369 resultados para Collects.


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This article collects the main ideas constructed during a research process that allowed an approach to the study of the construction of school identities. The approach undertaken starts off not only from an analysis of the way in which the identities that converge in the dynamics of an educational institution and their relationship with the national educational proposal are constructed and articulated, but also the identification, starting from that analysis, of some possible lines of action on the formation of education professionals.


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This thesis collects three independent essays and a literature review. Two of them relate to vertical agreements. The first essay explores a retailer's choice in allocating control rights over the decision of retail prices. Results show that retailers adopt a hybrid configuration as a middle ground between two extremes, where pricing decisions are delegated, for all products, either to retailer or manufacturers. The second essay investigates the make-it-or-license-it choice of a brand owner under the risk of moral hazard when licensing the extension product to a third party. Brand licensing emerges as an equilibrium choice under brand dilution (respectively, enhancement) when the consumer perceives a large (small) distance between the extension product and parent brand. The third essay explores the issue of rating bubbles within online feedback systems by means of a field experiment. The analysis found the presence of positive social influence bias, in that high ratings affect the individual rating behavior in a significant way. The last paper is accompanied by a thorough and deep review of the literature about the consequences of online user ratings on product sales/performance (economic dimension) and product adoption/rating behavior (behavioral dimension). The topic is increasingly investigated by academic researchers and industry professionals alike. This overview presents established results and insights as issues for future research.


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The present work aims at reconstructing the archaeological contexts and analyzing the material culture of the site of Europos. This archaeological site is located in southern Turkey, at the border with Syria, along the right shore of the Euphrates River. The Classical city rose above the remains of the Hittite Karkemish. The present work collects the results of the archaeological expeditions launched by the British Museum in the late 19th and early 20th century, never published, and the ones of the new Turco-Italian Joint Expedition, started in 2011. Europos had an uninterrupted life from the 3rd century BC to the 10th century AD, throughout the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine periods, all examined in the present work.


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La presente ricerca di dottorato, attraverso un’indagine multidisciplinare, si pone l’obiettivo di elaborare in chiave pedagogica una riflessione sulla relazione esistente tra la letteratura per l’infanzia, la narrazione, l’esperienza e il limite. La ricerca mira ad analizzare le metafore del limite intese come metafore della caducità, della ferita, della marginalità, della liminalità, della divergenza e dell’alterità. La ricerca si concentra in particolare sulle rappresentazioni metaforiche della relazione educativa tra personaggi mentori e personaggi bambini, colti in attraversamenti e transizioni esistenziali, colti quindi nell’atto di cura della loro natura limitata. L’impianto teorico-interpretativo elaborato è utilizzato per sondare criticamente l’opera di Robert Louis Stevenson e di James Matthew Barrie, autori scelti come rappresentanti emblematici del periodo di soglia a cavallo di secolo, compreso tra il 1880 e il 1914. Attraverso l’applicazione del paradigma indiziario della ricerca storiografica e letteraria, l’indagine raccoglie correlazioni incongrue tra le opere, le biografie e la storia in cui esse si inseriscono, per formulare ipotesi che permettano un’interpretazione delle modificazioni che le rappresentazioni del limite subirono in quel periodo, sul limitare del primo conflitto mondiale.


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Le opere di Federigo Tozzi hanno conosciuto una fortuna critica sempre crescente, nel corso del Novecento, sebbene i testi delle stampe che ancora oggi leggiamo siano segnati dal destino sfortunato del loro autore: Tozzi, morendo a soli trentasette anni, non poté curare né approvare le edizioni di una parte cospicua dei propri scritti. Così, anche il te-sto che costituisce la vulgata di un romanzo caposaldo come Il podere è quello stabilito da Glauco Tozzi, figlio dell’autore, negli anni Sessanta per Vallecchi, a sua volta larga-mente fondato sulla princeps Treves curata dalla vedova dell’autore, Emma Palagi. La presente tesi di dottorato propone l’edizione critica del Podere di Tozzi, inseren-dosi nei lavori per le Edizioni Nazionali cui è destinata. La tesi pertanto è strutturata se-condo una scansione tipica dell’edizione di studio: una nota al testo, contenente le de-scrizioni e le analisi dei testimoni originali, la ricostruzione cronologica della genesi del romanzo e l’ipotesi di lavoro adottata. Dopo la dichiarazione delle norme per la costitu-zione di testo e apparato, segue il testo critico del romanzo, con apparato genetico a piè di pagina. La tesi si conclude con tre appendici, la prima contenente il testo parziale del-le ultime bozze di stampa del romanzo, corredate di apparato che ne descrive le diffe-renze rispetto al testo dattiloscritto e le correzioni d’autore qui aggiunte. Alla seconda appendice è invece destinato il breve testo di Luigia, che è quanto rimane testimoniato di un sequel del Podere. Nella terza appendice sono raccolte le riproduzioni fotografiche di alcune carte originali, utili durante la lettura della nota al testo.


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This thesis collects several ecotoxicological studies focused on the quali- quantitative analysis of several classes of chemical compounds. Our studies have been conducted on different aquatic species occupying different food chain trophic levels and characterized by differences in biology, ethology, and nutrition, but all considered excellent bioindicators. This choice allowed us to have a broad overview of the contamination of aquatic environments. Detrimental effects of several chemical compounds on the species investigated have been discussed, considering the economic and public health implications linked to the pollution of the environment and the exposure to old and emerging xenobiotics. Our studies underline the importance of a multidisciplinary and integrated approach that includes the application of the one health concept to ensure the protection of public health and respect for natural environments. Studies collected in this thesis also aim to overcome some critical limitations of the branch of ecotoxicology, such as the lack of standardization in laboratory methods. Our data also underline the importance of expanding research to a greater number of various biological matrices than those indicated by the literature as target tissues for specific pollutants. This condition enables more detailed information on the kinetics of xenobiotics in animal organisms. Our studies also allow us to expand the knowledge related to the mechanisms of synergy and antagonism of mixtures of pollutants that can simultaneously accumulate in wildlife.


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The need for data collection from sensors dispersed in the environment is an increasingly important problem in the sector of telecommunications. LoRaWAN is one of the most popular protocols for low-power wide-area networks (LPWAN) that is made to solve the aforementioned problem. The aim of this study is to test the behavior of the LoRaWAN protocol when the gateway that collects data is implemented on a flying platform or, more specifically, a drone. This will be pursued using performance data in terms of access to the channel of the sensor nodes connected to the flying gateway. The trajectory of the aircraft is precomputed using a given algorithm and sensor nodes’ clusterization. The expected results are as follows: simulate the LoraWAN system behavior including the trajectory of the drone and the deployment of nodes; compare and discuss the effectiveness of the LoRaWAN simulator by conducting on-field trials, where the trajectory design and the nodes’ deployment are the same.


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With the increase in load demand for various sectors, protection and safety of the network are key factors that have to be taken into consideration over the electric grid and distribution network. A phasor Measuring unit is an Intelligent electronics device that collects the data in the form of a real-time synchrophasor with a precise time tag using GPS (Global positioning system) and transfers the data to the grid command to monitor and assess the data. The measurements made by PMU have to be very precise to protect the relays and measuring equipment according to the IEEE 60255-118-1(2018). As a device PMU is very expensive to research and develop new functionalities there is a need to find an alternative to working with. Hence many open source virtual libraries are available to replicate the exact function of PMU in the virtual environment(Software) to continue the research on multiple objectives, providing the very least error results when verified. In this thesis, I executed performance and compliance verification of the virtual PMU which was developed using the I-DFT (Interpolated Discrete Fourier transforms) C-class algorithm in MATLAB. In this thesis, a test environment has been developed in MATLAB and tested the virtually developed PMU on both steady state and dynamic state for verifying the latest standard compliance(IEEE-60255-118-1).


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The object of study of the present work are Bose-Fermi mixtures in three dimensions at zero temperature. The system is characterized by a great tunability of physical parameters that is achieved by means of a Fano-Feshbach resonance. As a result, there are mainly two regimes: we move from a situation in which bosons and fermions are weakly interacting to a context in which bosons are coupled to fermions so as to form molecules that are composite fermions, as the coupling between the two types of particles is increased. In the former case, we can describe the mixture as a weakly attractive Bose-Fermi one, while in the latter the same is described in terms of molecules and excess atoms or particles which are unpaired. The main aim of the thesis is to analyze the spectral weight functions which represent the single-particle excitation spectra of the system and are relevant to recent radio-frequency spectroscopy experiments of the system. In order to pursue this objective, diagrammatic methods are used. The formalism is developed within the T-matrix approach: it consists of an approximate calculation whichselects exclusively the class of Feynman’s diagrams that collects all possible repeated boson-fermion interaction.