887 resultados para Col·lapse gravitacional
The process of epidermal differentiation involves proliferation, differentiation, migration and maturation of keratinocytes to form an impermeable barrier against water loss and outside environment. It is controlled by highly balanced regulatory machinery, involving many molecules that are still under investigation.Homeobox proteins are involved in body patterning and morphogenesis of organs and are studied as potentially good candidates to regulate this process. In the first project we investigated the role of a protein named HOP which belongs to a group of homeobox proteins. Even if HOP is a small protein almost completely composed of the homeodomain and without DNA binding capacity, it is considered as transcriptional regulator in different tissues. HOP interacts with serum response factor (SRF) and histone deacetylase type 2 (HDAC2). By microarray analysis we found that HOP expression increases in cultured human primary keratinocytes (NHK) which undergo calcium-induced differentiation. HOP protein was localized in granular layer of the epidermis of healthy individuals. Lack of HOP was demonstrated in psoriatic lesions, whereas a strong expression was demonstrated in the lesional skin of patients affected with lichen planus (LP). Since LP is characterized by hypergranulosis while psoriatic lesions by progressive lack of the granular layer, the obtained data indicated that HOP might have a potential function in granular layer of epidermis. To investigate HOP function, we inhibited its expression by using HOP specific StealthRNAi and we overexpressed HOP using lentiviral vectors in differentiating NHK. The conclusion of both experiments indicated that HOP positively regulates the expression of late differentiation markers, such as profilaggrin, loricrin and transglutaminase 1. The in vitro data were next confirmed in vivo using HOP knockout mouse model.The second part of my study involved analysis of mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (EHK). EHK is a genetic disorder characterized by erythema, skin blistering, keratinocyte hyperproliferation and hyperkeratosis. EHK is caused by mutations in keratin 1 or 10 (K1, K10) which are major structural proteins of differentiated keratinocytes and participate in the cellular scaffold formation. To investigate how the structural proteins carrying mutations alter cellular signaling, we established an in vitro model for EHK by overexpression of one of the most common K10 mutations reported so far (K10R156H), in primary human keratinocytes. In order to mimic the in vivo situation, mutated keratinocytes growing on silicone membranes were subjected to mechanical stretch. We observed strong collapse of KIF in K10R156H keratinocytes when subjected to stretch for 30 minutes. Our data demonstrated stronger activation of p38, a member of MAPK stress signaling pathways, in K10R156H when compared to control cells. We demonstrated also that K10R156H keratinocytes showed an induction of TNF-α and RANTES release in response to stretch.Taken together these studies characterize a novel regulator of epidermal differentiation - HOP and demonstrate new aspects implicated in the pathogenesis of EHK.
The twenty-first century Iowa State Capitol contains state-of-the-art fire protection. Sprinklers and smoke detectors are located in every room and all public hallways are equipped with nearby hydrants. The Des Moines Fire Department is able to fight fires at nearly any height. However, on Monday morning, January 4, 1904, the circumstances were much different. By the beginning of 1904, the Capitol Improvement Commission had been working in the Capitol for about two years. The commissioners were in charge of decorating the public areas of the building, installing the artwork in the public areas, installing a new copper roof, re-gilding the dome, replacing windows, and connecting electrical lines throughout. Electrician H. Frazer had been working that morning in Committee Room Number Five behind the House Chamber, drilling into the walls to run electrical wires and using a candle to light his way. The investigating committee determined that Frazer had left his work area and had neglected to extinguish his candle. The initial fire alarm sounded at approximately 10 a.m. Many citizen volunteers came to help the fire department. Capitol employees and state officials also assisted in fighting the fire, including Governor Albert Cummins. The fire was finally brought under control around 6 p.m., although some newspaper accounts at the time reported that the fire continued smoldering for several days. Crampton Linley was the engineer working with the Capitol Improvement Commission. He was in the building at the time of the fire and was credited with saving the building. Linley crawled through attic areas to close doors separating wings of the Capitol, an action which smothered the flames and brought the fire under control. Sadly, Linley did not live long enough to be recognized for his heroism. The day after the fire, while examining the damage, Linley fell through the ceiling of the House Chamber and died instantly from severe head injuries. The flames had burned through the ceiling and caused much of it to collapse to the floor below, while the lower areas of the building had been damaged by smoke and water. Elmer Garnsey was the artist hired by the Capitol Improvement Commission to decorate the public areas of the building. Therefore, he seemed the logical candidate to be given the additional responsibility of redecorating the areas damaged by the fire. Garnsey had a very different vision for the decoration, which is why the House Chamber, the old Supreme Court Room, and the old Agriculture offices directly below the House Chamber have a design that is very different from the areas of the building untouched by the fire.
In this study we analyze and explain the formation of the constructive micrite envelope in the vadose continental environment. This constructive micrite envelope shows a wide variety of textural components. The principal textural components are: microorganisms, micritic and microspar LMC cement, whisker crystals, microfibres and aggregates of LMC acicular crystals. The main microorganisms are hyphae fungi, although actynomicetes and bacteries also occur. The constructive micrite envelope is due to the action of calcified filaments (hyphae fungi) which collapse and coalesce forming an intertwined mesh as well as due to the precipitation of micritic and microspar cement. The whisker crystals, microfibres and aggregates of LMC acicular crystals are secondary microtextures. Constructive micrite envelopes does not indicate a specific diagenetic environment. The constructive micrite envelopes present irregularities or bumps at the outer surface of the grains, and the destructive micrite envelopes present irregularities towards the grain interior. This morphologic criterion is useful to differenciate the micrite envelope origin, constructive or destructive, in the fossil record.
Dois métodos, utilizando permeâmetros a disco, foram usados para medir a sorvidade e a condutividade hidráulica em três horizontes de um solo de Santa Maria da Boa Vista, Pernambuco, utilizando-se potenciais de fornecimento de água de 0, -2,5, -5 e -10 cm de água. No primeiro método, a condutividade hidráulica foi obtida através de estimativas da sorvidade e do fluxo estacionário, utilizando-se apenas um permeâmetro. No segundo, as medidas da sorvidade e da condutividade hidráulica foram feitas utilizando-se valores dos fluxos estacionários, obtidos a partir de dois permeâmetros de diferentes raios. Esse segundo método apresentou resultados mais consistentes dos tempos -- gravitacional e geométrico --, e do raio característico de poros que o primeiro método. A sorvidade foi tão importante quanto a condutividade hidráulica para caracterizar o processo de infiltração. A redução brusca dos valores dos raios característicos de poros do horizonte A2/B, com mudanças no potencial de fornecimento de água, revelou a heterogeneidade da estrutura deste horizonte, permitindo identificar a influência dos volumes argilosos compactados sobre o processo de infiltração.
An oceanic assemblage of alkaline basalts, radiolarites and polymictic breccias forms the tectonic substratum of the Santa Elena Nappe, which is constituted by extensive outcrops of ultramafic and mafic rocks of the Santa Elena Peninsula (NW Costa Rica). The undulating basal contact of this nappe defines several half-windows along the south shores of the Santa Elena Peninsula. Lithologically it is constituted by vesicular pillowed and massive alkaline basaltic flows, alkaline sills, ribbon-bedded and knobby radiolarites, muddy tuffaceous and detrital turbidites, debris flows and polymictic breccias and megabreccias. Sediments and basalt flows show predominant subvertical dips and occur in packages separated by roughly bed-parallel thrust planes. Individual packages reveal a coherent internal stratigraphy that records younging to the east in all packages and shows rapid coarsening upwards of the detrital facies. Alkaline basalt flows, pillow breccias and sills within radiolarite successions are genetically related to a mid-Cretaceous submarine seamount. Detrital sedimentary facies range form distal turbidites to proximal debris flows and culminate in megabreccias related to collapse and mass wasting in an accretionary prism. According to radiolarian dating, bedded radiolarites and soft-sediment- deformed clasts in the megabreccias formed in a short, late Aptian to Cenomanian time interval. Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous radiolarian ages are found in clasts and blocks reworked from an older oceanic basement. We conclude that the oceanic assemblage beneath the Santa Elena Nappe does not represent a continuous stratigraphic succession. It is a pile of individual thrust sheets constituting an accretionary sequence, where intrusion and extrusion of alkaline basalts, sedimentation of radiolarites, turbidites and trench fill chaotic sediments occurred during the Aptian-Cenomanian. These thrust sheets formed shortly before the off-scraping and accretion of the complex. Here we define the Santa Rosa Accretionary Complex and propose a new hypothesis not considered in former interpretations. This hypothesis would be the basis for further research.
Résumé de la thèseLa fracturation des roches au cours de phases compressives ou extensives est un souvent évoquée pour expliquer la circulation de fluide au sein des roches cristallines. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, la circulation des fluides lors de l'exhumation tardive des Alpes a été étudiée en utilisant deux approches différentes: analyses structurales de la déformation fragile d'une part et analyses géochimiques des roches et des minéraux (isotopes stables, datations U/Pb, thermochronologie (U-Th)/He) d'autre part. Cette approche combinée a permis de mieux comprendre l'interaction existante entre les fluides métamorphiques et les fluides météoriques, ainsi que leur interaction avec les roches encaissantes. Le travail a été effectué dans la zone Pennique du Valais suisse.La première partie était focalisée sur la déformation fragile, le but étant de définir les différents types de déformations existantes et de déterminer l'âge relatif des différentes familles de failles. Dans la région d'étude, quatre domaines ont été distingués. Chacun d'eux comportent deux types de structures fragiles, certaines sont minéralisées alors que d'autre non. Au sein de chaque domaine, la direction principale des structures minéralisées correspond à l'orientation des accidents tectoniques majeurs de la région (Aosta- Ranzola Line au Sud, Rhône Line au Nord et Simplon Fault Zone à l'Est), alors que les structures non- minéralisées montrent des orientations plus variables. Ainsi, le premier type de structure est interprété comme résultant d'une dislocation tectonique alors que le deuxième type de structure résulterait d'une dislocation gravitaire locale. Il n'est néanmoins pas possible de classer chronologiquement la formation de ces deux types de structure ni d'attribuer un âge relatif aux changements d'orientation des contraintes majeures.La deuxième étude a été effectuée dans la région de la zone de faille du Simplon. Dans cette zone, la composition isotopique des minéraux ayant cristallisé à l'intérieur des fractures tardives permet de distinguer différents types de circulation de fluide. Les valeurs δ180 du quartz de la roche encaissante ainsi que ceux des veines tardives du bloque inférieur de la faille sont comparables. Ces valeurs indiquent un rééquilibrage et un tamponnage isotopique des fluides tardifs au contact de la roche encaissante lors de la fracturation de cette dernière et de la cristallisation des veines tardives. La même situation est observée dans la partie nord du bloque supérieur ainsi que dans sa partie sud. Ceci n'est néanmoins pas le cas pour la partie centrale du bloque supérieur où les valeurs isotopiques des minéraux dans les veines tardives sont approximativement 3 %o plus basses (avec des valeurs extrêmes négatifs), indiquant une contribution d'eau météorique aux fluides circulant dans les veines. Ces données suggèrent qu'une infiltration d'eau météorique a pu avoir lieu dans le bloque supérieur, où la fracturation des roches est plus intensive car le déplacement relatif le long de la faille y fut plus important, et la température maximale du métamorphisme plus basse. La troisième contribution traite de la géo-thermochronologie de la zone de contact entre la klippe de la Dent Blanche et la nappe de Tsaté. De petits zircons euhédraux ont été trouvés dans un plan de faille minéralisé (parallèle à la Faille du Rhône, voir première partie de l'étude), riche en hématite et quartz, de la zone d'étude. Les analyses U/Pb donnent des âges radiométriques autour de 270 - 280 Ma aux zircons extraits de la minéralisation ainsi que ceux extraits de la roche encaissante, ce qui correspond à l'âge de la nappe de la Dent Blanche et non celui de la nappe du Tsaté qui est elle-même classiquement interprétée comme une ophiolite Jurassique de l'Océan Liguro-Piémontais. Ces données suggèrent que les zircons contenus dans la veine ont été hérités de la roche encaissante. Les résultats (U-Th)/He indiquent un âge de refroidissement différent pour la roche encaissante (25.5 ± 2.0 Ma) que celui de la minéralisation (17.7 ±1.4 Ma). Le thermomètre isotopique quartz-hématite indique une température d'équilibre, et donc de mise en place de la minéralisation, d'environ 170 °C, température très proche de la température de -180 °C de fermeture du zircon pour le système (U-Th)/He. Ceci suggère que l'âge de refroidissement des zircons de la minéralisation correspond aussi à l'âge de formation de la faille.Thesis abstractFluid circulation in fractured rocks is a common process in geology, and it is generally the consequence of faulting and fracturing during both tectonic compression and extension. This thesis is focused on fluid circulation during late stages of the Alpine exhumation. After a structural analysis of the late brittle deformation of the studied samples, several analytical methods (stable isotope investigations, U/Pb radiometric dating, (U-Th)/He thermochronology) have been applied to understand the interaction of metamorphic and meteoric fluids with one another as well as with the host rock. This thesis is articulated around three study directions. All studies were conducted in the Penninic Zone of the Valais, Switzerland. The first study deals with late, brittle deformation and focuses on the different deformation styles and on the relative age of the different families of fractures. In order to do this, late brittle structures observed in four different domains have been subdivided as a function of the existence (or not) and type of mineralization. Comparisons between mineralized and non-mineralized strike directions for all four domains show that mineralized structures follow the strike orientation of major tectonic movements indicated in the Penninic Zone of the Valais (Aosta-Ranzola Line to the S, Rhône Line to the Ν and Simplon Fault Zone to the E), whereas non-mineralized fractures have a more variable strike orientation. This difference could be interpreted as indicative of tectonic-related faulting (mineralized structures) vs. local, collapse-related faulting (non-mineralized fractures), but it is not strong enough to indicate a relative age of the late brittle structures, and/or a change in the orientation of the strain field in post-Miocene times. The second studied area is focused on the Simplon Fault Zone (SFZ). Stable isotope analyses of minerals filling these late fractures indicate that there are two different fluid circulation systems in the footwall and hanging wall of the SFZ. In the footwall, δ180 values of quartz from both the host rock and the late veins range from +10 %o to +12 %o. This is consistent with buffering of circulating fluids by the host rock during fracturing and vein precipitation. In the hanging wall, δΙ80 values for quartz crystals from the host rock and the late veins are similar in both the northern and southern parts of the detachment that are both affected by the same degree of metamorphism (greenschist to the Ν and amphibolite to the S). This is not the case in the central part of the SFZ, where there is a jump from amphibolite facies in the footwall to greenschist facies in the hanging wall. δ,80 values for quartz from the hanging wall late veins are approximately 3.0 %o lower (down to negative values in some cases) than the values observed in the footwall These data suggest that infiltration of meteoric water may have occurred in the most fractured parts of the hanging wall, where relative displacement on the SFZ was the greatest and the peak temperature lower. In the less fractured footwall the δ180 values reflect a host rock-buffered system.The third study is focused on geo-thermochronology at the contact between the Dent Blanche nappe and the Tsaté nappe where small, euhedral zircons were found in a hematite- and quartz-rich mineralization on a late normal fault plane parallel to the Rhône Line (see first part of the study). U/Pb analysis indicates that the zircons - both in the late mineralization and in the host rock - have absolute radiometric ages clustering around 270 - 280 Ma, which is the accepted age for intrusive rocks from the Austroalpine Dent Blanche units but not for the Tsaté nappe. The latter is classically interpreted as an ophiolitic remnant of the Jurassic Liguro-Piemontais Ocean. U/Pb analyses suggest that zircons in late mineralization are all inherited from the host rock; however, results of (U-Th)/He analyses indicate that cooling ages for the host rocks are different to the cooling ages for the zircons in late mineralization. Indeed, the calculated cooling age for the Arolla gneiss is 25.5 ± 2.0 Ma, whilst the cooling age for the associated mineralized fault plane is 17.7 ±1.4 Ma. Oxygen stable isotope fractionation between quartz and hematite in the same late mineralization corresponds to temperatures of about 170 °C. The proximity of the calculated emplacement temperature for the mineralization and the lower accepted closure temperature for zircon in the (U-Th)/He system (-180 °C) imply that the age of 17.7 ± 1.4 Ma can also be interpreted as the formation age of this late brittle fault.Résumé grand publicLa circulation des fluides dans les roches fracturées est typique de nombreux processus géologiques, et très souvent est la conséquence de la fracturation des roches. Cette thèse aborde la question de la circulation des fluides pendant les dernières phases du soulèvement des Alpes. Après une analyse structurale de la fracturation directement sur le terrain, plusieurs méthodes géochimiques ont été appliquées pour comprendre l'interaction entre les différents fluides circulants, et avec leur propre roche mère. L'étude, concentrée sur trois directions principales, a été conduite dans la zone Pennique du Valais suisse. La première partie traite de la déformation cassante dans le secteur cité. L'analyse détaillée des fractures a permis de les subdiviser en structures minéralisées et non-minéralisées, sur quatre domaines différents. La comparaison entre les directions des structures minéralisées et non-minéralisées a permis de montrer que les premières suivent l'orientation des accidents tectoniques majeurs de la région, alors que les structures non- minéralisées ont une orientation plus variable. Cette différence pourrait être interprétée comme indication d'une dislocation tectonique (structures minéralisées) contre une dislocation gravitaire locale (structures non-minéralisées), mais elle n'est pas assez forte pour indiquer un âge relatif des structures tardives et/ou un changement de l'orientation des contraintes après -20 Ma vers le présent.A partir de ces observations, la deuxième étude est concentrée dans la région de la faille du Simplon. Les analyses géochimiques sur les minéraux remplissant les structures tardives indiquent qu'il y a deux différents systèmes de circulation des fluides dans les deux parties (toit et mur) de la faille. Dans le mur, les valeurs isotopiques des minéraux cristallisés à partir d'un fluide tardif sont les mêmes de ceux de la roche mère, donc il y a eu rééquilibration chimique entre fluide et roche pendant la fracturation de cette dernière et la précipitation des minéraux. Dans le toit, les valeurs isotopiques dans la roche mère et dans les minéraux des veines tardives sont comparables dans les parties Ν et S de la faille, où les roches du toit et du mur ont atteint une température maximale - pendant phase prograde de la formation des Alpes - comparable. Au contraire, dans la partie centrale, où le mur a atteint des températures maximales plus élevées par rapport au toit, les valeurs géochimiques des minéralisations tardives du toit sont parfois plus basses que les valeurs observées dans le mur. Ces données suggèrent que l'infiltration de l'eau de surface aurait pu se produire dans la partie plus fracturée du toit, où le déplacement relatif le long de la faille était majeur et les températures maximales mineures. Au contraire, les données géochimiques du mur de la partie centrale indiquent un système isotopique équilibré par la roche mère.La troisième partie de ce travail se base sur l'étude géochimique intégrée des isotopes stables d'Oxygène et radioactifs du Plomb, Uranium, Thorium et Hélium, auprès d'une faille normale minéralisée et des roches de la région à cheval entre deux nappes, la nappe de la Dent Blanche et la nappe de Tsaté. Ici, des petits zircons ont été trouvés dans la minéralisation citée, riche en hématite et quartz. L'analyse radiométrique Uranium/Plomb a montré que les zircons dans la minéralisation et dans les roches autour ont des âges comparables (autour 280 Ma). Cela signifie que les zircons dans la minéralisation tardive ont été hérités de la roche mère pendant la fracturation et la circulation des fluides tardives. De l'autre coté, les résultats des analyses Uranium-Thorium/Hélium indiquent que les âges de refroidissement pour les roches mères sont différents comparés aux âges de refroidissement pour les zircons dans la minéralisation tardive: ces derniers sont plus jeunes d'environ 8 Ma (autour 25 Ma et autour 17 Ma respectivement). Les analyses des isotopes de l'oxygène sur quartz et hématite dans la même minéralisation donnent une température de mise en place de cette dernière d'environ 170° C. La température de fermeture du système chimique des zircons dans le système (Uranium-Thorium)/Hélium est d'environ 180 °C: la proximité de ces deux températures implique que l'âge de refroidissement de la minéralisation tardive peut également être interprété comme âge de formation de la faille.
We have studied the nucleation and the physical properties of a -1/2 wedge disclination line near the free surface of a confined nematic liquid crystal. The position of the disclination line has been related to the material parameters (elastic constants, anchoring energy, and favored anchoring angle of the molecules at the free surface). The use of a planar model for the structure of the director field (whose predictions have been contrasted to those of a fully three-dimensional model) has allowed us to relate the experimentally observed position of the disclination line to the relevant properties of the liquid crystals. In particular, we have been able to observe the collapse of the disclination line due to a temperature-induced anchoring-angle transition, which has allowed us to rule out the presence of a real disclination line near the nematic/isotropic front in directional growth experiments.
We present the application of terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) for the monitoring and characterization of an active landslide area in Val Canaria (Ticino, Southern Swiss Alps). At catchment scale, the study area is affected by a large Deep Seated Gravitational Slope Deformation (DSGSD) area presenting, in the lower boundary, several retrogressive landslides active since the 1990s. Due to its frequent landslide events this area was periodically monitored by TLS since 2006. Periodic acquisitions provided new information on 3D displacements at the bottom of slope and the detection of centimetre to decimetre level scale changes (e.g. rockfall and pre-failure deformations). In October 2009, a major slope collapse occured at the bottom of the most unstable area. Based on the comparison between TLS data before and after the collapse, we carried out a detailed failure mechanism analysis and volume calculation.
En aquesta investigació s’estudien els processos de producció de la informacióper part dels mitjans de comunicació i la gestió comunicativa institucional en episodis d’emergència. En concret, s’analitzen les negociacions entre els actors, les fonts informatives i el respecte deontològic en la divulgacióde les notícies. Per tal de conèixer específicament aquesta conflictivitat,s’ha escollit per a l’estudi de cas l’esfondrament d’un túnel del metro albarri del Carmel de Barcelona el gener de 2005. Per a realitzar aquesta investigació,s’ha utilitzat una perspectiva teòrica multidisciplinària. S’han pres en consideració els postulats teòrics de la sociologia, a partir del diàleg queestableixen diferents autors (Beck, Giddens, Lash i Luhmann) entre el conceptede modernitat i el nou paradigma que Beck (1998) denomina la societat del risc. També s’han tingut en compte els camps de la teoria i la sociologia de la comunicació i, més específicament, el marc teòric del periodisme i de les relacions públiques.
As a result of the collapse of a 140 foot high-mast lighting tower in Sioux City, Iowa in November of 2003, a thorough investigation into the behavior and design of these tall, yet relatively flexible structures was undertaken. Extensive work regarding the root cause of this failure was carried out by Robert Dexter of The University of Minnesota. Furthermore, a statewide inspection of all the high-mast towers in Iowa revealed fatigue cracks and loose anchor bolts on other existing structures. The current study was proposed to examine the static and dynamic behavior of a variety of towers in the State of Iowa utilizing field testing, specifically long-term monitoring and load testing. This report presents the results and conclusions from this project. The field work for this project was divided into two phases. Phase 1 of the project was conducted in October 2004 and focused on the dynamic properties of ten different towers in Clear Lake, Ames, and Des Moines, Iowa. Of those ten, two were also instrumented to obtain stress distributions at various details and were included in a 12 month long-term monitoring study. Phase 2 of this investigation was conducted in May of 2005, in Sioux City, Iowa, and focused on determining the static and dynamic behavior of a tower similar to the one that collapsed in November 2003. Identical tests were performed on a similar tower which was retrofitted with a more substantial replacement bottom section in order to assess the effect of the retrofit. A third tower with different details was dynamically load tested to determine its dynamic characteristics, similar to the Phase 1 testing. Based on the dynamic load tests, the modal frequencies of the towers fall within the same range. Also, the damping ratios are significantly lower in the higher modes than the values suggested in the AASHTO and CAN/CSA specifications. The comparatively higher damping ratios in the first mode may be due to aerodynamic damping. These low damping ratios in combination with poor fatigue details contribute to the accumulation of a large number of damage-causing cycles. As predicted, the stresses in the original Sioux City tower are much greater than the stresses in the retrofitted towers at Sioux City. Additionally, it was found that poor installation practices which often lead to loose anchor bolts and out-of-level leveling nuts can cause high localized stresses in the towers, which can accelerate fatigue damage.
Connectivity among populations plays a crucial role in maintaining genetic variation at a local scale, especially in small populations affected strongly by genetic drift. The negative consequences of population disconnection on allelic richness and gene diversity (heterozygosity) are well recognized and empirically established. It is not well recognized, however, that a sudden drop in local effective population size induced by such disconnection produces a temporary disequilibrium in allelic frequency distributions that is akin to the genetic signature of a demographic bottleneck. To document this effect, we used individual-based simulations and empirical data on allelic richness and gene diversity in six pairs of isolated versus well-connected (core) populations of European tree frogs. In our simulations, population disconnection depressed allelic richness more than heterozygosity and thus resulted in a temporary excess in gene diversity relative to mutation drift equilibrium (i.e., signature of a genetic bottleneck). We observed a similar excess in gene diversity in isolated populations of tree frogs. Our results show that population disconnection can create a genetic bottleneck in the absence of demographic collapse.
Background : Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma), characterized by ichthyotic, rippled hyperkeratosis, erythroderma and skin blistering, is a rare autosomal dominant disease caused by mutations in keratin 1 or keratin 10 (K10) genes. A severe phenotype is caused by a missense mutation in a highly conserved arginine residue at position 156 (R156) in K10. Objectives: To analyse molecular pathomechanisms of hyperproliferation and hyperkeratosis, we investigated the defects in mechanosensation and mechanotransduction in keratinocytes carrying the K10R156H mutation. Methods: Differentiated primary human keratinocytes infected with lentiviral vectors carrying wild-type K10 (K10wt) or mutated K10R156H were subjected to 20% isoaxial stretch. Cellular fragility and mechanosensation were studied by analysis of mitogen-activated protein kinase activation and cytokine release. Results: Cultured keratinocytes expressing K10R156H showed keratin aggregate formation at the cell periphery, whereas the filament network in K10wt cells was normal. Under stretching conditions K10R156H keratinocytes exhibited about a twofold higher level of filament collapse compared with steady state. In stretched K10R156H cells, higher p38 activation, higher release of tumour necrosis factor-alpha and RANTES but reduced interleukin-1 beta secretion compared with K10wt cells was observed. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that the R156H mutation in K10 destabilizes the keratin intermediate filament network and affects stress signalling and inflammatory responses to mechanical stretch in differentiated cultured keratinocytes.