from a PA program greater than 11 years ago with those who graduated less than 11 years ago. The study also examined Texas PAs' attitudes about their nutrition education training, the value of nutrition counseling, and their perceived ability to provide such nutrition counseling. Demographic and practice information was collected from the PAs. Demographically, PAs in Texas were found to be comparable to the national population of PAs surveyed in 1996.^ The overall mean level of nutrition knowledge was 70% correct. The mean level of nutrition knowledge was significantly related to the type of PA program that the PA graduated from (i.e., Certificate only or Master's degree level). No significant relationships were found between the mean nutrition knowledge score and age, year of graduation, length of practice, or the type of nutrition education provided in PA program.^ The majority of the PAs surveyed felt that diet and nutrition has an important role in disease prevention and felt that PA programs should place a greater emphasis on nutrition education. Many PAs surveyed were not satisfied with the amount of nutrition education they had received in their PA education programs and were not confident in their ability to provide nutrition counseling to patients.^ Suggestions are offered for improvement in PA nutrition education in the areas of both nutrition knowledge and patient counseling skills. In addition, this study recommends developing and strengthening partnerships between PAs and nutrition organizations. ^


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Background. The increasing emphasis on medical outcomes and cost containment has made it imperative to identify patient populations in which aggressive nutritional care can improve quality of care. The aim of this prospective study was to implement a standardized early jejunal feeding protocol for patients undergoing small and large bowel resection, and to evaluate its effect on patient outcome and cost.^ Methods. Treatment patients (n = 81) who met protocol inclusion criteria had a jejunal feeding tube inserted at the time of surgery. Feeding was initiated at 10 cc/hour within 12 hours after bowel resection and progressed if hemodynamically stable. The control group (n = 159) received usual care. Outcome measures included postoperative length of stay, total direct cost, nosocomial infection rate and health status (SF-36) scores.^ Results. By postoperative day 4, the use of total parenteral nutrition (TPN) was significantly greater in the control group compared to the treatment group; however, total nutritional intake was significantly less. Multiple regression analysis indicated an increased likelihood of infection with the use of TPN. A reduction of 3.5 postoperative days (p =.013) with 4.3 fewer TPN days per patient (p =.001) and a 9.6% reduction in infection rate (p =.042) was demonstrated in the treatment group. There was no difference in health status scores between groups at discharge and 3 months post-discharge.^ Conclusion. These positive outcomes and an average total cost savings of $4,145 per treatment patient indicate that the treatment protocol was effective. ^


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This study provides a continuous lateglacial and Holocene record of diatom silica oxygen isotope changes (delta O-18(DIAT)) in a subalpine lake sediment sequence obtained from the Retezat Mts (Taul dintre Brazi, 1740 m a.s.l.). This through-flow, shallow, high-altitude lake with a surface area of only 0.4 ha has short water residence time and is predominantly fed by snowmelt and rainwater. Its delta O-18(DIAT) record principally reflects the oxygen isotope composition of the winter and spring precipitation, as diatom blooms occur mainly in the spring and early summer. Hence, changes in delta O-18(DIAT) are interpreted as seasonal scale changes: in the amount of winter precipitation. Low oxygen isotope values (27-28.5 parts per thousand) occurred during the lateglacial until 12,300 cal BP, followed by a sharp increase thereafter. In the Holocene delta O-18(DIAT) values ranged from 29 to 31 parts per thousand until 3200 cal BP, followed by generally lower values during the late Holocene (27-30 parts per thousand). Short-term decreases in the isotopic values were found between 10,140-9570, 9000-8500, 7800-7300, 6300-5800, 5500-5000 and at 8015, 4400, 4000 cal BP. After 3200 cal BP a decreasing trend was visible with the lowest values between 3100-2500 and after 2100 cal BP The general trend in the record suggests that contribution of winter precipitation was generally lower between 11,680 and 3200 cal BP, followed by increased contribution during the last millennia. The late Holocene decrease in delta O-18(DIAT) shows good agreement with the speleothem delta O-18, lake level and testate amoebae records from the Carpathian Mountains that also display gradual delta O-18 decrease and lake level/mire water table level rise after 3200 cal BR Strong positive correlation with North Atlantic circulation and solar activity proxies, such as the Austrian and Hungarian speleothem records, furthermore suggested that short-term increases in the isotopic ratios in the early and mid Holocene are likely connectable to high solar activity phases and high frequency of positive North Atlantic Oscillation indexes that may have resulted in decreased winter precipitation in this region.


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BACKGROUND Severe femoral head deformities in the frontal plane such as hips with Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (LCPD) are not contained by the acetabulum and result in hinged abduction and impingement. These rare deformities cannot be addressed by resection, which would endanger head vascularity. Femoral head reduction osteotomy allows for reshaping of the femoral head with the goal of improving head sphericity, containment, and hip function. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES Among hips with severe asphericity of the femoral head, does femoral head reduction osteotomy result in (1) improved head sphericity and containment; (2) pain relief and improved hip function; and (3) subsequent reoperations or complications? METHODS Over a 10-year period, we performed femoral head reduction osteotomies in 11 patients (11 hips) with severe head asphericities resulting from LCPD (10 hips) or disturbance of epiphyseal perfusion after conservative treatment of developmental dysplasia (one hip). Five of 11 hips had concomitant acetabular containment surgery including two triple osteotomies, two periacetabular osteotomies (PAOs), and one Colonna procedure. Patients were reviewed at a mean of 5 years (range, 1-10 years), and none was lost to followup. Mean patient age at the time of head reduction osteotomy was 13 years (range, 7-23 years). We obtained the sphericity index (defined as the ratio of the minor to the major axis of the ellipse drawn to best fit the femoral head articular surface on conventional anteroposterior pelvic radiographs) to assess head sphericity. Containment was assessed evaluating the proportion of patients with an intact Shenton's line, the extrusion index, and the lateral center-edge (LCE) angle. Merle d'Aubigné-Postel score and range of motion (flexion, internal/external rotation in 90° of flexion) were assessed to measure pain and function. Complications and reoperations were identified by chart review. RESULTS At latest followup, femoral head sphericity (72%; range, 64%-81% preoperatively versus 85%; range, 73%-96% postoperatively; p = 0.004), extrusion index (47%; range, 25%-60% versus 20%; range, 3%-58%; p = 0.006), and LCE angle (1°; range, -10° to 16° versus 26°; range, 4°-40°; p = 0.0064) were improved compared with preoperatively. With the limited number of hips available, the proportion of an intact Shenton's line (64% versus 100%; p = 0.087) and the overall Merle d'Aubigné-Postel score (14.5; range, 12-16 versus 15.7; range, 12-18; p = 0.072) remained unchanged at latest followup. The Merle d'Aubigné-Postel pain subscore improved (3.5; range, 1-5 versus 5.0; range, 3-6; p = 0.026). Range of motion was not observed to have improved with the numbers available (p ranging from 0.513 to 0.778). In addition to hardware removal in two hips, subsequent surgery was performed in five of 11 hips to improve containment after a mean interval of 2.3 years (range, 0.2-7.5 years). Of those, two hips had triple osteotomy, one hip a combined triple and valgus intertrochanteric osteotomy, one hip an intertrochanteric varus osteotomy, and one hip a PAO with a separate valgus intertrochanteric osteotomy. No avascular necrosis of the femoral head occurred. CONCLUSIONS Femoral head reduction osteotomy can improve femoral head sphericity. Improved head containment in these hips with an often dysplastic acetabulum requires additional acetabular containment surgery, ideally performed concomitantly. This can result in reduced pain and avascular necrosis seems to be rare. With the number of patients available, function did not improve. Therefore, future studies should use more precise instruments to evaluate clinical outcome and include longer followup to confirm joint preservation. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Level IV, therapeutic study.


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Pseudotype viruses are useful for studying the envelope proteins of harmful viruses. This work describes the pseudotyping of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) with the envelope glycoproteins of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses. VSV lacking the homotypic glycoprotein (G) gene (VSVΔG) was used to express haemagglutinin (HA), neuraminidase (NA) or the combination of both. Propagation-competent pseudotype viruses were only obtained when HA and NA were expressed from the same vector genome. Pseudotype viruses containing HA from different H5 clades were neutralized specifically by immune sera directed against the corresponding clade. Fast and sensitive reading of test results was achieved by vector-mediated expression of GFP. Pseudotype viruses expressing a mutant VSV matrix protein showed restricted spread in IFN-competent cells. This pseudotype system will facilitate the detection of neutralizing antibodies against virulent influenza viruses, circumventing the need for high-level biosafety containment.


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Radiocarbon (14C) measurements of both organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) allow a more detailed source apportionment, leading to a full and unambiguous distinction and quantification of the contributions from non-fossil and fossil sources. A thermal-optical method with a commercial OC/EC analyzer to isolate water-insoluble OC (WIOC) and EC for their subsequent 14C measurement was applied for the first time to filtered precipitation samples collected at a costal site in Portugal and at a continental site in Switzerland. Our results show that WIOC in precipitation is dominated by non-fossil sources such as biogenic and biomass-burning emissions regardless of rain origins and seasons, whereas EC sources are shared by fossil-fuel combustion and biomass burning. In addition, monthly variation of WIOC in Switzerland was characterized by higher abundance in warm than in cold seasons, highlighting the importance of biogenic emissions to particulate carbon in rainwater. Samples with high particulate carbon concentrations in Portugal were found to be associated with increased biogenic input. Despite the importance of non-fossil sources, fossil emissions account for approximately 20% of particulate carbon in wet deposition for our study, which is in line with fossil contribution in bulk rainwater dissolved organic carbon as well as aerosol WIOC and EC estimated by the 14C approach from other studies.