743 resultados para Chinese construction industry
Virtual reality has the potential to improve visualisation of building design and construction, but its implementation in the industry has yet to reach maturity. Present day translation of building data to virtual reality is often unidirectional and unsatisfactory. Three different approaches to the creation of models are identified and described in this paper. Consideration is given to the potential of both advances in computer-aided design and the emerging standards for data exchange to facilitate an integrated use of virtual reality. Commonalities and differences between computer-aided design and virtual reality packages are reviewed, and trials of current system, are described. The trials have been conducted to explore the technical issues related to the integrated use of CAD and virtual environments within the house building sector of the construction industry and to investigate the practical use of the new technology.
This paper reports on a survey of 17 value management exercises recently carried out within the UK construction industry. Twelve leading value management practitioners were asked to describe an example of a value management study which ‘worked well’ and one which ‘did not work well’. They were further asked to explain the underlying factors which they considered had influenced the eventual outcome of the value management study. The subsequent analysis of the interview transcripts reveals six recurring themes which were held to have had a significant influence: expectations, implementation, participation, power, time constraint and uncertainty. Whilst caution is necessary in extracting the themes from their individual contexts, they do provide a valuable insight into the factors which influence the outcome of value management studies.
While the construction industry is frequently encouraged to learn from other business sectors, the difficulties of transferring knowledge from one context to another are rarely acknowledged. The problematic nature of knowledge is addressed with particular emphasis on the concept of contextual embeddedness. From this point of view, the process of 'knowledge transfer' depends upon a prolonged process of socialization between actors from both the 'receiving' and 'sending' contexts networking. It is contended that a significant conceptual chasm exists between the exhortations of industry leaders to learn from other sectors and the theoretical complexities associated with knowledge transfer. An ongoing research project is described that seeks to facilitate knowledge sharing between construction and aerospace. A novel approach to knowledge sharing based upon soft systems methodology (SSM) (Mode 2) is described and justified. Initial findings from the first cycle of the research are discussed and used to highlight the importance of context in the implementation of supply chain management.
The idea of a community of practice (CoP) has been offered as the engine to unlock the potential of organizational resources, mainly knowledge and people, to achieve the strategic goal of sustained competitiveness. The relevance and application of CoPs in large UK contracting companies was investigated using two case studies. Contrasting variations in the understanding of the concept between the two contracting companies were observed. While a CoP was applied in one company with strategic intent, the concept was not fully understood in the other. In one company, only a third of CoP members surveyed agreed that CoPs were a vehicle for driving best practice and innovation throughout the business; this compared with more than 60% in agreement in the other contracting firm. The higher agreement and satisfaction of CoP members in the latter case study was the result of the management's understanding and commitment. CoPs require time and organizational support to mature. The strategic inception and management support of CoP application is vital for their maturation and progress. Although the construction industry change discourses portray CoPs as fostering an environment of trust, and hence serving as innovation and competiveness enablers, their potential contribution to contracting firms does not provide a compelling case and hence merits further research studies.
There is growing pressure on the construction industry to deliver energy efficient, sustainable buildings but there is evidence to suggest that, in practice, designs regularly fail to achieve the anticipated levels of in-use energy consumption. One of the key factors behind this discrepancy is the behavior of the building occupants. This paper explores how insights from experimental psychology could potentially be used to reduce the gap between the predicted and actual energy performance of buildings. It demonstrates why traditional methods to engage with the occupants are not always successful and proposes a model for a more holistic approach to this issue. The paper concludes that achieving energy efficiency in buildings is not solely a technological issue and that the construction industry needs to adopt a more user-centred approach.
In order to achieve sustainability it is necessary to balance the interactions between the built and natural environment. Biodiversity plays an important part towards sustainability within the built environment, especially as the construction industry comes under increasing pressure to take ecological concerns into account. Bats constitute an important component of urban biodiversity and several species are now highly dependent on buildings, making them particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic and environmental changes. As many buildings suitable for use as bat roosts age, they often require re-roofing and traditional bituminous roofing felts are frequently being replaced with breathable roofing membranes (BRMs), which are designed to reduce condensation. Whilst the current position of bats is better in many respects than 30 years ago, new building regulations and modern materials, may substantially reduce the viability of existing roosts. At the same time building regulations require that materials be fit for purpose and with anecdotal evidence that both bats and BRMs may experience problems when the two interact, it is important to know what roost characteristics are essential for house dwelling bats and how these and BRMs may be affected. This paper reviews current literature and knowledge and considers the possible ways in which bats and BRMs may interact, how this could affect existing bat roosts within buildings and the implications for BRM service life predictions and warranties. It concludes that in order for the construction and conservation sectors to work together in solving this issue, a set of clear guidelines should be developed for use on a national level.
The construction industry is widely recognised as being inherent with risk and uncertainty. This necessitates the need for effective project risk management to achieve the project objectives of time, cost and quality. A popular tool employed in projects to aid in the management of risk is a risk register. This tool documents the project risks and is often employed by the Project Manager (PM) to manage the associated risks on a project. This research aims to ascertain how widely risk registers are used by Project Managers as part of their risk management practices. To achieve this aim entailed interviewing ten PMs, to discuss their use of the risk register as a risk management tool. The results from these interviews indicated the prevalent use of this document and recognised its effectiveness in the management of project risks. The findings identified the front end and feasibility phases of a project as crucial stages for using risk registers, noting it as a vital ingredient in the risk response planning of the decision making process. Moreover, the composition of the risk register was also understood, with an insight into how PMs produce and develop this tool also ascertained. In conclusion, this research signifies the extensive use of the risk register by PMs. A majority of PMs were of the view that risk registers constitute an essential component of their project risk management practices. This suggests a need for further research on the extent to which risk registers actually help PMs to control the risks in a construction project, particularly residual risks, and how this can be improved to minimize deviations from expected outcomes.
In order to reduce environmental impacts and achieve sustainability, it is important to balance the interactions between the built and natural environment. The construction industry is becoming more aware of ecological concerns and the importance that biodiversity and maintenance ecosystem services has for sustainability. Bats constitute an important component of urban biodiversity and several species in the UK are highly dependent on buildings, making them particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic and environmental changes. Many buildings suitable for use as bat roosts often require re-roofing as they age and traditional bituminous roofing felts are frequently being replaced with breathable roofing membranes (BRMs). In the UK new building regulations and modern materials may substantially reduce the viability of existing roosts, yet at thesame time building regulations require that materials be fit for purpose. Reports suggest that both bats and BRMs may experience problems when the two interact. Such information makes it important to understand how house dwelling bats and BRMs may be affected. This paper considers the possible ways in which bats and BRMs may interact, how this could affect existing bat roosts within buildings and the implications for BRM service life predictions and warranties. Keywords –Breathable Roofing Membranes, Bats in Buildings, Material Deterioration, Sustainability, Conservation, Biodiversit
The construction industry is widely being criticised as a fragmented industry. There are mounting calls for the industry to change. The espoused change calls for collaboration as well as embracing innovation in the process of design, construction and across the supply chain. Innovation and the application of emerging technologies are seen as enablers for integrating the processes ‘integrating the team’ such as building information modelling (BIM). A questionnaire survey was conducted to ascertain change in construction with regard to design management, innovation and the application of BIM as cutting edge pathways for collaboration. The respondents to the survey were from an array of designations across the construction industry such as construction managers, designers, engineers, design coordinators, design managers, architects, architectural technologists and surveyors. There was a general agreement by most respondents that the design team was responsible for design management in their organisation. There is a perception that the design manager and the client are the catalyst for advancing innovation. The current state of industry in terms of incorporating BIM technologies is posing a challenge as well as providing an opportunity for accomplishment. BIM technologies provide a new paradigm shift in the way buildings are designed, constructed and maintained. This paradigm shift calls for rethinking the curriculum for educating building professionals, collectively.
Changes to client requirements are inevitable during construction. Industry discourse is concerned with minimizing and controlling changes. However, accounts of practices involved in making changes are rare. In response to calls for more research into working practices, an ethnographic study of a live hospital project was undertaken to explore how changes are made. A vignette of a meeting exploring the investigation of changes illustrates the issues. This represents an example from the ethnographic fieldwork, which produced many observations. There was a strong emphasis on using change management procedures contained within the contract to investigate changes, even when it was known that the change was not required. For the practitioners, this was a way of demonstrating best practice, transparent and accountable decision-making regarding changes. Hence, concerns for following procedures sometimes overshadowed considerations about whether or not a change was required to improve the functionality of the building. However, the procedures acted as boundary objects between the communities of practice involved on the project by coordinating the work of managing changes. Insights suggest how contract procedures facilitate and impede the making of changes, which can inform policy guidance and contract drafting.
Leaf fibers are fibers that run lengthwise through the leaves of most monocotyledonous plants such as pineapple, banana, etc. Pineapple (Ananas comosus) and Banana (Musa indica) are emerging fiber having a very large potential to be used for composite materials. Over 150,000 ha of pineapple and over 100,000 ha of banana plantations are available in Brazil for the fruit production and enormous amount of agricultural waste is produced. This residual waste represents one of the single largest sources of cellulose fibers available at almost no cost. The potential consumers for this fiber are pulp and paper, chemical feedstock, textiles and composites for the automotive, furniture and civil construction industry.
Identificando a segurança do trabalho como um fator de produtividade, a presente pesquisa analisa a situação da segurança do trabalho na Indústria da Construção civil no Rio Grande do Sul, mais especificamente na Região da Grande Porto Alegre, baseando-se em levantamento das condições de funcionamento dos Serviços Especializados em Segurança e Medicina do Trabalho de 14 empresas da região e na análise de 3.450 acidentes ocorridos nos anos de 1981, 1982 e 1º trimestre de 1983. O levantamento dos 3,450 acidentes, além de propiciar uma análise de custo do tempo de afastamento do acidentado, objetivou o conhecimento de variáveis que exercem influência na ocorrência de acidentes: a profissão, dia da semana, hora e etapa da obra (com quem, quando e onde ocorrem acidentes em um canteiro de obras). A partir desse estudo, sgo sugeridas medidas para a i-m plementação dos serviqos de segurança das empresas.
A geração de resíduos tem se mostrado um problema de preocupação mundial crescente. Muitos rejeitos, sejam industriais ou urbanos, muitas vezes acabam por poluir o meio-ambiente, causando problemas de armazenagem de certos materiais. Além disso, materiais alternativos a partir desses rejeitos podem ser mais baratos, apresentando muitas vezes características de desempenho melhores que os materiais convencionais. As siderúrgicas, em nível mundial, vêm enfrentando um problema comum, que consiste no que fazer para que a totalidade da escória gerada no refino do aço em aciarias elétricas ou à oxigênio tenha uma solução de aproveitamento melhor do que vem sendo feito atualmente. Na fabricação do aço as escorias são geradas em duas etapas: a primeira provém do chamado refino oxidante (forno elétrico a arco ou convertedor à oxigênio) e a segunda do refino redutor em processos de metalurgia na panela (forno-panela). Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal o de apontar potencialidades de uso da escória de aciaria elétrica, com destaque para a proveniente do forno-panela (escória do refino redutor), na indústria da construção civil através de testes em que a escória é utilizada, após moagem, como adição ao cimento Portland comum. Inicialmente foram realizados ensaios de viabilização para se testar a pozolanicidade, resistência à compressão, expansibilidade e profundidade de carbonatação de concretos gerados com diversas adições de escórias de aciaria elétrica. Comprovada a sua viabilidade partiu-se para os ensaios complementares do trabalho utilizando-se somente uma escória do refino redutor. Nesta segunda etapa foram realizados ensaios de caracterização de todos materiais estudados, ensaios de expansibilidade, ensaios mecânicos e de durabilidade dos concretos gerados com esta escória e ensaios de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e de difração de raios X do material. Após o estudo realizado comprovou-se ser perfeitamente viável a utilização de até 10% da escória do refino redutor (forno-panela- FP) como adição ao cimento para produção de concretos. Inclusive, independente do tempo de estocagem da escória, pode-se constatar melhorias no concreto produzido.
As pressões de mercado, os programas de abertura financeira, a desregulamentação da atividade produtiva e a diminuição de barreiras protecionistas afetam significativamente a competitividade da indústria nacional. Outras mudanças, não apenas econômicas, mas sociais, políticas e tecnológicas, também pressionam as organizações a adotar novas estratégias empresariais e deixam claro que modelos de gestão tradicionais já não são mais suficientes para enfrentar estes novos desafios. Na busca de diferenciais competitivos, as empresas têm adotado sistemas de gestão da qualidade, de gestão ambiental e de gestão da saúde e segurança do trabalhador. Como forma de evidenciar a terceiros sua preocupação simultânea com estas três disciplinas, as empresas têm buscado a certificação integrada destes sistemas por meio das normas ISO 9001, ISO 14001 e OHSAS 18001. Surgem, assim, os Sistemas de Gestão Integrados (SGIs), objetos de pesquisa deste estudo. O recorte é setorial, sendo que o setor de construção foi escolhido devido a características como singularidade de seus produtos, alto impacto ambiental e alto índice de acidentes de trabalho. Com o objetivo de investigar como os SGIs foram implementados no setor de construção, foram escolhidos três casos de empresas sabidamente adotantes deste modelo de gestão. Foram analisadas as motivações, o processo de implementação e certificação do sistema, os fatores críticos de sucesso, as dificuldades encontradas e os benefícios colhidos com a adoção de SGIs. A pesquisa confirmou estudos anteriores que demonstram que a motivação, dependendo do contexto em que as empresas se inserem, pode ser por necessidade de maior competitividade, de legitimação, ou ainda, por responsabilidade ambiental de sua liderança. Os fatores críticos de sucesso são, dentre outros, comprometimento da alta administração, comunicação eficiente com as partes interessadas, disponibilidade de recursos e maturidade das equipes. As dificuldades encontradas foram a valorização excessiva de resultados econômico-financeiros, a complexidade do modelo adotado, a utilização burocrática do sistema, a falta de maturidade e preparo dos profissionais, o porte dos projetos, o perfil de competências dos profissionais e variados tipos de resistências. A adoção do SGI nas empresas estudadas esteve condicionada a situações do cenário econômico, do alto índice de terceirização verificado no setor e às dificuldades com a qualificação da mão-de-obra. Não obstante as dificuldades e os condicionantes, o SGI trouxe vários benefícios para as organizações e, um dado relevante, é que ele pode desencadear reações positivas ao longo da cadeia de valor, uma vez que as empresas adotantes de SGI passam a ser mais exigentes em relação a seus fornecedores.