918 resultados para Chu nets


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Los problemas críticos de la pesquería de arrastre de menor escala, son las capturas de ejemplares juveniles, alta presencia de descartes, pesca incidental o accesoria y conflictos con los pescadores artesanales que usan redes de enmalle cortineras. En toda la zona de estudio, los índices de captura por unidad de esfuerzo (CPUE) fue 142,4 kg/h y 477,5 kg/lance, bycatch por unidad de esfuerzo (BPUE) fue 27,2 kg/h y 91,1 kg/lance. Los mayores CPUE fueron en la zona sur dentro de las 5 mn con 199,0 kg/h y 617,8 kg/lance. La composición de la captura relativa al peso estuvo dominada por el falso volador (Prionotus stephanophrys, 24,6%) y carajito (Diplectrum conceptione, 21,4%). Las especies incidentales más importantes fueron espejo (Selene peruviana, 9,8%), bereche (Larimus pacificus, 9,3%), cachema (Cynoscion analis, 4,0%), chiri (Peprilus medius, 2,9%), lenguado de boca chica (Etropus ectenes, 2,5%), doncella (Hemanthias peruanus, 2,1%). El descarte fue 19,1% de la captura, los principales recursos fueron merluza (Merluccius gayi peruanus, 39,1%), lengüeta (Symphurus sechurae, 10,9%), morena (Muraena clepsidra, 4,9%), pez hojita (Chloroscombrus orqueta, 4,8%), otras especies 31,5% (incluyendo restos de peces y equinodermos). El índice de impacto al ecosistema marino fue de 3,7 (1: no favorable al 10: favorable). Por lo que es un arte de pesca no amigable con el ecosistema marino que no debe usarse dentro del área costera


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In conducting genome-wide association studies (GWAS), analytical approaches leveraging biological information may further understanding of the pathophysiology of clinical traits. To discover novel associations with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), a measure of kidney function, we developed a strategy for integrating prior biological knowledge into the existing GWAS data for eGFR from the CKDGen Consortium. Our strategy focuses on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) in genes that are connected by functional evidence, determined by literature mining and gene ontology (GO) hierarchies, to genes near previously validated eGFR associations. It then requires association thresholds consistent with multiple testing, and finally evaluates novel candidates by independent replication. Among the samples of European ancestry, we identified a genome-wide significant SNP in FBXL20 (P = 5.6 × 10(-9)) in meta-analysis of all available data, and additional SNPs at the INHBC, LRP2, PLEKHA1, SLC3A2 and SLC7A6 genes meeting multiple-testing corrected significance for replication and overall P-values of 4.5 × 10(-4)-2.2 × 10(-7). Neither the novel PLEKHA1 nor FBXL20 associations, both further supported by association with eGFR among African Americans and with transcript abundance, would have been implicated by eGFR candidate gene approaches. LRP2, encoding the megalin receptor, was identified through connection with the previously known eGFR gene DAB2 and extends understanding of the megalin system in kidney function. These findings highlight integration of existing genome-wide association data with independent biological knowledge to uncover novel candidate eGFR associations, including candidates lacking known connections to kidney-specific pathways. The strategy may also be applicable to other clinical phenotypes, although more testing will be needed to assess its potential for discovery in general.


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Resum L’any 1969 es van començar a comercialitzar els sistemes digitals programables coneguts com autòmats programables o PLC’s, utilitzats per controlar qualsevol tipus de procés industrial. Al llarg de tots aquests anys, aquests sistemes i tota la tecnologia en general han evolucionat molt, i només és qüestió de temps que la tecnologia que utilitzem avui en dia quedi obsoleta i substituïda per una de millors característiques i amb més avantatges. Aquest és el motiu de l’elaboració d’aquest treball, que com a objectiu pretén modernitzar un procés de fabricació d’una industria química que ha quedat molt limitat a causa de l’antiguitat de la instal•lació. Per dur a terme aquesta modernització, s’introdueixen sistemes de control amb majors prestacions, s’utilitzen xarxes de comunicacions per facilitar el muntatge elèctric de la instal•lació i un sistema de supervisió i adquisició de dades per poder obtenir un control més estricte del procés de fabricació i de tots els factors que intervenen. El funcionament del procés de fabricació és que a partir d’unes matèries primeres líquides emmagatzemades en dipòsits, es dosifiquin aquestes matèries en l’ordre i la quantitat desitjada dins un o diversos recipients per barrejar-les i aplicar els tractaments que siguin necessaris. Tot aquest procés està controlat per un autòmat programable, i disposa de diferents terminals operadors per poder interactuar amb el sistema. També té implementat un sistema SCADA en diversos ordinadors per aportar una visió general de la planta en temps real, un registre de dades dels paràmetres que es controlen i alhora serveix per enllaçar amb la xarxa d’ordinadors existent. Com annex d’aquest treball, es presenten els esquemes elèctrics i el programa de l’autòmat programable per veure totes les característiques elèctriques dels dispositius i el mètode de funcionament del procés. S’ha aconseguit donar un salt tecnològic i poder gaudir de tots els avantatges que ofereixen les noves tecnologies, que com a resultat s’ha optimitzat i millorat el procés de fabricació. De totes les conclusions, la més destacada és la d’haver dissenyat un sistema de control basat en una estructura descentralitzada molt flexible, que es pot expandir i adaptar fàcilment als possibles canvis.


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Introduction et but de l'étude. - Le Nutrition Day 2010 réalisédans le service de dialyse aiguë de notre CHU a montré un taux dedénutrition de 64 % chez le patient dialysé hospitalisé avec un déficitnutritionnel moyen le jour de dialyse de 1 000 kcal et 45 g deprotéines. Les horaires de repas dans l'unité d'hospitalisation et dedialyse au centre de dialyse se chevauchent. Le but de cette étude estd'évaluer l'impact de l'organisation institutionnelle sur l'apportprotéino-énergétique du patient hémodialysé hospitalisé.Matériel et Méthodes. - Étude exploratoire et transversale. Laconsommation alimentaire et les obstacles potentiels à l'alimentationd'origine logistique ont été relevés durant deux jours consécutifs,un jour de dialyse (JD) et un jour sans dialyse (JSD). Les motifsde non consommation ou de consommation partielle des repas etcollations ont été relevés auprès des patients immédiatement aprèsles repas principaux, au moyen d'entretiens semi-dirigés. Lesingesta ont été comparés aux besoins protéino-énergétiques pour lespatients hémodialysés (ESPEN, 2006). Une évaluation nutritionnellea été réalisée chez tous les patients.Résultats. - Vingt-six patients (85 % d'hommes) ont été inclus,âgés de 65,7 ± 10,6 ans (moy ± ET). Le BMI moyen est de 24,9± 5,9 kg/m2, le score de Charlson de 7,2 ± 2,7 et 54 % ont un NRS-2002 ≥ 3. Plus de deux tiers des patients (68 %) ont perdu du poidset 64 % sont dénutris. Au total, 147 repas et 56 collations ont été étudiés,dont 74 repas et 32 collations pour le JD. Le JD, 56 % des collationsne sont pas consommées contre 21 % le JSD. La couverturemoyenne des besoins énergétiques et protéiques le JD est respectivementde 48 % et 57 %, sans différence avec le JSD. Les motifs denon consommation les plus fréquemment cités sont, par ordredécroissant : satiété précoce, inappétence, dégoût des mets proposés,peurs et représentations alimentaires et mises à jeun pour procéduresmédicales. Ils sont identiques les JD et les JSD. Lesobstacles à l'alimentation inhérents au patient sont 2,6 fois plus fréquentsque ceux liés à l'organisation hospitalière. Une douleur(légère à modérée), une dyspnée et une xérostomie affectent respectivement100 %, 54 % et 48 % des patients, qui ne considèrent pasces symptômes comme une cause de non consommation alimentaire.Conclusion. - Les apports protéino-énergétiques sont insuffisantset près de deux tiers des sujets sont dénutris. L'organisationhospitalière n'est pas identifiée par les patients comme un obstacleexpliquant le déficit énergétique et protéique quotidien. Les obstaclesà l'alimentation orale sont principalement inhérents à l'état desanté des patients. L'instauration d'une alimentation spécifique auxpatients dialysés hospitalisés (« humide », fractionnée, enrichie enprotéines et en énergie) de même que la prescription plus systématiqued'un support nutritionnel devraient contribuer à la couverturede leurs besoins nutritionnels.


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Baïn muoán coù moät vieäc laøm. Vaø baïn cuõng coù caoem giaùctin raèng ôoe moät nôi naøo ñoù coù moätngöôøi chuoechuû nhaân ñang caàn moät ngöôøi laømchính xaùc coâng vieäc baïn muoán - moät coâng vieäcñoøi hooei ñuùng kieán thöùc vaø caùc khaoe naêng cuoea baïn, cuõng nhö ñöa ra nhöõng thaùch thöùc vaø côhoäi thaêng tieán. Ñeå tìm ñöôïc coâng vieäc aáy, baïn caàn phaoei laäpkeá hoaïch tìm vieäc moät caùch kyõ caøng vaø thöïc hieän ñuùng keá hoaïch ñoù. Baïn coù theå baùn ñi moätthöù - ñoù laøcoi nhöõng kieán thöùc, kyõ naêng, vaøkinh nghieäm cuoea baïn - töùc - laø chính baïn! - nhölaø moät saûn phaåm caàn “baùn” cho caùc chuû nhaân!.Ñieàu baïn caàn bieát laø laøm theá naøo ñeå chöùng tooenaêng löïc cuoea mình moät caùch coù hieäu quaoe nhaát. Cho duø baïn môùi ra tröôøng hay vaø ñang chuaånbò baét ñaàu moätböôùc ñaàu trong söï nghieäp cuûa mình hay ñang tìm moät coâng vieäc môùi sau 20naêm kinh nghieäm, moät soá phöông phaùp ñöôïctrình baøy trong taäp thoâng tin naøy coù theå giuùpích cho baïn. NOTE: Vietnamese Translation


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This paper analyzes the relationship between spatial density of economic activity and interregional differences in the productivity of industrial labour in Spain during the period 1860-1999. In the spirit of Ciccone and Hall (1996) and Ciccone (2002), we analyze the evolution of this relationship over the long term in Spain. Using data on the period 1860-1999 we show the existence of an agglomeration effect linking the density of economic activity with labour productivity in the industry. This effect was present since the beginning of the industrialization process in the middle of the 19th century but has been decreasing over time. The estimated elasticity of labour productivity with respect to employment density was close to 8% in the subperiod 1860-1900, reduces to a value of around 7% in the subperiod 1914-1930, to 4% in the subperiod 1965-1979 and becomes insignificant in the final subperiod 1985-1999. At the end of the period analyzed there is no evidence of the existence of net agglomeration effects in the industry. This result could be explained by an important increase in the congestion effects in large industrial metropolitan areas that would have compensated the centripetal or agglomeration forces at work. Furthermore, this result is also consistent with the evidence of a dispersion of industrial activity in Spain during the last decades.


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Host defense to intracellular pathogens depends upon both innate and adaptive cell-mediated immune responses. Polymorphonuclear neutrophil leukocytes which belong to the innate immune system are the first cells that are recruited massively within hours of microbial infection. Neutrophils are the main players in the killing of microorganisms and recently new methods of killing including nets formation have been described. Neutrophils mediate tissue damage at infected sites. By promoting tissue injury neutrophils contribute to the initiation of inflammation, which is now recognized as an essential step in launching immunity. The importance of neutrophils as decision shaper in the development of an immune response is only emerging as they have long been considered by immunologists as short lived, non-dividing cells, of poor interest. Now, neutrophils are emerging as key components of the inflammatory response, and are shown to have immunoregulatory roles in microbial infections. In addition, neutrophils were also reported to contribute to the recruitment and activation of antigen presenting cells. Thus early interactions between neutrophils and surrounding cells may influence the development/resolution of both inflammatory lesion and pathogen-specific immune response. The impact of neutrophils on cells present at the site of infection are only beginning to be studied and deserves more attention.In this e-book the reader will find updated information about the role of neutrophils in the pathogenesis of 1) bacterial diseases including sepsis, mycobacteria and Chlamydia infections, and of 2) parasitic diseases including leishmaniasis and toxoplasmosis. The role of neutrophils in the protection against microorganisms has largely been underestimated and, until recently, their role was mostly thought to limited to a "kill and die" response. New neutrophil mode of killing, such as their release of extracellular traps to kill extracellular bacterial pathogens, together with several microbial strategies designed to escape NETs are presented in Chapter 1. We will emphasize standard and advanced light microscopy techniques that allowed major advances in the understanding of neutrophil biology, through the visualization of the interaction of selected pathogens with neutrophils in living animals (Chapter 2).The aim of this e-book is to provide an overview of the recent advances made in the field of neutrophil biology. It will provide a basis for understanding future development that will occur in this area, and provide the reader with a short overview of some of the exciting new directions in which neutrophil research is moving.


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We investigated the association between diet and head and neck cancer (HNC) risk using data from the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology (INHANCE) consortium. The INHANCE pooled data included 22 case-control studies with 14,520 cases and 22,737 controls. Center-specific quartiles among the controls were used for food groups, and frequencies per week were used for single food items. A dietary pattern score combining high fruit and vegetable intake and low red meat intake was created. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the dietary items on the risk of HNC were estimated with a two-stage random-effects logistic regression model. An inverse association was observed for higher-frequency intake of fruit (4th vs. 1st quartile OR = 0.52, 95% CI = 0.43-0.62, p (trend) < 0.01) and vegetables (OR = 0.66, 95% CI = 0.49-0.90, p (trend) = 0.01). Intake of red meat (OR = 1.40, 95% CI = 1.13-1.74, p p (trend) < 0.01) was positively associated with HNC risk. Higher dietary pattern scores, reflecting high fruit/vegetable and low red meat intake, were associated with reduced HNC risk (per score increment OR = 0.90, 95% CI = 0.84-0.97).


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We discuss the relation between continuum bound states (CBSs) localized on a defect, and surface states of a finite periodic system. We model an experiment of Capasso et al. [F. Capasso, C. Sirtori, J. Faist, D. L. Sivco, S-N. G. Chu, and A. Y. Cho, Nature (London) 358, 565 (1992)] using the transfer-matrix method. We compute the rate for intrasubband transitions from the ground state to the CBS and derive a sum rule. Finally we show how to improve the confinement of a CBS while keeping the energy fixed.


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During an infection the antigen-nonspecific memory CD8 T cell compartment is not simply an inert pool of cells, but becomes activated and cytotoxic. It is unknown how these cells contribute to the clearance of an infection. We measured the strength of T cell receptor (TCR) signals that bystander-activated, cytotoxic CD8 T cells (BA-CTLs) receive in vivo and found evidence of limited TCR signaling. Given this marginal contribution of the TCR, we asked how BA-CTLs identify infected target cells. We show that target cells express NKG2D ligands following bacterial infection and demonstrate that BA-CTLs directly eliminate these target cells in an innate-like, NKG2D-dependent manner. Selective inhibition of BA-CTL-mediated killing led to a significant defect in pathogen clearance. Together, these data suggest an innate role for memory CD8 T cells in the early immune response before the onset of a de novo generated, antigen-specific CD8 T cell response.


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Eighty eight specimens of the West African Pigmy Otter shrew Micropotamogale lamottei were collected in Western Ivory Coast between 1971 and 1976. Most of the animals had been drowned accidentally bow-nets; four were live-trapped by the author. The Pigmy Otter shrew lives not only in swampy areas, as supposed by other authors, but also in small rivers and forest streams. The species is well adapted to its aquatic environment; it feeds mainly on fresh water crab and fish, swims well, is able to remain submerged for 10 to 15 minutes when alarmed, and grooms itself carefully and regularly. A survey carried out locally shows that the species is relatively common in the mountainous region surrounding Danané and Man, and further west in similar habitats of Liberia and Guinea. Its distribution in the Ivory Coast extends no more than 50 km around Danané-Man core-area. It is thought that living Potamogalinae stem from an early adaptative radiation of the Tenrecidae in continental Africa. Later on, the terrestrial forms were probably eliminated by competing Soricidae and Erinaceidae, their aquatic way of life enabling the Potamogalinae to survive until now.


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Many common genetic variants identified by genome-wide association studies for complex traits map to genes previously linked to rare inherited Mendelian disorders. A systematic analysis of common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes responsible for Mendelian diseases with kidney phenotypes has not been performed. We thus developed a comprehensive database of genes for Mendelian kidney conditions and evaluated the association between common genetic variants within these genes and kidney function in the general population. Using the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man database, we identified 731 unique disease entries related to specific renal search terms and confirmed a kidney phenotype in 218 of these entries, corresponding to mutations in 258 genes. We interrogated common SNPs (minor allele frequency >5%) within these genes for association with the estimated GFR in 74,354 European-ancestry participants from the CKDGen Consortium. However, the top four candidate SNPs (rs6433115 at LRP2, rs1050700 at TSC1, rs249942 at PALB2, and rs9827843 at ROBO2) did not achieve significance in a stage 2 meta-analysis performed in 56,246 additional independent individuals, indicating that these common SNPs are not associated with estimated GFR. The effect of less common or rare variants in these genes on kidney function in the general population and disease-specific cohorts requires further research.


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Because of the increase in workplace automation and the diversification of industrial processes, workplaces have become more and more complex. The classical approaches used to address workplace hazard concerns, such as checklists or sequence models, are, therefore, of limited use in such complex systems. Moreover, because of the multifaceted nature of workplaces, the use of single-oriented methods, such as AEA (man oriented), FMEA (system oriented), or HAZOP (process oriented), is not satisfactory. The use of a dynamic modeling approach in order to allow multiple-oriented analyses may constitute an alternative to overcome this limitation. The qualitative modeling aspects of the MORM (man-machine occupational risk modeling) model are discussed in this article. The model, realized on an object-oriented Petri net tool (CO-OPN), has been developed to simulate and analyze industrial processes in an OH&S perspective. The industrial process is modeled as a set of interconnected subnets (state spaces), which describe its constitutive machines. Process-related factors are introduced, in an explicit way, through machine interconnections and flow properties. While man-machine interactions are modeled as triggering events for the state spaces of the machines, the CREAM cognitive behavior model is used in order to establish the relevant triggering events. In the CO-OPN formalism, the model is expressed as a set of interconnected CO-OPN objects defined over data types expressing the measure attached to the flow of entities transiting through the machines. Constraints on the measures assigned to these entities are used to determine the state changes in each machine. Interconnecting machines implies the composition of such flow and consequently the interconnection of the measure constraints. This is reflected by the construction of constraint enrichment hierarchies, which can be used for simulation and analysis optimization in a clear mathematical framework. The use of Petri nets to perform multiple-oriented analysis opens perspectives in the field of industrial risk management. It may significantly reduce the duration of the assessment process. But, most of all, it opens perspectives in the field of risk comparisons and integrated risk management. Moreover, because of the generic nature of the model and tool used, the same concepts and patterns may be used to model a wide range of systems and application fields.


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La pression exercée par les activités humaines menace pratiquement tous les écosystèmes aquatiques du globe. Ainsi, sous l'effet de divers facteurs tels que la pollution, le réchauffement climatique ou encore la pêche industrielle, de nombreuses populations de poissons ont vu leurs effectifs chuter et divers changements morphologiques ont été observés. Dans cette étude, nous nous sommes intéressés à une menace particulière: la sélection induite par la pêche sur la croissance des poissons. En effet, la génétique des populations prédit que la soustraction régulière des individus les plus gros peut entraîner des modifications rapides de certains traits physiques comme la croissance individuelle. Cela a par ailleurs été observé dans de nombreuses populations marines ou lacustres, dont les populations de féras, bondelles et autres corégones des lacs suisses. Toutefois, malgré un nombre croissant d'études décrivant ce phénomène, peu de plans de gestion en tiennent compte, car l'importance des effets génétiques liés à la pêche est le plus souvent négligée par rapport à l'impact des changements environnementaux. Le but premier de cette étude a donc été de quantifier l'importance des facteurs génétiques et environnementaux. Dans le premier chapitre, nous avons étudié la population de palée du lac de Joux (Coregonus palaea). Nous avons déterminé les différentiels de sélection dus à la pêche, c'est-à-dire l'intensité de la sélection sur le taux de croissance, ainsi que les changements nets de croissance au cours du temps. Nous avons observé une baisse marquée de croissance et un différentiel de sélection important indiquant qu'au moins 30% de la diminution de croissance observée était due à la pression de sélection induite par la pêche. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous avons effectué les mêmes analyses sur deux espèces proches du lac de Brienz (C. albellus et C. fatioi) et avons observé des effets similaires dont l'intensité était spécifique à chaque espèce. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous avons analysé deux autres espèces : C. palaea et C. confusus du lac de Bienne, et avons constaté que le lien entre la pression de sélection et la diminution de croissance était influencé par des facteurs environnementaux. Finalement, dans le dernier chapitre, nous avons étudié les effets potentiels de différentes modifications de la taille des mailles des filets utilisés pour la pêche à l'aide de modèles mathématiques. Nous concluons que la pêche a un effet génétique non négligeable (et donc peu réversible) sur la croissance individuelle dans les populations observée, que cet effet est lié à la compétition pour la nourriture et à la qualité de l'environnement, et que certaines modifications simples de la taille des mailles des filets de pêche pourraient nettement diminuer l'effet de sélection et ainsi ralentir, voir même renverser la diminution de croissance observée.


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After open coal mining, soils are “constructed”, which usually contain low levels and quality of organic matter (OM). Therefore, the use of plant species for revegetation and reclamation of degraded areas is essential. This study evaluated the distribution of carbon (C) in the chemical fractions as well as the chemical characteristics and humification degree of OM in a soil constructed after coal mining under cultivation of perennial grasses. The experiment was established in 2003 with the following treatments: Hemarthria altissima (T1), Paspalum notatum (T2), Cynodon dactilon (T3), Urochloa brizantha (T4), bare constructed soil (T5), and natural soil (T6). In 2009, soil samples were collected from the 0.00-0.03 m layer and the total organic carbon stock (TOC) and C stock in the chemical fractions: acid extract (CHCl), fulvic acid (CFA), humic acid (CHA), and humin (CHU) were determined. The humic acid (HA) fraction was characterized by infrared spectroscopy and the laser-induced fluorescence index (ILIF) of OM was also calculated. After six years, differences were only observed in the CHA stocks, which were highest in T1 (0.89 Mg ha-1) and T4 (1.06 Mg ha-1). The infrared spectra of HA in T1, T2 and T4 were similar to T6, with greater contribution of aliphatic organic compounds than in the other treatments. In this way, ILIF decreased in the sequence T5>T3>T4>T1>T2>T6, indicating higher OM humification in T3 and T5 and more labile OM in the other treatments. Consequently, the potential of OM quality recovery in the constructed soil was greatest in treatments T1 and T4.