977 resultados para Cities and towns--Islamic countries


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Syria, by W. Hughes. It was published by George Cox, Jan. 1st, 1853. Scale [ca. 1:2,200,000]. Covers a portion of the Middle East including all or portions of Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Gaza Strip, West Bank, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to a modified 'Europe Lambert Conformal Conic' projection with a central meridian of 38 degrees East projection. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, territorial boundaries, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown by hachures. Includes note and inset: Continuation from the Dead Sea top Mount Sinai (Scale [ca. 1:2,200,000]). This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Islamic Heritage Project. Maps selected for the project represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes. The Islamic Heritage Project consists of over 100,000 digitized pages from Harvard's collections of Islamic manuscripts and published materials. Supported by Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal and developed in association with the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program at Harvard University.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Palestine ancienne & moderne d'après les sources les plus authentiques, par E. Andriveau ; gravé le trait et les montagnes par Gérin, les écritures par P. Rousset, les eaux par Mme Fontaine. It was published by E. Andriveau-Goujon in 1876. Scale 1:600,000. Covers all or portions of Israel, West Bank, Gaza Strip, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. Map in French with place names in Latin, Arabic and Hebrew. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the World Miller Cylindrical projection. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, roads, monasteries, fortification, ruines, territorial boundaries, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown by hachures. Depth shown by sounding and isolines. Includes notes and insets: [Sinai] (Scale [ca. 1:2,600,000]) -- Golfe de Suez -- [Cross section of the Palestine from the source of the Jordan to the Red Sea] -- [Panoramic view of the mountains of Palestine] -- Jérusalem d'après le plan de G. Williams (Scale [ca. 1:80,000]). This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Islamic Heritage Project. Maps selected for the project represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes. The Islamic Heritage Project consists of over 100,000 digitized pages from Harvard's collections of Islamic manuscripts and published materials. Supported by Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal and developed in association with the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program at Harvard University.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Terrae Yemen maxima Pars. seu Imperii Imami, Principatus Kaukebân, nec non ditionum Haschid U Bekîl, Nehhm, Chaulân, Abu Arîsch Et Aden Tabula : ex observationibus astronomicis et hodometricis jussu et suntibus Potentissimor: Daniae Regnum Friderici V et Christiani VII institutis, delineata Auctore C. Niebuhr ; Gustav Conrad Lotter Sculps. It was published by Tob. Conr. Lotter in 1774. Scale [ca. 1,250,000]. Covers a portion of Yemen and Saudi Arabia. Map in Latin. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the World Miller Cylindrical projection. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, territorial boundaries, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown by hachures. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Islamic Heritage Project. Maps selected for the project represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes. The Islamic Heritage Project consists of over 100,000 digitized pages from Harvard's collections of Islamic manuscripts and published materials. Supported by Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal and developed in association with the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program at Harvard University.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Carte de la coste d'Arabie, Mer Rouge et Golfe de Perse : tir�e de la Carte de l'Oc�an Oriental publi�e en 1740 par Ordre de Mgr le Comte de Maurepas augment�e sur des remarques particuli�res et dress�e sur des observations astronomiques = Kaart van de Kust van Arabi�, de Roode-Zee en de Gulf van Persi� Gemaakt na de Fransse-Kaart van den Ooster-Ocean uitgegeven A. 1740 op Bevel van den Hre Grave de Maurepas Vermeederd op byzondere Aanmerkingen, en geschikt volgens Sterrekundige-Waarnemingen, J. V. Schley. It was published by Pierre de Hondt between 1747 and 1767. Scale [ca. 1:14,000,000]. Covers the Arabian Peninsula. Map in French and Dutch. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the World Gall Stereographic projection. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, shoreline features, and more. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Islamic Heritage Project. Maps selected for the project represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes. The Islamic Heritage Project consists of over 100,000 digitized pages from Harvard's collections of Islamic manuscripts and published materials. Supported by Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal and developed in association with the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program at Harvard University.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Insularum Indiae Orientalis : nova descriptio, Ioannis Ianssonius. It was published by Ioannis Ianssonius ca. 1650. Scale [ca. 1:12,000,000]. Cover Southeast Asia. Map in Latin. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the World Gall Stereographic projection. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, territorial boundaries, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown pictorially. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Islamic Heritage Project. Maps selected for the project represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes. The Islamic Heritage Project consists of over 100,000 digitized pages from Harvard's collections of Islamic manuscripts and published materials. Supported by Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal and developed in association with the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program at Harvard University.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Tiré de l'ouvrage les missions catholiques d'Afrique en 1889, par le Baron Léon Bethune. It was published by Société de St. Augustin in 1889. Scale 1:20,000,000. Map in French.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to a non-standard 'World Sinusoidal' projection with the central meridian at 20 degrees east. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, colonial possessions, ecclesiastical districts, and more. Relief is shown by hachures. Includes index.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection and the Harvard University Library as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Organizing Our World: Sponsored Exploration and Scientific Discovery in the Modern Age. Maps selected for the project correspond to various expeditions and represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Karte des Bosporus und der Bithynischen Halbinsel, nach älteren Quellen (v. Moltke, Heinrich Kiepert, Brit. Admiralitätskarten, v. d. Goltz, v. Diest u.a.) und eigenen Aufnahmen im Jahre 1900 gezeichnet von Rudolf Fitzner ; Hof. Stdr. v. J. G. Tiedmann Nachf. It was published by C.J.E. Volckmann-Verlag ca. 1900. Scale 1:150,000. Covers the Istanbul region including portions of İstanbul İli, Yalova İli, Kocaeli İli, and Sakarya İli. Map in German. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the World Miller Cylindrical projection. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, roads, railroads, built-up areas, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by contours and soundings. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Islamic Heritage Project. Maps selected for the project represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes. The Islamic Heritage Project consists of over 100,000 digitized pages from Harvard's collections of Islamic manuscripts and published materials. Supported by Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal and developed in association with the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program at Harvard University.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: North Africa or Barbary : I Marocco, Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge ; engraved by J. & C. Walker. This is map 1 of a 5 map set published by George Cox Jan. 1st, 1853. Scale [ca. 1:2,800,000]. Covers Morocco and portions of Algeria. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to a modified 'Europe Lambert Conformal Conic' projection with a central meridian of 7 degrees West. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, aqueducts, cities, villages and other human settlements, trails, bedouin tribes, and more. Relief shown by hachures. Includes inset: Plan of the city of Marocco (Scale [ca. 1:32,000]). This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Islamic Heritage Project. Maps selected for the project represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes. The Islamic Heritage Project consists of over 100,000 digitized pages from Harvard's collections of Islamic manuscripts and published materials. Supported by Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal and developed in association with the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program at Harvard University.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: North Africa or Barbary : II Algier, Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge ; engraved by J. & C. Walker. This is map 2 of a 5 map set published by George Cox, Jan. 1st, 1853. Scale [ca. 1:2,000,000]. Covers portions of Algeria and Morocco. This layer is image 2 of 2 total images of the source map representing the western portion of the map, "Continuation of Algier". The source map contains a primary map with an inset continuation map on one sheet. Because the map images are non-contiguous on the source map, each map image was georeferenced separately. Please see the 'cross references' section for other maps on this sheet. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to a modified 'Europe Lambert Conformal Conic' projection with a central meridian of 5 degrees East. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, aqueducts, cities, villages and other human settlements, territorial boundaries, trails, tribes, and more. Relief shown by hachures. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Islamic Heritage Project. Maps selected for the project represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes. The Islamic Heritage Project consists of over 100,000 digitized pages from Harvard's collections of Islamic manuscripts and published materials. Supported by Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal and developed in association with the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program at Harvard University.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: North Africa or Barbary : II Algier, Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge ; engraved by J. & C. Walker. This is map 2 of a 5 map set published by George Cox, Jan. 1st, 1853. Scale [ca. 1:2,000,000]. Covers portions of Algeria and Tunisia. This layer is image 1 of 2 total images of the source map representing the eastern portion of the map. The source map contains a primary map with an inset continuation map on one sheet. Because the map images are non-contiguous on the source map, each map image was georeferenced separately. Please see the 'cross references' section for other maps on this sheet. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to a modified 'Europe Lambert Conformal Conic' projection with a central meridian of 5 degrees East. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, aqueducts, cities, villages and other human settlements, territorial boundaries, trails, tribes, and more. Relief shown by hachures. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Islamic Heritage Project. Maps selected for the project represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes. The Islamic Heritage Project consists of over 100,000 digitized pages from Harvard's collections of Islamic manuscripts and published materials. Supported by Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal and developed in association with the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program at Harvard University.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: North Africa or Barbary : IV Tripoli, Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge ; engraved by J. & C. Walker. This is map 4 of a 5 map set published by George Cox Jan. 1st, 1853. Scale [ca. 1:2,000,000]. Covers a portion of Libya. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to a modified 'Europe Lambert Conformal Conic' projection with a central meridian of 18 degrees East. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, aqueducts, cities, villages and other human settlements, trails, territorial boundaries, tribes, ruins and more. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Islamic Heritage Project. Maps selected for the project represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes. The Islamic Heritage Project consists of over 100,000 digitized pages from Harvard's collections of Islamic manuscripts and published materials. Supported by Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal and developed in association with the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program at Harvard University.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Maroc, carte dessinée par R. de Flotte de Roquevaire. It was published by Maison Andriveau-Goujon, Henry Barrère Editeur in 1908. Scale 1:1,000,000. Covers Morocco and portions of Algeria. Map in French. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to a modified 'Europe Lambert Conformal Conic' projection with a central meridian of 7 degrees West. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, roads, ruins, territorial boundaries, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown by landforms and spot heights. Includes indexs and insets: Mazagan (Scale 1:20,000) -- Casa Blanca (Scale 1:20,000) -- Tanger (Scale 1:20,000) -- Safi (Scale 1:20,000) -- Larache (Scale 1:20,000) -- El-Qsar el-Kebir (Scale 1:20,000) -- Rabat (Scale 1:50,000) -- Taroudant (Scale 1:40,000) -- Mogador (Scale 1:20,000) -- Agadir Irir (Scale 1:20,000) -- Oujda (Scale 1:20,000) -- El-Aïoun Si Mellouk (Scale 1:10,000) -- Meknes (Scale 1:50,000) -- Fes (Scale 1:30,000) -- Figuig (Scale 1:200,000) -- Marrakech (Scale 1:60,000) -- Environs de Fes (Scale 1:100,000). This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Islamic Heritage Project. Maps selected for the project represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes. The Islamic Heritage Project consists of over 100,000 digitized pages from Harvard's collections of Islamic manuscripts and published materials. Supported by Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal and developed in association with the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program at Harvard University.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Map of the route explored by Captns. Speke & Grant from Zanzibar to Egypt : showing the outfall of the Nile from the Victoria Nyanza (Lake) and the various Negro territories discovered by them. It was published by Edward Stanford in 1863. Scale [ca. 1:5,800,000]. Covers portions of north and eastern Africa including parts of Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, and Tanzania. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and projected to the 'World Mercator' projection. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, expedition routes of John Speke and James Grant, cities and other human settlements, tribe and territorial boundaries, and more. Relief is shown by hachures. Includes location map and text. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection and the Harvard University Library as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Organizing Our World: Sponsored Exploration and Scientific Discovery in the Modern Age. Maps selected for the project correspond to various expeditions and represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Plan de Constantinople : du Bosphore & du Canal de la Mer Noire dessiné d'apres les meilleurs materiaux, par F. Fried ; gravé par Rud. de Rothenburg. It was published by chez Artaria & Co. in 1821. Scale [ca. 1:50,000]. Covers Istanbul and Bosporus Region, Turkey. Map in French. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the 'European Datum 1950 UTM Zone 35N' coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, cities, towns, and villages, drainage, built-up areas and selected buildings, fortification, city districts, ports, aqueducts, and more. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. Includes indexes, note, and inset: Plan du Serail. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Behring's Sea and Arctic Ocean : from surveys of the U.S. North Pacific Surveying Expedition in 1855, Commander John Rodgers U.S.N. commanding and from Russian and English authorities, J.C.P. de Kraft, commodore U.S.N. Hydrographer to the Bureau of Navigation ; compiled by E.R. Knorr ; drawn by Louis Waldecker. Corr. & additions to Jan. 1882. It was published by U.S. Navy, Hydrographic Office in 1882. Scale [ca. 1:4,400,000]. Covers the Bering Sea and Arctic Ocean region. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to a non-standard 'Mercator' projection with the central meridian at 180 degrees west. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. Note: The central meridian of this map is not the same as the Prime Meridian and may wrap the International Date Line or overlap itself when displayed in GIS software. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, territorial boundaries, expedition routes, shoreline features, bays, harbors, islands, rocks, and more. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Depths shown by soundings. Includes drawing of Wrangel Island "as seen from Bark Nile of New London ... ; 15 to 18 miles distant". This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection and the Harvard University Library as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Organizing Our World: Sponsored Exploration and Scientific Discovery in the Modern Age. Maps selected for the project correspond to various expeditions and represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.