963 resultados para Complex Engineering Systems


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Energy and sustainability have become one of the most critical issues of our generation. While the abundant potential of renewable energy such as solar and wind provides a real opportunity for sustainability, their intermittency and uncertainty present a daunting operating challenge. This thesis aims to develop analytical models, deployable algorithms, and real systems to enable efficient integration of renewable energy into complex distributed systems with limited information.

The first thrust of the thesis is to make IT systems more sustainable by facilitating the integration of renewable energy into these systems. IT represents the fastest growing sectors in energy usage and greenhouse gas pollution. Over the last decade there are dramatic improvements in the energy efficiency of IT systems, but the efficiency improvements do not necessarily lead to reduction in energy consumption because more servers are demanded. Further, little effort has been put in making IT more sustainable, and most of the improvements are from improved "engineering" rather than improved "algorithms". In contrast, my work focuses on developing algorithms with rigorous theoretical analysis that improve the sustainability of IT. In particular, this thesis seeks to exploit the flexibilities of cloud workloads both (i) in time by scheduling delay-tolerant workloads and (ii) in space by routing requests to geographically diverse data centers. These opportunities allow data centers to adaptively respond to renewable availability, varying cooling efficiency, and fluctuating energy prices, while still meeting performance requirements. The design of the enabling algorithms is however very challenging because of limited information, non-smooth objective functions and the need for distributed control. Novel distributed algorithms are developed with theoretically provable guarantees to enable the "follow the renewables" routing. Moving from theory to practice, I helped HP design and implement industry's first Net-zero Energy Data Center.

The second thrust of this thesis is to use IT systems to improve the sustainability and efficiency of our energy infrastructure through data center demand response. The main challenges as we integrate more renewable sources to the existing power grid come from the fluctuation and unpredictability of renewable generation. Although energy storage and reserves can potentially solve the issues, they are very costly. One promising alternative is to make the cloud data centers demand responsive. The potential of such an approach is huge.

To realize this potential, we need adaptive and distributed control of cloud data centers and new electricity market designs for distributed electricity resources. My work is progressing in both directions. In particular, I have designed online algorithms with theoretically guaranteed performance for data center operators to deal with uncertainties under popular demand response programs. Based on local control rules of customers, I have further designed new pricing schemes for demand response to align the interests of customers, utility companies, and the society to improve social welfare.


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A utilização de treliças para o escoramento de elementos estruturais de concreto armado e aço é considerada uma solução eficaz para o atual sistema de construção de engenharia civil. Uma mudança de atitude no processo de construção, associado com a redução dos custos causou um aumento considerável na utilização de treliças tridimensionais em aço com maior capacidade de carga. Infelizmente, o desenho destes sistemas estruturais baseia-se em cálculos muito simplificados relacionadas com vigas de uma dimensão, com propriedades de inércia constantes. Tal modelagem, muito simplificada, não pode representar adequadamente a resposta real dos modelos estruturais e pode levar a inviabilidade econômica ou mesmo inseguro desenho estrutural. Por outro lado, estas estruturas treliçadas estão relacionadas com modelos de geometria complexa e são desenhados para suportar níveis de cargas muito elevadas. Portanto, este trabalho de investigação propôs modelos de elementos finitos que representam o caráter tridimensional real do sistema de escoramento, avaliando o comportamento estático e dinâmico estrutural com mais confiabilidade e segurança. O modelo computacional proposto, desenvolvido para o sistema estrutural não linear de análise estática e dinâmica, aprovou as habituais técnicas de refinamento de malha presentes em simulações do método de elementos finitos, com base no programa ANSYS [1]. O presente estudo analisou os resultados de análises linear-elástica e não linear geométrica para ações de serviço, físicos e geométricos para as ações finais. Os resultados do presente estudo foram obtidas, com base na análise linear-elástica e não linearidade geométrica e física, e comparados com os fornecidos pela metodologia simplificada tradicional de cálculo e com os limites recomendadas por normas de concepção.


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Este trabalho investiga a implementação de sistemas fuzzy com circuitos eletrônicos. Tais sistemas têm demonstrado sua capacidade de resolver diversos tipos de problemas em várias aplicações de engenharia, em especial nas relacionadas com controle de processos. Para processos mais complexos, o raciocínio aproximado da lógica fuzzy fornece uma maneira de compreender o comportamento do sistema, permitindo a interpolação aproximada entre situações observadas de entrada e saída. A implementação de um sistema fuzzy pode ser baseada em hardware, em software ou em ambos. Tipicamente, as implementações em software utilizam ambientes de programação integrados com simulação, de modo a facilitar o trabalho do projetista. As implementações em hardware, tradicionais ou evolutivas, podem ser analógicas ou digitais e viabilizam sistemas de maior desempenho. Este trabalho tem por objetivo pesquisar a implementação eletrônica de sistemas fuzzy, a fim de viabilizar a criação de sistemas reais capazes de realizar o mapeamento de entrada e saída adequado. O foco é a utilização de uma plataforma com uma arquitetura analógico-digital baseada em uma tabela de mapeamento armazenada em uma memória de alta capacidade. Memórias do tipo SD (Secure Digital) foram estudadas e utilizadas na construção do protótipo eletrônico da plataforma. Também foram desenvolvidos estudos sobre a quantização, especificamente sobre a possibilidade de redução do número de bits. Com a implementação realizada é possível desenvolver um sistema fuzzy num ambiente simulado (Matlab), configurar a plataforma e executar o sistema fuzzy diretamente na plataforma eletrônica. Os testes com o protótipo construído comprovaram seu bom funcionamento.


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Data fusion can be defined as the process of combining data or information for estimating the state of an entity. Data fusion is a multidisciplinary field that has several benefits, such as enhancing the confidence, improving reliability, and reducing ambiguity of measurements for estimating the state of entities in engineering systems. It can also enhance completeness of fused data that may be required for estimating the state of engineering systems. Data fusion has been applied to different fields, such as robotics, automation, and intelligent systems. This paper reviews some examples of recent applications of data fusion in civil engineering and presents some of the potential benefits of using data fusion in civil engineering.


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Numerous studies on the rigid rocking block have generated a wealth of knowledge about rocking behavior. However, evaluation of more complex rocking systems requires the derivation and solution of complicated equations of motion. This paper investigates the possibility of a unified description of several rocking systems through investigation of rocking mechanisms which describe the masonry wall and the masonry arch. Effective rocking parameters are derived for each of these structures, and the similarity of the rocking behavior is discussed. The error of the proposed approximation, which defines the limitations for this approach, is quantified for the example structures considered. Where appropriate, a unified description of rocking would allow the use of rocking spectra, which would be useful to readily predict the response of a wide array of rocking structures.


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A hierarchical equations of motion formalism for a quantum dissipation system in a grand canonical bath ensemble surrounding is constructed on the basis of the calculus-on-path-integral algorithm, together with the parametrization of arbitrary non-Markovian bath that satisfies fluctuation-dissipation theorem. The influence functionals for both the fermion or boson bath interaction are found to be of the same path integral expression as the canonical bath, assuming they all satisfy the Gaussian statistics. However, the equation of motion formalism is different due to the fluctuation-dissipation theories that are distinct and used explicitly. The implications of the present work to quantum transport through molecular wires and electron transfer in complex molecular systems are discussed. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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When analysing the behavior of complex networked systems, it is often the case that some components within that network are only known to the extent that they belong to one of a set of possible "implementations" – e.g., versions of a specific protocol, class of schedulers, etc. In this report we augment the specification language considered in BUCSTR-2004-021, BUCS-TR-2005-014, BUCS-TR-2005-015, and BUCS-TR-2005-033, to include a non-deterministic multiple-choice let-binding, which allows us to consider compositions of networking subsystems that allow for looser component specifications.


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In this paper we study a simple model potential energy surface (PES) useful for describing multiple proton translocation mechanisms. The approach presented is relevant to the study of more complex biomolecular systems like enzymes. In this model, at low temperatures, proton tunnelling favours a concerted proton transport mechanism, while at higher temperatures there is a crossover from concerted to stepwise mechanisms; the crossover temperature depends on the energetic features of the PES. We illustrate these ideas by calculating the crossover temperature using energies taken from ab initio calculations on specific systems. Interestingly, typical crossover temperatures lie around room temperature; thus both concerted and stepwise reaction mechanisms should play an important role in biological systems, and one can be easily turned into another by external means such as modifying the temperature or the pH, thus establishing a general mechanism for modulation of the biomolecular function by external effectors.


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This paper introduces a fast algorithm for moving window principal component analysis (MWPCA) which will adapt a principal component model. This incorporates the concept of recursive adaptation within a moving window to (i) adapt the mean and variance of the process variables, (ii) adapt the correlation matrix, and (iii) adjust the PCA model by recomputing the decomposition. This paper shows that the new algorithm is computationally faster than conventional moving window techniques, if the window size exceeds 3 times the number of variables, and is not affected by the window size. A further contribution is the introduction of an N-step-ahead horizon into the process monitoring. This implies that the PCA model, identified N-steps earlier, is used to analyze the current observation. For monitoring complex chemical systems, this work shows that the use of the horizon improves the ability to detect slowly developing drifts.


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The initial part of this paper reviews the early challenges (c 1980) in achieving real-time silicon implementations of DSP computations. In particular, it discusses research on application specific architectures, including bit level systolic circuits that led to important advances in achieving the DSP performance levels then required. These were many orders of magnitude greater than those achievable using programmable (including early DSP) processors, and were demonstrated through the design of commercial digital correlator and digital filter chips. As is discussed, an important challenge was the application of these concepts to recursive computations as occur, for example, in Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters. An important breakthrough was to show how fine grained pipelining can be used if arithmetic is performed most significant bit (msb) first. This can be achieved using redundant number systems, including carry-save arithmetic. This research and its practical benefits were again demonstrated through a number of novel IIR filter chip designs which at the time, exhibited performance much greater than previous solutions. The architectural insights gained coupled with the regular nature of many DSP and video processing computations also provided the foundation for new methods for the rapid design and synthesis of complex DSP System-on-Chip (SoC), Intellectual Property (IP) cores. This included the creation of a wide portfolio of commercial SoC video compression cores (MPEG2, MPEG4, H.264) for very high performance applications ranging from cell phones to High Definition TV (HDTV). The work provided the foundation for systematic methodologies, tools and design flows including high-level design optimizations based on "algorithmic engineering" and also led to the creation of the Abhainn tool environment for the design of complex heterogeneous DSP platforms comprising processors and multiple FPGAs. The paper concludes with a discussion of the problems faced by designers in developing complex DSP systems using current SoC technology. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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The Irish Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2012 charts a position for Irish architecture in a global culture where the modes of production of architecture are radically altered. Ireland is one of the most globalised countries in the world, yet it has developed a national culture of architecture derived from local place as a material construct. We now have to evolve our understanding in the light of the globalised nature of economic processes and architectural production which is largely dependent on internationally networked flows of products, data, and knowledge. We have just begun to represent this situation to ourselves and others. How should a global architecture be grounded culturally and philosophically? How does it position itself outside of shared national reference points?
heneghan peng architects were selected as participants because they are working across three continents on a range of competition-winning projects. Several of these are in sensitive and/or symbolic sites that include three UNESCO World Heritage sites, including the Grand Egyptian Museum in Cairo, the Giants Causeway Visitor Centre in Northern Ireland, and the new Rhine Bridge near Lorelei.
Our dialogue led us to discussing the universal languages of projective geometry and number are been shared by architects and related professionals. In the work of heneghan peng, the specific embodiment of these geometries is carefully calibrated by the choice of materials and the detailed design of their physical performance on site. The stone facade of the Giant’s Causeway Visitor Centre takes precise measure of the properties of the volcanic basalt seams from which it is hewn. The extraction of the stone is the subject of the pavilion wall drawings which record the cutting of stones to create the façade of the causeway centre.
We also identified water as an element which is shared across the different sites. Venice is a perfect place to take measure of this element which suggests links to another site – the Nile Valley which was enriched by the annual flooding of the River Nile. An ancient Egyptian rod for measuring the water level of the Nile inspired the design of the Nilometre - a responsive oscillating bench that invites visitors to balance their respective weights. This action embodies the ways of thinking that are evolving to operate in the globalised world, where the autonomous architectural object is dissolving into an expanded field of conceptual rules and systems. The bench constitutes a shifting ground located in the unstable field of Venice. It is about measurement and calibration of the weight of the body in relation to other bodies; in relation to the site of the installation; and in relation to water. The exhibit is located in the Artiglierie section of the Arsenale. Its level is calibrated against the mark of the acqua alta in the adjacent brickwork of the building which embodies a liminal moment in the fluctuating level of the lagoon.
The weights of bodies, the level of water, changes over time, are constant aspects of design across cultures and collectively they constitute a common ground for architecture - a ground shared with other design professionals. The movement of the bench required complex engineering design and active collaboration between the architects, engineers and fabricators. It is a kind of prototype – a physical object produced from digital data that explores the mathematics at play – the see-saw motion invites the observer to become a participant, to give it a test drive. It shows how a simple principle can generate complex effects that are difficult to predict and invites visitors to experiment and play with them.