992 resultados para Conductive films


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Zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films have been deposited on glass substrates via sol-gel technique using zinc acetate dihydrate as precursor by spin coating of the sol at 2000 rpm. Effects of annealing temperature on optical, structural and photo luminescence properties of the deposited ZnO films have been investigated. The phase transition from amorphous to polycrystalline hexagonal wurtzite structure was observed at an annealing temperature of 400 degrees C. An average transmittance of 87% in the visible region has been obtained at room temperature. The optical transmittance has slightly increased with increase of annealing temperature. The band gap energy was estimated by Tauc's method and found to be 3.22 eV at room temperature. The optical band gap energy has decreased with increasing annealing temperature. The photoluminescence (PL) intensity increased with annealing temperature up to 200 degrees C and decreased at 300 degrees C. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A detailed study, involving the synthesis of a single-source precursor containing two metal ions sharing the same crystallographic site, has been undertaken to elucidate the use of such a single-source precursor in a CVD process for growing thin films of oxides comprising these two metals, ensuring a uniform composition and distribution of metal ions. The substituted complexes Cr1-xAlx(acac)(3), where acac = acetyl-acetonate, have been prepared by a co-synthesis method, and characterized using UV-Vis spectroscopy. TGA/DTA measurements, and single crystal X-ray diffraction at low temperature. All the studied compositions crystallize in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/c with Z = 4 in the unit cell. It was observed that the ratio (Al:Cr) of the site occupancy for the metal ions, obtained from single crystal refinement, is in agreement with the results obtained from complexometric titrations. All the solid state structures have the metal in an octahedral environment forming six-membered chelate rings. M-O acac bond lengths and disorder in the terminal carbon have been studied in detail for these substituted metal-organic complexes. One composition among these was chosen to evaluate their suitability as a single-source precursor in a LPMOCVD process (low-pressure metal-organic chemical vapour deposition) for the deposition of a substituted binary metal oxide thin film. The resulting thin films were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and infrared spectroscopy. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cubic pyrochlore Bi1.5Zn1.0Nb1.5O7 thin films were deposited by pulsed laser ablation on Pt(200)/SiO2/Si at 500, 550, 600, and 650 degrees C. The thin films with (222) preferred orientation were found to grow at 650 degrees C with better crystallinity which was established by the lowest full-width half maxima of similar to 0.38. The dielectric response of the thin films grown at 650 degrees C have been characterized within a temperature range of 270-650 K and a frequency window of 0.1-100 kHz. The dielectric dispersion in the thin films shows a Maxwell-Wagner type relaxation with two different kinds of response confirmed by temperature dependent Nyquist plots. The ac conduction of the films showed a varied behavior in two different frequency regions. The power law exponent values of more than 1 at high frequency are explained by a jump-relaxation-model. The possibility of grain boundary related large polaronic hopping, due to two different power law exponents and transformation of double to single response in Nyquist plots at high temperature, has been excluded. The ``attempt jump frequency'' obtained from temperature dependent tangent loss and real part of dielectric constants, has been found to lie in the range of their lattice vibronic frequencies (10(12)-10(13) Hz). The activation energy arising from a large polaronic hopping due to trapped charge at low frequency region has been calculated from the ac conduction behavior. The range of activation energies (0.26-0.59. eV) suggests that the polaronic hopping at low frequency is mostly due to oxygen vacancies. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.106311.3457335]


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The present paper deals with the study of the effects of electron (8 MeV) irradiation on the dielectric and ferroelectric properties of PbZrO3 thin films grown by sol-gel technique. The films were (0.62 mu m thick) subjected to electron irradiation using Microtron accelerator (delivered dose 80, 100, 120 kGy). The films were well crystallized prior to and after electron irradiation. However, local amorphization was observed after irradiation. There is an appreciable change in the dielectric constant after irradiation with different delivered doses. The dielectric loss showed significant frequency dispersion for both unirradiated and electron irradiated films. T (c) was found to shift towards higher temperature with increasing delivered dose. The effect of radiation induced increase of E >'(T) is related to an internal bias field, which is caused by radiation induced charges trapped at grain boundaries. The double butterfly loop is retained even after electron irradiation to the different delivered doses. The broader hysteresis loop seems to be related to radiation induced charges causing an enhanced space charge polarization. Radiation-induced oxygen vacancies do not change the general shape of the AFE hysteresis loop but they increase P (s) of the hysteresis at the electric field forced AFE to FE phase transition. We attribute the changes in the dielectric properties to the structural defects such as oxygen vacancies and radiation induced charges. The shift in T (C), increase in dielectric constant, broader hysteresis loop, and increase in P (r) can be related to radiation induced charges causing space charge polarization. Double butterfly and hysteresis loops were retained indicative of AFE nature of the films.


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The influence of concentration and size of sp (2) cluster on the transport properties and electron field emissions of amorphous carbon films have been investigated. The observed insulating to metallic behaviour from reduced activation energy derived from transport measurement and threshold field for electron emission of a-C films can be explained in terms of improvements in the connectivity between sp (2) clusters. The connectivity is resulted by the cluster concentration and size. The concentration and size of sp (2) content cluster is regulated by the coalescence of carbon globules into clusters, which evolves with deposition conditions.


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Bismuth vanadate (BVO) thin films were fabricated on indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass substrates using pulsed laser ablation technique and investigated their structural, optical and electrical properties. The use of the indium tin oxide coated glass substrate resulted in reducing the leakage current characteristics of crystalline BVO thin films. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies confirmed the monophasic nature of the post annealed (500 A degrees C/1 h) films. The atomic force microscopy indicated the homogeneous distribution of crystallites in the as-deposited films. The as-deposited and the post annealed films were almost 90% transparent (380-900 nm) as confirmed by optical transmission studies. Dielectric constant of around 52 was attained accompanied by the low dielectric loss of 0.002 at 10 kHz for post annealed films. The leakage current of the post annealed BVO films on ITO coated glass substrates measured at room temperature was 8.1 x 10(-8) A at an applied electric field of 33 kV/cm, which was lower than that of the films with platinum and SrRuO3 as the bottom electrodes.


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This study focuses on the temperature dependent optical band gap changes in the amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) films. The behavior of the amorphous GST thin films at low temperatures has been studied. The band gap increment of around 0.2 eV is observed at low temperature (4.2 K) compared to room temperature (300 K). The band gap changes associated with the temperature are completely reversible. The other optical parameters like Urbach energy and Tauc parameter (B-1/2) are studied for different temperatures and discussed. The observed changes in optical band gap (E-g) are fitting to Fan's one phonon approximation. Phonon energy ((h) over bar omega) corresponding to a frequency of 3.59 THz is derived from Fan's approximation, which is close to the reported value of 3.66 THz. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Työssä tutkitaan yhtäältä saksankielisen elokuvan Muiden elämä ( Das Leben der Anderen ) kolmen suomenkielisen tekstitysversion tekstityksen muotoseikkoja, kuten välimerkkien käyttöä, repliikki- ja rivijakoa, ja toisaalta tekstityksen sisältöseikkoja, joita tarkastellaan tekstityksessä käytettävien käännösstrategioiden avulla. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, ovatko tekstityksissä käytetyt muotoseikat konventioiden mukaisia ja minkälaisia käännösstrategioita tekstityksissä on käytetty sekä johtaako tietyn käännösstrategian käyttö merkityksen muutoksiin ja kaventumisiin tekstityksessä. Tutkielman aineistona on elokuva Muiden elämä ja sen kolme suomenkielistä tekstitystä: elokuvateattereissa esitetty versio, DVD-tekstitys ja televisiossa esitetty versio. Hypoteesina oli, että kaikkien versioiden muotoseikat ovat konventioiden mukaisia ja että versioilla on eroavuuksia ruututekstien määrässä ja repliikkijaossa. Lisäksi oletettiin, että tietyn käännösstrategian käytön ja merkityksen muutoksien välillä on yhteys, niin että merkityksen muutoksia esiintyy eniten silloin, kun kaikkea sanottua ei voida kääntää. Tutkielman teoriataustassa esitellään aluksi lyhyesti av-kääntämisen muita lajeja, kuten ns. dubbausta eli jälkiäänitystä, selostusta ja voice-overia, jonka jälkeen syvennytään tekstityksen teoriaan, tekstityksen muotoseikkoihin ja konventioihin sekä tekstityksen käännösstrategioihin. Tekstityksen sisältöseikkojen analyysin viitekehyksenä ovat Henrik Gottliebin (1994, 1997) kymmenen käännösstrategiaa: lisäys (engl. expansion), para-fraasi (paraphrase), suora käännös (transfer), imitaatio (imitation), transkriptio (transcription), siirtäminen (dislocation), tiivistäminen (condensation), lyhentäminen (decimation), poisjättäminen (deletion) ja resignaatio (resignation). Tutkielmassa analysoitiin kaikkien tekstitysversioiden muotoseikat. Tekstityksen sisältöseikkojen tutkimuksessa jokainen dialogin lause tai sivulause analysoitiin omana verbaalisena segmenttinään. Yhteensä analysoitiin 1311 verbaalista segmenttiä ja tutkittiin, mitä käännösstrategiaa missäkin tekstitysversiossa oli missäkin osakäännöksessä käytetty, sekä tarkasteltiin, muuttuuko repliikissä merkitys alkutekstiin verrattuna. Strategiat kuvataan ja niiden käyttöä valaistaan esimerkkien avulla. Tulokset ovat hypoteesia tukevia: Tutkielmassa havaittiin, että kaikkien tekstitysversioiden muotoseikat ovat suurimmalta osin konventioiden mukaisia. Eroja oli havaittavissa tavuviivan, pilkun ja kursiivin käytössä. Versiot eroavat myös ruututekstien määrässä: elokuvaversiossa on eniten ruututekstejä (1091), vaikka siinä on vähiten sanoja (3968); DVD-tekstityksessä on 876 ruututekstiä ja 4278 sanaa ja TV-tekstityksessä on 983 ruututekstiä ja 5293 sanaa. Eroavaisuudet selittyvät sillä, että elokuvatekstityksen ruututekstit ovat lyhyempiä ja nopeammin ilmestyviä kuin DVD- tai TV-tekstitysten. Tutkittu DVD-tekstitys on elokuvatekstityksen muokkaus, mistä johtuu sen vähäinen sana- ja ruututekstimäärä. Tutkielmassa havaittiin myös, että kaikissa versioissa yleisimmin käytetty käännösstrategia oli suora käännös, mutta TV-tekstityksessä sitä oli käytetty yli 50 %:ssa kaikista osakäännöksistä ja DVD- ja elokuvaversiossa yli 35 %:ssa, eli TV-tekstityksessä sitä oli käytetty huomattavasti enemmän kuin muissa versioissa. Lyhentämistä ja poisjättämistä oli DVD- ja elokuvatekstityksessä käytetty enemmän kuin TV-tekstityksessä. Nämäkin erot selit-tynevät elokuvatekstityksen pienemmällä tilalla ja tämän tekstityksen muokkaamisesta DVD-tekstitykseksi. Merkityksen muutoksia ja kaventumisia esiintyi eniten strategioiden poisjättäminen ja lyhentäminen yhteydessä, muiden strategioiden yhteydessä merkityksen muutoksia ja kaventumisia esiintyi vain marginaalisesti. Tulokset tukevat hypoteesia siitä, että merkitys muuttuu ja kaventuu eniten silloin, kun kaikkea sanottua ei voida kääntää.


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The dielectric response of pulsed laser ablated Bi-1 Zn-5(1) Nb-0(1) O-5(7) (BZN) thin films are investigated within the temperature range of 300-660 K and frequency range of 100 Hz-100 kHz Thin film exhibited a strong dielectric relaxation behavior A sharp rise in dielectric constant of BZN thin film at high temperatures is related to disorder in canon and anion lattices Observed dielectric relaxation implies a redistribution of charges within the unit cell This phenomenon suggests that the large change in dielectric constant is due to a dynamical rise of dipolar fluctuations in the unit cell XPS spectra of BZN (A(2)B(2)O(6)O') cubic pyrochlore confirm that the relaxation corresponds to the ionic hopping among the A and O' positions of several local potential minima Barrier height for hopping is distributed between 0 and 0 94 eV The O is spectrum confirms presence of two types of oxygen in BZN thin film The disorder in charge neutralized thin film is correlated with XPS spectra (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved


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Polystyrene/multiwall carbon nanotube composite films are prepared with loading up to 7 weight percent (wt%) of multiwall carbon nanotubes by solution processing and casting technique. In the formation of these composite films, iron filled carbon nanotubes with high aspect ratio (similar to 4000) were used. Scanning electron microscopy study shows that the nanotubes are uniformly dispersed within the polymer matrix. At high magnification, bending of carbon nanotubes is noticed which can be attributed to their elastic properties. The electrical conductivity measurements show that the percolation threshold is rather low at 0.21 wt%. Hysteresis loop measurements on the bulk multiwall carbon nanotube and composite samples are done at 10, 150 and 300 K and the coercivity values are found to be largest at all the temperatures, for 1 wt% composite sample. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An optical microscopy study of stress relief patterns in diamondlike carbon films is presented. Interesting stress relief patterns are observed which include the well known sinusoidal type, branching pattern and string of beads pattern. The last one is shown to relieve stresses under marginal conditions. Two new stress relief patterns are noted in the present study. One of them is of a sinusoidal shape with two extra branches at every peak position. The distribution of different stress relief forms from the outer edge of the films towards the interior is markedly dependent on film thickness. Our new patterns support the approach in which the stress relief forms have been analysed earlier using the theory of plate buckling.


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This paper discusses the optical properties of single-layer TiO2 films deposited using an activated reactive evaporation process. The combined effects of substrate temperature (in the range 70–200 °C) and discharge currents (0–400 mA) on refractive index, extinction coefficient and packing density of these films are investigated. Significant changes in refractive index values have been observed with increases in substrate temperature and discharge current. The change in refractive index is correlated with the variation in packing density. The variation in extinction coefficient was reduced using the combined effects of substrate temperature and discharge currents. A comparison with films deposited in neutral oxygen has also been made.


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Evidence is presented for the strong interaction of oxygen and nitrogen with solid films of buckminsterfullerene based on core-level spectroscopic studies. Cr, Ni and Cu deposited on C60 films interact strongly giving rise to large changes in the C(Is) and C(2p) binding energies as well as the (2p) binding energies of the transition metals.


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Formation of crystalline, monophasic indium selenide (InSe) thin solid films by elemental evaporation on hot glass substrates (400 to 530 K) is reported. The compound formation as well as the composition of the formed films are confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. The crystallinity of the rhombohedral InSe films can be improved by post-depositional annealing for t < 30 min at 533 K. The InSe thin films become Se-deficient at higher temperatures of deposition or longer duration of annealing. Optical studies reveal the bandgap to be around 1.29 eV. Under optimum conditions of preparations the lowest resistivity of ≈ 12.8 Ω cm is obtained. Durch Verdampfen aus den Elementen auf heiße Glassubstrate (400 bis 530 k) werden dünne, kristalline, einphasige Indiumselenid (InSe)-Festkörperschichten gebildet. Sowohl die Bildung der Verbindung als auch die Zusammensetzung der Schichten werden durch Röntgen-Photoelektronenspektroskopie (XPS) untersucht. Die Kristallinität der rhomboedrischen InSe-Schichten kann durch eine Temperung bei 533 K für t < 30 min nach der Abscheidung verbessert werden. Die dünnen InSe-Schichten zeigen nach Abscheidung bei höheren Temperaturen oder längerer Temperungsdauer einen Se-Unterschuß. Optische Untersuchungen ergeben, daß die Bandlücke bei etwa 1,29 eV liegt. Unter optimalen Präperationsbedingungen wird ein niedrigster Widerstand von ≈ 12.8 Ω cm erreicht.